Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 07 Jul 2023
1.Variational quantum regression algorithm with encoded data structure
Authors:C. -C. Joseph Wang, Ryan S. Bennink
Abstract: Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) prevail to solve practical problems such as combinatorial optimization, quantum chemistry simulation, quantum machine learning, and quantum error correction on noisy quantum computers. For variational quantum machine learning, a variational algorithm with model interpretability built into the algorithm is yet to be exploited. In this paper, we construct a quantum regression algorithm and identify the direct relation of variational parameters to learned regression coefficients, while employing a circuit that directly encodes the data in quantum amplitudes reflecting the structure of the classical data table. The algorithm is particularly suitable for well-connected qubits. With compressed encoding and digital-analog gate operation, the run time complexity is logarithmically more advantageous than that for digital 2-local gate native hardware with the number of data entries encoded, a decent improvement in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers and a minor improvement for large-scale quantum computing Our suggested method of compressed binary encoding offers a remarkable reduction in the number of physical qubits needed when compared to the traditional one-hot-encoding technique with the same input data. The algorithm inherently performs linear regression but can also be used easily for nonlinear regression by building nonlinear features into the training data. In terms of measured cost function which distinguishes a good model from a poor one for model training, it will be effective only when the number of features is much less than the number of records for the encoded data structure to be observable. To echo this finding and mitigate hardware noise in practice, the ensemble model training from the quantum regression model learning with important feature selection from regularization is incorporated and illustrated numerically.
2.A Cryptography Inspired Model for Non-local Correlations: Decrypting the Enigmas
Authors:Govind Lal Sidhardh, Manik Banik
Abstract: We propose a cryptography-inspired model for nonlocal correlations. Following the celebrated De Broglie-Bohm theory, we model nonlocal boxes as realistic systems with instantaneous signalling at the hidden variable level. By introducing randomness in the distribution of the hidden variable, the superluminal signalling model is made compatible with the operational no-signalling condition. As the design mimics the famous symmetric key encryption system called {\it One Time Pads} (OTP), we call this the OTP model for nonlocal boxes. We demonstrate utility of this model in several esoteric examples related to the nonclassicality of nonlocal boxes. In particular, the breakdown of communication complexity using nonlocal boxes can be better understood in this framework. Furthermore, we discuss the Van Dam protocol and show its connection to homomorphic encryption in cryptography. We also discuss possible ways of encapsulating quantum realizable nonlocal correlations within this framework and show that the principle of Information Causality imposes further constraints at the hidden variable level. Present work thus orchestrates the results in classical cryptography to improve our understanding of nonlocal correlations and welcomes further research to this connection.
3.Fully Quantum Classifier
Authors:Wojciech Roga, Baptiste Chevalier, Masahiro Takeoka
Abstract: In this paper we present a supervised machine learning quantum classifier. It consists of a quantum data re-uploading classifier with binary trainable parameters, the optimal values of which are found by a quantum search algorithm. We show that we can reach the quadratic speed-up in optimization trainable parameters compared to classical brute force search.
4.Autoparallelity of Quantum Statistical Manifolds in The Light of Quantum Estimation Theory
Authors:Hiroshi Nagaoka, Akio Fujiwara
Abstract: In this paper we study the autoparallelity w.r.t. the e-connection for an information-geometric structure called the SLD structure, which consists of a Riemannian metric and mutually dual e- and m-connections, induced on the manifold of strictly positive density operators. Unlike the classical information geometry, the e-connection has non-vanishing torsion, which brings various mathematical difficulties. The notion of e-autoparallel submanifolds is regarded as a quantum version of exponential families in classical statistics, which is known to be characterized as statistical models having efficient estimators (unbiased estimators uniformly achieving the equality in the Cramer-Rao inequality). As quantum extensions of this classical result, we present two different forms of estimation-theoretical characterizations of the e-autoparallel submanifolds. We also give several results on the e-autoparallelity, some of which are valid for the autoparallelity w.r.t. an affine connection in a more general geometrical situation.
