Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 09 Aug 2023
1.Computing Quantum Mean Values in the Deep Chaotic Regime
Authors:Gabriel M. Lando, Olivier Giraud, Denis Ullmo
Abstract: We study the time evolution of mean values of quantum operators in a regime plagued by two difficulties: The smallness of $\hbar$ and the presence of strong and ubiquitous classical chaos. While numerics become too computationally expensive for purely quantum calculations as $\hbar \to 0$, methods that take advantage of the smallness of $\hbar$ -- that is, semiclassical methods -- suffer from both conceptual and practical difficulties in the deep chaotic regime. We implement an approach which addresses these conceptual problems, leading to a deeper understanding of the origin of the interference contributions to the operator's mean value. We show that in the deep chaotic regime our approach is capable of unprecedented accuracy, while a typical semiclassical method (the Herman-Kluk propagator) produces only numerical noise. Our work paves the way to the development and employment of more efficient and accurate methods for quantum simulations of systems with strongly chaotic classical limits.
2.Orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit for dynamical quantum phase transition
Authors:Zheng-Rong Zhu, Bin Shao, Jian Zou, Lian-Ao Wu
Abstract: We investigate the orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit in the Creutz model for dynamical quantum phase transitions. We demonstrate that exact zeros of the Loschmidt echo can exist in finite-size systems for specific discrete values. We highlight the role of the zero-energy mode when analyzing quench dynamics near the critical point. We also examine the behavior of the time for the first exact zeros of the Loschmidt echo and the corresponding quantum speed limit time as the system size increases. While the bound is not tight, it can be attributed to the scaling properties of the band gap and energy variance with respect to system size. As such, we establish a relation between the orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit by referencing the full form of the Loschmidt echo. Significantly, we find the possibility of using the quantum speed limit to detect the critical point of a static quantum phase transition, along with a decrease in the amplitude of noise induced quantum speed limit.
3.Absorption to Fluctuating Bunching States in Non-Unitary Boson Dynamics
Authors:Ken Mochizuki, Ryusuke Hamazaki
Abstract: We show that noisy non-unitary dynamics of bosons drives arbitrary initial states into a novel fluctuating bunching state, where all bosons occupy one time-dependent mode. We propose a concept of the noisy spectral gap, a generalization of the spectral gap in noiseless systems, and demonstrate that exponentially fast absorption to the fluctuating bunching state takes place asymptotically. The fluctuating bunching state is unique to noisy non-unitary dynamics with no counterpart in any unitary dynamics and non-unitary dynamics described by a time-independent generator. We also argue that the times of relaxation to the fluctuating bunching state obey a universal power law as functions of the noise parameter in generic noisy non-unitary dynamics.
4.Randomness-enhanced expressivity of quantum neural networks
Authors:Yadong Wu, Juan Yao, Pengfei Zhang, Xiaopeng Li
Abstract: As a hybrid of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, quantum neural networks (QNNs) have gained significant attention as a promising application on near-term, noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Conventional QNNs are described by parametrized quantum circuits, which perform unitary operations and measurements on quantum states. In this work, we propose a novel approach to enhance the expressivity of QNNs by incorporating randomness into quantum circuits. Specifically, we introduce a random layer, which contains single-qubit gates sampled from an trainable ensemble pooling. The prediction of QNN is then represented by an ensemble average over a classical function of measurement outcomes. We prove that our approach can accurately approximate arbitrary target operators using Uhlmann's theorem for majorization, which enables observable learning. Our proposal is demonstrated with extensive numerical experiments, including observable learning, R\'enyi entropy measurement, and image recognition. We find the expressivity of QNNS is enhanced by introducing randomness for multiple learning tasks, which could have broad application in quantum machine learning.
