Information Theory (cs.IT)
Mon, 28 Aug 2023
1.How much Training is Needed in Downlink Cell-Free mMIMO under LoS/NLoS channels?
Authors:Sai Manikanta Rishi Rani, Ribhu Chopra, Kumar Appaiah
Abstract: The assumption that no LoS channels exist between wireless access points~(APs) and user equipments~(UEs) becomes questionable in the context of the recent developments in the direction of cell free massive multiple input multiple output MIMO~(CF-mMIMO) systems. In CF-mMIMO systems, the access point density is assumed to be comparable to, or much larger than the the user density, thereby leading to the possibility of existence of LoS links between the UEs and the APs, depending on the local propagation conditions. In this paper, we compare the rates achievable by CF-mMIMO systems under probabilistic LoS/ NLos channels, with and without acquiring the channel state information~(CSI) of the fast fading components. We show that, under sufficiently large AP densities, statistical beamforming that does not require the knowledge about the fast fading components of the channels, performs almost at par with full beamforming, utilizing the information about the fast fading channel coefficients, thus potentially avoiding the need for training during every frame. We validate our results via detailed Monte Carlo simulations, and also elaborate the conditions under which statistical beamforming can be successfully employed in massive MIMO systems with LoS/ NLoS channels.
2.Generalized Deterministic-Random Tradeoff in Integrated Sensing and Communications: The Sensing-Optimal Operating Point
Authors:Yifeng Xiong, Fan Liu, Marco Lops
Abstract: Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) has been recognized as a key component in the envisioned 6G communication systems. Understanding the fundamental performance tradeoff between sensing and communication functionalities is essential for designing practical cost-efficient ISAC systems. In this paper, we aim for augmenting the current understanding of the deterministic-random tradeoff (DRT) between sensing and communication, by analyzing the sensing-optimal operating point of the fundamental capacity-distortion region. We show that the DRT exists for generic sensing performance metrics that are in general not convex/concave in the ISAC waveform. Especially, we elaborate on a representative non-convex performance metric, namely the detection probability for target detection tasks.
3.On the Statistical Relation of Ultra-Reliable Wireless and Location Estimation
Authors:Tobias Kallehauge, Martin Voigt Vejling, Pablo Ramìrez-Espinosa, Kimmo Kansanen, Henk Wymeersch, Petar Popovski
Abstract: Location information is often used as a proxy to guarantee the performance of a wireless communication link. However, localization errors can result in a significant mismatch with the guarantees, particularly detrimental to users operating the ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) regime. This paper unveils the fundamental statistical relations between location estimation uncertainty and wireless link reliability, specifically in the context of rate selection for ultra-reliable communication. We start with a simple one-dimensional narrowband Rayleigh fading scenario and build towards a two-dimensional scenario in a rich scattering environment. The wireless link reliability is characterized by the meta-probability, the probability with respect to localization error of exceeding the outage capacity, and by removing other sources of errors in the system, we show that reliability is sensitive to localization errors. The $\epsilon$-outage coherence radius is defined and shown to provide valuable insight into the problem of location-based rate selection. However, it is generally challenging to guarantee reliability without accurate knowledge of the propagation environment. Finally, several rate-selection schemes are proposed, showcasing the problem's dynamics and revealing that properly accounting for the localization error is critical to ensure good performance in terms of reliability and achievable throughput.
4.Channel Charting in Real-World Coordinates
Authors:Sueda Taner, Victoria Palhares, Christoph Studer
Abstract: Channel charting is an emerging self-supervised method that maps channel state information (CSI) to a low-dimensional latent space, which represents pseudo-positions of user equipments (UEs). While this latent space preserves local geometry, i.e., nearby UEs are nearby in latent space, the pseudo-positions are in arbitrary coordinates and global geometry is not preserved. In order to enable channel charting in real-world coordinates, we propose a novel bilateration loss for multipoint wireless systems in which only the access point (AP) locations are known--no geometrical models or ground-truth UE position information is required. The idea behind this bilateration loss is to compare the received power at pairs of APs in order to determine whether a UE should be placed closer to one AP or the other in latent space. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method using channel vectors from a commercial ray-tracer.
5.MDS Array Codes With Small Sub-packetization Levels and Small Repair Degrees
Authors:Jie Li, Yi Liu, Xiaohu Tang, Yunghsiang S. Han, Bo Bai, Gong Zhang
Abstract: High-rate minimum storage regenerating (MSR) codes are known to require a large sub-packetization level, which can make meta-data management difficult and hinder implementation in practical systems. A few maximum distance separable (MDS) array code constructions have been proposed to attain a much smaller sub-packetization level by sacrificing a bit of repair bandwidth. However, to the best of our knowledge, only one construction by Guruswami et al. can support the repair of a failed node without contacting all the surviving nodes. This construction is certainly of theoretical interest but not yet practical due to its requirement for very large code parameters. In this paper, we propose a generic transformation that can convert any $(\overline{n}, \overline{k})$ MSR code with a repair degree of $\overline{d}<\overline{n}-1$ into another $(n=s\overline{n},k)$ MDS array code that supports $d<n-1$ with a small sub-packetization level and $(1+\epsilon)$-optimal repair bandwidth (i.e., $1+\epsilon$ times the optimal value) under a specific condition. We obtain three MDS array codes with small sub-packetization levels and $(1+\epsilon)$-optimal repair bandwidth by applying this transformation to three known MSR codes. All the new MDS array codes have a small repair degree of $d<n-1$ and work for both small and large code parameters.