5.Zig-zag-matrix algebras and solvable quasi-Hermitian quantum models
Authors:Miloslav Znojil
Abstract: It is well known that the unitary evolution of a closed $M-$level quantum system can be generated by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian $H$ with real spectrum. Its Hermiticity can be restored via an amended inner-product metric $\Theta$. In Hermitian cases the evaluation of the spectrum (i.e., of the bound-state energies) is usually achieved by the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. In the non-Hermitian (or, more precisely, in the $\Theta-$quasi-Hermitian) quantum mechanics we conjecture that the role of the diagonalized-matrix solution of the quantum bound-state problem could be transferred to a maximally sparse ``zig-zag-matrix'' representation of the Hamiltonians.
6.Every non-signalling channel is common-cause realizable
Authors:Paulo J. Cavalcanti, John H. Selby, Ana Belén Sainz
Abstract: In this work we show that the set of non-signalling resources of a locally-tomographic generalised probabilistic theory (GPT), such as quantum and classical theory, coincides with its set of GPT-common-cause realizable resources, where the common causes come from an associated GPT. From a causal perspective, this result provides a reason for, in the study of resource theories of common-cause processes, taking the non-signalling channels as the resources of the enveloping theory. This answers a critical open question in Ref.~\cite{schmid2020postquantum}. An immediate corollary of our result is that every non-signalling assemblage is realizable in a GPT, answering in the affirmative the question posed in Ref.~\cite{cavalcanti2022post}.
7.Casimir-Polder Force on Atoms or Nanoparticles from the Gapped and Doped Graphene: Asymptotic Behavior at Large Separations
Authors:Galina L. Klimchitskaya, Vladimir M. Mostepanenko
Abstract: The Casimir-Polder force acting on atoms and nanoparticles spaced at large separations from real graphene sheet possessing some energy gap and chemical potential is investigated in the framework of the Lifshitz theory. The reflection coefficients expressed via the polarization tensor of graphene found based on the first principles of thermal quantum field theory are used. It is shown that for graphene the separation distances starting from which the zero-frequency term of the Lifshitz formula contributes more than 99\% of the total Casimir-Polder force are less than the standard thermal length. According to our results, however, the classical limit for graphene, where the force becomes independent on the Planck constant, may be reached at much larger separations than the limit of large separations determined by the zero-frequency term of the Lifshitz formula depending on the values of the energy gap and chemical potential. The analytic asymptotic expressions for the zero-frequency term of the Lifshitz formula at large separations are derived. These asymptotic expressions agree up to 1\% with the results of numerical computations starting from some separation distance which increases with increasing energy gap and decreases with increasing chemical potential. Possible applications of the obtained results are discussed.
8.Pauli principle in polaritonic chemistry
Authors:Tamás Szidarovszky
Abstract: Consequences of enforcing permutational symmetry, as required by the Pauli principle (spin-statistical theorem), on the state space of molecular ensembles interacting with the quantized radiation mode of a cavity are discussed. The Pauli-allowed collective states are obtained by means of group theory, i.e., by projecting the state space onto the appropriate irreducible representations of the permutation group of the indistinguishable molecules. It is shown that with increasing number of molecules the ratio of Pauli-allowed collective states decreases very rapidly. Bosonic states are more abundant than fermionic states, and the brightness of Pauli-allowed collective states (contribution from photon excited states) increases(decreases) with increasing fine structure in the energy levels of the material ground(excited) state manifold. Numerical results are shown for the realistic example of rovibrating H$_2$O molecules interacting with an infrared (IR) cavity mode.
