Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 05 May 2023
1.Quantum battery based on dipole-dipole interaction and external driving field
Authors:Wuji Zhang, Shuyue Wang, Chunfeng Wu, Gangcheng Wang
Abstract: The Dicke model is a fundamental model in quantum optics, which describes the interaction between quantum cavity field and a large ensemble of two-level atoms. In this work, we propose an efficient charging quantum battery achieved by considering an extension Dicke model with dipole-dipole interaction and an external driving field. We focus on the influence of the atomic interaction and the driving field on the performance of the quantum battery during the charging process and find that the maximum stored energy exhibits a critical phenomenon. The maximum stored energy and maximum charging power are investigated by varying the number of atoms. When the coupling between atoms and cavity is not very strong, compared to the Dicke quantum battery, such quantum battery can achieve more stable and faster charging. In addition, the maximum charging power approximately satisfies a superlinear scaling relation $P_{\rm max}\varpropto\beta N^{\alpha}$, where the quantum advantage $\alpha=1.6$ can be reached via optimizing the parameters.
2.Nonreciprocal Entanglement in Cavity-Magnon Optomechanics
Authors:Jiaojiao Chen, Xiao-Gang Fan, Wei Xiong, Dong Wang, Liu Ye
Abstract: Cavity optomechanics, a promising platform to investigate macroscopic quantum effects, has been widely used to study nonreciprocal entanglement with Sagnec effect. Here we propose an alternative way to realize nonreciprocal entanglemment among magnons, photons, and phonons in a hybrid cavity-magnon optomechanics, where magnon Kerr effect is used. We show that the Kerr effect gives rise to a magnon frequency shift and an additional two-magnon effect. Both of them can be tuned from positive to negative via tuning the magectic field direction, leading to nonreciprocity. By tuning system parameters such as magnon frequency detuning or the coefficient of the two-magnon effect, bipartite and tripartite entanglements can be nonreciprocally enhanced. By further studying the defined bidirectional contrast ratio, we find that nonreciprocity in our system can be switch on and off, and can be engineered by the bath temperature. Our proposal not only provides a potential path to demonstrate nonreciprocal entanglement with the magnon Kerr effect, but also opens a direction to engineer and design diverse nonreciprocal devices in hybrid cavity-magnon optomechanics with nonlinear effects.
3.Whence Nonlocality?
Authors:Aurélien Drezet
Abstract: In this chapter we discuss the Einstein Podolsky Rosen theorem and its strong relation with Bell's theorem. We clarify some ambiguities concerning `local-realism' and emphasize that neither realism nor determinism nor counterfactual definiteness are prerequisite of these theorems.
4.Evidence that PUBO outperforms QUBO when solving continuous optimization problems with the QAOA
Authors:Jonas Stein, Farbod Chamanian, Maximilian Zorn, Jonas Nüßlein, Sebastian Zielinski, Michael Kölle, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Abstract: Quantum computing provides powerful algorithmic tools that have been shown to outperform established classical solvers in specific optimization tasks. A core step in solving optimization problems with known quantum algorithms such as the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is the problem formulation. While quantum optimization has historically centered around Quadratic Unconstrained Optimization (QUBO) problems, recent studies show, that many combinatorial problems such as the TSP can be solved more efficiently in their native Polynomial Unconstrained Optimization (PUBO) forms. As many optimization problems in practice also contain continuous variables, our contribution investigates the performance of the QAOA in solving continuous optimization problems when using PUBO and QUBO formulations. Our extensive evaluation on suitable benchmark functions, shows that PUBO formulations generally yield better results, while requiring less qubits. As the multi-qubit interactions needed for the PUBO variant have to be decomposed using the hardware gates available, i.e., currently single- and two-qubit gates, the circuit depth of the PUBO approach outscales its QUBO alternative roughly linearly in the order of the objective function. However, incorporating the planned addition of native multi-qubit gates such as the global Molmer-Sorenson gate, our experiments indicate that PUBO outperforms QUBO for higher order continuous optimization problems in general.