5.Wavelength-tunable high-fidelity entangled photon sources enabled by dual Stark effects
Authors:Chen Chen, Jun-Yong Yan, Hans-Georg Babin, Xing Lin, Wei Fang, Run-Ze Liu, Yong-Heng Huo, Wei E. I. Sha, Jiaxiang Zhang, Christian Heyn, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Da-Wei Wang, Chao-Yuan Jin, Feng Liu
Abstract: The construction of a large-scale quantum internet requires quantum repeaters containing multiple entangled photon sources with identical wavelengths. Semiconductor quantum dots can generate entangled photon pairs deterministically with high fidelity. However, realizing quantum dot-based quantum repeaters faces two difficulties: the non-uniformity of emission wavelength and exciton fine-structure splitting induced fidelity reduction. Typically, these two factors are not independently tunable, making it challenging to achieve simultaneous improvement. In this work, we demonstrate wavelength-tunable entangled photon sources based on droplet-etched GaAs quantum dots through the combined use of the AC and quantum-confined Stark effects. The emission wavelength can be tuned by ~1 meV while preserving entanglement fidelity above 0.955(1) across the entire tuning range. Our work paves a way towards robust and scalable on-demand entangled photon sources for large-scale quantum internet and integrated quantum optical circuits.
6.Power-law decay of the fraction of the mixed eigenstates in kicked top model with mixed-type classical phase space
Authors:Qian Wang, Marko Robnik
Abstract: The properties of mixed eigenstates in a generic quantum system with classical counterpart that has mixed-type phase space, although important to understand several fundamental questions that arise in both theoretical and experimental studies, are still not clear. Here, following a recent work [\v{C}.~Lozej {\it et al}. Phys. Rev. E {\bf 106}, 054203 (2022)], we perform an analysis of the features of mixed eigenstates in a time-dependent Hamiltonian system, the celebrated kicked top model. As a paradigmatic model for studying quantum chaos, kicked top model is known to exhibit both classical and quantum chaos. The types of eigenstates are identified by means of the phase space overlap index, which is defined as the overlap of the Husimi function with regular and chaotic regions in classical phase space. We show that the mixed eigenstates appear due to various tunneling precesses between different phase space structures, while the regular and chaotic eigenstates are, respectively, associated with invariant tori and chaotic component in phase space. We examine how the probability distribution of the phase space overlap index evolves with increasing system size for different kicking strengths. In particular, we find that the relative fraction of mixed states exhibits a power-law decay as the system size increases, indicating that only purely regular and chaotic eigenstates are left in the strict semiclassical limit. We thus provide further verification of the principle of uniform semiclassical condensation of Husimi functions and confirm the correctness of the Berry-Robnik picture.
7.Solving The Vehicle Routing Problem via Quantum Support Vector Machines
Authors:Nishikanta Mohanty, Bikash K. Behera, Christopher Ferrie
Abstract: The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is an example of a combinatorial optimization problem that has attracted academic attention due to its potential use in various contexts. VRP aims to arrange vehicle deliveries to several sites in the most efficient and economical manner possible. Quantum machine learning offers a new way to obtain solutions by harnessing the natural speedups of quantum effects, although many solutions and methodologies are modified using classical tools to provide excellent approximations of the VRP. In this paper, we implement and test hybrid quantum machine learning methods for solving VRP of 3 and 4-city scenarios, which use 6 and 12 qubit circuits, respectively. The proposed method is based on quantum support vector machines (QSVMs) with a variational quantum eigensolver on a fixed or variable ansatz. Different encoding strategies are used in the experiment to transform the VRP formulation into a QSVM and solve it. Multiple optimizers from the IBM Qiskit framework are also evaluated and compared.