9.Efficient cavity-assisted storage of photonic qubits in a solid-state quantum memory
Authors:Stefano Duranti, Sören Wengerowsky, Leo Feldmann, Alessandro Seri, Bernardo Casabone, Hugues de Riedmatten
Abstract: We report on the high-efficiency storage and retrieval of weak coherent optical pulses and photonic qubits in a cavity-enhanced solid-state quantum memory. By using an atomic frequency comb (AFC) memory in a $Pr^{3+}:Y_2 SO_5$ crystal embedded in a low-finesse impedance-matched cavity, we stored weak coherent pulses at the single photon level with up to 62% efficiency for a pre-determined storage time of 2 $\mu$s. We also confirmed that the impedance-matched cavity enhances the efficiency for longer storage times up to 70 $\mu$s. Taking advantage of the temporal multimodality of the AFC scheme, we then store weak coherent time-bin qubits with (51+-2)% efficiency and a measurement-device limited fidelity over (94.8+-1.4)% for the retrieved qubits. These results represent the most efficient storage in a single photon level AFC memory and the most efficient qubit storage in a solid-state quantum memory up-to-date.
10.Physics-Constrained Hardware-Efficient Ansatz on Quantum Computers that is Universal, Systematically Improvable, and Size-consistent
Authors:Xiaoxiao Xiao, Hewang Zhao, Jiajun Ren, Wei-hai Fang, Zhendong Li
Abstract: Variational wavefunction ans\"{a}tze are at the heart of solving quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. Here, we propose a physics-constrained approach for designing hardware-efficient ansatz (HEA) with rigorous theoretical guarantees on quantum computers by satisfying a few fundamental constraints, which is inspired by the remarkably successful way to design exchange-correlation functionals in density functional theories by satisfying exact constraints. Specifically, we require that the target HEA to be universal, systematically improvable, and size-consistent, which is an important concept in quantum many-body theories for scalability, but has been largely overlooked in previous designs of HEA by heuristics. We extend the notion of size-consistency to HEA, and present a concrete realization of HEA that satisfies all these fundamental constraints and only requires linear qubit connectivity. The developed physics-constrained HEA is superior to other heuristically designed HEA in terms of both accuracy and scalability, as demonstrated numerically for the Heisenberg model and some typical molecules. In particular, we find that restoring size-consistency can significantly reduce the number of layers needed to reach certain accuracy. In contrast, the failure of other HEA to satisfy these constraints severely limits their scalability to larger systems with more than ten qubits. Our work highlights the importance of incorporating physical constraints into the design of HEA for efficiently solving many-body problems on quantum computers.
11.Parametrically driving a quantum oscillator into exceptionality
Authors:C. A. Downing, A. Vidiella-Barranco
Abstract: The mathematical objects employed in physical theories do not always behave well. Einstein's theory of space and time allows for spacetime singularities and Van Hove singularities arise in condensed matter physics, while intensity, phase and polarization singularities pervade wave physics. Within dissipative systems governed by matrices, singularities occur at the exceptional points in parameter space whereby some eigenvalues and eigenvectors coalesce simultaneously. However, the nature of exceptional points arising in quantum systems described within an open quantum systems approach has been much less studied. Here we consider a quantum oscillator driven parametrically and subject to loss. This squeezed system exhibits an exceptional point in the dynamical equations describing its first and second moments, which acts as a borderland between two phases with distinctive physical consequences. In particular, we discuss how the populations, correlations, squeezed quadratures and optical spectra crucially depend on being above or below the exceptional point. We also remark upon the presence of a dissipative phase transition at a critical point, which is associated with the closing of the Liouvillian gap. Our results invite the experimental probing of quantum resonators under two-photon driving, and perhaps a reappraisal of exceptional and critical points within dissipative quantum systems more generally.
12.Analysis of Single Photon Detectors in Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution
Authors:Vishal Sharma
Abstract: In the current research work, an analysis of differential phase shift quantum key distribution using InGaAs/InP and Silicon-APD (avalanche photodiode) as single photon detectors is performed. Various performance parameters of interest such as shifted key rate, secure key rate, and secure communication distance obtained are investigated. In this optical fiber-based differential phase shift quantum key distribution, it is observed that Si-APD under frequency conversion method at telecommunication window outperforms the InGaAs/InP APD.
