Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Tue, 20 Jun 2023
1.Spontaneous emission from correlated emitters
Authors:Offek Tziperman, Gefen Baranes, Alexey Gorlach, Ron Ruimy, Michael Faran, Nir Gutman, Andrea Pizzi, Ido Kaminer
Abstract: Spontaneous emission is a fundamental quantum phenomenon whereby an electron transitions to a lower energy state while emitting a photon, manifesting across a plethora of fields from atomic physics and solid-state physics to astrophysics. Despite its ubiquity, there remain fundamental unanswered questions about spontaneous emission from systems with quantum correlations. Quantum correlations have become a critical resource in all platforms of quantum information science, such as coupled quantum dots and atomic arrays, enabling observations of previously elusive effects like super- and subradiance. Despite its significance, many aspects of spontaneous emission from correlated emitters remain unresolved. Here, we find the quantum-optical state of light spontaneously emitted from systems with arbitrary quantum correlations. We show under what conditions the correlations are not lost during the spontaneous emission but instead, transfer to the output light. The process of spontaneous emission can then create desired photonic states such as squeezed and Schrodinger-cat states. Our work captures the multi-mode nature of super- and subradiance and shows the roles of emitter locations, losses, and beyond-Markov dynamics on the emitted quantum state of light. We present manifestations of these effects in both cavity- and waveguide-QED. Our findings suggest new paths for creating and manipulating multi-photon quantum light for bosonic codes in continuous-variable-based quantum computation, communications, and sensing.
2.Nonclassical radiation from a nonlinear oscillator driven solely by classical $1/f$ noise
Authors:Archak Purkayastha, Klaus Mølmer
Abstract: Low-frequency classical $1/f$-noise and quantum noise from low-temperature phonon modes are two of the most common causes of decoherence in solid state systems, and are usually considered a hindrance for quantum technological applications. Here we show that the simultaneous action of classical $1/f$ noise and a low-temperature phonon bath on a nonlinear oscillator can result in the generation of nonclassical antibunched radiation without the need for any additional drive. The $1/f$ noise provides the source of energy for generation of photons, while the phonon bath prevents heating up to infinite temperature and takes the nonlinear oscillator to a noise-averaged non-equilibrium steady state. The photon current in this non-equilibrium steady state may be detected by a standard wide-band detector. For sufficient nonlinearity and frequency dependence of the phonon bath spectrum, the detected radiation can be antibunched. This opens the possibility to turn two of the most ubiquitous sources of noise in solid state settings from a hindrance to a resource.
3.Semiclassical study of single-molecule magnets and their quantum phase transitions
Authors:David Stefan, Lohr-Robles, Enrique, Lopez-Moreno, Peter Otto Hess
Abstract: We present a study of systems of single-molecule magnets using a semiclassical analysis and catastrophe theory. Separatrices in parameter space are constructed which are useful to determine the structure of the Hamiltonians energy levels. In particular the Maxwell set separatrix determines the behavior of the ground state of the system. We consider an external magnetic field with two components, one parallel to the easy magnetization axis of the molecule and the other perpendicular to it. Using the fidelity and heat capacity we were able to detect the signals of the QPTs as a function of the magnetic field components.
4.Digitization of a random signal from the interference of laser pulses
Authors:Roman Shakhovoy
Abstract: In the study of quantum random number generators (QRNGs), the problem of random signal digitization is often not considered in detail. However, in the context of a standalone QRNG device, this issue is very important. In this paper, we consider the problem of digitizing laser pulses with random intensity and analyze various approaches used to estimate the contribution of classical noise. A simple method for determining the quantum reduction factor suitable for digitization with an analog-to-digital converter is proposed.
