Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 25 May 2023
1.Coherence Filtration under Strictly Incoherent Operations
Authors:C. L. Liu, C. P. Sun
Abstract: We study the task of coherence filtration under strictly incoherent operations in this paper. The aim of this task is to transform a given state $\rho$ into another one $\rho^\prime$ whose fidelity with the maximally coherent state is maximal by using stochastic strictly incoherent operations. We find that the maximal fidelity between $\rho^\prime$ and the maximally coherent state is given by a multiple of the $\Delta$ robustness of coherence $R(\rho\|\Delta\rho):=\min\{\uplambda|\rho\leq\uplambda\Delta\rho\}$, which provides $R(\rho\|\Delta\rho)$ an operational interpretation. Finally, we provide a coherence measure based on the task of coherence filtration.
2.A Scalable, Fast and Programmable Neural Decoder for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Surface Codes
Authors:Mengyu Zhang, Xiangyu Ren, Guanglei Xi, Zhenxing Zhang, Qiaonian Yu, Fuming Liu, Hualiang Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Yi-Cong Zheng
Abstract: Quantum error-correcting codes (QECCs) can eliminate the negative effects of quantum noise, the major obstacle to the execution of quantum algorithms. However, realizing practical quantum error correction (QEC) requires resolving many challenges to implement a high-performance real-time decoding system. Many decoding algorithms have been proposed and optimized in the past few decades, of which neural network (NNs) based solutions have drawn an increasing amount of attention due to their high efficiency. Unfortunately, previous works on neural decoders are still at an early stage and have only relatively simple architectures, which makes them unsuitable for practical QEC. In this work, we propose a scalable, fast, and programmable neural decoding system to meet the requirements of FTQEC for rotated surface codes (RSC). Firstly, we propose a hardware-efficient NN decoding algorithm with relatively low complexity and high accuracy. Secondly, we develop a customized hardware decoder with architectural optimizations to reduce latency. Thirdly, our proposed programmable architecture boosts the scalability and flexibility of the decoder by maximizing parallelism. Fourthly, we build an FPGA-based decoding system with integrated control hardware for evaluation. Our $L=5$ ($L$ is the code distance) decoder achieves an extremely low decoding latency of 197 ns, and the $L=7$ configuration also requires only 1.136 $\mu$s, both taking $2L$ rounds of syndrome measurements. The accuracy results of our system are close to minimum weight perfect matching (MWPM). Furthermore, our programmable architecture reduces hardware resource consumption by up to $3.0\times$ with only a small latency loss. We validated our approach in real-world scenarios by conducting a proof-of-concept benchmark with practical noise models, including one derived from experimental data gathered from physical hardware.
3.Signatures of dynamically dressed states
Authors:Katarina Boos, Sang Kyu Kim, Thomas Bracht, Friedrich Sbresny, Jan Kaspari, Moritz Cygorek, Hubert Riedl, Frederik W. Bopp, William Rauhaus, Carolin Calcagno, Jonathan J. Finley, Doris E. Reiter, Kai Mueller
Abstract: The interaction of a resonant light field with a quantum two-level system is of key interest both for fundamental quantum optics and quantum technological applications employing resonant excitation. While emission under resonant continuous-wave excitation has been well-studied, the more complex emission spectrum of dynamically dressed states, a quantum two-level system driven by resonant pulsed excitation, has so far been investigated in detail only theoretically. Here, we present the first experimental observation of the complete resonance fluorescence emission spectrum of a single quantum two-level system, in form of an excitonic transition in a semiconductor quantum dot, driven by finite Gaussian pulses. We observe multiple emerging sidebands as predicted by theory with an increase of their number and spectral detuning with excitation pulse intensity and a dependence of their spectral shape and intensity on the pulse length. Detuning-dependent measurements provide additional insights into the emission features. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations of the emission spectra, corroborating our findings.
