Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Mon, 14 Aug 2023
1.Gate-tunable kinetic inductance parametric amplifier
Authors:Lukas Johannes Splitthoff, Jaap Joachim Wesdorp, Marta Pita-Vidal, Arno Bargerbos, Christian Kraglund Andersen
Abstract: Superconducting parametric amplifiers play a crucial role in the preparation and readout of quantum states at microwave frequencies, enabling high-fidelity measurements of superconducting qubits. Most existing implementations of these amplifiers rely on the nonlinearity from Josephson junctions, superconducting quantum interference devices or disordered superconductors. Additionally, frequency tunability arises typically from either flux or current biasing. In contrast, semiconductor-based parametric amplifiers are tunable by local electric fields, which impose a smaller thermal load on the cryogenic setup than current and flux biasing and lead to vanishing crosstalk to other on-chip quantum systems. In this work, we present a gate-tunable parametric amplifier that operates without Josephson junctions, utilizing a proximitized semiconducting nanowire. This design achieves near-quantum-limited performance, featuring more than 20 dB gain and a 30 MHz gain-bandwidth product. The absence of Josephson junctions allows for advantages, including substantial saturation powers of -120dBm, magnetic field compatibility up to 500 mT and frequency tunability over a range of 15 MHz. Our realization of a parametric amplifier supplements efforts towards gate-controlled superconducting electronics, further advancing the abilities for high-performing quantum measurements of semiconductor-based and superconducting quantum devices.
2.Robustness of entanglement-based discrete- and continuous-variable quantum key distribution against channel noise
Authors:Mikolaj Lasota, Olena Kovalenko, Vladyslav C. Usenko
Abstract: Discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) schemes constitute the two major families of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols. Unfortunately, since the setup elements required by these schemes are quite different, making a fair comparison of their potential performance in particular applications is often troublesome, limiting the experimenters' capability to choose an optimal solution. In this work we perform a general comparison of the major entanglement-based DV and CV QKD protocols in terms of their resistance to the channel noise, with the otherwise perfect setup, showing the definite superiority of the DV family. We analytically derive fundamental bounds on the tolerable channel noise and attenuation for entanglement-based CV QKD protocols. We also investigate the influence of DV QKD setup imperfections on the obtained results in order to determine benchmarks for the parameters of realistic photon sources and detectors, allowing the realistic DV protocols to outperform even the ideal CV QKD analogs. Our results indicate the realistic advantage of DV EPR-based schemes over their CV counterparts and suggests the practical efforts for maximizing this advantage.
3.Efficient learning of $t$-doped stabilizer states with single-copy measurements
Authors:Nai-Hui Chial, Ching-Yi Lai, Han-Hsuan Lin
Abstract: One of the primary objectives in the field of quantum state learning is to develop algorithms that are time-efficient for learning states generated from quantum circuits. Earlier investigations have demonstrated time-efficient algorithms for states generated from Clifford circuits with at most $\log(n)$ non-Clifford gates. However, these algorithms necessitate multi-copy measurements, posing implementation challenges in the near term due to the requisite quantum memory. On the contrary, using solely single-qubit measurements in the computational basis is insufficient in learning even the output distribution of a Clifford circuit with one additional $T$ gate under reasonable post-quantum cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we introduce an efficient quantum algorithm that employs only nonadaptive single-copy measurement to learn states produced by Clifford circuits with a maximum of $O(\log n)$ non-Clifford gates, filling a gap between the previous positive and negative results.
4.A simple construction of Entanglement Witnesses for arbitrary and different dimensions
Authors:Vahid Jannesary, Vahid Karimipour
Abstract: We present a simple approach for generation of a diverse set of positive maps between spaces of different dimensions. The proposed method enables the construction of Entanglement Witnesses tailored for systems characterized by $d_1 \times d_2$ dimensions. We also present an alternative argument for directly generating a wide range of Entanglement Witnesses in these dimensions. With this method, it is possible to construct Entanglement Witnesses that consist solely of a chosen set of desired measurements. We demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our approach using concrete examples.