5.Discriminating the Phase of a Coherent Tone with a Flux-Switchable Superconducting Circuit
Authors:Luigi Di Palma, Alessandro Miano, Pasquale Mastrovito, Davide Massarotti, Marco Arzeo, Giovanni Piero Pepe, Francesco Tafuri, Oleg A. Mukhanov
Abstract: We propose a new phase detection technique based on a flux-switchable superconducting circuit, the Josephson digital phase detector (JDPD), which is capable of discriminating between two phase values of a coherent input tone. When properly excited by an external flux, the JDPD is able to switch from a single-minimum to a double-minima potential and, consequently, relax in one of the two stable configurations depending on the phase sign of the input tone. The result of this operation is digitally encoded in the occupation probability of a phase particle in either of the two JDPD wells. In this work, we demonstrate the working principle of the JDPD up to a frequency of 400 MHz with a remarkable agreement with theoretical expectations. As a future scenario, we discuss the implementation of this technique to superconducting qubit readout. We also examine the JDPD compatibility with the single-flux-quantum architecture, employed to fast-drive and measure the device state.
6.A tomographic approach to the sum uncertainty relation and quantum entanglement in continuous variable systems
Authors:Soumyabrata Paul, S. Lakshmibala, V. Balakrishnan, S. Ramanan
Abstract: Entropic uncertainty relations (EURs) have been examined in various contexts, primarily in qubit systems, including their links with entanglement, as they subsume the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. With their genesis in the Shannon entropy, EURs find applications in quantum information and quantum optics. EURs are state-dependent, and the state has to be reconstructed from tomograms (which are histograms readily available from experiments). This is a challenge when the Hilbert space is large, as in continuous variable (CV) and certain hybrid quantum (HQ) systems. An alternative approach is to extract information about the unknown quantum state directly from appropriate tomograms. Many variants of EURs can be computed from tomograms. In the literature many tomographic entanglement indicators (TEIs) that can be calculated from tomograms have been defined. The objectives of this work are as follows: (i) Use the tomographic approach to investigate the links between EURs and TEIs in CV and HQ systems as they evolve in time. (ii) Identify the TEI that most closely tracks the temporal evolution of EURs. We consider two generic systems. The first is a multilevel atom modeled as a nonlinear oscillator interacting with a quantized radiation field. The second is the $\Lambda$-atom interacting with two radiation fields. The former model accommodates investigations on the role of the initial state of the field and the ratio of the strengths of interaction and nonlinearity in the connection between TEIs and EURs. The second model opens up the possibility of examining the connection between mixed state bipartite entanglement and EURs, when the number of atomic levels is finite. Since the tomogram respects the requirements of classical probability theory, this effort also sheds light on the extent to which TEIs reflect the temporal behaviour of those EURs which are rooted in the Shannon entropy.
7.Remarks on the quasi-position representation in models of generalized uncertainty principle
Authors:André H. Gomes
Abstract: This note aims to elucidate certain aspects of the quasi-position representation frequently used in the investigation of one-dimensional models based on the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). We specifically focus on two key points: (i) Contrary to recent claims, the quasi-position operator can possess physical significance even though it is non-Hermitian, and (ii) in the quasi-position representation, operators associated with the position, such as the potential energy, also behave as a derivative operator on the quasi-position coordinate, unless the method of computing expectation values is modified. The development of both points revolves around the observation that the position and quasi-position operators share the same set of eigenvalues and are connected through a non-unitary canonical transformation. This outcome may have implications for widely referenced constraints on GUP parameters.
8.Optimizing state-discrimination receivers for continuous-variable quantum key distribution over a wiretap channel
Authors:Michele N. Notarnicola, Marcin Jarzyna, Stefano Olivares, Konrad Banaszek
Abstract: We address a continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocol employing quaternary phase-shift-keying (QPSK) of coherent states and a non-Gaussian measurement inspired by quantum receivers minimizing the error probability in a quantum-state-discrimination scenario. We assume a pure-loss quantum wiretap channel, in which a possible eavesdropper is limited to collect the sole channel losses. We perform a characterization of state-discrimination receivers and design an optimized receiver maximizing the key generation rate (KGR), namely the key-rate optimized receiver (KOR), comparing its performance with respect to the pretty good measurement (PGM) and the heterodyne-based protocol. We show that the KOR increases the KGR for metropolitan-network distances. Finally, we also investigate the implementations of feasible schemes, such as the displacement feed-forward receiver, obtaining an increase in the KGR in particular regimes.