13.Practical Single Microwave Photon Counter with $10^\mathrm{-22}$ $\mathrm{W/\sqrt{Hz}}$ sensitivity
Authors:Léo Balembois, Jaime Travesedo, Louis Pallegoix, Alexandre May, Eric Billaud, Marius Villiers, Daniel Estève, Denis Vion, Patrice Bertet, Emmanuel Flurin
Abstract: Single photon detection played an important role in the development of quantum optics. Its implementation in the microwave domain is challenging because the photon energy is 5 orders of magnitude smaller. In recent years, significant progress has been made in developing single microwave photon detectors (SMPDs) based on superconducting quantum bits or bolometers. In this paper we present a new practical SMPD based on the irreversible transfer of an incoming photon to the excited state of a transmon qubit by a four-wave mixing process. This device achieves a detection efficiency $\eta = 0.43$ and an operational dark count rate $\alpha = 85$ $\mathrm{s^{-1}}$, mainly due to the out-of-equilibrium microwave photons in the input line. The corresponding power sensitivity is $\mathcal{S} = 10^{-22}$ $\mathrm{W/\sqrt{Hz}}$, one order of magnitude lower than the state of the art. The detector operates continuously over hour timescales with a duty cycle $\eta_\mathrm{D}=0.84$, and offers frequency tunability of $\sim 400$ MHz around 7 GHz.
14.Exponentially enhanced gravitationally induced entanglement between quantum systems with a two-phonon drive
Authors:Dianzhen Cui, X. X. Yi
Abstract: Finding a feasible protocol for probing the quantum nature of gravity has been attracting an increasing amount of attention. In this manuscript, we propose a protocol to enhance the detection of gravitationally induced entanglement by exploiting the two-phonon drive in a hybrid quantum setup. We consider the setup consisting of a test particle in a double-well potential, a qubit and a quantum mediator. There is gravitational interaction between the test particle and the mediator, and a spin-phonon coupling between the mediator and the qubit. By introducing a two-phonon drive, the entanglement between the TP and the qubit are significantly enhanced and the entanglement generation rate is remarkably increased compared with the case without the two-phonon drive. Moreover, the entanglement between the TP and the qubit can be partially preserved in the presence of dephasing by the proposed strategy. This work would open a different avenue for experimental detection of the quantum nature of gravity, which could find applications in quantum information science.
15.Error-tolerant quantum convolutional neural networks for symmetry-protected topological phases
Authors:Petr Zapletal, Nathan A. McMahon, Michael J. Hartmann
Abstract: The analysis of noisy quantum states prepared on current quantum computers is getting beyond the capabilities of classical computing. Quantum neural networks based on parametrized quantum circuits, measurements and feed-forward can process large amounts of quantum data to reduce measurement and computational costs of detecting non-local quantum correlations. The tolerance of errors due to decoherence and gate infidelities is a key requirement for the application of quantum neural networks on near-term quantum computers. Here we construct quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNNs) that can, in the presence of incoherent errors, recognize different symmetry-protected topological phases of generalized cluster-Ising Hamiltonians from one another as well as from topologically trivial phases. Using matrix product state simulations, we show that the QCNN output is robust against symmetry-breaking errors below a threshold error probability and against all symmetry-preserving errors provided the error channel is invertible. This is in contrast to string order parameters and the output of previously designed QCNNs, which vanish in the presence of any symmetry-breaking errors. To facilitate the implementation of the QCNNs on near-term quantum computers, the QCNN circuits can be shortened from logarithmic to constant depth in system size by performing a large part of the computation in classical post-processing. These constant-depth QCNNs reduce sample complexity exponentially with system size in comparison to the direct sampling using local Pauli measurements.
16.Fault-Tolerant Hastings-Haah Codes in the Presence of Dead Qubits
Authors:David Aasen, Jeongwan Haah, Parsa Bonderson, Zhenghan Wang, Matthew Hastings
Abstract: We develop protocols for Hastings-Haah Floquet codes in the presence of dead qubits.
