Information Theory (cs.IT)
Wed, 12 Jul 2023
1.A Tractable Statistical Representation of IFTR Fading with Applications
Authors:Maryam Olyaee, Hadi Hashemi, Juan M. Romero-Jerez
Abstract: The recently introduced independent fluctuating two-ray (IFTR) fading model, consisting of two specular components fluctuating independently plus a diffuse component, has proven to provide an excellent fit to different wireless environments, including the millimeter-wave band. However, the original formulations of the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of this model are not applicable to all possible values of its defining parameters, and are given in terms of multifold generalized hypergeometric functions, which prevents their widespread use for the derivation of performance metric expressions. In this paper we present a new formulation of the IFTR model as a countable mixture of Gamma distributions which greatly facilitates the performance evaluation for this model in terms of the metrics already known for the much simpler and widely used Nakagami-m fading. Additionally, a closed-form expression is presented for the generalized moment generating function (GMGF), which permits to readily obtain all the moments of the distribution of the model, as well as several relevant performance metrics. Based on these new derivations, the IFTR model is evaluated for the average channel capacity, the outage probability with and without co-channel interference, and the bit error rate (BER), which are verified by Monte Carlo simulations.
2.On the Uplink Distributed Detection in UAV-enabled Aerial Cell-Free mMIMO Systems
Authors:Xuesong Pan, Zhong Zheng, Xueqing Huang, Zesong Fei
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the uplink signal detection approaches in the cell-free massive MIMO systems with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) serving as aerial access points (APs). The ground users are equipped with multiple antennas and the ground-to-air propagation channels are subject to correlated Rician fading. To overcome huge signaling overhead in the fully-centralized detection, we propose a two-layer distributed uplink detection scheme, where the uplink signals are first detected in the AP-UAVs by using the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) detector depending on local channel state information (CSI), and then collected and weighted combined at the CPU-UAV to obtain the refined detection. By using the operator-valued free probability theory, the asymptotic expressions of the combining weights are obtained, which only depend on the statistical CSI and show excellent accuracy. Based on the proposed distributed scheme, we further investigate the impacts of different distributed deployments on the achieved spectral efficiency (SE). Numerical results show that in urban and dense urban environments, it is more beneficial to deploy more AP-UAVs to achieve higher SE. On the other hand, in suburban environment, an optimal ratio between the number of deployed UAVs and the number of antennas per UAV exists to maximize the SE.
3.Rate-Power Tradeoff in THz SWIPT Systems Employing Resonant Tunnelling Diode-based EH Circuits
Authors:Nikita Shanin, Simone Clochiatti, Kenneth M. Mayer, Laura Cottatellucci, Nils Weimann, Robert Schober
Abstract: In this paper, we study THz simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) systems. Since coherent information detection is challenging at THz frequencies and Schottky diodes may not be efficient for THz energy harvesting (EH) and information detection, we employ unipolar amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulation at the transmitter (TX) and a resonant tunnelling diode (RTD)-based EH circuit at the receiver (RX) to extract both information and power from the RX signal. We model the dependence of the instantaneous output power at the RX on the instantaneous received power by a non-linear piecewise function, whose parameters are adjusted to fit circuit simulation results. To determine the rate-power tradeoff in THz SWIPT systems, we derive the distribution of the TX signal that maximizes the mutual information between the TX and RX signals subject to constraints on the required average harvested power at the RX and the peak signal amplitude at the TX. Since the computational complexity of maximizing the mutual information may be too high for real-time THz SWIPT systems, for high and low required average harvested powers, we also obtain the suboptimal input signal distribution that maximizes the achievable information rate numerically and in closed form, respectively. Furthermore, based on the obtained results, we propose a suboptimal closed-form TX distribution which also achieves a desired harvested power at the RX. Our simulation results show that a lower reverse current flow and a higher breakdown voltage of the employed RTD are preferable when the input signal power at the RX is low and high, respectively. Finally, we demonstrate that for low and high received signal powers, the rate-power tradeoff of THz SWIPT systems is determined by the peak amplitude of the TX signal and the maximum instantaneous harvested power, respectively.
4.On the Binary Symmetric Channel with a Transition Probability Determined by a Poisson Distribution
Authors:A. J. Han Vinck, Fatma Rouissi
Abstract: The classical Binary Symmetric Channel has a fixed transition probability. We discuss the Binary Symmetric Channel with a variable transition probability that depends on a Poisson distribution. The error rate for this channel is determined and we also give bounds for the channel capacity. We give a motivation for the model based on the Class-A impulse noise model, as given by Middleton. The channel model can be extended to the Additive White Gaussian Channel model, where the noise variance also depends on a Poisson distribution.
