Information Theory (cs.IT)
Fri, 21 Jul 2023
1.Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided MIMO Systems: A Partially Decoupled Atomic Norm Minimization Approach
Authors:Y. Chu, Z. Wei, Z. Yang, D. W. K. Ng
Abstract: Channel estimation (CE) plays a key role in reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems, while it poses a challenging task due to the passive nature of RIS and the cascaded channel structures. In this paper, a partially decoupled atomic norm minimization (PDANM) framework is proposed for CE of RIS-aided MIMO systems, which exploits the three-dimensional angular sparsity of the channel. In particular, PDANM partially decouples the differential angles at the RIS from other angles at the base station and user equipment, reducing the computational complexity compared with existing methods. A reweighted PDANM (RPDANM) algorithm is proposed to further improve CE accuracy, which iteratively refines CE through a specifically designed reweighing strategy. Building upon RPDANM, we propose an iterative approach named RPDANM with adaptive phase control (RPDANM-APC), which adaptively adjusts the RIS phases based on previously estimated channel parameters to facilitate CE, achieving superior CE accuracy while reducing training overhead. Numerical simulations demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approaches in terms of running time, CE accuracy, and training overhead. In particular, the RPDANM-APC approach can achieve higher CE accuracy than existing methods within less than 40 percent training overhead while reducing the running time by tens of times.
2.Attention to Entropic Communication
Authors:Torsten Enßlin, Carolin Weidinger, Philipp Frank
Abstract: The concept of attention, numerical weights that emphasize the importance of particular data, has proven to be very relevant in artificial intelligence. Relative entropy (RE, aka Kullback-Leibler divergence) plays a central role in communication theory. Here we combine these concepts, attention and RE. RE guides optimal encoding of messages in bandwidth-limited communication as well as optimal message decoding via the maximum entropy principle (MEP). In the coding scenario, RE can be derived from four requirements, namely being analytical, local, proper, and calibrated. Weighted RE, used for attention steering in communications, turns out to be improper. To see how proper attention communication can emerge, we analyze a scenario of a message sender who wants to ensure that the receiver of the message can perform well-informed actions. If the receiver decodes the message using the MEP, the sender only needs to know the receiver's utility function to inform optimally, but not the receiver's initial knowledge state. In case only the curvature of the utility function maxima are known, it becomes desirable to accurately communicate an attention function, in this case a by this curvature weighted and re-normalized probability function. Entropic attention communication is here proposed as the desired generalization of entropic communication that permits weighting while being proper, thereby aiding the design of optimal communication protocols in technical applications and helping to understand human communication. For example, our analysis shows how to derive the level of cooperation expected under misaligned interests of otherwise honest communication partners.
3.Extreme Level Crossing Rate: A New Performance Indicator for URLLC Systems
Authors:Nikolaos I. Miridakis, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Panagiotis A. Karkazis, Helen C. Leligou, Fotis Foukalas
Abstract: Level crossing rate (LCR) is a well-known statistical tool that is related to the duration of a random stationary fading process \emph{on average}. In doing so, LCR cannot capture the behavior of \emph{extremely rare} random events. Nonetheless, the latter events play a key role in the performance of ultra-reliable and low-latency communication systems rather than their average (expectation) counterparts. In this paper, for the first time, we extend the notion of LCR to address this issue and sufficiently characterize the statistical behavior of extreme maxima or minima. This new indicator, entitled as extreme LCR (ELCR), is analytically introduced and evaluated by resorting to the extreme value theory and risk assessment. Capitalizing on ELCR, some key performance metrics emerge, i.e., the maximum outage duration, minimum effective duration, maximum packet error rate, and maximum transmission delay. They are all derived in simple closed-form expressions. The theoretical results are cross-compared and verified via extensive simulations whereas some useful engineering insights are manifested.