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Information Theory (cs.IT)

Mon, 22 May 2023

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1.Optimization of RIS-aided SISO Systems Based on a Mutually Coupled Loaded Wire Dipole Model

Authors:Nemanja Stefan Perović, Le-Nam Tran, Marco Di Renzo, Mark F. Flanagan

Abstract: The electromagnetic (EM) features of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) fundamentally determine their operating principles and performance. Motivated by these considerations, we study a single-input single-output (SISO) system in the presence of an RIS, which is characterized by a circuit-based EM-compliant model. Specifically, we model the RIS as a collection of thin wire dipoles controlled by tunable load impedances, and we propose a gradient-based algorithm for calculating the optimal impedances of the scattering elements of the RIS in the presence of mutual coupling. Furthermore, we prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm and derive its computational complexity in terms of number of complex multiplications. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm provides better performance than a benchmark algorithm and that it converges in a shorter amount of time.

2.The Bicomplex Tensor Product, a Bicomplex Choi Theorem and Applications

Authors:Daniel Alpay, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, Mihaela Vajiac

Abstract: In this paper we extend the concept of tensor product to the bicomplex case and use it to prove the bicomplex counterpart of the classical Choi theorem in the theory of complex matrices and operators. The concept of hyperbolic tensor product is also discussed, and we link these results to the theory of quantum channels in the bicomplex and hyperbolic case, as well as applications to bicomplex digital signal processing.

3.Finite Blocklength Regime Performance of Downlink Large Scale Networks

Authors:Nourhan Hesham, Anas Chaaban, Hesham ElSawy, Jahangir Hossain

Abstract: Some emerging 5G and beyond use-cases impose stringent latency constraints, which necessitates a paradigm shift towards finite blocklength performance analysis. In contrast to Shannon capacity-achieving codes, the codeword length in the finite blocklength regime (FBR) is a critical design parameter that imposes an intricate tradeoff between delay, reliability, and information coding rate. In this context, this paper presents a novel mathematical analysis to characterize the performance of large-scale downlink networks using short codewords. Theoretical achievable rates, outage probability, and reliability expressions are derived using the finite blocklength coding theory in conjunction with stochastic geometry, and compared to the performance in the asymptotic regime (AR). Achievable rates under practical modulation schemes as well as multilevel polar coded modulation (MLPCM) are investigated. Numerical results provide theoretical performance benchmarks, highlight the potential of MLPCM in achieving close to optimal performance with short codewords, and confirm the discrepancy between the performance in the FBR and that predicted by analysis in the AR. Finally, the meta distribution of the coding rate is derived, providing the percentiles of users that achieve a predefined target rate in a network.

4.STAR-RIS-UAV Aided Coordinated Multipoint Cellular System for Multi-user Networks

Authors:Baihua Shi, Yang Wang, Danqi Li, Wenlong Cai, Jinyong Lin, Shuo Zhang, Weiping Shi, Shihao Yan, Feng Shu

Abstract: Different with conventional reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), simultaneous transmitting and reflecting RIS (STAR-RIS) can reflect and transmit the signals to the receiver. In this paper, to serve more ground users and increase the deployment flexibility, we investigate an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a STAR-RIS (STAR-RIS-UAV) aided wireless communications for multi-user networks. Energy splitting (ES) and mode switching (MS) protocols are considered to control the reflection and transmission coefficients of STAR-RIS elements. To maximize the sum rate of the STAR-RIS-UAV aided coordinated multipoint cellular system for multi-user networks, the corresponding beamforming vectors as well as transmitted and reflected coefficients matrices are optimized. Specifically, instead of adopting the alternating optimization, we design an iteration method to optimize all variables for both ES and MS protocols at the same time. Simulation results reveal that STAR-RIS-UAV aided wireless communication system has a much higher sum rate than the system with conventional RIS or without RIS. Furthermore, the proposed structure is more flexible than a fixed STAR-RIS and could greatly promote the sum rate.