4.Asymmetry-enhanced phase sensing via asymmetric entangled coherent states
Authors:Xiao-Tong Chen, Wang-Jun Lu, Yunlan Zuo, Rui Zhang, Ya-Feng Jiao, Le-Man Kuang
Abstract: We study quantum phase sensing with an asymmetric two-mode entangled coherent state (ECS) in which the two local amplitudes have different values. We find the phenomenon of the asymmetry-enhanced phase sensing which the asymmetry can significantly increase the precise of the phase estimation. We further study the effect of decoherence induced by the photon loss on quantum phase sensing. It is shown that the asymmetric ECSs have stronger capability against decoherence over the symmetric ECSs. It is indicated that the asymmetric ECSs have obvious advantages over the symmetric ECSs in the quantum phase sensing. We also study the practical phase sensing scheme with the intensity-difference measurement, and show that the asymmetry in the asymmetric ECSs can enhance the phase sensitivity in the practical phase measurement scheme. Our work reveals the asymmetry in the asymmetric ECSs is a new quantum-sensing resource, and opens a new way to the ultra-sensitive quantum phase sensing in the presence of photon losses.
5.Effects of experimental impairments on the security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution
Authors:Andres Ruiz-Chamorro, Daniel Cano, Aida Garcia-Callejo, Veronica Fernandez
Abstract: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a cutting-edge communication method that enables secure communication between two parties. Continuous-variable QKD (CV-QKD) is a promising approach to QKD that has several advantages over traditional discrete-variable systems. Despite its potential, CV-QKD systems are highly sensitive to optical and electronic component impairments, which can significantly reduce the secret key rate. In this research, we address this challenge by modeling a CV-QKD system to simulate the impact of individual impairments on the secret key rate. The results show that laser frequency drifts and small imperfections in electro-optical devices such as the beam splitter and the balanced detector have a negative impact on the secret key rate. This provides valuable insights into strategies for optimizing the performance of CV-QKD systems and overcome limitations caused by component impairments. By offering a method to analyze them, the study enables the establishment of quality standards for the components of CV-QKD systems, driving the development of advanced technologies for secure communication in the future.
6.Near-Perfect Logical Magic State Preparation on a Superconducting Quantum Processor
Authors:Yangsen Ye, Tan He, He-Liang Huang, Zuolin Wei, Yiming Zhang, Youwei Zhao, Dachao Wu, Qingling Zhu, Huijie Guan, Sirui Cao, Fusheng Chen, Tung-Hsun Chung, Hui Deng, Daojin Fan, Ming Gong, Cheng Guo, Shaojun Guo, Lianchen Han, Na Li, Shaowei Li, Yuan Li, Futian Liang, Jin Lin, Haoran Qian, Hao Rong, Hong Su, Shiyu Wang, Yulin Wu, Yu Xu, Chong Ying, Jiale Yu, Chen Zha, Kaili Zhang, Yong-Heng Huo, Chao-Yang Lu, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Xiaobo Zhu, Jian-Wei Pan
Abstract: Fault-tolerant quantum computing based on surface code has emerged as an attractive candidate for practical large-scale quantum computers to achieve robust noise resistance. To achieve universality, magic states preparation is a commonly approach for introducing non-Clifford gates. Here, we present a hardware-efficient and scalable protocol for arbitrary logical state preparation for the rotated surface code, and further experimentally implement it on the \textit{Zuchongzhi} 2.1 superconducting quantum processor. An average of $0.9943 \pm 0.0002$ logical fidelity at different logical states with distance-three is achieved. In particular, the magic state ${|A^{\pi/4}\rangle}_L$ is prepared with logical fidelity of $0.9997 \pm 0.0009 $, which is significantly higher than the state distillation protocol threshold, 0.859, and even higher than the average fidelity of all physical gate operations. Our work provides a viable and efficient avenue for generating high-fidelity raw logical magic states, which is essential for realizing non-Clifford logical gates in the surface code.
