Information Theory (cs.IT)
Mon, 24 Jul 2023
1.In search of maximum non-overlapping codes
Authors:Lidija Stanovnik, Miha Moškon, Miha Mraz
Abstract: Non-overlapping codes are block codes that have arisen in diverse contexts of computer science and biology. Applications typically require finding non-overlapping codes with large cardinalities, but the maximum size of non-overlapping codes has been determined only for cases where the codeword length divides the size of the alphabet, and for codes with codewords of length two or three. For all other alphabet sizes and codeword lengths no computationally feasible way to identify non-overlapping codes that attain the maximum size has been found to date. Herein we characterize maximal non-overlapping codes. We formulate the maximum non-overlapping code problem as an integer optimization problem and determine necessary conditions for optimality of a non-overlapping code. Moreover, we solve several instances of the optimization problem to show that the hitherto known constructions do not generate the optimal codes for many alphabet sizes and codeword lengths. We also evaluate the number of distinct maximum non-overlapping codes.
2.Underlaid Sensing Pilot for Integrated Sensing and Communications
Authors:Pu Yuan, Hao Liu, Junjie Tan, Dajie Jiang, Lei Yan
Abstract: This paper investigates a novel underlaid sensing pilot signal design for integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) in an OFDM-based communication system. The proposed two-dimensional (2D) pilot signal is first generated on the delay-Doppler (DD) plane and then converted to the time-frequency (TF) plane for multiplexing with the OFDM data symbols. The sensing signal underlays the OFDM data, allowing for the sharing of time-frequency resources. In this framework, sensing detection is implemented based on a simple 2D correlation, taking advantage of the favorable auto-correlation properties of the sensing pilot. In the communication part, the sensing pilot, served as a known signal, can be utilized for channel estimation and equalization to ensure optimal symbol detection performance. The underlaid sensing pilot demonstrates good scalability and can adapt to different delay and Doppler resolution requirements without violating the OFDM frame structure. Experimental results show the effective sensing performance of the proposed pilot, with only a small fraction of power shared from the OFDM data, while maintaining satisfactory symbol detection performance in communication.
3.Closed-Form Analysis of the $α$-Beaulieu-Xie Shadowed Fading Channel
Authors:Aleksey S. Gvozdarev
Abstract: The presented research proposes the $\alpha$-modification of the Beaulieu-Xie shadowed fading channel for wireless communications. For the assumed model the closed-form analytical description of the basic statistical characteristics is carried out (i.e., probability density function, cumulative distribution function, and their asymptotics). The derived statistical description is exemplified on the problems of the average bit error rate and ergodic capacity calculation, for which the exact analytic and high signal-to-noise ratio asymptotic expressions are derived. The performed extensive numerical analysis demonstrates high correspondence with the analytical work and helps to study the dependence of the channel nonlinearity effects on the bit error probability.
4.Eliminating Media Noise While Preserving Storage Capacity: Reconfigurable Constrained Codes for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Recording
Authors:Iven Guzel, Doğukan Özbayrak, Robert Calderbank, Ahmed Hareedy
Abstract: Magnetic recording devices are still competitive in the storage density race with solid-state devices thanks to new technologies such as two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR). Advanced data processing schemes are needed to guarantee reliability in TDMR. Data patterns where a bit is surrounded by complementary bits at the four positions with Manhattan distance $1$ on the TDMR grid are called plus isolation (PIS) patterns, and they are error-prone. Recently, we introduced lexicographically-ordered constrained (LOCO) codes, namely optimal plus LOCO (OP-LOCO) codes, that prevent these patterns from being written in a TDMR device. However, in the high-density regime or the low-energy regime, additional error-prone patterns emerge, specifically data patterns where a bit is surrounded by complementary bits at only three positions with Manhattan distance $1$, and we call them incomplete plus isolation (IPIS) patterns. In this paper, we present capacity-achieving codes that forbid both PIS and IPIS patterns in TDMR systems with wide read heads. We collectively call the PIS and IPIS patterns rotated T isolation (RTIS) patterns, and we call the new codes optimal T LOCO (OT-LOCO) codes. We analyze OT-LOCO codes and present their simple encoding-decoding rule that allows reconfigurability. We also present a novel bridging idea for these codes to further increase the rate. Our simulation results demonstrate that OT-LOCO codes are capable of eliminating media noise effects entirely at practical TD densities with high rates. To further preserve the storage capacity, we suggest using OP-LOCO codes early in the device lifetime, then employing the reconfiguration property to switch to OT-LOCO codes later. While the point of reconfiguration on the density/energy axis is decided manually at the moment, the next step is to use machine learning to take that decision based on the TDMR device status.