5.Erasure conversion in a high-fidelity Rydberg quantum simulator
Authors:Pascal Scholl, Adam L. Shaw, Richard Bing-Shiun Tsai, Ran Finkelstein, Joonhee Choi, Manuel Endres
Abstract: Minimizing and understanding errors is critical for quantum science, both in noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices and for the quest towards fault-tolerant quantum computation. Rydberg arrays have emerged as a prominent platform in this context with impressive system sizes and proposals suggesting how error-correction thresholds could be significantly improved by detecting leakage errors with single-atom resolution, a form of erasure error conversion. However, two-qubit entanglement fidelities in Rydberg atom arrays have lagged behind competitors and this type of erasure conversion is yet to be realized for matter-based qubits in general. Here we demonstrate both erasure conversion and high-fidelity Bell state generation using a Rydberg quantum simulator. We implement erasure conversion via fast imaging of alkaline-earth atoms, which leaves atoms in a metastable state unperturbed and yields additional information independent of the final qubit readout. When excising data with observed erasure errors, we achieve a lower-bound for the Bell state generation fidelity of ${\geq} 0.9971^{+10}_{-13}$, which improves to ${\geq}0.9985^{+7}_{-12}$ when correcting for remaining state preparation errors. We further demonstrate erasure conversion in a quantum simulation experiment for quasi-adiabatic preparation of long-range order across a quantum phase transition, where we explicitly differentiate erasure conversion of preparation and Rydberg decay errors. We unveil the otherwise hidden impact of these errors on the simulation outcome by evaluating correlations between erasures and the final readout as well as between erasures themselves. Our work demonstrates the capability for Rydberg-based entanglement to reach fidelities in the ${\sim} 0.999$ regime, with higher fidelities a question of technical improvements, and shows how erasure conversion can be utilized in NISQ devices.
6.Silicon photonics-integrated time-domain balanced homodyne detector in continuous-variable quantum key distribution
Authors:Yanxiang Jia, Xuyang Wang, Xiao Hu, Xin Hua, Yu Zhang, Xubo Guo, Shengxiang Zhang, Xi Xiao, Shaohua Yu, Jun Zou, Yongmin Li
Abstract: We designed and experimentally demonstrated a silicon photonics-integrated time-domain balanced homodyne detector (TBHD), whose optical part has dimensions of 1.5 mm * 0.4 mm. To automatically and accurately balance the detector, new variable optical attenuators were used, and a common mode rejection ratio of 86.9 dB could be achieved. In the quantum tomography experiment, the density matrix and Wigner function of a coherent state were reconstructed with 99.97 % fidelity. The feasibility of this TBHD in a continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) system was also demonstrated. This facilitates the integration of the optical circuits of the CVQKD system based on the GG02 protocol on the silicon photonics chip using TBHD.
7.Invasiveness of non-equilibrium quantum thermometry
Authors:Francesco Albarelli, Matteo G. A. Paris, Bassano Vacchini, Andrea Smirne
Abstract: One of the main advantages expected from using quantum probes as thermometers is non invasiveness, i.e., a negligible perturbation to the thermal sample. However, invasiveness is rarely investigated explicitly. Here, focusing on a pure-dephasing spin probe in a bosonic sample, we show that there is a non-trivial relation between the information on the temperature gained by a quantum probe and the heat absorbed by the sample due to the interaction. We show that optimizing over the probing time, i.e. considering a time-optimal probing scheme, also has the benefit of limiting the heat absorbed by the sample in each shot of the experiment. For such time-optimal protocols, we show that it is advantageous to have very strong probe-sample coupling, since in this regime the accuracy increases linearly with the coupling strength, while the amount of heat per shot saturates to a finite value. Since in pure-dephasing models the absorbed heat corresponds to the external work needed to couple and decouple the probe and the sample, our results also represent a first step towards the analysis of the thermodynamic and energetic cost of quantum thermometry.
8.Bosonic Nevanlinna Analytic Continuation
Authors:Kosuke Nogaki, Hiroshi Shinaoka
Abstract: Analytical continuation (AC) connects theoretical calculations and experimentally measurable quantities. The recently proposed Nevanlinna AC method is capable of accurately reproducing the sharp features of spectral functions at high frequencies while maintaining the causality of the response function. However, their use is currently limited to fermions. Here, we present an extension of this method to bosons using the hyperbolic tangent trick, allowing us to transform bosons into auxiliary fermions to which the Nevanlinna analytic continuation can be applied.