5.Expanding bipartite Bell inequalities for maximum multi-partite randomness
Authors:Lewis Wooltorton, Peter Brown, Roger Colbeck
Abstract: Nonlocal tests on multipartite quantum correlations form the basis of protocols that certify randomness in a device-independent (DI) way. Such correlations admit a rich structure, making the task of choosing an appropriate test difficult. For example, extremal Bell inequalities are tight witnesses of nonlocality, however achieving their maximum violation places constraints on the underlying quantum system, which can reduce the rate of randomness generation. As a result there is often a trade-off between maximum randomness and the amount of violation of a given Bell inequality. Here, we explore this trade-off for more than two parties. More precisely, we study the maximum amount of randomness that can be certified by correlations exhibiting a violation of the Mermin-Ardehali-Belinskii-Klyshko (MABK) inequality. We find that maximum quantum violation and maximum randomness are incompatible for any even number of parties, with incompatibility diminishing as the number of parties grow, and conjecture the precise trade-off. We also show that maximum MABK violation is not necessary for maximum randomness for odd numbers of parties. To obtain our results, we derive new families of Bell inequalities certifying maximum randomness from a technique for randomness certification, which we call "expanding Bell inequalities". Our technique allows one to take a bipartite Bell expression, known as the seed, and transform it into a multipartite Bell inequality tailored for randomness certification, showing how intuition learned in the bipartite case can find use in more complex scenarios.
6.Tensor network decompositions for absolutely maximally entangled states
Authors:Balázs Pozsgay, Ian M. Wanless
Abstract: Absolutely maximally entangled (AME) states of $k$ qudits (also known as perfect tensors) are quantum states that have maximal entanglement for all possible bipartitions of the sites/parties. We consider the problem of whether such states can be decomposed into a tensor network with a small number of tensors, such that all physical and all auxiliary spaces have the same dimension $D$. We find that certain AME states with $k=6$ can be decomposed into a network with only three 4-leg tensors; we provide concrete solutions for local dimension $D=5$ and higher. Our result implies that certain AME states with six parties can be created with only three two-site unitaries from a product state of three Bell pairs, or equivalently, with six two-site unitaries acting on a product state on six qudits. We also consider the problem for $k=8$, where we find similar tensor network decompositions with six 4-leg tensors.
7.Smooth, invariant orthonormal basis for singular potential Schroedinger operators
Authors:J. Neuser, T. Thiemann
Abstract: In a recent contribution we showed that there exists a smooth, dense domain for singular potential Schr\"odinger operators on the real line which is invariant under taking derivatives of arbitrary order and under multiplication by positive and negative integer powers of the coordinate. Moreover, inner products between basis elements of that domain were shown to be easily computable analytically. A task left open was to construct an orthonormal basis from elements of that domain by using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalisation. We perform that step in the present manuscript. We also consider the application of these methods to the positive real line for which one can no longer perform the integrals analytically but for which one can give tight analytical estimates.
8.Efficient Characterizations of Multiphoton States with Ultra-thin Integrated Photonics
Authors:Kui An, Zilei Liu, Ting Zhang, Siqi Li, You Zhou, Xiao Yuan, Leiran Wang, Wenfu Zhang, Guoxi Wang, He Lu
Abstract: Metasurface enables the generation and manipulation of multiphoton entanglement with flat optics, providing a more efficient platform for large-scale photonic quantum information processing. Here, we show that a single metasurface optical chip would allow more efficient characterizations of multiphoton entangled states, such as shadow tomography, which generally requires fast and complicated control of optical setups to perform projective measurements in different bases, a demanding task using conventional optics. The compact and stable device here allows implementations of general positive observable value measures with a reduced sample complexity and significantly alleviates the experimental complexity to implement shadow tomography. Integrating self-learning and calibration algorithms, we observe notable advantages in the reconstruction of multiphoton entanglement, including using fewer measurements, having higher accuracy, and being robust against optical loss. Our work unveils the feasibility of metasurface as a favorable integrated optical device for efficient characterization of multiphoton entanglement, and sheds light on scalable photonic quantum technologies with ultra-thin integrated optics.
9.Quantification of Entanglement and Coherence with Purity Detection
Authors:Ting Zhang, Graeme Smith, John A. Smolin, Lu Liu, Xu-Jie Peng, Qi Zhao, Davide Girolami, Xiongfeng Ma, Xiao Yuan, He Lu
Abstract: Entanglement and coherence are fundamental properties of quantum systems, promising to power the near future quantum technologies. Yet, their quantification, rather than mere detection, generally requires reconstructing the spectrum of quantum states, i.e., experimentally challenging measurement sets that increase exponentially with the system size. Here, we demonstrate quantitative bounds to operationally useful entanglement and coherence that are universally valid, analytically computable, and experimentally friendly. Specifically, our main theoretical results are lower and upper bounds to the coherent information and the relative entropy of coherence in terms of local and global purities of quantum states. To validate our proposal, we experimentally implement two purity detection methods in an optical system: shadow estimation with random measurements and collective measurements on pairs of state copies. The experiment shows that both the coherent information and the relative entropy of coherence of pure and mixed unknown quantum states can be bounded by purity functions. Our research offers an efficient means of verifying large-scale quantum information processing without spectrum reconstruction.