17.Separability criterion using one observable for special states: Entanglement detection via quantum quench
Authors:Roopayan Ghosh, Sougato Bose
Abstract: Detecting entanglement in many-body quantum systems is crucial but challenging, typically requiring multiple measurements. Here, we establish the class of states where measuring connected correlations in just $\textit{one}$ basis is sufficient and necessary to detect bipartite separability, provided the appropriate basis and observables are chosen. This methodology leverages prior information about the state, which, although insufficient to reveal the complete state or its entanglement, enables our one basis approach to be effective. We discuss the possibility of one observable entanglement detection in a variety of systems, including those without conserved charges, such as the Transverse Ising model, reaching the appropriate basis via quantum quench. This provides a much simpler pathway of detection than previous works. It also shows improved sensitivity from Pearson Correlation detection techniques.
18.Deep thermalization in constrained quantum systems
Authors:Tanmay Bhore, Jean-Yves Desaules, Zlatko Papić
Abstract: The concept of "deep thermalization" has recently been introduced to characterize moments of an ensemble of pure states, resulting from projective measurements on a subsystem, which lie beyond the purview of conventional Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH). In this work, we study deep thermalization in systems with kinetic constraints, such as the quantum East and the PXP models, which have been known to weakly break ETH by the slow dynamics and high sensitivity to the initial conditions. We demonstrate a sharp contrast in deep thermalization between the first and higher moments in these models by studying quench dynamics from initial product states in the computational basis: while the first moment shows good agreement with ETH, higher moments deviate from the uniform Haar ensemble at infinite temperature. We show that such behavior is caused by an interplay of time-reversal symmetry and an operator that anticommutes with the Hamiltonian. We formulate sufficient conditions for violating deep thermalization, even for systems that are otherwise "thermal" in the ETH sense. By appropriately breaking these properties, we illustrate how the PXP model fully deep-thermalizes for all initial product states in the thermodynamic limit. Our results highlight the sensitivity of deep thermalization as a probe of physics beyond ETH in kinetically-constrained systems.
19.Quantum multifractality as a probe of phase space in the Dicke model
Authors:Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, David Villaseñor, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, Jorge G. Hirsch
Abstract: We study the multifractal behavior of coherent states projected in the energy eigenbasis of the spin-boson Dicke Hamiltonian, a paradigmatic model describing the collective interaction between a single bosonic mode and a set of two-level systems. By examining the linear approximation and parabolic correction to the mass exponents, we find ergodic and multifractal coherent states and show that they reflect details of the structure of the classical phase space, including chaos, regularity, and features of localization. The analysis of multifractality stands as a sensitive tool to detect changes and structures in phase space, complementary to classical tools to investigate it. We also address the difficulties involved in the multifractal analyses of systems with unbounded Hilbert spaces
20.Terahertz-Mediated Microwave-to-Optical Transduction
Authors:Furkan Sahbaz, James N. Eckstein, Dale J. Van Harlingen, Simeon I. Bogdanov
Abstract: Transduction of quantum signals between the microwave and the optical ranges will unlock powerful hybrid quantum systems enabling information processing with superconducting qubits and low-noise quantum networking through optical photons. Most microwave-to-optical quantum transducers suffer from thermal noise due to pump absorption. We analyze the coupled thermal and wave dynamics in electro-optic transducers that use a two-step scheme based on an intermediate frequency state in the THz range. Our analysis, supported by numerical simulations, shows that the two-step scheme operating with a continuous pump offers near-unity external efficiency with a multi-order noise suppression compared to direct transduction. As a result, two-step electro-optic transducers may enable quantum noise-limited interfacing of superconducting quantum processors with optical channels at MHz-scale bitrates.