5.Two types of negacyclic BCH codes
Authors:Yanhui Zhang
Abstract: Negacyclic BCH codes are an important subclass of negacyclic codes, which have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms, but their parameters are difficult to determine. In this paper, we mainly study two types of negacyclic BCH codes of length $n=\frac{q^{m}-1}{4},\frac{q^{m}+1}{4}$. As byproducts, we investigate the first three largest odd coset leaders modulo $n$. The parameters of two types of negacyclic BCH codes are analysed with small and large dimensions, and the weight distribution of neagcyclic BCH codes of length $n=\frac{q^m-1}{4}$ are determined for designed distance in some ranges.
6.Imperfect CSI: A Key Factor of Uncertainty to Over-the-Air Federated Learning
Authors:Jiacheng Yao, Zhaohui Yang, Wei Xu, Dusit Niyato, Xiaohu You
Abstract: Over-the-air computation (AirComp) has recently been identified as a prominent technique to enhance communication efficiency of wireless federated learning (FL). This letter investigates the impact of channel state information (CSI) uncertainty at the transmitter on an AirComp enabled FL (AirFL) system with the truncated channel inversion strategy. To characterize the performance of the AirFL system, the weight divergence with respect to the ideal aggregation is analytically derived to evaluate learning performance loss. We explicitly reveal that the weight divergence deteriorates as $\mathcal{O}(1/\rho^2)$ as the level of channel estimation accuracy $\rho$ vanishes, and also has a decay rate of $\mathcal{O}(1/K^2)$ with the increasing number of participating devices, $K$. Building upon our analytical results, we formulate the channel truncation threshold optimization problem to adapt to different $\rho$, which can be solved optimally. Numerical results verify the analytical results and show that a lower truncation threshold is preferred with more accurate CSI.
7.Superimposed RIS-phase Modulation for MIMO Communications: A Novel Paradigm of Information Transfer
Authors:Jiacheng Yao, Jindan Xu, Wei Xu, Chau Yuen, Xiaohu You
Abstract: Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is regarded as an important enabling technology for the sixth-generation (6G) network. Recently, modulating information in reflection patterns of RIS, referred to as reflection modulation (RM), has been proven in theory to have the potential of achieving higher transmission rate than existing passive beamforming (PBF) schemes of RIS. To fully unlock this potential of RM, we propose a novel superimposed RIS-phase modulation (SRPM) scheme for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, where tunable phase offsets are superimposed onto predetermined RIS phases to bear extra information messages. The proposed SRPM establishes a universal framework for RM, which retrieves various existing RM-based schemes as special cases. Moreover, the advantages and applicability of the SRPM in practice is also validated in theory by analytical characterization of its performance in terms of average bit error rate (ABER) and ergodic capacity. To maximize the performance gain, we formulate a general precoding optimization at the base station (BS) for a single-stream case with uncorrelated channels and obtain the optimal SRPM design via the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) technique. Furthermore, to avoid extremely high complexity in maximum likelihood (ML) detection for the SRPM, we propose a sphere decoding (SD)-based layered detection method with near-ML performance and much lower complexity. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of SRPM, precoding optimization, and detection design. It is verified that the proposed SRPM achieves a higher diversity order than that of existing RM-based schemes and outperforms PBF significantly especially when the transmitter is equipped with limited radio-frequency (RF) chains.