7.Demonstration of the excited-state search on the D-wave quantum annealer
Authors:Takashi Imoto, Yuki Susa, Ryoji Miyazaki, Tadashi Kadowaki, Yuichiro Matsuzaki
Abstract: Quantum annealing is a way to prepare an eigenstate of the problem Hamiltonian. Starting from an eigenstate of a trivial Hamiltonian, we slowly change the Hamiltonian to the problem Hamiltonian, and the system remains in the eigenstate of the Hamiltonian as long as the so-called adiabatic condition is satisfied. By using devices provided by D-Wave Systems Inc., there were experimental demonstrations to prepare a ground state of the problem Hamiltonian. However, up to date, there are no demonstrations to prepare the excited state of the problem Hamiltonian with quantum annealing. Here, we demonstrate the excited-state search by using the D-wave processor. The key idea is to use the reverse quantum annealing with a hot start where the initial state is the excited state of the trivial Hamiltonian. During the reverse quantum annealing, we control not only the transverse field but also the longitudinal field and slowly change the Hamiltonian to the problem Hamiltonian so that we can obtain the desired excited state. As an example of the exited state search, we adopt a two-qubit Ising model as the problem Hamiltonian and succeed to prepare the excited state. Also, we solve the shortest vector problem where the solution is embedded into the first excited state of the Ising Hamiltonian. Our results pave the way for new applications of quantum annealers to use the excited states.
8.Quantum-Discrete-Map-Based Recurrent Neural Networks
Authors:Tai-Ping Sun, Zhao-Yun Chen, Cheng Xue, Shi-Xin Ma, Huan-Yu Liu, Yu-Chun Wu, Guo-Ping Guo
Abstract: Quantum machine learning is a rapidly growing domain and its potential has been explored for time series prediction and dynamics simulation in existing works. In this study, we propose a quantum-discrete-map-based recurrent neural network (QDM-RNN) to overcome the limitations posed by the circuit depth growing with the length of time series. From a discrete-dynamical perspective, quantum circuits are leveraged to build the discrete map and hence the discrete dynamical system. This approach involves measuring partial qubits to obtain historical information (memory) that is reused in the encoding layer of next time step, and measuring the other qubits to retrieve classical information as output. The nonlinear properties of the quantum discrete map make it appealing for embedding low-dimensional dynamics into higher dimensions, which is consistent with recurrent learning tricks. In numerical simulations, the QDM-RNN is implemented with one-feature datasets of waves and two-feature datasets of dynamics to demonstrate its capability. Our study introduces a new paradigm for quantum machine learning and highlights the potential of quantum computing in nonlinear dynamics.
9.Efficient and secure quantum network coding based on quantum full homomorphic encryption
Authors:Ning Wang, Fei Gao, Song Lin
Abstract: Based on $d$-dimensional quantum full homomorphic encryption, an efficient and secure quantum network coding protocol is proposed in this paper. First, a quantum full homomorphic encryption protocol is constructed utilizing $d$-dimensional universal quantum gates. On this basis, an efficient quantum network coding protocol is proposed. In the protocol, two source nodes encrypt their respective prepared quantum states with the quantum full homomorphic encryption protocol. The two intermediate nodes successively perform homomorphic evaluation of the received quantum states. Finally, the two sink nodes recover the quantum states transmitted by the two source nodes in the butterfly network depending on their measurement results. The performance analysis shows that the proposed quantum network coding protocol is correct and resistant to attacks launched by dishonest intermediate nodes and external eavesdroppers. Compared to related protocols, the proposed protocol not only enables to transfer information in $d$-dimensional quantum system, but also requires only 1 quantum gate and a key of length 2 in the encryption phase, which makes the protocol has higher efficiency.