21.Geometric Phases in Open Quantum Systems: Analysis and Applications
Authors:Ludmila Viotti
Abstract: This thesis consists of several studies performed over different few-dof quantum systems exposed to the effect of an uncontrolled environment. The primary focus of the work is to explore the relation between decoherence and environmentally-induced dissipative effects, and the concept known as geometric phases. The first mention of such an object in the context of quantum mechanics goes back to the seminal work by Berry. He demonstrated that the phase acquired by an eigenstate of a time-dependent Hamiltonian in an adiabatic cycle consists of two distinct contributions: one termed 'geometric' and the other known as the dynamical phase. Since Berry's work, the notion of geometric phase has been extended far beyond the original context, encompassing definitions applicable to arbitrary unitary evolutions. These geometric phases naturally arise in the geometric description of Hilbert space, where they manifest as holonomies and possess significance in the fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics and its mathematical framework, and in explaining various physical phenomena, including the Fractional Hall Effect. Moreover, from a modern perspective, geometric phases hold promise for practical applications, such as constructing geometric gates for quantum information processing and storage. However, in practice, a pure state of a quantum system is an idealized concept, and every experimental or real-world implementation must account for the presence of an environment that interacts with the observed system. This interaction necessitates a description in terms of mixed states and non-unitary evolutions. The definition of a geometric phase applicable in such scenarios remains an open problem, giving rise to multiple proposed solutions. Consequently, characterizing these geometric phases encompase motivations from fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics to technological applications.
22.Fundamental limits on anomalous energy flows in correlated quantum systems
Authors:Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, Giovanni Francesco Diotallevi, Pharnam Bakhshinezhad
Abstract: In classical thermodynamics energy always flows from the hotter system to the colder one. However, if these systems are initially correlated, the energy flow can reverse, making the cold system colder and the hot system hotter. This intriguing phenomenon is called ``anomalous energy flow'' and shows the importance of initial correlations in determining physical properties of thermodynamic systems. Here we investigate the fundamental limits of this effect. Specifically, we find the optimal amount of energy that can be transferred between quantum systems under closed and reversible dynamics, which then allows us to characterize the anomalous energy flow. We then explore a more general scenario where the energy flow is mediated by an ancillary quantum system that acts as a catalyst. We show that this approach allows for exploiting previously inaccessible types of correlations, ultimately resulting in an energy transfer that surpasses our fundamental bound. To demonstrate these findings, we use a well-studied quantum optics setup involving two atoms coupled to an optical cavity.
23.Electromagnetically induced transparency in many-emitter waveguide quantum electrodynamics: linear versus nonlinear waveguide dispersions
Authors:Tiberius Bernsden, Imran M. Mirza
Abstract: We study single-photon induced electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in many-emitter waveguide quantum electrodynamics (wQED) with linear and nonlinear waveguide dispersion relations. In the single-emitter problem, in addition to the robustness of the EIT spectral features in the over-coupled regime of wQED, we find that the nonlinear dispersion results in the appearance of a side peak for frequencies smaller than the resonant EIT frequency which turns into a pronounced plateau as the nonlinearity is enhanced. Consequently, for many-emitter scenarios, our results indicate the formation of band structure which for higher values of nonlinearity leads to narrow band gaps as compared to the corresponding linear dispersion case. Long-distance quantum networking aided with quantum memories can serve as one of the targeted applications of this work.
24.Simulation-assisted learning of open quantum systems
Authors:Ke Wang, Xiantao Li
Abstract: Models for open quantum systems, which play important roles in electron transport problems and quantum computing, must take into account the interaction of the quantum system with the surrounding environment. Although such models can be derived in some special cases, in most practical situations, the exact models are unknown and have to be calibrated. This paper presents a learning method to infer parameters in Markovian open quantum systems from measurement data. One important ingredient in the method is a direct simulation technique of the quantum master equation, which is designed to preserve the completely-positive property with guaranteed accuracy. The method is particularly helpful in the situation where the time intervals between measurements are large. The approach is validated with error estimates and numerical experiments.