8.Revisiting Nancy Cartwright's Notion of Reliability: Addressing Quantum Devices' Noise
Authors:Galina Weinstein
Abstract: This paper serves as an addendum to my previously published work, which delves into the experimentation with the Google Sycamore quantum processor under the title "Debating the Reliability and Robustness of the Learned Hamiltonian in the Traversable Wormhole Experiment." In the preceding publication, I extensively discussed the quantum system functioning as a dual to a traversable wormhole and the ongoing efforts to discover a sparse model that accurately depicts the dynamics of this intriguing phenomenon. In this paper, I bring to light an important insight regarding applying Nancy Cartwright's ideas about reliability and reproducibility, which are deeply rooted in classical scientific practices and experiments. I show that when applied to the realm of quantum devices, such as Google's Sycamore quantum processor and other Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, these well-established notions demand careful adaptation and consideration. These systems' inherent noise and quantum nature introduce complexities that necessitate rethinking traditional perspectives on reliability and reproducibility. In light of these complexities, I propose the term "noisy reliability" as a means to effectively capture the nuanced nature of assessing the reliability of quantum devices, particularly in the presence of inherent quantum noise. This addendum seeks to enrich the discussion by highlighting the challenges and implications of assessing quantum device reliability, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of quantum experimentation and its potential applications in various domains.
9.Large-scale simulation of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm
Authors:Dennis Willsch, Madita Willsch, Fengping Jin, Hans De Raedt, Kristel Michielsen
Abstract: Shor's factoring algorithm is one of the most anticipated applications of quantum computing. However, the limited capabilities of today's quantum computers only permit a study of Shor's algorithm for very small numbers. Here we show how large GPU-based supercomputers can be used to assess the performance of Shor's algorithm for numbers that are out of reach for current and near-term quantum hardware. First, we study Shor's original factoring algorithm. While theoretical bounds suggest success probabilities of only 3-4 %, we find average success probabilities above 50 %, due to a high frequency of "lucky" cases, defined as successful factorizations despite unmet sufficient conditions. Second, we investigate a powerful post-processing procedure, by which the success probability can be brought arbitrarily close to one, with only a single run of Shor's quantum algorithm. Finally, we study the effectiveness of this post-processing procedure in the presence of typical errors in quantum processing hardware. We find that the quantum factoring algorithm exhibits a particular form of universality and resilience against the different types of errors. The largest semiprime that we have factored by executing Shor's algorithm on a GPU-based supercomputer, without exploiting prior knowledge of the solution, is 549755813701 = 712321 * 771781. We put forward the challenge of factoring, without oversimplification, a non-trivial semiprime larger than this number on any quantum computing device.
10.Benchmarking a trapped-ion quantum computer with 29 algorithmic qubits
Authors:Jwo-Sy Chen, Erik Nielsen, Matthew Ebert, Volkan Inlek, Kenneth Wright, Vandiver Chaplin, Andrii Maksymov, Eduardo Páez, Amrit Poudel, Peter Maunz, John Gamble
Abstract: Quantum computers are rapidly becoming more capable, with dramatic increases in both qubit count and quality. Among different hardware approaches, trapped-ion quantum processors are a leading technology for quantum computing, with established high-fidelity operations and architectures with promising scaling. Here, we demonstrate and thoroughly benchmark the IonQ Forte system: configured here as a single-chain 30-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer with all-to-all operations. We assess the performance of our quantum computer operation at the component level via direct randomized benchmarking (DRB) across all 30 choose 2 = 435 gate pairs. We then show the results of application-oriented benchmarks, indicating that the system passes the suite of algorithmic qubit (AQ) benchmarks up to #AQ 29. Finally, we use our component-level benchmarking to build a system-level model to predict the application benchmarking data through direct simulation, including error mitigation. We find that the system-level model correlates well with the observations in many cases, though in some cases out-of-model errors lead to higher predicted performance than is observed. This highlights that as quantum computers move toward larger and higher-quality devices, characterization becomes more challenging, suggesting future work required to push performance further.
11.Fast and converged classical simulations of evidence for the utility of quantum computing before fault tolerance
Authors:Tomislav Begušić, Johnnie Gray, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan
Abstract: A recent quantum simulation of observables of the kicked Ising model on 127 qubits [Nature 618, 500 (2023)] implemented circuits that exceed the capabilities of exact classical simulation. We show that several approximate classical methods, based on sparse Pauli dynamics and tensor network algorithms, can simulate these observables orders of magnitude faster than the quantum experiment, and can also be systematically converged beyond the experimental accuracy. Our most accurate technique combines a mixed Schr\"odinger and Heisenberg tensor network representation with the free entropy relation of belief propagation to compute expectation values with an effective wavefunction-operator sandwich bond dimension ${>}16,000,000$, achieving an absolute accuracy, without extrapolation, in the observables of ${<}0.01$, which is converged for many practical purposes. We thereby identify inaccuracies in the experimental extrapolations and suggest how future experiments can be implemented to increase the classical hardness.