10.Applicability of QKD: TerraQuantum view on the NSA's scepticism
Authors:D. Sych, A. Kodukhov, V. Pastushenko, N. Kirsanov, D. Kronberg, M. Pflitsch
Abstract: Quantum communication offers unique features that have no classical analog, in particular, it enables provably secure quantum key distribution (QKD). Despite the benefits of quantum communication are well understood within the scientific community, the practical implementations sometimes meet with scepticism or even resistance. In a recent publication [1], NSA claims that QKD is inferior to "quantum-resistant" cryptography and does not recommend it for use. Here we show that such a sceptical approach to evaluation of quantum security is not well justified. We hope that our arguments will be helpful to clarify the issue.
11.Microwave photon detection at parametric criticality
Authors:Kirill Petrovnin, Jiaming Wang, Michael Perelshtein, Pertti Hakonen, Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu
Abstract: The detection of microwave fields at single-photon power levels is a much sought-after technology, with practical applications in nanoelectronics and quantum information science. Here we demonstrate a simple yet powerful criticality-enhanced method of microwave photon detection by operating a magnetic-field tunable Kerr Josephson parametric amplifier near a first-order quantum phase transition. We obtain a 73% efficiency and a dark-count rate of 167 kHz, corresponding to a responsivity of $1.3 \times 10^{17}~\mathrm{W}^{-1}$ and noise-equivalent power of 3.28 zW/$\sqrt{\rm Hz}$. We verify the single-photon operation by extracting the Poissonian statistics of a coherent probe signal.
12.Long-range Ising spins models emerging from frustrated Josephson junctions arrays with topological constraints
Authors:Oliver Neyenhuys, Mikhail V. Fistul, Ilya M. Eremin
Abstract: Geometrical frustration in correlated systems can give rise to a plethora of novel ordered states and intriguing phases. Here, we analyze theoretically vertex-sharing frustrated Kagome lattice of Josephson junctions and identify various classical and quantum phases. The frustration is provided by periodically arranged $0$- and $\pi$- Josephson junctions. In the frustrated regime the macroscopic phases are composed of different patterns of vortex/antivortex penetrating each basic element of the Kagome lattice, i.e., a superconducting triangle interrupted by three Josephson junctions. We obtain that numerous topological constraints, related to the flux quantization in any hexagon loop, lead to highly anisotropic and long-range interaction between well separated vortices (antivortices). Taking into account this interaction and a possibility of macroscopic "tunneling" between vortex and antivortex in single superconducting triangles we derive an effective Ising-type spin Hamiltonian with strongly anisotropic long-range interaction. In the classically frustrated regime we calculate numerically the temperature-dependent spatially averaged spins polarization, $\overline{m}(T)$, characterizing the crossover between the ordered and disordered vortex/antivortex states. In the coherent quantum regime we analyze the lifting of the degeneracy of the ground state and the appearance of the highly entangled states.
13.Relation between quantum illumination and quantum parameter estimation
Authors:Wei Zhong, Wen-Yi Zhu, Yang Li, Lan Zhou, Ming-Ming Du, Yu-Bo Sheng
Abstract: Quantum illumination (QI) leverages entangled lights to detect the potential presence of low-reflective objects in a region surrounded by a thermal bath. Homologously, quantum parameter estimation utilizes non-classical probes to accurately estimate the value of the unknown parameter(s) of interest in a system. There appears to be a certain connection between these two areas. However, they are commonly studied using different figures of merit: signal-to-noise ratio and quantum Fisher information. In this study, we prove that the two measures are equivalent to QI in the limit of zero object reflectivity. We further demonstrate this equivalence by investigating QI protocols employing non-Gaussian states, which are obtained by de-Gaussifying the two-mode squeezed vacuum state with photon addition and photon subtraction. However, our analysis leads to a no-go result which demonstrates that de-Gaussification operations do not offer an advantage compared to the null case.
