Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 14 Sep 2023
1.Exact and local compression of quantum bipartite states
Authors:Kohtaro Kato
Abstract: We study an exact local compression of a quantum bipartite state; that is, applying local quantum operations to the state to reduce the dimensions of Hilbert spaces while perfectly maintaining the correlation. We provide a closed formula for calculating the minimal achievable dimensions, provided as a minimization of the Schmidt rank of a particular pure state constructed from that state. Numerically more tractable upper and lower bounds of the rank were also obtained. Subsequently, we consider the exact compression of quantum channels as an application. Using this method, a post-processing step that can reduce the output dimensions while retaining information on the output of the original channel can be analyzed.
2.Influence of Initial Entangled States on the Temperature-Dependent CHSH Inequality
Authors:Esteban Marulanda, Andrés Gómez
Abstract: We demonstrate that the temperature affects the validity of the CHSH inequality in an open bipartite two-qubit system. Specifically, for initial entangled states within the decoherence-free subspace (DFS), the CHSH inequality remains temperature-independent. In contrast, other entangled states exhibit a temperature threshold beyond which the inequality holds.
3.Implementation of coherent one way protocol for quantum key distribution up to an effective distance of 145 km
Authors:Priya Malpani, Satish Kumar, Anirban Pathak
Abstract: In the present work, we report experimental realization of an optical fiber based COW protocol for QKD in the telecom wavelength (1550 nm) where the attenuation in the optical fiber is minimum. A laser of 1550 nm wavelength, attenuator and intensity modulator is used for the generation of pulses having average photon number 0.5 and repetition rate of 500 MHz. The experiment is performed over 40 km, 80 km and 120 km of optical fiber and several experimental parameters like disclose rate, compression ratio, dead time and excess bias voltage of the detector are varied for all the cases (i.e., for 40 km, 80 km and 120 km distances) to observe their impact on the final key rate. Specifically, It is observed that there is a linear increase in the key rate as we decrease compression ratio or disclose rate. The key rate obtains its maximum value for least permitted values of disclose rate, compression ratio and dead time. It seems to remain stable for various values of excess bias voltage. While changing various parameters, we have maintained the quantum bit error rate (QBER) below 6%. The key rate obtained is also found to remain stable over time. Experimental results obtained here are also compared with the earlier realizations of the COW QKD protocol. Further, to emulate key rate at intermediate distances and at a distance larger than 120 km, an attenuator of 5 dB loss is used which can be treated as equivalent to 25 km of the optical fiber used in the present implementation. This has made the present implementation equivalent to the realization of COW QKD upto 145 km.
4.Sample-efficient estimation of entanglement entropy through supervised learning
Authors:Maximilian Rieger, Moritz Reh, Martin Gärttner
Abstract: We explore a supervised machine learning approach to estimate the entanglement entropy of multi-qubit systems from few experimental samples. We put a particular focus on estimating both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty of the network's estimate and benchmark against the best known conventional estimation algorithms. For states that are contained in the training distribution, we observe convergence in a regime of sample sizes in which the baseline method fails to give correct estimates, while extrapolation only seems possible for regions close to the training regime. As a further application of our method, highly relevant for quantum simulation experiments, we estimate the quantum mutual information for non-unitary evolution by training our model on different noise strengths.
5.Fully passive Measurement Device Independent Quantum Key Distribution
Authors:Xiang Wang, Feng-Yu Lu, Ze-Hao Wang, Zhen-Qiang Yin, Shuang Wang, Wei Chen, De-Yong He, Guang-Can Guo, Zheng-Fu Han
Abstract: Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) can resist all attacks on the detection devices, but there are still some security issues related to the source side. One possible solution is to use the passive protocol to eliminate the side channels introduced by active modulators at the source. Recently, a fully passive QKD protocol has been proposed that can simultaneously achieve passive encoding and passive decoy-state modulation using linear optics. In this work, we propose a fully passive MDI-QKD scheme that can protect the system from both side channels of source modulators and attacks on the measurement devices, which can significantly improve the implementation security of the QKD systems. We provide a specific passive encoding strategy and a method for decoy-state analysis, followed by simulation results for the secure key rate in the asymptotic scenario. Our work offers a feasible way to improve the implementation security of QKD systems, and serves as a reference for achieving passive QKD schemes using realistic devices.