9.Breaking the entangling gate speed limit for trapped-ion qubits using a phase-stable standing wave
Authors:S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, M. Minder, P. Drmota, D. J. Webb, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance
Abstract: All laser-driven entangling operations for trapped-ion qubits have hitherto been performed without control of the optical phase of the light field, which precludes independent tuning of the carrier and motional coupling. By placing $^{88}$Sr$^+$ ions in a $\lambda=674$ nm standing wave, whose relative position is controlled to $\approx\lambda/100$, we suppress the carrier coupling by a factor of $18$, while coherently enhancing the spin-motion coupling. We experimentally demonstrate that the off-resonant carrier coupling imposes a speed limit for conventional traveling-wave M{\o}lmer-S{\o}rensen gates; we use the standing wave to surpass this limit and achieve a gate duration of $15\ \mu$s, restricted by the available laser power.
10.Parallelization of frequency domain quantum gates: manipulation and distribution of frequency-entangled photon pairs generated by a 21 GHz silicon micro-resonator
Authors:Antoine Henry, Dario Fioretto, Lorenzo M. Procopio, Stéphane Monfray, Frédéric Boeuf, Laurent Vivien, Eric Cassan, Carlos Ramos, Kamel Bencheikh, Isabelle Zaquine, Nadia Belabas
Abstract: Harnessing the frequency dimension in integrated photonics offers key advantages in terms of scalability, noise resilience, parallelization and compatibility with telecom multiplexing techniques. Integrated ring resonators have been used to generate frequency-entangled states through spontaneous four-wave-mixing. However, state-of-the-art integrated resonators are limited by trade-offs in size, number of frequency modes and spectral separation. We have developed silicon ring resonators with a foot-print below 0.05 mm2 providing more than 70 frequency channels separated by 21 GHz. We exploit the narrow frequency separation to parallelize and independently control 34 single qubit-gates with off-the-shelf electro-optic devices. This allows to fully characterize 17 frequency-bin maximally-entangled qubit pairs by performing quantum state tomography. We demonstrate for the first time a fully connected 5-user quantum network in the frequency domain. These results are a step towards a new generation of quantum circuits implemented with scalable silicon photonics technology, for applications in quantum computing and secure communications.
11.Catalytic and asymptotic equivalence for quantum entanglement
Authors:Ray Ganardi, Tulja Varun Kondra, Alexander Streltsov
Abstract: Entanglement is a fundamental resource in quantum information processing, yet understanding its manipulation and transformation remains a challenge. Many tasks rely on highly entangled pure states, but obtaining such states is often challenging due to the presence of noise. Typically, entanglement manipulation procedures involving asymptotically many copies of a state are considered to overcome this problem. These procedures allow for distilling highly entangled pure states from noisy states, which enables a wide range of applications, such as quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography. When it comes to manipulating entangled quantum systems on a single copy level, using entangled states as catalysts can significantly broaden the range of achievable transformations. Similar to the concept of catalysis in chemistry, the entangled catalyst is returned unchanged at the end of the state manipulation procedure. Our results demonstrate that despite the apparent conceptual differences between the asymptotic and catalytic settings, they are actually strongly connected and fully equivalent for all distillable states. Our methods rely on the analysis of many-copy entanglement manipulation procedures which may establish correlations between different copies. As an important consequence, we demonstrate that using an entangled catalyst cannot enhance the asymptotic singlet distillation rate of a distillable quantum state. Our findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and limitations of both catalytic and asymptotic state transformations of entangled states, and highlight the importance of correlations in these processes.