9.A Compendious Review of Majorization-Based Resource Theories: Quantum Information and Quantum Thermodynamics
Authors:Gökhan Torun, Onur Pusuluk, Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu
Abstract: The field of quantum resource theory (QRT) has emerged as an invaluable framework for the examination of small and strongly correlated quantum systems, surpassing the boundaries imposed by traditional statistical treatments. The fundamental objective of general QRTs is to characterize these systems by precisely quantifying the level of control attainable to an experimenter. In this review article, we refrain from providing an exhaustive summary of the extensive literature on QRT. Rather, our focus centers on a specific sub-literature founded upon the theory of majorization. The primary aim is to augment our comprehension of genuine quantum phenomena manifested across diverse technological applications and incite investigations into novel resource theories encompassing multiple types of resources. Consequently, we emphasize the underlying similarities shared by various resources, including bipartite quantum entanglement, quantum coherence, and superposition, alongside informational, thermal, and generalized nonequilibrium resources.
10.Symmetries and Wigner representations of operational theories
Authors:Ties-A. Ohst, Martin Plávala
Abstract: We develop the theory of Wigner representations for a large class of operational theories that include both classical and quantum theory. The Wigner representations that we introduce are a natural way to describe the theory in terms of some fixed observables; these observables are often picked to be position and momentum or spin observables. This allows us to introduce symmetries which transform the outcomes of the observables used to construct the Wigner representation; we obtain several results for when these symmetries are well defined or when they uniquely specify the Wigner representation.
11.A Simulation Framework for Distributed Quantum Computing
Authors:Davide Ferrari, Michele Amoretti
Abstract: Current quantum processors are characterized by few hundreds of qubits with non-uniform quality and highly constrained physical connectivity. Hence, the increasing demand for large-scale quantum computers is pushing research on Distributed Quantum Computing (DQC) architectures as a scalable approach for increasing the number of available qubits for computational tasks. Recent experimental efforts have demonstrated some of the building blocks for such a design. Indeed, network and communications functionalities provided by the Quantum Internet allow remote quantum processing units (QPUs) to communicate and cooperate for executing computational tasks that each single device cannot handle by itself. Simulation plays a major role in this field. Many simulation tools have been recently developed to support the research community in the design and evaluation of quantum computing and quantum network technologies, including hardware, protocols and applications. However, a framework for DQC simulation putting equal emphasis on computational and networking aspects has never been proposed, so far. In this paper, we contribute to filling this gap.
12.Experience in quantum physics: toward a theory of everything
Authors:Ding Jia
Abstract: A theory of everything should not only tell us the laws for matter, gravity, and possibly boundary condition for the universe. In addition, it should specify the relation between theory and experience. Here I argue for a minimal prescription in extracting empirical predictions from path integrals by showing that alternative prescriptions are unjustifiable. In this minimal prescription, the relative probability for one experience is obtained by summing over all configurations compatible with that experience, without any further restriction associated with other experiences of the same or other experiential beings. An application to Wigner's friend settings shows that quantum theory admits objective predictions for subjective experiences. Still, quantum theory differs from classical theory in offering individualized as opposed to collective accounts of experiences. This consideration of experience in fundamental theories issues several challenges to popular quantum interpretations, and points to the outstanding need for a theory of experience in understanding physical theories of everything.