6.Unraveling the bounce: a real time perspective on tunneling
Authors:Kfir Blum, Omri Rosner
Abstract: We study tunneling in one-dimensional quantum mechanics using the path integral in real time, where solutions of the classical equation of motion live in the complex plane. Analyzing solutions with small (complex) energy, relevant for constructing the wave function after a long time, we unravel the analytic structure of the action, and show explicitly how the imaginary time bounce arises as a parameterization of the lowest order term in the energy expansion. The real time calculation naturally extends to describe the wave function in the free region of the potential, reproducing the usual WKB approximation. The extension of our analysis to the semiclassical correction due to fluctuations on the saddle is left for future work.
7.Reply to Comment on "Weak values and the past of a quantum particle''
Authors:Jonte R Hance, John Rarity, James Ladyman
Abstract: We here reply to a recent comment by Vaidman on our paper, ``Weak values and the past of a quantum particle'', which we published in Physical Review Research. In his Comment, he first admits that he is just defining (assuming) the weak trace gives the presence of a particle -- however, in this case, he should use a term other than presence, as this already has a separate, intuitive meaning other than ``where a weak trace is''. Despite this admission, Vaidman then goes on to argue for this definition by appeal to ideas around an objectively-existing idea of presence. We show these appeals are flawed, and rely on their own conclusion -- that there is always a matter of fact about the location of a quantum particle.
8.Phase shift rule with the optimal parameter selection
Authors:L. A. Markovich, S. Malikis, S. Polla, J. T. Brugués
Abstract: The phase shift rules enable the estimation of the derivative of a quantum state with respect to phase parameters, providing valuable insights into the behavior and dynamics of quantum systems. This capability is essential in quantum simulation tasks where understanding the behavior of complex quantum systems is of interest, such as simulating chemical reactions or condensed matter systems. However, parameter shift rules are typically designed for Hamiltonian systems with equidistant eigenvalues. For systems with closely spaced eigenvalues, effective rules have not been established. We provide insights about the optimal design of a parameter shift rule, tailored to various sorts of spectral information that may be available. The proposed method lets derivatives be calculated for any system, regardless of how close the eigenvalues are to each other. It also optimizes the number of phase shifts, which reduces the amount of gate resources needed.
9.Mitigating controller noise in quantum gates using optimal control theory
Authors:Aviv Aroch, Ronnie Kosloff, Shimshon Kallush
Abstract: All quantum systems are subject to noise from the environment or external controls. This noise is a major obstacle to the realization of quantum technology. For example, noise limits the fidelity of quantum gates. Employing optimal control theory, we study the generation of quantum single and two-qubit gates. Specifically, we explore a Markovian model of phase and amplitude noise, leading to the degradation of the gate fidelity. We show that optimal control with such noise models generates control solutions to mitigate the loss of gate fidelity. The problem is formulated in Liouville space employing an extremely accurate numerical solver and the Krotov algorithm for solving the optimal control equations.
10.Passive MDI-QKD
Authors:Jinjie Li, Wenyuan Wang, Hoi-Kwong Lo
Abstract: A recently proposed fully passive QKD removes all source modulator side channels. In this work, we combine the fully passive sources with MDI-QKD to remove simultaneously side channels from source modulators and detectors. We show a numerical simulation of the passive MDI-QKD, and we obtain an acceptable key rate while getting much better implementation security, as well as ease of implementation, compared with a recently proposed fully passive TF-QKD, paving the way towards more secure and practical QKD systems. We have proved that a fully passive protocol is compatible with MDI-QKD and we also proposed a novel idea that could potentially improve the sifting efficiency.