5.Integrated Sensing, Navigation, and Communication for Secure UAV Networks with a Mobile Eavesdropper

Authors:Zhiqiang Wei, Fan Liu, Chang Liu, Zai Yang, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Robert Schober

Abstract: This paper proposes an integrated sensing, navigation, and communication (ISNC) framework for safeguarding unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless networks against a mobile eavesdropping UAV (E-UAV). To cope with the mobility of the E-UAV, the proposed framework advocates the dual use of artificial noise transmitted by the information UAV (I-UAV) for simultaneous jamming and sensing to facilitate navigation and secure communication. In particular, the I-UAV communicates with legitimate downlink ground users, while avoiding potential information leakage by emitting jamming signals, and estimates the state of the E-UAV with an extended Kalman filter based on the backscattered jamming signals. Exploiting the estimated state of the E-UAV in the previous time slot, the I-UAV determines its flight planning strategy, predicts the wiretap channel, and designs its communication resource allocation policy for the next time slot. To circumvent the severe coupling between these three tasks, a divide-and-conquer approach is adopted. The online navigation design has the objective to minimize the distance between the I-UAV and a pre-defined destination point considering kinematic and geometric constraints. Subsequently, given the predicted wiretap channel, the robust resource allocation design is formulated as an optimization problem to achieve the optimal trade-off between sensing and communication in the next time slot, while taking into account the wiretap channel prediction error and the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of secure communication. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed design compared with baseline schemes and validate the benefits of integrating sensing and navigation into secure UAV communication systems.

6.On the capacity of TDMA downlink with a reconfigurable intelligent surface

Authors:Donatella Darsena, Francesco Verde

Abstract: We provide accurate approximations of the sum-rate capacity of a time-division multiple access (TDMA) down-link, when a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) assists the transmission from a single-antenna base station (BS) to K single-antenna user equipments (UEs). We consider the fading effects of both the direct (i.e., BS-to-UEs) and reflection (i.e, BS-to-RIS-to-UEs) links, by developing two approximations: the former one is based on hardening of the reflection channel for large values of the number Q of meta-atoms at the RIS; the latter one relies on the distribution of the sum of Nakagami variates and does not require channel hardening. Our derivations show the dependence of the sum-rate capacity as a function of both K and Q, as well as to establish a comparison with a TDMA downlink without an RIS. Numerical results corroborate the accuracy of the proposed approximations and the validity of the mathematical analysis.

7.Symbol-Level Noise-Guessing Decoding with Antenna Sorting for URLLC Massive MIMO

Authors:Sahar Allahkaram, Francisco A. Monteiro, Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou

Abstract: Providing ultra-reliable and low-latency transmission is a current issue in wireless communications (URLLC). While it is commonly known that channel coding with large codewords improves reliability, this usually necessitates using interleavers, which incur undesired latency. Using short codewords is a necessary adjustment that will eliminate the requirement for interleaving and reduce decoding latency. This paper suggests a coding and decoding system that, combined with the high spectral efficiency of spatial multiplexing, can provide URLLC over a fading wireless channel. Random linear codes (RLCs) are used over a block-fading massive multiple input-multiple-output (mMIMO) channel followed by zero-forcing (ZF) detection and guessing random additive noise decoding (GRAND). A variation of GRAND, called symbol-level GRAND, originally proposed for single-antenna systems, is generalized to spatial multiplexing. Symbol-level GRAND is much more computationally effective than bit-level GRAND as it takes advantage of the structure of the constellation of the modulation. The paper analyses the performance of symbol-level GRAND depending on the orthogonality defect (OD) of the underlying lattice. Symbol-level GRAND takes advantage of the a priori probability of each error pattern given a received symbol, and specifies the order in which error patterns are tested. The paper further proposes to make use of further side-information that comes from the mMIMO channel-state information (CSI) and its impacts on the reliability of each antenna. This induces an antenna sorting order that further reduces the decoding complexity by over 80 percent when comparing with bit-level GRAND.

8.The Rate-Distortion-Perception Trade-off with Side Information

Authors:Yassine Hamdi, Deniz Gündüz

Abstract: In image compression, with recent advances in generative modeling, the existence of a trade-off between the rate and the perceptual quality has been brought to light, where the perception is measured by the closeness of the output distribution to the source. This leads to the question: how does a perception constraint impact the trade-off between the rate and traditional distortion constraints, typically quantified by a single-letter distortion measure? We consider the compression of a memoryless source $X$ in the presence of memoryless side information $Z,$ studied by Wyner and Ziv, but elucidate the impact of a perfect realism constraint, which requires the output distribution to match the source distribution. We consider two cases: when $Z$ is available only at the decoder or at both the encoder and the decoder. The rate-distortion trade-off with perfect realism is characterized for sources on general alphabets when infinite common randomness is available between the encoder and the decoder. We show that, similarly to traditional source coding with side information, the two cases are equivalent when $X$ and $Z$ are jointly Gaussian under the squared error distortion measure. We also provide a general inner bound in the case of limited common randomness.