12.Catalysis cannot overcome bound entanglement
Authors:Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula, Alexander Streltsov
Abstract: The use of ancillary quantum systems known as catalysts is known to be able to enhance the capabilities of entanglement transformations under local operations and classical communication. However, the limits of such advantages have not been determined, and in particular it is not known if such assistance can overcome the known restrictions on asymptotic transformation rates - notably the existence of bound entangled (undistillable) states. Here we establish a general limitation of entanglement catalysis: we show that catalytic transformations can never allow for the distillation of entanglement from a bound entangled state, even if the catalyst may become correlated with the system of interest, and even under permissive choices of free operations. This precludes the possibility that catalysis can make entanglement theory asymptotically reversible. Our methods are based on new asymptotic bounds for the distillable entanglement and entanglement cost assisted by correlated catalysts. Extending our methods beyond entanglement theory, we show that catalysts also cannot enable reversibility in the manipulation of quantum coherence, establishing even stronger restrictions on asymptotic catalytic transformations in this resource theory.
13.ResQNets: A Residual Approach for Mitigating Barren Plateaus in Quantum Neural Networks
Authors:Muhammad Kashif, Saif Al-kuwari
Abstract: The barren plateau problem in quantum neural networks (QNNs) is a significant challenge that hinders the practical success of QNNs. In this paper, we introduce residual quantum neural networks (ResQNets) as a solution to address this problem. ResQNets are inspired by classical residual neural networks and involve splitting the conventional QNN architecture into multiple quantum nodes, each containing its own parameterized quantum circuit, and introducing residual connections between these nodes. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of ResQNets by comparing their performance with that of conventional QNNs and plain quantum neural networks (PlainQNets) through multiple training experiments and analyzing the cost function landscapes. Our results show that the incorporation of residual connections results in improved training performance. Therefore, we conclude that ResQNets offer a promising solution to overcome the barren plateau problem in QNNs and provide a potential direction for future research in the field of quantum machine learning.
14.Coherent interface between optical and microwave photons on an integrated superconducting atom chip
Authors:David Petrosyan, József Fortágh, Gershon Kurizki
Abstract: Sub-wavelength arrays of atoms exhibit remarkable optical properties, analogous to those of phased array antennas, such as collimated directional emission or nearly perfect reflection of light near the collective resonance frequency. We propose to use a single-sheet sub-wavelength array of atoms as a switchable mirror to achieve a coherent interface between propagating optical photons and microwave photons in a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator. In the proposed setup, the atomic array is located near the surface of the integrated superconducting chip containing the microwave cavity and optical waveguide. A driving laser couples the excited atomic state to Rydberg states with strong microwave transition. Then the presence or absence of a microwave photon in the superconducting cavity makes the atomic array transparent or reflective to the incoming optical pulses of proper frequency and finite bandwidth.
15.Collateral coupling between superconducting resonators: Fast and high fidelity generation of qudit-qudit entanglement
Authors:Pedro Rosario, Alan C. Santos, Celso Jorge Villas-Boas, Romain Bachelard
Abstract: Superconducting circuits are highly controllable platforms to manipulate quantum states, which make them particularly promising for quantum information processing. We here show how the existence of a distance-independent interaction between microwave resonators coupled capacitively through a qubit offers a new control parameter toward this goal. This interaction is able to induce an idling point between resonant resonators, and its state-dependent nature allows one to control the flow of information between the resonators. The advantage of this scheme over previous one is demonstrated through the generation of high-fidelity NOON states between the resonators, with a lower number of operations than previous schemes. Beyond superconducting circuits, our proposal could also apply to atomic lattices with clock transitions in optical cavities, for example.
16.Generalized Time-bin Quantum Random Number Generator with Uncharacterized Devices
Authors:Hamid Tebyanian, Mujtaba Zahidy, Ronny Müller, Søren Forchhammer, Davide Bacco, Leif. K. Oxenløwe
Abstract: Random number generators (RNG) based on quantum mechanics are captivating due to their security and unpredictability compared to conventional generators, such as pseudo-random number generators and hardware-random number generators. This work analyzes evolutions in the extractable amount of randomness with increasing the Hilbert space dimension, state preparation subspace, or measurement subspace in a class of semi-device-independent quantum-RNG, where bounding the states' overlap is the core assumption, built on the prepare-and-measure scheme. We further discuss the effect of these factors on the complexity and draw a conclusion on the optimal scenario. We investigate the generic case of time-bin encoding scheme, define various input (state preparation) and outcome (measurement) subspaces, and discuss the optimal scenarios to obtain maximum entropy. Several input designs were experimentally tested and analyzed for their conceivable outcome arrangements. We evaluated their performance by considering the device's imperfections, particularly the after-pulsing effect and dark counts of the detectors. Finally, we demonstrate that this approach can boost the system entropy, resulting in more extractable randomness.