12.Space-bounded quantum state testing via space-efficient quantum singular value transformation
Authors:François Le Gall, Yupan Liu, Qisheng Wang
Abstract: Driven by exploring the power of quantum computation with a limited number of qubits, we present a novel complete characterization for space-bounded quantum computation, which encompasses settings with one-sided error (unitary coRQL) and two-sided error (BQL), approached from a quantum state testing perspective: - The first family of natural complete problems for unitary coRQL, i.e., space-bounded quantum state certification for trace distance and Hilbert-Schmidt distance; - A new family of natural complete problems for BQL, i.e., space-bounded quantum state testing for trace distance, Hilbert-Schmidt distance, and quantum entropy difference. In the space-bounded quantum state testing problem, we consider two logarithmic-qubit quantum circuits (devices) denoted as $Q_0$ and $Q_1$, which prepare quantum states $\rho_0$ and $\rho_1$, respectively, with access to their ``source code''. Our goal is to decide whether $\rho_0$ is $\epsilon_1$-close to or $\epsilon_2$-far from $\rho_1$ with respect to a specified distance-like measure. Interestingly, unlike time-bounded state testing problems, which exhibit computational hardness depending on the chosen distance-like measure (either QSZK-complete or BQP-complete), our results reveal that the space-bounded state testing problems, considering all three measures, are computationally as easy as preparing quantum states. Our results primarily build upon a space-efficient variant of the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) introduced by Gily\'en, Su, Low, and Wiebe (STOC 2019), which is of independent interest. Our technique provides a unified approach for designing space-bounded quantum algorithms. Specifically, we show that implementing QSVT for any bounded polynomial that approximates a piecewise-smooth function incurs only a constant overhead in terms of the space required for special forms of the projected unitary encoding.
13.Quantum Lego Expansion Pack: Enumerators from Tensor Networks
Authors:ChunJun Cao, Michael J. Gullans, Brad Lackey, Zitao Wang
Abstract: We provide the first tensor network method for computing quantum weight enumerator polynomials in the most general form. As a corollary, if a quantum code has a known tensor network construction of its encoding map, our method produces an algorithm that computes its distance. For non-(Pauli)-stabilizer codes, this constitutes the current best algorithm for computing the code distance. For degenerate stabilizer codes, it can provide up to an exponential speed up compared to the current methods. We also introduce a few novel applications of different weight enumerators. In particular, for any code built from the quantum lego method, we use enumerators to construct its (optimal) decoders under any i.i.d. single qubit or qudit error channels and discuss their applications for computing logical error rates. As a proof of principle, we perform exact analyses of the deformed surface codes, the holographic pentagon code, and the 2d Bacon-Shor code under (biased) Pauli noise and limited instances of coherent error at sizes that are inaccessible by brute force.
14.Indirect Cooling of Weakly Coupled Trapped-Ion Mechanical Oscillators
Authors:Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Daniel C. Cole, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried
Abstract: Cooling the motion of trapped ions to near the quantum ground state is crucial for many applications in quantum information processing and quantum metrology. However, certain motional modes of trapped-ion crystals can be difficult to cool due to weak or zero interaction between the modes and the cooling radiation, typically laser beams. We overcome this challenge by coupling a mode with weak cooling radiation interaction to one with strong cooling radiation interaction using parametric modulation of the trapping potential, thereby enabling indirect cooling of the former. In this way, we demonstrate near-ground-state cooling of motional modes with weak or zero cooling radiation interaction in multi-ion crystals of the same and mixed ion species, specifically $^9$Be$^+$-$^9$Be$^+$, $^9$Be$^+$-$^{25}$Mg$^+$, and $^9$Be$^+$-$^{25}$Mg$^+$-$^9$Be$^+$ crystals. This approach can be generally applied to any Coulomb crystal where certain motional modes cannot be directly cooled efficiently, including crystals containing molecular ions, highly-charged ions, charged fundamental particles, or charged macroscopic objects.