13.Robust unidirectional phantom helix states in the XXZ Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Authors:Y. B. Shi, Z. Song
Abstract: The phantom helix states are a special set of degenerate eigenstates of the XXZ Heisenberg model, which lie in the energy levels around zero energy and are bidirectionally equal. In this work, we study the helix state in the XXZ Heisenberg model with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). We show exactly that only the helix states in one direction remain unchanged in the presence of resonant DMI. Based on the Holstein--Primakoff (HP) transformation, the quantum spin model is mapped to a boson model, which allows us to understand the underlying mechanism. Furthermore, it also indicates that such phantom states can be separated from the spectrum by the strong DMI to enhance the robustness of the states. We demonstrate the dynamic formation processes of unidirectional phantom helix states by numerical simulations. The results indicate that the DMI as expected acts as a filter with high efficiency.
14.Quantum decoherence of free electrons and interaction with distant objects
Authors:Cruz I. Velasco, Valerio Di Giulio, F. Javier García de Abajo
Abstract: Quantum physics rules the dynamics of small objects as they interact over microscopic length scales. Nevertheless, quantum correlations involving macroscopic distances can be observed between entangled photons as well as in atomic gases and matter waves at low temperatures. The long-range nature of the electromagnetic coupling between charged particles and extended objects could also trigger quantum phenomena over large distances. Here, we reveal a manifestation of quantum mechanics that involves macroscopic distances and results in a nearly complete depletion of coherence associated with which-way free-electron interference produced by electron--radiation coupling in the presence of a distant extended object. We illustrate this effect by a rigorous theoretical analysis of a two-path electron beam interacting with a semi-infinite plate and find the inter-path coherence to vanish proportionally to the path separation at zero temperature and exponentially at finite temperature. Besides the fundamental interest of this macroscopic quantum phenomenon, our results suggest an approach to measuring the vacuum temperature and nondestructively sensing the presence of distant objects.
15.Multimode bosonic cat codes with an easily implementable universal gate set
Authors:Aurélie Denys, Anthony Leverrier
Abstract: We present a method for designing quantum error correcting codes such that a specific group of logical operations is implemented using simple physical operations, provided that this group is a (finite) unitary 1-design. These physical operations can be transversal gates for qubit codes, or Gaussian unitaries for bosonic codes. In the latter case, one can exploit this approach to define multimode extensions of the cat qubit, wherein all single-qubit Clifford logical gates are obtained from a quadratic Hamiltonian. If a quartic Hamiltonian is also available, such as a controlled rotation, then it can be used to implement the CNOT and CS gates, providing a universal gate set.
16.Computational projects with the Landau-Zener problem in the quantum mechanics classroom
Authors:Livia A. J. Guttieres, Marko D. Petrovic, James K. Freericks
Abstract: The Landau-Zener problem, where a minimum energy separation is passed with constant rate in a two-state quantum-mechanical system, is an excellent model quantum system for a computational project. It requires a low-level computational effort, but has a number of complex numerical and algorithmic issues that can be resolved through dedicated work. It can be used to teach computational concepts such as accuracy, discretization, and extrapolation, and it reinforces quantum concepts of time-evolution via a time-ordered product and of extrapolation to infinite time via time-dependent perturbation theory. In addition, we discuss the concept of compression algorithms, which are employed in many advanced quantum computing strategies, and easy to illustrate with the Landau-Zener problem.
17.Semidefinite Programming in Quantum Information Science
Authors:Paul Skrzypczyk, Daniel Cavalcanti
Abstract: Semidefinite programs (SDPs) are a class of optimisation problems that find application in numerous areas of physics, engineering and mathematics. Semidefinite programming is particularly suited to problems in quantum physics and quantum information science. Following a review of the theory of semidefinite programming, the book proceeds to describe how it can be used to address a wide range of important problems from across quantum information science. Specific applications include quantum state, measurement, and channel estimation and discrimination, entanglement detection and quantification, quantum distance measures, and measurement incompatibility. Though SDPs have become an increasingly important tool in quantum information science it's not yet the kind of mathematics students learn routinely. Assuming only a basic knowledge of linear algebra and quantum physics and quantum information, this graduate-level book provides a unified and accessible presentation of one of the key numerical methods used in quantum information science.
