Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 08 Sep 2023
1.Tapping into Permutation Symmetry for Improved Detection of k-Symmetric Extensions
Authors:Youning Li, Chao Zhang, Shi-Yao Hou, Zipeng Wu, Xuanran Zhu, Bei Zeng
Abstract: Symmetric extensions are essential in quantum mechanics, providing a lens to investigate the correlations of entangled quantum systems and to address challenges like the quantum marginal problem. Though semi-definite programming (SDP) is a recognized method for handling symmetric extensions, it grapples with computational constraints, especially due to the large real parameters in generalized qudit systems. In this study, we introduce an approach that adeptly leverages permutation symmetry. By fine-tuning the SDP problem for detecting \( k \)-symmetric extensions, our method markedly diminishes the searching space dimensionality and trims the number of parameters essential for positive definiteness tests. This leads to an algorithmic enhancement, reducing the complexity from \( O(d^{2k}) \) to \( O(k^{d^2}) \) in the qudit \( k \)-symmetric extension scenario. Additionally, our approach streamlines the process of verifying the positive definiteness of the results. These advancements pave the way for deeper insights into quantum correlations, highlighting potential avenues for refined research and innovations in quantum information theory.
2.Complete analysis of a realistic fiber-based quantum repeater scheme
Authors:Adam Kinos, Andreas Walther, Stefan Kröll, Lars Rippe
Abstract: We present a quantum repeater protocol for distributing entanglement over long distances, where each repeater node contains several qubits that can couple to one single-photon emitter. Photons from the emitters perform heralded entanglement generation between qubits in neighboring nodes. The protocol leaves the emitters disentangled from the qubits and photons, thus allowing them to be reused to entangle other qubits. The protocol can therefore be time multiplexed, which increases the rate of generated EPR pairs. Deterministic entanglement swapping and heralded entanglement purification are used to extend the distance of the entanglement and reduce the error of the entangled qubits, respectively. We perform a complete protocol analysis by considering all relevant error sources, such as initialization, two-qubit gate, and qubit measurement errors, as well as the exponential decoherence of the qubits with time. The latter is particularly important since we analyze the protocol performance for a broad range of experimental parameters and obtain secret key rates ranging from $1 \rightarrow 1000$ Hz at a distance of $1000$ km. Our results suggest that it is important to reach a qubit memory coherence time of around one second, and two-qubit gate and measurement errors in the order of $10^{-3}$ to obtain reasonable secret key rates over distances longer than achievable with direct transmission.
3.Comment on "Extending the Laws of Thermodynamics for Arbitrary Autonomous Quantum Systems"
Authors:Philipp Strasberg
Abstract: Recently, Elouard and Lombard Latune [PRX Quantum 4, 020309 (2023)] claimed to extend the laws of thermodynamics to "arbitrary quantum systems" valid "at any scale" using "consistent" definitions allowing them to "recover known results" from the literature. I show that their definitions are in conflict with textbook thermodynamics and over- or underestimate the real entropy production by orders of magnitude. The cause of this problem is traced back to problematic definitions of entropy and temperature, the latter, for instance, violates the zeroth law. It is pointed out that another framework presented in PRX Quantum 2, 030202 (2021) does not suffer from these problems, while Elouard and Lombard Latune falsely claim that it only provides a positive entropy production for a smaller class of initial states. A simple way to unify both approaches is also presented.
4.Extraction of Work via a Thermalization Protocol
Authors:Nicolò Piccione, Benedetto Militello, Anna Napoli, Bruno Bellomo
Abstract: This extended abstract contains an outline of the work reported at the conference IQIS2018. We show that it is possible to exploit a thermalization process to extract work from a resource system $R$ to a bipartite system $S$. To do this, we propose a simple protocol in a general setting in the presence of a single bath at temperature $T$ and then examine it when $S$ is described by the quantum Rabi model at $T=0$. We find the theoretical bounds of the protocol in the general case and we show that when applied to the Rabi model it gives rise to a satisfactory extraction of work and efficiency.
5.Optimal baseline exploitation in vertical dark-matter detectors based on atom interferometry
Authors:Fabio Di Pumpo, Alexander Friedrich, Enno Giese
Abstract: Several terrestrial detectors for gravitational waves and dark matter based on long-baseline atom interferometry are currently in the final planning stages or already under construction. These upcoming vertical sensors are inherently subject to gravity and thus feature gradiometer or multi-gradiometer configurations using single-photon transitions for large momentum transfer. While there has been significant progress on optimizing these experiments against detrimental noise sources and for deployment at their projected sites, finding optimal configurations that make the best use of the available resources are still an open issue. Even more, the fundamental limit of the device's sensitivity is still missing. Here we fill this gap and show that (a) resonant-mode detectors based on multi-diamond fountain gradiometers achieve the optimal, shot-noise limited, sensitivity if their height constitutes 20% of the available baseline; (b) this limit is independent of the dark-matter oscillation frequency; and (c) doubling the baseline decreases the ultimate measurement uncertainty by approximately 65%.