14.IQP Sampling and Verifiable Quantum Advantage: Stabilizer Scheme and Classical Security
Authors:Michael J. Bremner, Bin Cheng, Zhengfeng Ji
Abstract: Sampling problems demonstrating beyond classical computing power with noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices have been experimentally realized. In those realizations, however, our trust that the quantum devices faithfully solve the claimed sampling problems is usually limited to simulations of smaller-scale instances and is, therefore, indirect. The problem of verifiable quantum advantage aims to resolve this critical issue and provides us with greater confidence in a claimed advantage. Instantaneous quantum polynomial-time (IQP) sampling has been proposed to achieve beyond classical capabilities with a verifiable scheme based on quadratic-residue codes (QRC). Unfortunately, this verification scheme was recently broken by an attack proposed by Kahanamoku-Meyer. In this work, we revive IQP-based verifiable quantum advantage by making two major contributions. Firstly, we introduce a family of IQP sampling protocols called the \emph{stabilizer scheme}, which builds on results linking IQP circuits, the stabilizer formalism, coding theory, and an efficient characterization of IQP circuit correlation functions. This construction extends the scope of existing IQP-based schemes while maintaining their simplicity and verifiability. Secondly, we introduce the \emph{Hidden Structured Code} (HSC) problem as a well-defined mathematical challenge that underlies the stabilizer scheme. To assess classical security, we explore a class of attacks based on secret extraction, including the Kahanamoku-Meyer's attack as a special case. We provide evidence of the security of the stabilizer scheme, assuming the hardness of the HSC problem. We also point out that the vulnerability observed in the original QRC scheme is primarily attributed to inappropriate parameter choices, which can be naturally rectified with proper parameter settings.
15.Nanoelectromechanical control of spin-photon interfaces in a hybrid quantum system on chip
Authors:Genevieve Clark, Hamza Raniwala, Matthew Koppa, Kevin Chen, Andrew Leenheer, Matthew Zimmermann, Mark Dong, Linsen Li, Y. Henry Wen, Daniel Dominguez, Matthew Trusheim, Gerald Gilbert, Matt Eichenfield, Dirk Englund
Abstract: Atom-like defects or color centers (CC's) in nanostructured diamond are a leading platform for optically linked quantum technologies, with recent advances including memory-enhanced quantum communication, multi-node quantum networks, and spin-mediated generation of photonic cluster states. Scaling to practically useful applications motivates architectures meeting the following criteria: C1 individual optical addressing of spin qubits; C2 frequency tuning of CC spin-dependent optical transitions; C3 coherent spin control in CC ground states; C4 active photon routing; C5 scalable manufacturability; and C6 low on-chip power dissipation for cryogenic operations. However, no architecture meeting C1-C6 has thus far been demonstrated. Here, we introduce a hybrid quantum system-on-chip (HQ-SoC) architecture that simultaneously achieves C1-C6. Key to this advance is the realization of piezoelectric strain control of diamond waveguide-coupled tin vacancy centers to meet C2 and C3, with ultra-low power dissipation necessary for C6. The DC response of our device allows emitter transition tuning by over 20 GHz, while the large frequency range (exceeding 2 GHz) enables low-power AC control. We show acoustic manipulation of integrated tin vacancy spins and estimate single-phonon coupling rates over 1 kHz in the resolved sideband regime. Combined with high-speed optical routing with negligible static hold power, this HQ-SoC platform opens the path to scalable single-qubit control with optically mediated entangling gates.
16.Genuine nonlocality of generalized GHZ states in many-partite systems
Authors:Zong-Xing Xiong, Yongli Zhang
Abstract: A set of orthogonal multipartite quantum states is said to be distinguishability-based genuinely nonlocal (also genuinely nonlocal, for abbreviation) if the states are locally indistinguishable across any bipartition of the subsystems. In this work, we study the (distinguishability-based) genuine nonlocality of the generalized GHZ states, primarily for the case when a large number of partites are considered. For the N-qubit case, we show that genuinely nonlocal subsets of the GHZ basis with cardianlity {\Theta}(2^(N/2)) exist. We also generalize this result to the cases when d > 2 is an even number.
17.A proposal for detecting the spin of a single electron in superfluid helium
Authors:Jinyong Ma, Y. S. S. Patil, Jiaxin Yu, Yiqi Wang, J. G. E. Harris
Abstract: The electron bubble in superfluid helium has two degrees of freedom that may offer exceptionally low dissipation: the electron's spin and the bubble's motion. If these degrees of freedom can be read out and controlled with sufficient sensitivity, they would provide a novel platform for realizing a range of quantum technologies and for exploring open questions in the physics of superfluid helium. Here we propose a practical scheme for accomplishing this by trapping an electron bubble inside a superfluid-filled opto-acoustic cavity.
18.Efficient Learning of Quantum States Prepared With Few Non-Clifford Gates II: Single-Copy Measurements
Authors:Sabee Grewal, Vishnu Iyer, William Kretschmer, Daniel Liang
Abstract: Recent work has shown that $n$-qubit quantum states output by circuits with at most $t$ single-qubit non-Clifford gates can be learned to trace distance $\epsilon$ using $\mathsf{poly}(n,2^t,1/\epsilon)$ time and samples. All prior algorithms achieving this runtime use entangled measurements across two copies of the input state. In this work, we give a similarly efficient algorithm that learns the same class of states using only single-copy measurements.
