Information Theory (cs.IT)
Tue, 30 May 2023
1.Blind Beamforming for Intelligent Reflecting Surface in Fading Channels without CSI
Authors:Wenhai Lai, Wenyu Wang, Fan Xu, Xin Li, Shaobo Niu, Kaiming Shen
Abstract: This paper discusses how to optimize the phase shifts of intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) to combat channel fading without any channel state information (CSI), namely blind beamforming. Differing from most previous works based on a two-stage paradigm of first estimating channels and then optimizing phase shifts, our approach is completely data-driven, only requiring a dataset of the received signal power at the user terminal. Thus, our method does not incur extra overhead costs for channel estimation, and does not entail collaboration from service provider, either. The main idea is to choose phase shifts at random and use the corresponding conditional sample mean of the received signal power to extract the main features of the wireless environment. This blind beamforming approach guarantees an $N^2$ boost of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), where $N$ is the number of reflective elements (REs) of IRS, regardless of whether the direct channel is line-of-sight (LoS) or not. Moreover, blind beamforming is extended to a double-IRS system with provable performance. Finally, prototype tests show that the proposed blind beamforming method can be readily incorporated into the existing communication systems in the real world; simulation tests further show that it works for a variety of fading channel models.
2.Hybrid Driven Learning for Channel Estimation in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Millimeter Wave Communications
Authors:Shuntian Zheng, Sheng Wu, Chunxiao Jiang, Wei Zhang, Xiaojun Jing
Abstract: Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) have been proposed in millimeter wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) systems to achieve both coverage and capacity enhancement, where the design of hybrid precoders, combiners, and the IRS typically relies on channel state information. In this paper, we address the problem of uplink wideband channel estimation for IRS aided multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems with hybrid architectures. Combining the structure of model driven and data driven deep learning approaches, a hybrid driven learning architecture is devised for joint estimation and learning the properties of the channels. For a passive IRS aided system, we propose a residual learned approximate message passing as a model driven network. A denoising and attention network in the data driven network is used to jointly learn spatial and frequency features. Furthermore, we design a flexible hybrid driven network in a hybrid passive and active IRS aided system. Specifically, the depthwise separable convolution is applied to the data driven network, leading to less network complexity and fewer parameters at the IRS side. Numerical results indicate that in both systems, the proposed hybrid driven channel estimation methods significantly outperform existing deep learning-based schemes and effectively reduce the pilot overhead by about 60% in IRS aided systems.
3.Non-linear MRD codes from cones over exterior sets
Authors:Nicola Durante, Giovanni Giuseppe Grimaldi, Giovanni Longobardi
Abstract: By using the notion of $d$-embedding $\Gamma$ of a (canonical) subgeometry $\Sigma$ and of exterior set with respect to the $h$-secant variety $\Omega_{h}(\mathcal{A})$ of a subset $\mathcal{A}$, $ 0 \leq h \leq n-1$, in the finite projective space $\mathrm{PG}(n-1,q^n)$, $n \geq 3$, in this article we construct a class of non-linear $(n,n,q;d)$-MRD codes for any $ 2 \leq d \leq n-1$. A code $\mathcal{C}_{\sigma,T}$ of this class, where $1\in T \subset \mathbb{F}_q^*$ and $\sigma$ is a generator of $\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{F}_{q^n}|\mathbb{F}_q)$, arises from a cone of $\mathrm{PG}(n-1,q^n)$ with vertex an $(n-d-2)$-dimensional subspace over a maximum exterior set $\mathcal{E}$ with respect to $\Omega_{d-2}(\Gamma)$. We prove that the codes introduced in [Cossidente, A., Marino, G., Pavese, F.: Non-linear maximum rank distance codes. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 79, 597--609 (2016); Durante, N., Siciliano, A.: Non-linear maximum rank distance codes in the cyclic model for the field reduction of finite geometries. Electron. J. Comb. (2017); Donati, G., Durante, N.: A generalization of the normal rational curve in $\mathrm{PG}(d,q^n)$ and its associated non-linear MRD codes. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86, 1175--1184 (2018)] are appropriate punctured ones of $\mathcal{C}_{\sigma,T}$ and solve completely the inequivalence issue for this class showing that $\mathcal{C}_{\sigma,T}$ is neither equivalent nor adjointly equivalent to the non-linear MRD code $\mathcal{C}_{n,k,\sigma,I}$, $I \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q$, obtained in [Otal, K., \"Ozbudak, F.: Some new non-additive maximum rank distance codes. Finite Fields and Their Applications 50, 293--303 (2018).].
4.Space MIMO: Direct Unmodified Handheld to Multi-Satellite Communication
Authors:Yasaman Omid, Zohre Mashayekh Bakhsh, Farbod Kayhan, Yi Ma, Rahim Tafazolli
Abstract: This paper examines the uplink transmission of a single-antenna handsheld user to a cluster of satellites, with a focus on utilizing the inter-satellite links to enable cooperative signal detection. Two cases are studied: one with full CSI and the other with partial CSI between satellites. The two cases are compared in terms of capacity, overhead, and bit error rate. Additionally, the impact of channel estimation error is analyzed in both designs, and robust detection techniques are proposed to handle channel uncertainty up to a certain level. The performance of each case is demonstrated, and a comparison is made with conventional satellite communication schemes where only one satellite can connect to a user. The results of our study reveal that the proposed constellation with a total of 3168 satellites in orbit can enable a capacity of 800 Mbits/sec through cooperation of $12$ satellites with and occupied bandwidth of 500 MHz. In contrast, conventional satellite communication approaches with the same system parameters yield a significantly lower capacity of less than 150 Mbits/sec for the nearest satellite.
5.Optimal Geometries of Dual-Polarized Arrays for Large Point-to-Point MIMO Channels
Authors:Amna Irshad, Emil Björnson
Abstract: Traditional point-to-point line-of-sight channels have rank 1, irrespective of the number of antennas and array geometries, due to far-field propagation conditions. By contrast, recent papers in the holographic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) literature characterize the maximum channel rank that can be achieved between two continuous array apertures, which is much larger than 1 under near-field propagation conditions. In this paper, we maximize the channel capacity between two dual-polarized uniform rectangular arrays (URAs) with discrete antenna elements for a given propagation distance. In particular, we derive the antenna spacings that lead to an ideal MIMO channel where all singular values are as similar as possible. We utilize this analytic result to find the two array geometries that respectively minimize the aperture area and the aperture length.