10.GHz configurable photon pair generation from a silicon nonlinear interferometer
Authors:Jonathan Frazer, Takafumi Ono, Jonathan C. F. Matthews
Abstract: Low loss and high speed processing of photons is central to architectures for photonic quantum information. High speed switching enables non-deterministic photon sources and logic gates to be made deterministic, while the speed with which quantum light sources can be turned on and off impacts the clock rate of photonic computers and the data rate of quantum communication. Here we use lossy carrier depletion modulators in a silicon waveguide nonlinear interferometer to modulate photon pair generation at 1~GHz without exposing the generated photons to the phase dependent parasitic loss of the modulators. The super sensitivity of nonlinear interferometers reduces power consumption compared to modulating the driving laser. This can be a building block component for high speed programmabile, generalised nonlinear waveguide networks.
11.Plug-and-play measurement of chromatic dispersion by means of two-photon interferometry
Authors:Romain Dalidet, Anthony Martin, Mattis Riesner, Sidi-Ely Ahmedou, Romain Dauliat, Baptiste Leconte, Guillaume Walter, Grégory Sauder, Jean-Christophe Delagnes, Guy Millot, Philippe Roy, Raphaël Jamier, Sébastien Tanzilli, Laurent Labonté
Abstract: Since the first proof-of-principle experiments 25 years ago, quantum metrology has matured from fundamental concepts to versatile and powerful tools in a large variety of research branches, such as gravitational-wave detection, atomic clocks, plasmonic sensing, and magnetometry. At the same time, two-photon interferometry, which underpins the possibility of entanglement to probe optical materials with unprecedented levels of precision and accuracy, holds the promise to stand at the heart of innovative functional quantum sensing systems. We report a novel quantum-based method for measuring the frequency dependence of the velocity in a transparent medium, i.e, the chromatic dispersion (CD). This technique, using energy-time entangled photons, allows straightforward access to CD value from the visibility of two-photon fringes recorded in a free evolution regime. In addition, our quantum approach features all advantages of classical measurement techniques, i.e, flexibility and accuracy, all in a plug-and-play system.
12.Alternating quantum-emitter chains: Exceptional-point phase transition, edge state, and quantum walks
Authors:Jimin Li, Zongping Gong
Abstract: We study the long-range hopping limit of a one-dimensional array of $N$ equal-distanced quantum emitters in free space, where the hopping amplitude of emitter excitation is proportional to the inverse of the distance and equals the lattice dimension. For two species of emitters in an alternating arrangement, the single excitation sector exhibits non-Hermitian spectral singularities known as exceptional points. We unveil an unconventional phase transition, dubbed exceptional-point phase transition, from the collective to individual spontaneous emission behaviors. At the transition point, the $N \times N$ Hamiltonian fragments into $N/2-1$ many two-dimensional non-diagonalizable blocks. The remaining diagonalizable block contains a dissipation-induced edge state with algebraically localized profiles, and we provide numerical evidence for its existence in the infinite-array limit. We demonstrate that the edge state can be eliminated via a continuous deformation, consistent with the ill-definedness of bulk topological invariant. We also propose a spatially resolved character to quantify the incoherent flow and loss in the non-unitary quantum walks of single atomic excitations.
13.Quantum Random Number Generator Based on LED
Authors:Mohammadreza Moeini, Mohsen Akbari, Mohammad Mirsadeghi, Hamid Reza Naeij, Nima Haghkish, Ali Hayeri, Mehrdad Malekian
Abstract: Quantum Random Number Generators Produce random numbers based on the intrinsic probability nature of quantum mechanics, making them true random number generators. In this paper, we design and fabricate an embedded QRNG that produces random numbers based on fluctuations of spontaneous emission in a LED. Additionally, a new perspective on the randomness of the recombination process in a LED is introduced that is consistent with experimental results. To achieve a robust and reliable QRNGm we compare some usual post processing methods and select the best one for a real time device. This device could pass NIST tests, the output speed is 1 Mbit per S and the randomness of the output data is invariant in time and different temperatures.