15.Extending third quantization with commuting observables: a dissipative spin-boson model
Authors:Luka Medic, Anton Ramšak, Tomaž Prosen
Abstract: We consider the spectral and initial value problem for the Lindblad-Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan master equation describing an open quantum system of bosons and spins, where the bosonic parts of the Hamiltonian and Lindblad jump operators are quadratic and linear respectively, while the spins couple to bosons via mutually commuting spin operators. Needless to say, the spin degrees of freedom can be replaced by any set of finite-level quantum systems. A simple, yet non-trivial example of a single open spin-boson model is worked out in some detail.
16.Free particles beyond fermions and bosons
Authors:Zhiyuan Wang, Kaden R. A. Hazzard
Abstract: It is commonly believed that there are only two types of particle exchange statistics in quantum mechanics, fermions and bosons, with the exception of anyons in two dimension. In principle, a second exception known as parastatistics, which extends outside of two dimensions, has been considered but was believed to be physically equivalent to fermions and bosons. In this paper we show that nontrivial parastatistics inequivalent to either fermions or bosons can exist in physical systems. These new types of identical particles obey generalized exclusion principles, leading to exotic free-particle thermodynamics distinct from any system of free fermions and bosons. We formulate our theory by developing a second quantization of paraparticles, which naturally includes exactly solvable non-interacting theories, and incorporates physical constraints such as locality. We then construct a family of one-dimensional quantum spin models where free parastatistical particles emerge as quasiparticle excitations. This demonstrates the possibility of a new type of quasiparticle in condensed matter systems, and, more speculatively, the potential for previously unconsidered types of elementary particles.
17.A Long-lived and Efficient Optomechanical Memory for Light
Authors:Mads Bjerregaard Kristensen, Nenad Kralj, Eric Langman, Albert Schliesser
Abstract: We demonstrate a memory for light based on optomechanically induced transparency. We achieve a long storage time by leveraging the ultra-low dissipation of a soft-clamped mechanical membrane resonator, which oscillates at MHz frequencies. At room temperature, we demonstrate a lifetime $T_1 \approx 23\,\mathrm{ms}$ and a retrieval efficiency $\eta \approx 40\%$ for classical coherent pulses. We anticipate storage of quantum light to be possible at moderate cryogenic conditions ($T\approx 10\,\mathrm{K}$). Such systems could find applications in emerging quantum networks, where they can serve as long-lived optical quantum memories by storing optical information in a phononic mode.
18.Closed-form expressions for the probability distribution of quantum walk on a line
Authors:Mahesh N. Jayakody, Eliahu Cohen
Abstract: Theoretical and applied studies of quantum walks are abundant in quantum science and technology thanks to their relative simplicity and versatility. Here we derive closed-form expressions for the probability distribution of quantum walks on a line. The most general two-state coin operator and the most general (pure) initial state are considered in the derivation. The general coin operator includes the common choices of Hadamard, Grover, and Fourier coins. The method of Fibonacci-Horner basis for the power decomposition of a matrix is employed in the analysis. Moreover, we also consider mixed initial states and derive closed-form expression for the probability distribution of the Quantum walk on a line. To prove the accuracy of our derivations, we retrieve the simulated probability distribution of Hadamard walk on a line using our closed-form expressions. With a broader perspective in mind, we argue that our approach has the potential to serve as a helpful mathematical tool in obtaining precise analytical expressions for the time evolution of qubit-based systems in a general context.
