Information Theory (cs.IT)
Mon, 26 Jun 2023
1.Improved Random-Binning Exponent for Distributed Hypothesis Testing
Authors:Yuval Kochman, Ligong Wang
Abstract: Shimokawa, Han, and Amari proposed a "quantization and binning" scheme for distributed binary hypothesis testing. We propose a simple improvement on the receiver's guessing rule in this scheme. This attains a better exponent of the error probability of the second type.
2.Near-Field Beamforming for STAR-RIS Networks
Authors:Haochen Li, Yuanwei Liu, Xidong Mu, Yue Chen, Zhiwen Pan, Yonina C. Eldar
Abstract: Recently, simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (STAR-RISs) have received significant research interest. The employment of large STAR-RIS and high-frequency signaling inevitably make the near-field propagation dominant in wireless communications. In this work, a STAR-RIS aided near-field multiple-input multiple-multiple (MIMO) communication framework is proposed. A weighted sum rate maximization problem for the joint optimization of the active beamforming at the base station (BS) and the transmission/reflection-coefficients (TRCs) at the STAR-RIS is formulated. The non-convex problem is solved by a block coordinate descent (BCD)-based algorithm. In particular, under given STAR-RIS TRCs, the optimal active beamforming matrices are obtained by solving a convex quadratically constrained quadratic program. For given active beamforming matrices, two algorithms are suggested for optimizing the STAR-RIS TRCs: a penalty-based iterative (PEN) algorithm and an element-wise iterative (ELE) algorithm. The latter algorithm is conceived for STAR-RISs with a large number of elements. Numerical results illustrate that: i) near-field beamforming for STAR-RIS aided MIMO communications significantly improves the achieved weighted sum rate compared with far-field beamforming; ii) the near-field channels facilitated by the STAR-RIS provide enhanced degrees-of-freedom and accessibility for the multi-user MIMO system; and iii) the BCD-PEN algorithm achieves better performance than the BCD-ELE algorithm, while the latter has a significantly lower computational complexity.
3.Timely Processing Of Updates From Multiple Sources
Authors:Vishakha Ramani, Ivan Seskar, Roy D. Yates
Abstract: We consider a system where the updates from independent sources are disseminated via a publish-subscribe mechanism. The sources are the publishers and a decision process (DP), acting as a subscriber, derives decision updates from the source data. We derive the stationary expected age of information (AoI) of decision updates delivered to a monitor. We show that a lazy computation policy in which the DP may sit idle before computing its next decision update can reduce the average AoI at the monitor even though the DP exerts no control over the generation of source updates. This AoI reduction is shown to occur because lazy computation can offset the negative effect of high variance in the computation time.
4.Recurrence and repetition times in the case of a stretched exponential growth
Authors:Łukasz Dębowski
Abstract: By an analogy to the duality between the recurrence time and the longest match length, we introduce a quantity dual to the maximal repetition length, which we call the repetition time. Using the generalized Kac lemma for successive recurrence times by Chen Moy, we sandwich the repetition time in terms of min-entropies with no or relatively short conditioning. The sole assumption is stationarity and ergodicity. The proof is surprisingly short and the claim is fully general in contrast to earlier approaches by Szpankowski and by D\k{e}bowski. We discuss the analogy of this result with the Wyner-Ziv/Ornstein-Weiss theorem, which sandwiches the recurrence time in terms of Shannon entropies. We formulate the respective sandwich bounds in a way that applies also to the case of stretched exponential growth observed empirically for natural language.
5.Capacity Bounds for Identification With Effective Secrecy
Authors:Johannes Rosenberger, Abdalla Ibrahim, Boulat A. Bash, Christian Deppe, Roberto Ferrara, Uzi Pereg
Abstract: An upper bound to the identification capacity of discrete memoryless wiretap channels is derived under the requirement of semantic effective secrecy, combining semantic secrecy and stealth constraints. A previously established lower bound is improved by applying it to a prefix channel, formed by concatenating an auxiliary channel and the actual channel. The bounds are tight if the legitimate channel is more capable than the eavesdropper's channel. An illustrative example is provided for a wiretap channel that is composed of a point-to-point channel, and a parallel, reversely degraded wiretap channel. A comparison with results for message transmission and for identification with only secrecy constraint is provided.