14.Hidden variables, free choice, context-independence, and all that
Authors:Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov
Abstract: This paper provides a systematic account of the hidden variable models (HVMs) formulated to describe systems of random variables with mutually exclusive contexts. Any such system can be equivalently described either by a model with free choice but generally context-dependent mapping of the hidden variables into observable ones, or by a model with context-independent mapping but generally compromised free choice. These two HVMs are unfalsifiable, applicable to all possible systems. This implies that freedom of choice and context-independent mapping are no assumptions at all, and they tell us nothing about freedom of choice or physical influences exerted by contexts as these notions would be understood in science and philosophy. The conjunction of these two notions, however, defines a falsifiable HVM that describes noncontextuality when applied to systems with no disturbance or to consistifications of arbitrary systems. This HVM is most adequately captured by the term ``context-irrelevance,'' meaning that no distribution in the model changes with context.
15.Quantifying environment non-classicality in dissipative open quantum dynamics
Authors:Adrián A. Budini
Abstract: Open quantum systems are inherently coupled to their environments, which in turn also obey quantum dynamical rules. By restricting to dissipative dynamics, here we propose a measure that quantifies how far the environment action on a system departs from the influence of classical noise fluctuations. It relies on the lack of commutativity between the initial reservoir state and the system-environment total Hamiltonian. Independently of the nature of the dissipative system evolution, Markovian or non-Markovian, the measure can be written in terms of the dual propagator that defines the evolution of system operators. The physical meaning and properties of the proposed definition are discussed in detail and also characterized through different paradigmatic dissipative Markovian and non-Markovian open quantum dynamics.
16.Time delay statistics for chaotic cavities with absorption
Authors:Marcel Novaes
Abstract: We present a semiclassical approach for time delay statistics in quantum chaotic systems, in the presence of absorption, for broken time-reversal symmetry. We derive three kinds of expressions for Schur-moments of the time delay operator: as a power series in inverse channel number, $1/M$, whose coefficients are rational functions of absorption time, $\tau_a$; as a power series in $\tau_a$, tailored to strong absorption, whose coefficients are rational functions of $M$; as a power series in $1/\tau_a$, tailored to weak absorption, whose coefficients are rational functions of $M$.
17.Non-Hermitian Floquet Topological Matter -- A Review
Authors:Longwen Zhou, Da-Jian Zhang
Abstract: Non-Hermitian Floquet topological phases appear in systems described by time-periodic non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. This review presents a sum-up of our studies on non-Hermitian Floquet topological matter in one and two spatial dimensions. After a brief overview of the literature, we introduce our theoretical framework for the study of non-Hermitian Floquet systems and the topological characterization of non-Hermitian Floquet bands. Based on our theories, we describe typical examples of non-Hermitian Floquet topological insulators, superconductors and quasicrystals with a focus on their topological invariants, bulk-edge correspondences, non-Hermitian skin effects, dynamical properties and localization transitions. We conclude this review by summarizing our main discoveries and discussing potential future directions.
18.Effective Rationality for Local Unitary Invariants of Mixed States of Two Qubits
Authors:Luca Candelori, Vladimir Y. Chernyak, John R. Klein, Nick Rekuski
Abstract: We calculate the field of rational local unitary invariants for mixed states of two qubits, by employing methods from algebraic geometry. We prove that this field is rational (i.e. purely transcendental), and that it is generated by nine algebraically independent polynomial invariants. We do so by constructing a relative section, in the sense of invariant theory, whose Weyl group is a finite abelian group. From this construction, we are able to give explicit expressions for the generating invariants in terms of the Bloch matrix representation of mixed states of two qubits. We also prove similar rationality statements for the local unitary invariants of symmetric mixed states of two qubits. Our results apply to both complex-valued and real-valued invariants.