11.Benchmarking machine learning models for quantum state classification
Authors:Edoardo Pedicillo, Andrea Pasquale, Stefano Carrazza
Abstract: Quantum computing is a growing field where the information is processed by two-levels quantum states known as qubits. Current physical realizations of qubits require a careful calibration, composed by different experiments, due to noise and decoherence phenomena. Among the different characterization experiments, a crucial step is to develop a model to classify the measured state by discriminating the ground state from the excited state. In this proceedings we benchmark multiple classification techniques applied to real quantum devices.
12.Steady-state entanglement production in a quantum thermal machine with continuous feedback control
Authors:Giovanni Francesco Diotallevi, Björn Annby-Andersson, Peter Samuelsson, Armin Tavakoli, Pharnam Bakhshinezhad
Abstract: Quantum thermal machines can generate steady-state entanglement by harvesting spontaneous interactions with local environments. However, using minimal resources and control, the entanglement is typically very noisy. Here, we study entanglement generation in a two-qubit quantum thermal machine in the presence of a continuous feedback protocol. Each qubit is measured continuously and the outcomes are used for real-time feedback to control the local system-environment interactions. We show that there exists an ideal operation regime where the quality of entanglement is significantly improved, to the extent that it can violate standard Bell inequalities and uphold quantum teleportation. In particular, we find, for ideal operation, that the heat current across the system is proportional to the entanglement concurrence. Finally, we investigate the robustness of entanglement production when the machine operates away from the ideal conditions.
13.Logical implications between fundamental properties of relativistic quantum theories
Authors:Antoine Soulas
Abstract: A mathematical consistency condition constraining any relativistic quantum theory is formulated. It turns out to be equivalent to the locality of physics as well as, in the context of quantum field theory, microcausality, thereby revealing that these are actually two redundant hypotheses. It also promotes an epistemic interpretation of the wavefunction collapse, helps address unsolved problems related to nonlocal measurements and provides a new proof of the non-measurability of fermionic fields.
14.A phononic crystal coupled to a transmission line via an artificial atom
Authors:Aleksey N. Bolgar, Daniil D. Kirichenko, Rais. S. Shaikhaidarov, Shtefan V. Sanduleanu, Alexander V. Semenov, Aleksey Yu. Dmitriev, Oleg V. Astafiev
Abstract: We study a phononic crystal interacting with an artificial atom { a superconducting quantum system { in the quantum regime. The phononic crystal is made of a long lattice of narrow metallic stripes on a quatz surface. The artificial atom in turn interacts with a transmission line therefore two degrees of freedom of different nature, acoustic and electromagnetic, are coupled with a single quantum object. A scattering spectrum of propagating electromagnetic waves on the artificial atom visualizes acoustic modes of the phononic crystal. We simulate the system and found quasinormal modes of our phononic crystal and their properties. The calculations are consistent with the experimentally found modes, which are fitted to the dispersion branches of the phononic crystal near the first Brillouin zone edge. Our geometry allows to realize effects of quantum acoustics on a simple and compact phononic crystal.
15.Exponentially Enhanced non-Hermitian Cooling
Authors:Haowei Xu, Uroš Delić, Guoqing Wang, Changhao Li, Paola Cappellaro, Ju Li
Abstract: Certain non-Hermitian systems exhibit the skin effect, whereby the wavefunctions become exponentially localized at one edge of the system. Such exponential amplification of wavefunction has received significant attention due to its potential applications in e.g., classical and quantum sensing. However, the opposite edge of the system, featured by the exponentially suppressed wavefunctions, remains largely unexplored. Leveraging this phenomenon, we introduce a non-Hermitian cooling mechanism, which is fundamentally distinct from traditional refrigeration or laser cooling techniques. Notably, non-Hermiticity will not amplify thermal excitations, but rather redistribute them. Hence, thermal excitations can be cooled down at one edge of the system, and the cooling effect can be exponentially enhanced by the number of auxiliary modes, albeit with a lower bound that depends on the dissipative interaction with the environment. Non-Hermitian cooling does not rely on intricate properties such as exceptional points or non-trivial topology, and it can apply to a wide range of Bosonic modes such as photons, phonons, magnons, etc.