19.A review on the questions of spin and spin quantum correlations in the relativistic regime
Authors:Shrobona Bagchi
Abstract: Quantum correlations are one of the most important aspects of the modern day quantum information and computation theory. However, the majority of understanding of the quantum correlations is in the field of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. To develop the quantum information and computation tasks fully, one must inevitably take into account the relativistic effects. In this regard, the spin is one of the central tools to implement these qubit operations in almost all quantum information processing tasks. For this purpose, it is of paramount importance to understand and characterize fully the theory of spin in relativistic quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum information theory where the spin states act as qubit. This area is still far from being resolved as a current state of art. As a result, this article will explore the recent studies of the concepts of the spin and spin quantum correlations in inertial frames and some apparent paradoxes regarding this concept. We will mainly focus on the problem of characterizing the concept of spin, reduced spin density matrices and consequently spin quantum correlations in inertial reference frames and the apparent paradoxes involved therein, yet to be verified experimentally. Another important aspect is the use of tools of quantum field theory to extend concepts in non-relativistic domain to relativistic one. In this regard, we will analyze the development of the theory of relativistic secret sharing and a correlation measure namely the entanglement of purification. We will also explore how these developments may be mapped to quantum information processing task and discuss the future promises.
20.Financial Fraud Detection: A Comparative Study of Quantum Machine Learning Models
Authors:Nouhaila Innan, Muhammad Al-Zafar Khan, Mohamed Bennai
Abstract: In this research, a comparative study of four Quantum Machine Learning (QML) models was conducted for fraud detection in finance. We proved that the Quantum Support Vector Classifier model achieved the highest performance, with F1 scores of 0.98 for fraud and non-fraud classes. Other models like the Variational Quantum Classifier, Estimator Quantum Neural Network (QNN), and Sampler QNN demonstrate promising results, propelling the potential of QML classification for financial applications. While they exhibit certain limitations, the insights attained pave the way for future enhancements and optimisation strategies. However, challenges exist, including the need for more efficient Quantum algorithms and larger and more complex datasets. The article provides solutions to overcome current limitations and contributes new insights to the field of Quantum Machine Learning in fraud detection, with important implications for its future development.
21.Vacuum radiation versus shortcuts to adiabaticity
Authors:Ricardo R. Ancheyta
Abstract: The nonadiabatic dynamic of the electromagnetic field triggers photons generation from the quantum vacuum. Shortcuts to adiabaticity, instead, are protocols that mimic the field's adiabatic dynamic in a finite time. Here, we show how the counterdiabatic term of the transitionless tracking algorithm cancels out, exactly, the term responsible for the photon production in the dynamical Casimir effect. This result suggests that the energy of producing photons out of the vacuum is related to the energetic cost of the shortcut. Furthermore, if the system operates under a quantum thermodynamic cycle, we confirm the equivalence between the adiabatic and nonadiabatic work outputs. Finally, our study reveals that identifying these unreported observations can only be possible using the so-called effective Hamiltonian approach.
22.A study of dissipative models based on Dirac matrices
Authors:Jyotsna Gidugu, Daniel P. Arovas
Abstract: We generalize the recent work of Shibata and Katsura, who considered a S=1/2 chain with alternating XX and YY couplings in the presence of dephasing, the dynamics of which are described by the GKLS master equation. Their model is equivalent to a non-Hermitian system described by the Kitaev formulation in terms of a single Majorana species hopping on a two-leg ladder in the presence of a nondynamical Z_2 gauge field. Our generalization involves Dirac gamma matrix `spin' operators on the square lattice, and maps onto a non-Hermitian square lattice bilayer which is also Kitaev-solvable. We describe the exponentially many non-equilibrium steady states in this model. We identify how the spin degrees of freedom can be accounted for in the 2d model in terms of the gauge-invariant quantities and then proceed to study the Liouvillian spectrum. We use a genetic algorithm to estimate the Liouvillian gap and the first decay modes for large system sizes. We observe a transition in the first decay modes, similar to that found by Shibata and Katsura. The results we obtain are consistent with a perturbative analysis for small and large values of the dissipation strength.