5.Better bounds on the minimal Lee distance
Authors:Jessica Bariffi, Violetta Weger
Abstract: This paper provides new and improved Singleton-like bounds for Lee metric codes over integer residue rings. We derive the bounds using various novel definitions of generalized Lee weights based on different notions of a support of a linear code. In this regard, we introduce three main different support types for codes in the Lee metric and analyze their utility to derive bounds on the minimum Lee distance. Eventually, we propose a new point of view to generalized weights and give an improved bound on the minimum distance of codes in the Lee metric for which we discuss the density of maximum Lee distance codes with respect to this novel Singleton-like bound.
6.Fast Decoding of Lifted Interleaved Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes for Multishot Network Coding
Authors:Hannes Bartz, Sven Puchinger
Abstract: Mart{\'\i}nez-Pe{\~n}as and Kschischang (IEEE Trans.\ Inf.\ Theory, 2019) proposed lifted linearized Reed--Solomon codes as suitable codes for error control in multishot network coding. We show how to construct and decode \ac{LILRS} codes. Compared to the construction by Mart{\'\i}nez-Pe{\~n}as--Kschischang, interleaving allows to increase the decoding region significantly and decreases the overhead due to the lifting (i.e., increases the code rate), at the cost of an increased packet size. We propose two decoding schemes for \ac{LILRS} that are both capable of correcting insertions and deletions beyond half the minimum distance of the code by either allowing a list or a small decoding failure probability. We propose a probabilistic unique {\LOlike} decoder for \ac{LILRS} codes and an efficient interpolation-based decoding scheme that can be either used as a list decoder (with exponential worst-case list size) or as a probabilistic unique decoder. We derive upper bounds on the decoding failure probability of the probabilistic-unique decoders which show that the decoding failure probability is very small for most channel realizations up to the maximal decoding radius. The tightness of the bounds is verified by Monte Carlo simulations.
7.New Three and Four-Dimensional Toric and Burst-Error-Correcting Quantum Codes
Authors:Cibele Cristina Trinca, Reginaldo Palazzo Jr., Ricardo Augusto Watanabe, Clarice Dias de Albuquerque, José Carmelo Interlando, Antônio Aparecido de Andrade
Abstract: Ongoing research and experiments have enabled quantum memory to realize the storage of qubits. On the other hand, interleaving techniques are used to deal with burst of errors. Effective interleaving techniques for combating burst of errors by using classical error-correcting codes have been proposed in several articles found in the literature, however, to the best of our knowledge, little is known regarding interleaving techniques for combating clusters of errors in topological quantum error-correcting codes. Motivated by that, in this work, we present new three and four-dimensional toric quantum codes which are featured by lattice codes and apply a quantum interleaving method to such new three and four-dimensional toric quantum codes. By applying such a method to these new codes we provide new three and four-dimensional quantum burst-error-correcting codes. As a consequence, new three and four-dimensional toric and burst-error-correcting quantum codes are obtained which have better information rates than those three and four-dimensional toric quantum codes from the literature. In addition to these proposed three and four-dimensional quantum burst-error-correcting codes improve such information rates, they can be used for burst-error-correction in errors which are located, quantum data stored and quantum channels with memory.
8.Information-Theoretically Private Federated Submodel Learning with Storage Constrained Databases
Authors:Sajani Vithana, Sennur Ulukus
Abstract: In federated submodel learning (FSL), a machine learning model is divided into multiple submodels based on different types of data used for training. Each user involved in the training process only downloads and updates the submodel relevant to the user's local data, which significantly reduces the communication cost compared to classical federated learning (FL). However, the index of the submodel updated by the user and the values of the updates reveal information about the user's private data. In order to guarantee information-theoretic privacy in FSL, the model is stored at multiple non-colluding databases, and the user sends queries and updates to each database in such a way that no information is revealed on the updating submodel index or the values of the updates. In this work, we consider the practical scenario where the multiple non-colluding databases are allowed to have arbitrary storage constraints. The goal of this work is to develop read-write schemes and storage mechanisms for FSL that efficiently utilize the available storage in each database to store the submodel parameters in such a way that the total communication cost is minimized while guaranteeing information-theoretic privacy of the updating submodel index and the values of the updates. As the main result, we consider both heterogeneous and homogeneous storage constrained databases, and propose private read-write and storage schemes for the two cases.