16.Variational Quantum Linear Solver enhanced Quantum Support Vector Machine
Authors:Jianming Yi, Kalyani Suresh, Ali Moghiseh, Norbert Wehn
Abstract: Quantum Support Vector Machines (QSVM) play a vital role in using quantum resources for supervised machine learning tasks, such as classification. However, current methods are strongly limited in terms of scalability on Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. In this work, we propose a novel approach called the Variational Quantum Linear Solver (VQLS) enhanced QSVM. This is built upon our idea of utilizing the variational quantum linear solver to solve system of linear equations of a least squares-SVM on a NISQ device. The implementation of our approach is evaluated by an extensive series of numerical experiments with the Iris dataset, which consists of three distinct iris plant species. Based on this, we explore the practicality and effectiveness of our algorithm by constructing a classifier capable of classification in a feature space ranging from one to seven dimensions. Furthermore, by strategically exploiting both classical and quantum computing for various subroutines of our algorithm, we effectively mitigate practical challenges associated with the implementation. These include significant improvement in the trainability of the variational ansatz and notable reductions in run-time for cost calculations. Based on the numerical experiments, our approach exhibits the capability of identifying a separating hyperplane in an 8-dimensional feature space. Moreover, it consistently demonstrated strong performance across various instances with the same dataset.
17.Continuity of causal influence versus signalling for interacting quantum channels
Authors:Paolo Perinotti, Alessandro Tosini, Leonardo Vaglini
Abstract: A causal relation between quantum agents, say Alice and Bob, is necessarily mediated by an interaction. Modelling the last one as a reversible quantum channel, an intervention of Alice can have causal influence on Bob's system, modifying correlations between Alice and Bob's systems. Causal influence between quantum systems necessarily allows for signalling. Here we prove a continuity relation between the strength of causal influence and that of signalling. The continuity with respect to the intensity of the interaction is also shown for bipartite channels having equal input and output subsystems.
18.Self-adjoint Momentum Operator for a Particle Confined in a Multi-Dimensional Cavity
Authors:A. Mariani, U. -J. Wiese
Abstract: Based on the recent construction of a self-adjoint momentum operator for a particle confined in a one-dimensional interval, we extend the construction to arbitrarily shaped regions in any number of dimensions. Different components of the momentum vector do not commute with each other unless very special conditions are met. As such, momentum measurements should be considered one direction at a time. We also extend other results, such as the Ehrenfest theorem and the interpretation of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation to higher dimensions.
19.Sufficient condition for universal quantum computation using bosonic circuits
Authors:Cameron Calcluth, Nicolas Reichel, Alessandro Ferraro, Giulia Ferrini
Abstract: We present a new method for quantifying the resourcefulness of continuous-variable states in the context of promoting otherwise simulatable circuits to universality. The simulatable, albeit non-Gaussian, circuits that we consider are composed of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states, Gaussian operations, and homodyne measurements. We first introduce a general framework for mapping a continuous-variable state into a qubit state. We then express existing maps in this framework, including the modular subsystem decomposition and stabilizer subsystem decomposition. Combining these results with existing results in discrete-variable quantum computation provides a sufficient condition for achieving universal quantum computation. These results also allow us to demonstrate that for states symmetric in the position representation, the modular subsystem decomposition can be interpreted in terms of resourceless (simulatable) operations - i.e., included in the class of Gaussian circuits with input stabilizer Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states. Therefore, the modular subsystem decomposition is an operationally relevant mapping to analyze the logical content of realistic Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states, among other states.