6.Estimation of photon number distribution and derivative characteristics of photon-pair sources
Authors:Sang Min Lee
Abstract: The evaluation of a photon-pair source employs metrics like photon-pair generation rate, heralding efficiency, and second-order correlation function, all of which are determined by the photon number distribution of the source. These metrics, however, can be altered due to spectral or spatial filtering and optical losses, leading to changes in the metric characteristics. In this paper, we theoretically describe these changes in the photon number distribution and the effect of noise counts. We also review the previous methods used for estimating these characteristics and the photon number distribution. Moreover, we introduce an improved methodology for estimating the photon number distribution, focusing on photon-pair sources, and discuss the accuracy of the calculated characteristics from the estimated (or reconstructed) photon number distribution through simulations and experiments.
7.Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology
Authors:Tobias Heindel, Je-Hyung Kim, Niels Gregersen, Armando Rastelli, Stephan Reitzenstein
Abstract: The generation, manipulation, storage, and detection of single photons play a central role in emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying qubits and transmit the quantum information at high speed and with low losses, for example between individual nodes of quantum networks. Due to the laws of quantum mechanics, quantum communication is fundamentally tap-proof, which explains the enormous interest in this modern information technology. On the other hand, stationary qubits or photonic states in quantum computers can potentially lead to enormous increases in performance through parallel data processing, to outperform classical computers in specific tasks when quantum advantage is achieved. Here, we discuss in depth the great potential of quantum dots (QDs) in photonic quantum information technology. In this context, QDs form a key resource for the implementation of quantum communication networks and photonic quantum computers because they can generate single photons on-demand. Moreover, QDs are compatible with the mature semiconductor technology, so that they can be integrated comparatively easily into nanophotonic structures, which form the basis for quantum light sources and integrated photonic quantum circuits. After a thematic introduction, we present modern numerical methods and theoretical approaches to device design and the physical description of quantum dot devices. We then present modern methods and technical solutions for the epitaxial growth and for the deterministic nanoprocessing of quantum devices based on QDs. Furthermore, we present the most promising concepts for quantum light sources and photonic quantum circuits that include single QDs as active elements and discuss applications of these novel devices in photonic quantum information technology. We close with an overview of open issues and an outlook on future developments.
8.Quasi-integrability and nonlinear resonances in cold atoms under modulation
Authors:Rahul Gupta, Manan Jain, Sudhir R. Jain
Abstract: Quantum dynamics of a collection of atoms subjected to phase modulation has been carefully revisited. We present an exact analysis of the evolution of a two-level system (represented by a spinor) under the action of a time-dependent matrix Hamiltonian. The dynamics is shown to evolve on two coupled potential energy surfaces, one of them binding while the other one scattering type. The dynamics is shown to be quasi-integrable with nonlinear resonances. The bounded dynamics with intermittent scattering at random moments presents the scenario reminiscent to Anderson and dynamical localization. We believe that a careful analytical investigation of a multi-component system which is classically non-integrable is relevant to many other fields, including quantum computation with multi-qubit system.
9.Fast, low-loss all-optical phase modulation in warm rubidium vapour
Authors:William Davis, Cameron McGarry, Tabijah Wasawo, Peter J Mosley, Joshua Nunn
Abstract: High-speed switching with low loss would be a versatile tool for photonic quantum technologies, with applications in state generation, multiplexing, and the implementation of quantum gates. Phase modulation is one method of achieving this switching, but existing optical phase modulators either achieve high bandwidth or low loss, but not both. We demonstrate fast ($100\,\mathrm{MHz}$) bandwidth), low-loss ($74(2)\,\%$) transmission) phase shifting ($\Delta\phi = (0.90(5))\pi$) in a signal field, induced by a control field, and mediated by the two-photon $5S_{1/2} \rightarrow{} 5P_{3/2} \rightarrow{} 5D_{5/2}$ transition in rubidium-87 vapour. We discuss routes to enhance both performance and scalability for application to a range of quantum and classical technologies.
10.Photon-noise-tolerant dispersive readout of a superconducting qubit using a nonlinear Purcell filter
Authors:Yoshiki Sunada, Kenshi Yuki, Zhiling Wang, Takeaki Miyamura, Jesper Ilves, Kohei Matsuura, Peter A. Spring, Shuhei Tamate, Shingo Kono, Yasunobu Nakamura
Abstract: Residual noise photons in a readout resonator become a major source of dephasing for a superconducting qubit when the resonator is optimized for a fast, high-fidelity dispersive readout. Here, we propose and demonstrate a nonlinear Purcell filter that suppresses such an undesired dephasing process without sacrificing the readout performance. When a readout pulse is applied, the filter automatically reduces the effective linewidth of the readout resonator, increasing the sensitivity of the qubit to the input field. The noise tolerance of the device we fabricated is shown to be enhanced by a factor of three relative to a device with a linear filter. The measurement rate is enhanced by another factor of three by utilizing the bifurcation of the nonlinear filter. A readout fidelity of 99.4% and a QND fidelity of 99.2% are achieved using a 40-ns readout pulse. The nonlinear Purcell filter will be an effective tool for realizing a fast, high-fidelity readout without compromising the coherence time of the qubit.