17.Phase-locking an interferometer with single-photon detections
Authors:Bastian Hacker, Kevin Günthner, Conrad Rößler, Christoph Marquardt
Abstract: We report on a novel phase-locking technique for fiber-based Mach-Zehnder interferometers based on discrete single-photon detections, and demonstrate this in a setup. Our interferometer decodes relative-phase-encoded optical pulse pairs for quantum key distribution applications and requires no locking laser in addition to the weak received signal. Our new simple locking scheme is shown to produce an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dynamic and achieve optimal phase noise for a given count rate. In case of wavelength drifts that arise during the reception of Doppler-shifted satellite signals, the arm-length difference gets continuously readjusted to keep the interferometer phase stable.
18.Suppression of dark-state polariton collapses in cold-atom quantum memory
Authors:Katja Gosar, Vesna Pirc Jevšenak, Tadej Mežnaršič, Samo Beguš, Tomasz Krehlik, Dušan Ponikvar, Erik Zupanič, Peter Jeglič
Abstract: We observe dark-state polariton collapses and revivals in a quantum memory based on electromagnetically induced transparency on a cloud of cold cesium atoms in a magnetic field. Using $\sigma^+$ polarized signal and control beams in the direction of the magnetic field, we suppress the dark-state polariton collapses by polarizing the atoms towards one of the stretched Zeeman states and optimizing the frequency detuning of the control beam. In this way, we demonstrate a quantum memory with only partial dark-state polariton collapses, making the memory usable at any storage time, not only at discretized times of revivals. We obtain storage time of more than 400 $\rm{\mu}$s, which is ten times longer than what we can achieve by trying to annul the magnetic field.
19.A Solvable Model of Quantum Darwinism-Encoding Transitions
Authors:Benoît Ferté, Xiangyu Cao
Abstract: We propose a solvable model of Quantum Darwinism to encoding transitions -- abrupt changes in how quantum information spreads in a many-body system under unitary dynamics. We consider a random Clifford circuit on an expanding tree, whose input qubit is entangled with a reference. The model has a Quantum Darwinism phase, where one classical bit of information about the reference can be retrieved from an arbitrarily small fraction of the output qubits, and an encoding phase where such retrieval is impossible. The two phases are separated by a mixed phase and two continuous transitions. We compare the exact result to a two-replica calculation. The latter yields a similar ``annealed'' phase diagram, which applies also to a model with Haar random unitaries. We relate our approach to measurement induced phase transitions (MIPTs), by solving a modified model where an environment eavesdrops on an encoding system. It has a sharp MIPT only with full access to the environment.
20.Stimulated emission of signal photons from dark matter waves
Authors:Ankur Agrawal, Akash V. Dixit, Tanay Roy, Srivatsan Chakram, Kevin He, Ravi K. Naik, David I. Schuster, Aaron Chou
Abstract: The manipulation of quantum states of light has resulted in significant advancements in both dark matter searches and gravitational wave detectors [1-4]. Current dark matter searches operating in the microwave frequency range use nearly quantum-limited amplifiers [3, 5, 6]. Future high frequency searches will use photon counting techniques [1] to evade the standard quantum limit. We present a signal enhancement technique that utilizes a superconducting qubit to prepare a superconducting microwave cavity in a non-classical Fock state and stimulate the emission of a photon from a dark matter wave. By initializing the cavity in an $|n=4\rangle$ Fock state, we demonstrate a quantum enhancement technique that increases the signal photon rate and hence also the dark matter scan rate each by a factor of 2.78. Using this technique, we conduct a dark photon search in a band around $\mathrm{5.965\, GHz \, (24.67\, \mu eV)}$, where the kinetic mixing angle $\epsilon \geq 4.35 \times 10^{-13}$ is excluded at the $90\%$ confidence level.