20.Thermodynamic entropy production in the dynamical Casimir effect
Authors:Gustavo de Oliveira, Lucas C. Céleri
Abstract: We address the question of entropy production in the context of the dynamical Casimir effect. Specifically, we consider a one-dimensional ideal cavity with one of its mirrors describing a prescribed trajectory. Inside the cavity we have a scalar quantum field and we ask about the changes in the thermodynamic entropy of the field induced by the non-trivial boundary conditions imposed by the moving mirror. By employing an effective Hamiltonian approach, we compute the entropy production and show that it scales with the number of particles created in the short-time limit. Moreover, such approach allows us to demonstrate that this entropy is directly related to the developments of quantum coherences in the mode basis of the field. A distinct approach, based on the time evolution of Gaussian states, allows us to study the long-time limit of the entropy production in single mode of the field. This results in a relation between the thermodynamic entropy production in the field mode with the entanglement between the considered mode and all the other modes. In this way, we link the entropy production in the field due to the dynamical Casimir effect with two fundamental features of quantum mechanics, coherence and entanglement.
21.Overhead-constrained circuit knitting for variational quantum dynamics
Authors:Gian Gentinetta, Friederike Metz, Giuseppe Carleo
Abstract: Simulating the dynamics of large quantum systems is a formidable yet vital pursuit for obtaining a deeper understanding of quantum mechanical phenomena. While quantum computers hold great promise for speeding up such simulations, their practical application remains hindered by limited scale and pervasive noise. In this work, we propose an approach that addresses these challenges by employing circuit knitting to partition a large quantum system into smaller subsystems that can each be simulated on a separate device. The evolution of the system is governed by the projected variational quantum dynamics (PVQD) algorithm, supplemented with constraints on the parameters of the variational quantum circuit, ensuring that the sampling overhead imposed by the circuit knitting scheme remains controllable. We test our method on quantum spin systems with multiple weakly entangled blocks each consisting of strongly correlated spins, where we are able to accurately simulate the dynamics while keeping the sampling overhead manageable. Further, we show that the same method can be used to reduce the circuit depth by cutting long-ranged gates.
22.The cost of solving linear differential equations on a quantum computer: fast-forwarding to explicit resource counts
Authors:David Jennings, Matteo Lostaglio, Robert B. Lowrie, Sam Pallister, Andrew T. Sornborger
Abstract: How well can quantum computers simulate classical dynamical systems? There is increasing effort in developing quantum algorithms to efficiently simulate dynamics beyond Hamiltonian simulation, but so far exact running costs are not known. In this work, we provide two significant contributions. First, we provide the first non-asymptotic computation of the cost of encoding the solution to linear ordinary differential equations into quantum states -- either the solution at a final time, or an encoding of the whole history within a time interval. Second, we show that the stability properties of a large class of classical dynamics can allow their fast-forwarding, making their quantum simulation much more time-efficient. We give a broad framework to include stability information in the complexity analysis and present examples where this brings several orders of magnitude improvements in the query counts compared to state-of-the-art analysis. From this point of view, quantum Hamiltonian dynamics is a boundary case that does not allow this form of stability-induced fast-forwarding. To illustrate our results, we find that for homogeneous systems with negative log-norm, the query counts lie within the curves $11900 \sqrt{T} \log(T)$ and $10300 T \log(T)$ for $T \in [10^6, 10^{15}]$ and error $\epsilon = 10^{-10}$, when outputting a history state.
23.The Adjoint Is All You Need: Characterizing Barren Plateaus in Quantum Ansätze
Authors:Enrico Fontana, Dylan Herman, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Niraj Kumar, Romina Yalovetzky, Jamie Heredge, Shree Hari Sureshbabu, Marco Pistoia
Abstract: Using tools from the representation theory of compact Lie groups we formulate a theory of Barren Plateaus (BPs) for parameterized quantum circuits where the observable lies in the dynamical Lie algebra (DLA), a setting that we term Lie-algebra Supported Ansatz (LASA). A large variety of commonly used ans\"atze such as the Hamiltonian Variational Ansatz, Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz, and many equivariant quantum neural networks are LASAs. In particular, our theory provides for the first time the ability to compute the gradient variance for a non-trivial, subspace uncontrollable family of quantum circuits, the quantum compound ans\"atze. We rigorously prove that the variance of the circuit gradient, under Haar initialization, scales inversely with the dimension of the DLA, which agrees with existing numerical observations.