11.Quantum Ising model on two dimensional anti-de Sitter space
Authors:Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Simon Catterall, Yannick Meurice, Goksu Can Toga
Abstract: This paper investigates the transverse Ising model on a discretization of two-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. We use classical and quantum algorithms to simulate real-time evolution and measure out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOC). The latter can probe thermalization and scrambling of quantum information under time evolution. We compared tensor network-based methods both with simulation on gated-based superconducting quantum devices and analog quantum simulation using Rydberg arrays. While studying this system's thermalization properties, we observed different regimes depending on the radius of curvature of the space. In particular, we find a region of parameter space where the thermalization time depends only logarithmically on the number of degrees of freedom.
12.Modifying cooperative decay via disorder in atom arrays
Authors:Nik O. Gjonbalaj, Stefan Ostermann, Susanne F. Yelin
Abstract: Atomic arrays can exhibit collective light emission when the transition wavelength exceeds their lattice spacing. Subradiant states take advantage of this phenomenon to drastically reduce their overall decay rate, allowing for long-lived states in dissipative open systems. We build on previous work to investigate whether or not disorder can further decrease the decay rate of a singly-excited atomic array. More specifically, we consider spatial disorder of varying strengths in a 1D half waveguide and in 1D, 2D, and 3D atomic arrays in free space and analyze the effect on the most subradiant modes. While we confirm that the dilute half waveguide exhibits an analog of Anderson localization, the dense half waveguide and free space systems can be understood through the creation of close-packed, few-body subradiant states similar to those found in the Dicke limit. In general, we find that disorder provides little advantage in generating darker subradiant states in free space on average and will often accelerate decay. However, one could potentially change interatomic spacing within the array to engineer specific subradiant states.
13.Quantum work statistics of controlled evolutions
Authors:Steve Campbell
Abstract: We use the quantum work statistics to characterize the controlled dynamics governed by a counterdiabatic driving field. Focusing on the Shannon entropy of the work probability distribution, $P(W)$, we demonstrate that the thermodynamics of a controlled evolution serves as an insightful tool for studying the non-equilibrium dynamics of complex quantum systems. In particular, we show that the entropy of $P(W)$ recovers the expected scaling according to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the Landau-Zener model. Furthermore, we propose that the entropy of the work distribution provides a useful summary statistic for characterizing the need and complexity of the control fields for many-body systems.
14.Physics-Informed Neural Networks for an optimal counterdiabatic quantum computation
Authors:Antonio Ferrer-Sánchez, Carlos Flores-Garrigos, Carlos Hernani-Morales, José J. Orquín-Marqués, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Iraitz Montalban, Enrique Solano, Yolanda Vives-Gilabert, José D. Martín-Guerrero
Abstract: We introduce a novel methodology that leverages the strength of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to address the counterdiabatic (CD) protocol in the optimization of quantum circuits comprised of systems with $N_{Q}$ qubits. The primary objective is to utilize physics-inspired deep learning techniques to accurately solve the time evolution of the different physical observables within the quantum system. To accomplish this objective, we embed the necessary physical information into an underlying neural network to effectively tackle the problem. In particular, we impose the hermiticity condition on all physical observables and make use of the principle of least action, guaranteeing the acquisition of the most appropriate counterdiabatic terms based on the underlying physics. The proposed approach offers a dependable alternative to address the CD driving problem, free from the constraints typically encountered in previous methodologies relying on classical numerical approximations. Our method provides a general framework to obtain optimal results from the physical observables relevant to the problem, including the external parameterization in time known as scheduling function, the gauge potential or operator involving the non-adiabatic terms, as well as the temporal evolution of the energy levels of the system, among others. The main applications of this methodology have been the $\mathrm{H_{2}}$ and $\mathrm{LiH}$ molecules, represented by a 2-qubit and 4-qubit systems employing the STO-3G basis. The presented results demonstrate the successful derivation of a desirable decomposition for the non-adiabatic terms, achieved through a linear combination utilizing Pauli operators. This attribute confers significant advantages to its practical implementation within quantum computing algorithms.
15.Variational Quantum Approximate Spectral Clustering for Binary Clustering Problems
Authors:Hyeong-Gyu Kim, Siheon Park, June-Koo Kevin Rhee
Abstract: In quantum machine learning, algorithms with parameterized quantum circuits (PQC) based on a hardware-efficient ansatz (HEA) offer the potential for speed-ups over traditional classical algorithms. While much attention has been devoted to supervised learning tasks, unsupervised learning using PQC remains relatively unexplored. One promising approach within quantum machine learning involves optimizing fewer parameters in PQC than in its classical counterparts, under the assumption that a sub-optimal solution exists within the Hilbert space. In this paper, we introduce the Variational Quantum Approximate Spectral Clustering (VQASC) algorithm - a NISQ-compatible method that requires optimization of fewer parameters than the system size, N, traditionally required in classical problems. We present numerical results from both synthetic and real-world datasets. Furthermore, we propose a descriptor, complemented by numerical analysis, to identify an appropriate ansatz circuit tailored for VQASC.