6.Storage codes and recoverable systems on lines and grids
Authors:Alexander Barg, Ohad Elishco, Ryan Gabrys, Geyang Wang, Eitan Yaakobi
Abstract: A storage code is an assignment of symbols to the vertices of a connected graph $G(V,E)$ with the property that the value of each vertex is a function of the values of its neighbors, or more generally, of a certain neighborhood of the vertex in $G$. In this work we introduce a new construction method of storage codes, enabling one to construct new codes from known ones via an interleaving procedure driven by resolvable designs. We also study storage codes on $\mathbb Z$ and ${\mathbb Z}^2$ (lines and grids), finding closed-form expressions for the capacity of several one and two-dimensional systems depending on their recovery set, using connections between storage codes, graphs, anticodes, and difference-avoiding sets.
7.Flexible-Position MIMO for Wireless Communications: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future Directions
Authors:Jiakang Zheng, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Sumei Sun, Bo Ai, Khaled B. Letaief
Abstract: The flexible-position multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), such as fluid antennas and movable antennas, is a promising technology for future wireless communications. This is due to the fact that the positions of antennas at the transceiver and reflector can be dynamically optimized to achieve better channel conditions and, as such, can provide high spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) gains with fewer antennas. In this article, we introduce the fundamentals of flexibleposition MIMO systems, including hardware design, structure design, and potential applications. We shall demonstrate that flexible-position MIMO, using fewer flexible antennas, can match the channel hardening achieved by a large number of fixed antennas. We will then analyze the SE-EE relationship for flexible-position MIMO and fixed-position MIMO. Furthermore, we will design the optimal trajectory of flexible antennas to maximize system sum SE or total EE at a fixed travel distance of each antenna. Finally, several important research directions regarding flexible-position MIMO communications are presented to facilitate further investigation.
8.Joint Active User Detection, Channel Estimation, and Data Detection for Massive Grant-Free Transmission in Cell-Free Systems
Authors:Gangle Sun, Mengyao Cao, Wenjin Wang, Wei Xu, Christoph Studer
Abstract: Cell-free communication has the potential to significantly improve grant-free transmission in massive machine-type communication, wherein multiple access points jointly serve a large number of user equipments to improve coverage and spectral efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for joint active user detection (AUD), channel estimation (CE), and data detection (DD) for massive grant-free transmission in cell-free systems. We formulate an optimization problem for joint AUD, CE, and DD by considering both the sparsity of the data matrix, which arises from intermittent user activity, and the sparsity of the effective channel matrix, which arises from intermittent user activity and large-scale fading. We approximately solve this optimization problem with a box-constrained forward-backward splitting algorithm, which significantly improves AUD, CE, and DD performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework through simulation experiments.
9.On the Achievable Rate of MIMO Narrowband PLC with Spatio-Temporal Correlated Noise
Authors:Mohammadreza Bakhshizadeh Mohajer, Sadaf Moaveninejad, Atul Kumar, Mahmoud Elgenedy, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Luca Barletta, Maurizio Magarini
Abstract: Narrowband power line communication (NB-PLC) systems are an attractive solution for supporting current and future smart grids. A technology proposed to enhance data rate in NB-PLC is multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission over multiple power line phases. To achieve reliable communication over MIMO NB-PLC, a key challenge is to take into account and mitigate the effects of temporally and spatially correlated cyclostationary noise. Noise samples in a cycle can be divided into three classes with different distributions, i.e. Gaussian, moderate impulsive, and strong impulsive. However, in this paper we first show that the impulsive classes in their turn can be divided into sub-classes with normal distributions and, after deriving the theoretical capacity, two noise sample sets with such characteristics are used to evaluate achievable information rates: one sample set is the measured noise in laboratory and the other is produced through MIMO frequency-shift (FRESH) filtering. The achievable information rates are attained by means of a spatio-temporal whitening of the portions of the cyclostationary correlated noise samples that belong to the Gaussian sub-classes. The proposed approach can be useful to design the optimal receiver in terms of bit allocation using waterfilling algorithm and to adapt modulation order.
10.Heterogeneous Drone Small Cells: Optimal 3D Placement for Downlink Power Efficiency and Rate Satisfaction
Authors:Nima Namvar, Fatemeh Afghah, Ismail Guvenc
Abstract: In this paper, we consider a heterogeneous repository of drone-enabled aerial base stations with varying transmit powers that provide downlink wireless coverage for ground users. One particular challenge is optimal selection and deployment of a subset of available drone base stations (DBSs) to satisfy the downlink data rate requirements while minimizing the overall power consumption. In order to address this challenge, we formulate an optimization problem to select the best subset of available DBSs so as to guarantee wireless coverage with some acceptable transmission rate in the downlink path. In addition to the selection of DBSs, we determine their 3D position so as to minimize their overall power consumption. Moreover, assuming that the DBSs operate in the same frequency band, we develop a novel and computationally efficient beamforming method to alleviate the inter-cell interference impact on the downlink. We propose a Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution to determine the optimal beamforming strategy in the downlink path to compensate for the impairment caused by the interference. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution and provide valuable insights into the performance of the heterogeneous drone-based small cell networks.