Information Theory (cs.IT)
Tue, 18 Jul 2023
1.Reversible cyclic codes over finite chain rings
Authors:Monika Dalal, Sucheta Dutt, Ranjeet Sehmi
Abstract: In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions for the reversibility of a cyclic code of arbitrary length over a finite commutative chain ring have been derived. MDS reversible cyclic codes having length p^s over a finite chain ring with nilpotency index 2 have been characterized and a few examples of MDS reversible cyclic codes have been presented. Further, it is shown that the torsion codes of a reversible cyclic code over a finite chain ring are reversible. Also, an example of a non-reversible cyclic code for which all its torsion codes are reversible has been presented to show that the converse of this statement is not true. The cardinality and Hamming distance of a cyclic code over a finite commutative chain ring have also been determined.
2.Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Localization: Performance Analysis and Algorithm Design
Authors:Meng Hua, Qingqing Wu, Wen Chen, Zesong Fei, Hing Cheung So, Chau Yuen
Abstract: The target sensing/localization performance is fundamentally limited by the line-of-sight link and severe signal attenuation over long distances. This paper considers a challenging scenario where the direct link between the base station (BS) and the target is blocked due to the surrounding blockages and leverages the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) with some active sensors, termed as \textit{semi-passive IRS}, for localization. To be specific, the active sensors receive echo signals reflected by the target and apply signal processing techniques to estimate the target location. We consider the joint time-of-arrival (ToA) and direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation for localization and derive the corresponding Cram\'{e}r-Rao bound (CRB), and then a simple ToA/DoA estimator without iteration is proposed. In particular, the relationships of the CRB for ToA/DoA with the number of frames for IRS beam adjustments, number of IRS reflecting elements, and number of sensors are theoretically analyzed and demystified. Simulation results show that the proposed semi-passive IRS architecture provides sub-meter level positioning accuracy even over a long localization range from the BS to the target and also demonstrate a significant localization accuracy improvement compared to the fully passive IRS architecture.
3.Subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Muller codes
Authors:Philippe Gimenez, Diego Ruano, Rodrigo San-José
Abstract: Explicit bases for the subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Muller codes over the projective plane and their duals are obtained. In particular, we provide a formula for the dimension of these codes. For the general case over the projective space, we are able to generalize the necessary tools to deal with this case as well: we obtain a universal Gr\"obner basis for the vanishing ideal of the set of standard representatives of the projective space and we are able to reduce any monomial with respect to this Gr\"obner basis. With respect to the parameters of these codes, by considering subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Muller codes we are able to obtain long linear codes with good parameters over a small finite field.
4.RIS-Aided Index Modulation with Greedy Detection over Rician Fading Channels
Authors:Aritra Basu, Soumya P. Dash, Aryan Kaushik, Debasish Ghose, Marco Di Renzo, Yonina C. Eldar
Abstract: Index modulation schemes for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS)-assisted systems are envisioned as promising technologies for fifth-generation-advanced and sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication systems to enhance various system capabilities such as coverage area and network capacity. In this paper, we consider a receive diversity RIS-assisted wireless communication system employing IM schemes, namely, space-shift keying (SSK) for binary modulation and spatial modulation (SM) for M-ary modulation for data transmission. The RIS lies in close proximity to the transmitter, and the transmitted data is subjected to a fading environment with a prominent line-of-sight component modeled by a Rician distribution. A receiver structure based on a greedy detection rule is employed to select the receive diversity branch with the highest received signal energy for demodulation. The performance of the considered system is evaluated by obtaining a series-form expression for the probability of erroneous index detection (PED) of the considered target antenna using a characteristic function approach. In addition, closed-form and asymptotic expressions at high and low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) for the bit error rate (BER) for the SSK-based system, and the SM-based system employing M-ary phase-shift keying and M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation schemes, are derived. The dependencies of the system performance on the various parameters are corroborated via numerical results. The asymptotic expressions and results of PED and BER at high and low SNR values lead to the observation of a performance saturation and the presence of an SNR value as a point of inflection, which is attributed to the greedy detector's structure.
5.Age-Based Cache Updating Under Timestomping
Authors:Subhankar Banerjee, Priyanka Kaswan, Sennur Ulukus
Abstract: We consider a slotted communication system consisting of a source, a cache, a user and a timestomping adversary. The time horizon consists of total $T$ time slots, such that the source transmits update packets to the user directly over $T_{1}$ time slots and to the cache over $T_{2}$ time slots. We consider $T_{1}\ll T_{2}$, $T_{1}+T_{2} < T$, such that the source transmits to the user once between two consecutive cache updates. Update packets are marked with timestamps corresponding to their generation times at the source. All nodes have a buffer size of one and store the packet with the latest timestamp to minimize their age of information. In this setting, we consider the presence of an oblivious adversary that fully controls the communication link between the cache and the user. The adversary manipulates the timestamps of outgoing packets from the cache to the user, with the goal of bringing staleness at the user node. At each time slot, the adversary can choose to either forward the cached packet to the user, after changing its timestamp to current time $t$, thereby rebranding an old packet as a fresh packet and misleading the user into accepting it, or stay idle. The user compares the timestamps of every received packet with the latest packet in its possession to keep the fresher one and discard the staler packet. If the user receives update packets from both cache and source in a time slot, then the packet from source prevails. The goal of the source is to design an algorithm to minimize the average age at the user, and the goal of the adversary is to increase the average age at the user. We formulate this problem in an online learning setting and provide a fundamental lower bound on the competitive ratio for this problem. We further propose a deterministic algorithm with a provable guarantee on its competitive ratio.