18.Insights of quantum time for quantum evolution
Authors:Ngo Phuc Duc Loc
Abstract: If time is emergent, quantum system is entangled with quantum time as it evolves. If the system contains entanglement within itself, which we can call \textit{internal entanglement} to distinguish it from the ``external" time-system entanglement, the speed of evolution is enhanced. In this paper, we explore the insights of quantum time for the evolution of a system that contains two entangled qubits. We consider two cases: (1) two initially entangled qubits that evolve under local dynamics; (2) two interacting qubits such that entanglement between them is generated over time. In both cases, the key message is that increasing internal entanglement speeds up the evolution and makes the system more entangled with time. This result could be useful to gain new insights of quantum time for black hole evaporation or cosmological perturbations in an expanding Universe, because we also have an evolving entangled bipartite system in those cases.
19.Pseudorandom unitaries are neither real nor sparse nor noise-robust
Authors:Tobias Haug, Kishor Bharti, Dax Enshan Koh
Abstract: Pseudorandom quantum states (PRSs) and pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs) possess the dual nature of being efficiently constructible while appearing completely random to any efficient quantum algorithm. In this study, we establish fundamental bounds on pseudorandomness. We show that PRSs and PRUs exist only when the probability that an error occurs is negligible, ruling out their generation on noisy intermediate-scale and early fault-tolerant quantum computers. Additionally, we derive lower bounds on the imaginarity and coherence of PRSs and PRUs, rule out the existence of sparse or real PRUs, and show that PRUs are more difficult to generate than PRSs. Our work also establishes rigorous bounds on the efficiency of property testing, demonstrating the exponential complexity in distinguishing real quantum states from imaginary ones, in contrast to the efficient measurability of unitary imaginarity. Furthermore, we prove lower bounds on the testing of coherence. Lastly, we show that the transformation from a complex to a real model of quantum computation is inefficient, in contrast to the reverse process, which is efficient. Overall, our results establish fundamental limits on property testing and provide valuable insights into quantum pseudorandomness.
20.Topological insulator and quantum memory
Authors:M. Kulig, P. Kurashvili, C. Jasiukiewicz, M. Inglot, S. Wolski, S. Stagraczyński, T. Masłowski, T. Szczepański, R. Stagraczyński, V. K. Dugaev, L. Chotorlishvili
Abstract: Measurements done on the quantum systems are too specific. Contrary to their classical counterparts, quantum measurements can be invasive and destroy the state of interest. Besides, quantumness limits the accuracy of measurements done on quantum systems. Uncertainty relations define the universal accuracy limit of the quantum measurements. Relatively recently, it was discovered that quantum correlations and quantum memory might reduce the uncertainty of quantum measurements. In the present work, we study two different types of measurements done on the topological system. Namely, we discuss measurements done on the spin operators and the canonical pair of operators: momentum and coordinate. We quantify the spin operator's measurements through the entropic measures of uncertainty and exploit the concept of quantum memory. While for the momentum and coordinate operators, we exploit the improved uncertainty relations. We discovered that quantum memory reduces the uncertainties of spin measurements. On the hand, we proved that the uncertainties in the measurements of the coordinate and momentum operators depend on the value of the momentum and are substantially enhanced at small distances between itinerant and localized electrons (the large momentum limit). We note that the topological nature of the system leads to the spin-momentum locking. The momentum of the electron depends on the spin and vice versa. Therefore, we suggest the indirect measurement scheme for the momentum and coordinate operators through the spin operator. Due to the factor of quantum memory, such indirect measurements in topological insulators have smaller uncertainties rather than direct measurements.