19.The Evolution of the Bell Notion of Beable: from Bohr to Primitive Ontology
Authors:Federico Laudisa
Abstract: John S. Bell introduced the notion of beable, as opposed to the standard notion of observable, in order to emphasize the need for an unambiguous formulation of quantum mechanics. In the paper I show that Bell formulated in fact two different theories of beables. The first is somehow reminiscent of the Bohr views on quantum mechanics but, at the same time, is curiously adopted by Bell as a critical tool against the Copenhagen interpretation, whereas the second, more mature formulation was among the sources of inspiration of the so-called Primitive Ontology (PO) approach to quantum mechanics, an approach inspired to scientific realism. In the first part of the paper it is argued that, contrary to the Bell wishes, the first formulation of the theory fails to be an effective recipe for addressing the ambiguity underlying the standard formulation of quantum mechanics, whereas it is only the second formulation that successfully paves the way to the PO approach. In the second part, I consider how the distinction between the two formulations of the Bell theory of beables fares vis-a-vis the complex relationship between the theory of beables and the details of the PO approach.
20.Large Reconfigurable Quantum Circuits with SPAD Arrays and Multimode Fibers
Authors:Adrian Makowski, Michał Dąbrowski, Ivan Michel Antolovic, Claudio Bruschini, Hugo Defienne, Edoardo Charbon, Radek Lapkiewicz, Sylvain Gigan
Abstract: Reprogrammable linear optical circuits are essential elements of photonic quantum technology implementations. Integrated optics provides a natural platform for tunable photonic circuits, but faces challenges when high dimensions and high connectivity are involved. Here, we implement high-dimensional linear transformations on spatial modes of photons using wavefront shaping together with mode mixing in a multimode fiber, and measure photon correlations using a time-tagging single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array. In order to prove the suitability of our approach for quantum technologies we demonstrate two-photon interferences in a tunable complex linear network -- a generalization of a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference to 22 output ports. We study the scalability of our approach by quantifying the similarity between the ideal photon correlations and the correlations obtained experimentally for various linear transformations. Our results demonstrate the potential of wavefront shaping in complex media in conjunction with SPAD arrays for implementing high-dimensional reconfigurable quantum circuits. Specifically, we achieved $(80.5 \pm 6.8)\%$ similarity for indistinguishable photon pairs and $(84.9 \pm 7.0)\%$ similarity for distinguishable photon pairs using 22 detectors and random circuits. These results emphasize the scalability and reprogrammable nature of our approach.
21.Linear Ultrastrong Optomechanical Interaction
Authors:Kahan Dare, Jannek J. Hansen, Iurie Coroli, Aisling Johnson, Markus Aspelmeyer, Uroš Delić
Abstract: Light-matter interaction in the ultrastrong coupling regime can be used to generate exotic ground states with two-mode squeezing and may be of use for quantum enhanced sensing. Current demonstrations of ultrastrong coupling have been performed in fundamentally nonlinear systems. We report a cavity optomechanical system that operates in the linear coupling regime, reaching a maximum coupling of $g_x/\Omega_x=0.55\pm 0.02$. Such a system is inherently unstable, which may in the future enable strong mechanical squeezing.
22.High-dimensional quantum correlation measurements with an adaptively gated hybrid single-photon camera
Authors:Sanjukta Kundu, Jerzy Szuniewicz, Grzegorz Firlik, Alexander Krupinski-Ptaszek, Radek Lapkiewicz
Abstract: Efficient measurement of high-dimensional quantum correlations, especially spatial ones, is essential for quantum technologies, given their inherent high dimensionality and easy manipulation with basic optical elements. We propose and demonstrate an adaptively-gated hybrid intensified camera (HIC) that combines the information from a high spatial resolution sensor and a high temporal resolution detector, offering precise control over the number of photons detected within each frame. The HIC facilitates spatially resolved single-photon counting measurements. We study the measurement of momentum correlations of photon pairs generated in type-I spontaneous parametric down-conversion with the HIC and demonstrate the possibility of time-tagging the registered photons. With a spatial resolution of nearly 9 megapixels and nanosecond temporal resolution, this system allows for the realization of previously infeasible quantum optics experiments.
