Information Theory (cs.IT)
Mon, 21 Aug 2023
1.Wide-Aperture MIMO via Reflection off a Smooth Surface
Authors:Andrea Pizzo, Angel Lozano, Sundeep Rangan, Thomas Marzetta
Abstract: This paper provides a deterministic channel model for a scenario where wireless connectivity is established through a reflection off a smooth planar surface of an infinite extent. The developed model is rigorously built upon the physics of wave propagation and is as precise as tight are the unboundedness and smoothness assumptions on the surface. This model allows establishing how line-of-sight multiantenna communication is altered by a reflection off an electrically large surface, a situation of high interest for mmWave and terahertz frequencies.
2.Effectiveness of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces to Enhance Connectivity in UAV Networks
Authors:Mohammed S. Al-Abiad, Mohammad Javad-Kalbasi, Shahrokh Valaee
Abstract: Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are expected to make future 6G networks more connected and resilient against node failures, due to their ability to introduce controllable phase-shifts onto impinging electromagnetic waves and impose link redundancy. Meanwhile, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are prone to failure due to limited energy, random failures, or targeted failures, which causes network disintegration that results in information delivery loss. In this paper, we show that the integration between UAVs and RISs for improving network connectivity is crucial. We utilize RISs to provide path diversity and alternative connectivity options for information flow from user equipments (UEs) to less critical UAVs by adding more links to the network, thereby making the network more resilient and connected. To that end, we first define the criticality of UAV nodes, which reflects the importance of some nodes over other nodes. We then employ the algebraic connectivity metric, which is adjusted by the reflected links of the RISs and their criticality weights, to formulate the problem of maximizing the network connectivity. Such problem is a computationally expensive combinatorial optimization. To tackle this problem, we propose a relaxation method such that the discrete scheduling constraint of the problem is relaxed and becomes continuous. Leveraging this, we propose two efficient solutions, namely semi-definite programming (SDP) optimization and perturbation heuristic, which both solve the problem in polynomial time. For the perturbation heuristic, we derive the lower and upper bounds of the algebraic connectivity obtained by adding new links to the network. Finally, we corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions through extensive simulation experiments.
3.Quantum Symmetric Private Information Retrieval with Secure Storage and Eavesdroppers
Authors:Alptug Aytekin, Mohamed Nomeir, Sajani Vithana, Sennur Ulukus
Abstract: We consider both the classical and quantum variations of $X$-secure, $E$-eavesdropped and $T$-colluding symmetric private information retrieval (SPIR). This is the first work to study SPIR with $X$-security in classical or quantum variations. We first develop a scheme for classical $X$-secure, $E$-eavesdropped and $T$-colluding SPIR (XSETSPIR) based on a modified version of cross subspace alignment (CSA), which achieves a rate of $R= 1 - \frac{X+\max(T,E)}{N}$. The modified scheme achieves the same rate as the scheme used for $X$-secure PIR with the extra benefit of symmetric privacy. Next, we extend this scheme to its quantum counterpart based on the $N$-sum box abstraction. This is the first work to consider the presence of eavesdroppers in quantum private information retrieval (QPIR). In the quantum variation, the eavesdroppers have better access to information over the quantum channel compared to the classical channel due to the over-the-air decodability. To that end, we develop another scheme specialized to combat eavesdroppers over quantum channels. The scheme proposed for $X$-secure, $E$-eavesdropped and $T$-colluding quantum SPIR (XSETQSPIR) in this work maintains the super-dense coding gain from the shared entanglement between the databases, i.e., achieves a rate of $R_Q = \min\left\{ 1, 2\left(1-\frac{X+\max(T,E)}{N}\right)\right\}$.