21.Aquila: QuEra's 256-qubit neutral-atom quantum computer
Authors:Jonathan Wurtz, Alexei Bylinskii, Boris Braverman, Jesse Amato-Grill, Sergio H. Cantu, Florian Huber, Alexander Lukin, Fangli Liu, Phillip Weinberg, John Long, Sheng-Tao Wang, Nathan Gemelke, Alexander Keesling
Abstract: The neutral-atom quantum computer "Aquila" is QuEra's latest device available through the Braket cloud service on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Aquila is a "field-programmable qubit array" (FPQA) operated as an analog Hamiltonian simulator on a user-configurable architecture, executing programmable coherent quantum dynamics on up to 256 neutral-atom qubits. This whitepaper serves as an overview of Aquila and its capabilities: how it works under the hood, key performance benchmarks, and examples that demonstrate some quintessential applications. This includes an overview of neutral-atom quantum computing, as well as five examples of increasing complexity from single-qubit dynamics to combinatorial optimization, implemented on Aquila. This whitepaper is intended for readers who are interested in learning more about neutral-atom quantum computing, as a guide for those who are ready to start using Aquila, and as a reference point for its performance as an analog quantum computer.
22.Task-dependent semi-quantum secure communication in layered networks with OAM states of light
Authors:Rajni Bala, Sooryansh Asthana, V. Ravishankar
Abstract: Secure communication in layered networks having differently preferred participants has attracted a lot of research attention. Protocols for key distribution in a layered network have been recently proposed in [M. Pivoluska et al., Phys. Rev. A 97, 032312] by employing asymmetrically entangled multiqudit states. Due to the employment of asymmetrically entangled multiqudit states, the yield of these protocols is very low. To address this issue, in this work, we have proposed semi-quantum secure communication protocols by employing separable states only which give a better yield and a higher key generation rate. As illustrations, we present two representative protocols. The first protocol allows sharing of two keys simultaneously in a network of two layers. The second protocol facilitates direct communication in one layer and key distribution in the other. The separable states, i.e., coherent pulses of orbital angular momentum required in the protocols are easily realizable with current technologies.
23.Complete Hilbert-Space Ergodicity in Quantum Dynamics of Generalized Fibonacci Drives
Authors:Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Ceren B. Dag, Wen Wei Ho, Soonwon Choi
Abstract: Ergodicity of quantum dynamics is often defined through statistical properties of energy eigenstates, as exemplified by Berry's conjecture in single-particle quantum chaos and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis in many-body settings. In this work, we investigate whether quantum systems can exhibit a stronger form of ergodicity, wherein any time-evolved state uniformly visits the entire Hilbert space over time. We call such a phenomenon complete Hilbert-space ergodicity (CHSE), which is more akin to the intuitive notion of ergodicity as an inherently dynamical concept. CHSE cannot hold for time-independent or even time-periodic Hamiltonian dynamics, owing to the existence of (quasi)energy eigenstates which precludes exploration of the full Hilbert space. However, we find that there exists a family of aperiodic, yet deterministic drives with minimal symbolic complexity -- generated by the Fibonacci word and its generalizations -- for which CHSE can be proven to occur. Our results provide a basis for understanding thermalization in general time-dependent quantum systems.
24.Fast quantum algorithm for differential equations
Authors:Mohsen Bagherimehrab, Kouhei Nakaji, Nathan Wiebe, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Abstract: Partial differential equations (PDEs) are ubiquitous in science and engineering. Prior quantum algorithms for solving the system of linear algebraic equations obtained from discretizing a PDE have a computational complexity that scales at least linearly with the condition number $\kappa$ of the matrices involved in the computation. For many practical applications, $\kappa$ scales polynomially with the size $N$ of the matrices, rendering a polynomial-in-$N$ complexity for these algorithms. Here we present a quantum algorithm with a complexity that is polylogarithmic in $N$ but is independent of $\kappa$ for a large class of PDEs. Our algorithm generates a quantum state that enables extracting features of the solution. Central to our methodology is using a wavelet basis as an auxiliary system of coordinates in which the condition number of associated matrices is independent of $N$ by a simple diagonal preconditioner. We present numerical simulations showing the effect of the wavelet preconditioner for several differential equations. Our work could provide a practical way to boost the performance of quantum-simulation algorithms where standard methods are used for discretization.