19.de Broglie-Bohm analysis of a nonlinear membrane: From quantum to classical chaos
Authors:Henrique Santos Lima, Matheus M. A. Paixão, Constantino Tsallis
Abstract: Within the de Broglie-Bohm theory, we numerically study a generic two-dimensional anharmonic oscillator including cubic and quartic interactions. Our analysis of the quantum velocity fields and trajectories reveals the emergence of dynamical vortices. In their vicinity, fingerprints of chaotic behavior such as unpredictability and sensitivity to initial conditions are detected. The simultaneous presence of off-diagonal and nonlinear terms leads to robust quantum chaos very analogous to its classical version.
20.A qubit-ADAPT Implementation for H$_2$ Molecules using an Explicitly Correlated Basis
Authors:Hakon Volkmann AG Moderne Optik, Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Raamamurthy Sathyanarayanan AG Moderne Optik, Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Alejandro Saenz AG Moderne Optik, Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Karl Jansen CQTA, DESY Zeuthen, Germany, and Computation-Based Science and Technology Research Center, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, Stefan Kühn CQTA, DESY Zeuthen, Germany, and Computation-Based Science and Technology Research Center, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
Abstract: With the recent advances in the development of devices capable of performing quantum computations, a growing interest in finding near-term applications has emerged in many areas of science. In the era of non-fault tolerant quantum devices, algorithms that only require comparably short circuits accompanied by high repetition rates are considered to be a promising approach for assisting classical machines with finding solution on computationally hard problems. The ADAPT approach previously introduced in Nat. Commun. 10, 3007 (2019) extends the class of variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithms with dynamically growing ans\"atze in order to find approximations to ground and excited state energies of molecules. In this work, the ADAPT algorithm has been combined with a first-quantized formulation for the hydrogen molecule in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, employing the explicitly correlated basis functions introduced in J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2429 (1965). By the virtue of their explicit electronic correlation properties, it is shown in classically performed simulations that relatively short circuits yield chemical accuracy ($< 1.6$ mHa) for ground and excited state potential curves that can compete with second quantized approaches such as Unitary Coupled Cluster.
21.Detecting changes to sub-diffraction objects with quantum-optimal speed and accuracy
Authors:Michael R Grace, Saikat Guha, Zachary Dutton
Abstract: Detecting if and when objects change is difficult in passive sub-diffraction imaging of dynamic scenes. We consider the best possible tradeoff between responsivity and accuracy for detecting a change from one arbitrary object model to another in the context of sub-diffraction incoherent imaging. We analytically evaluate the best possible average latency, for a fixed false alarm rate, optimizing over all physically allowed measurements of the optical field collected by a finite 2D aperture. We find that direct focal-plane detection of the incident optical intensity achieves sub-optimal detection latencies compared to the best possible average latency, but that a three-mode spatial-mode demultiplexing measurement in concert with on-line statistical processing using the well-known CUSUM algorithm achieves this quantum limit for sub-diffraction objects. We verify these results via Monte Carlo simulation of the change detection procedure and quantify a growing gap between the conventional and quantum-optimal receivers as the objects are more and more diffraction-limited.
22.The distinctive symmetry of Bell states
Authors:Alejandro Hnilo
Abstract: The Bell's basis is composed of four maximally entangled states of two qubits, named Bell states. They are usual tools in many theoretical studies and experiments. The aim of this paper is to find out the symmetries that determine a Bell state. For this purpose, starting from a general density matrix, physical constraints and symmetry conditions are added until the elements of the Bell's basis are univocally determined. It is found that the usual physical constraints and symmetry conditions do not suffice to determine a Bell state. The additional restriction needed is named here atomic symmetry. It is a sort of global symmetry of the system, not derived from the action = reaction law. It is also found that the imperfection in fulfilling the atomic symmetry is linearly proportional to the deviation of the Concurrence from its maximum value. The atomic symmetry allows a different insight on the nature of entanglement, and might be useful as a criterion to define the condition of maximal entanglement for states with more than two qubits.
23.Electronic states in a quantum Beltrami surface
Authors:J. Furtado
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the influence of the geometry in the electronic states of a quantum Beltrami surface. We have considered an electron governed by the spinless stationary Schr\"{o}dinger equation constrained to move on the Beltrami surface due to a confining potential from which the Da Costa potential emerges. We investigate the role played by the geometry and orbital angular momentum on the electronic states of the system.