23.Niobium Quantum Interference Microwave Circuits with Monolithic Three-Dimensional (3D) Nanobridge Junctions
Authors:Kevin Uhl, Daniel Hackenbeck, Janis Peter, Reinhold Kleiner, Dieter Koelle, Daniel Bothner
Abstract: Nonlinear microwave circuits are key elements for many groundbreaking research directions and technologies, such as quantum computation and quantum sensing. The majority of microwave circuits with Josephson nonlinearities to date is based on aluminum thin films, and therefore they are severely restricted in their operation range regarding temperatures and external magnetic fields. Here, we present the realization of superconducting niobium microwave resonators with integrated, three-dimensional (3D) nanobridge-based superconducting quantum interference devices. The 3D nanobridges (constriction weak links) are monolithically patterned into pre-fabricated microwave LC circuits using neon ion beam milling, and the resulting quantum interference circuits show frequency tunabilities, flux responsivities and Kerr nonlinearities on par with comparable aluminum nanobridge devices, but with the perspective of a much larger operation parameter regime. Our results reveal great potential for application of these circuits in hybrid systems with e.g. magnons and spin ensembles or in flux-mediated optomechanics.
24.Boundary Strong Zero Modes
Authors:Christopher T. Olund, Norman Y. Yao, Jack Kemp
Abstract: Strong zero modes are edge-localized degrees of freedom capable of storing information at infinite temperature, even in systems with no disorder. To date, their stability has only been systematically explored at the physical edge of a system. Here, we extend the notion of strong zero modes to the boundary between two systems, and present a unifying framework for the stability of these boundary strong zero modes. Unlike zero-temperature topological edge modes, which are guaranteed to exist at the interface between a trivial and topological phase, the robustness of boundary strong zero modes is significantly more subtle. This subtlety is perhaps best illustrated by the following dichotomy: we find that the interface between a trivial and ordered phase does not guarantee the existence of a strong zero mode, while the interface between two ordered phases can, in certain cases, lead to an exact strong zero mode.
25.Quantum 3.0: Quantum Learning, Quantum Heuristics and Beyond
Authors:Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar
Abstract: Quantum learning paradigms address the question of how best to harness conceptual elements of quantum mechanics and information processing to improve operability and functionality of a computing system for specific tasks through experience. It is one of the fastest evolving framework, which lies at the intersection of physics, statistics and information processing, and is the next frontier for data sciences, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Progress in quantum learning paradigms is driven by multiple factors: need for more efficient data storage and computational speed, development of novel algorithms as well as structural resonances between specific physical systems and learning architectures. Given the demand for better computation methods for data-intensive processes in areas such as advanced scientific analysis and commerce as well as for facilitating more data-driven decision-making in education, energy, marketing, pharmaceuticals and health-care, finance and industry.
26.Extending the Computational Reach of a Superconducting Qutrit Processor
Authors:Noah Goss, Samuele Ferracin, Akel Hashim, Arnaud Carignan-Dugas, John Mark Kreikebaum, Ravi K. Naik, David I. Santiago, Irfan Siddiqi
Abstract: Quantum computing with qudits is an emerging approach that exploits a larger, more-connected computational space, providing advantages for many applications, including quantum simulation and quantum error correction. Nonetheless, qudits are typically afflicted by more complex errors and suffer greater noise sensitivity which renders their scaling difficult. In this work, we introduce techniques to tailor and mitigate arbitrary Markovian noise in qudit circuits. We experimentally demonstrate these methods on a superconducting transmon qutrit processor, and benchmark their effectiveness for multipartite qutrit entanglement and random circuit sampling, obtaining up to 3x improvement in our results. To the best of our knowledge, this constitutes the first ever error mitigation experiment performed on qutrits. Our work shows that despite the intrinsic complexity of manipulating higher-dimensional quantum systems, noise tailoring and error mitigation can significantly extend the computational reach of today's qudit processors.