25.Parsimonious Optimisation of Parameters in Variational Quantum Circuits
Authors:Sayantan Pramanik, Chaitanya Murti, M Girish Chandra
Abstract: Variational quantum circuits characterise the state of a quantum system through the use of parameters that are optimised using classical optimisation procedures that typically rely on gradient information. The circuit-execution complexity of estimating the gradient of expectation values grows linearly with the number of parameters in the circuit, thereby rendering such methods prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a novel Quantum-Gradient Sampling algorithm that requires the execution of at most two circuits per iteration to update the optimisable parameters, and with a reduced number of shots. Furthermore, our proposed method achieves similar asymptotic convergence rates to classical gradient descent, and empirically outperforms gradient descent, randomised coordinate descent, and SPSA.
26.Quantum Parallelized Variational Quantum Eigensolvers for Excited States
Authors:Cheng-Lin Hong, Luis Colmenarez, Lexin Ding, Carlos L. Benavides-Riveros, Christian Schilling
Abstract: Calculating excited-state properties of molecules and solids is one of the main computational challenges of modern electronic structure theory. By combining and advancing recent ideas from the field of quantum computing we propose a more effective variational quantum eigensolver based on quantum parallelism: Initial ans\"atze for various excited states are prepared into a single pure state through a minimal number of ancilla qubits. Then a global rotation in the targeted subspace is optimized. Our approach thus avoids the progressive accumulation of errors prone to schemes that calculate excited states successively. Energy gaps and transition amplitudes between eigenstates can immediately be extracted. Moreover, the use of variable auxiliary weights makes the algorithm more resilient to noise and greatly simplifies the optimization procedure. We showcase our algorithm and illustrate its effectiveness for different molecular systems. The interaction effects are treated through generalized unitary coupled cluster ans\"atze and, accordingly, the common unfavorable and artificial extension to the entire Fock space is circumvented.
27.Quantum theory of non-hermitian optical binding between nanoparticles
Authors:Henning Rudolph, Uroš Delić, Klaus Hornberger, Benjamin A. Stickler
Abstract: Recent experiments demonstrate highly tunable non-reciprocal coupling between levitated nanoparticles due to optical binding [Rieser et al., Science 377, 987 (2022)]. In view of recent experiments cooling nanoparticles to the quantum regime, we here develop the quantum theory of small dielectric objects interacting via the forces and torques induced by scattered tweezer photons. The interaction is fundamentally non-hermitian and accompanied by correlated quantum noise. We present the corresponding Markovian quantum master equation, show how to reach non-reciprocal and unidirectional coupling, and identify unique quantum signatures of optical binding. Our work provides the theoretical tools for exploring and exploiting the rich quantum physics of non-reciprocally coupled nanoparticle arrays.
28.Ultra-sensitive separation estimation of optical sources
Authors:Clémentine Rouvière, David Barral, Antonin Grateau, Ilya Karuseichyk, Giacomo Sorelli, Mattia Walschaers, Nicolas Treps
Abstract: Historically, the resolution of optical imaging systems was dictated by diffraction, and the Rayleigh criterion was long considered an unsurpassable limit. In superresolution microscopy, this limit is overcome by manipulating the emission properties of the object. However, in passive imaging, when sources are uncontrolled, reaching sub-Rayleigh resolution remains a challenge. Here, we implement a quantum-metrolgy-inspired approach for estimating the separation between two incoherent sources, achieving a sensitivity five orders of magnitude beyond the Rayleigh limit. Using a spatial mode demultiplexer, we examine scenes with bright and faint sources, through intensity measurements in the Hermite-Gauss basis. Analysing sensitivity and accuracy over an extensive range of separations, we demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of demultiplexing for sub-Rayleigh separation estimation. These results effectively render the Rayleigh limit obsolete for passive imaging.