Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 16 Aug 2023
1.A Quantum Approximation Scheme for k-Means
Authors:Ragesh Jaiswal
Abstract: We give a quantum approximation scheme (i.e., $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation for every $\varepsilon > 0$) for the classical $k$-means clustering problem in the QRAM model with a running time that has only polylogarithmic dependence on the number of data points. More specifically, given a dataset $V$ with $N$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ stored in QRAM data structure, our quantum algorithm runs in time $\tilde{O} \left( 2^{\tilde{O}(\frac{k}{\varepsilon})} \eta^2 d\right)$ and with high probability outputs a set $C$ of $k$ centers such that $cost(V, C) \leq (1+\varepsilon) \cdot cost(V, C_{OPT})$. Here $C_{OPT}$ denotes the optimal $k$-centers, $cost(.)$ denotes the standard $k$-means cost function (i.e., the sum of the squared distance of points to the closest center), and $\eta$ is the aspect ratio (i.e., the ratio of maximum distance to minimum distance). This is the first quantum algorithm with a polylogarithmic running time that gives a provable approximation guarantee of $(1+\varepsilon)$ for the $k$-means problem. Also, unlike previous works on unsupervised learning, our quantum algorithm does not require quantum linear algebra subroutines and has a running time independent of parameters (e.g., condition number) that appear in such procedures.
2.Network Centralities in Quantum Entanglement Distribution due to User Preferences
Authors:Dibakar Das, Shiva Kumar Malapaka, Jyotsna Bapat, Debabrata Das
Abstract: Quantum networks are of great interest of late which apply quantum mechanics to transfer information securely. One of the key properties which are exploited is entanglement to transfer information from one network node to another. Applications like quantum teleportation rely on the entanglement between the concerned nodes. Thus, efficient entanglement distribution among network nodes is of utmost importance. Several entanglement distribution methods have been proposed in the literature which primarily rely on attributes, such as, fidelities, link layer network topologies, proactive distribution, etc. This paper studies the centralities of the network when the link layer topology of entanglements (referred to as entangled graph) is driven by usage patterns of peer-to-peer connections between remote nodes (referred to as connection graph) with different characteristics. Three different distributions (uniform, gaussian, and power law) are considered for the connection graph where the two nodes are selected from the same distribution. For the entangled graph, both reactive and proactive entanglements are employed to form a random graph. Results show that the edge centralities (measured as usage frequencies of individual edges during entanglement distribution) of the entangled graph follow power law distributions whereas the growth in entanglements with connections and node centralities (degrees of nodes) are monomolecularly distributed for most of the scenarios. These findings will help in quantum resource management, e.g., quantum technology with high reliability and lower decoherence time may be allocated to edges with high centralities.
3.Quantum tunneling from a new type of Unified Cantor Potential
Authors:Mohammad Umar, Vibhav Narayan Singh, Mohammad Hasan, Bhabani Prasad Mandal
Abstract: We introduce a new type of potential system that combines the families of general Cantor (fractal system) and general Smith-Volterra-Cantor (non-fractal system) potentials. We call this system as Unified Cantor Potential (UCP) system. The UCP system of total span $L$ is characterized by scaling parameter $\rho >1$, stage $G$ and two real numbers $\alpha$ and $\beta$. For $\alpha=1$, $\beta=0$, the UCP system represents general Cantor potential while for $\alpha=0$, $\beta=1$, this system represent general Smith-Volterra-Cantor (SVC) potential. We provide close-form expression of transmission probability from UCP system for arbitrary $\alpha$ and $\beta$ by using $q$-Pochhammer symbol. Several new features of scattering are reported for this system. The transmission probability $T_{G}(k)$ shows a scaling behavior with $k$ which is derived analytically for this potential. The proposed system also opens up the possibility for further generalization of new potential systems that encompass a large class of fractal and non-fractal systems. The analytical formulation of tunneling from this system would help to study the transmission feature at breaking threshold when a system transit from fractal to non-fractal domain.
4.Efficient Simulation of Leakage Errors in Quantum Error Correcting Codes Using Tensor Network Methods
Authors:Hidetaka Manabe, Yasunari Suzuki, Andrew S. Darmawan
Abstract: Leakage errors, in which a qubit is excited to a level outside the qubit subspace, represent a significant obstacle in the development of robust quantum computers. We present a computationally efficient simulation methodology for studying leakage errors in quantum error correcting codes (QECCs) using tensor network methods, specifically Matrix Product States (MPS). Our approach enables the simulation of various leakage processes, including thermal noise and coherent errors, without approximations (such as the Pauli twirling approximation) that can lead to errors in the estimation of the logical error rate. We apply our method to two QECCs: the one-dimensional (1D) repetition code and a thin $3\times d$ surface code. By leveraging the small amount of entanglement generated during the error correction process, we are able to study large systems, up to a few hundred qudits, over many code cycles. We consider a realistic noise model of leakage relevant to superconducting qubits to evaluate code performance and a variety of leakage removal strategies. Our numerical results suggest that appropriate leakage removal is crucial, especially when the code distance is large.
5.Discrete time crystal in an open optomechanical system
Authors:Dongni Chen, Zhengyang Peng, Jiahui Li, Stefano Chesi, Yingdan Wang
Abstract: The spontaneous breaking of time translation symmetry in periodically driven Floquet systems can lead to a discrete time crystal. Here we study the occurrence of such dynamical phase in a driven-dissipative optomechanical system with two membranes in the middle. We find that, under certian conditions, the system can be mapped to an open Dicke model and realizes a superradianttype phase transition. Furthermore, applying a suitable periodically modulated drive, the system dynamics exhibits a robust subharmonic oscillation persistent in the thermodynamic limit.
6.Quaternary Neural Belief Propagation Decoding of Quantum LDPC Codes with Overcomplete Check Matrices
Authors:Sisi Miao, Alexander Schnerring, Haizheng Li, Laurent Schmalen
Abstract: Quantum low-density parity-check (QLDPC) codes are promising candidates for error correction in quantum computers. One of the major challenges in implementing QLDPC codes in quantum computers is the lack of a universal decoder. In this work, we first propose to decode QLDPC codes with a belief propagation (BP) decoder operating on overcomplete check matrices. Then, we extend the neural BP (NBP) decoder, which was originally studied for suboptimal binary BP decoding of QLPDC codes, to quaternary BP decoders. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that both approaches as well as their combination yield a low-latency, high-performance decoder for several short to moderate length QLDPC codes.
7.Work, Heat and Internal Energy in Open Quantum Systems: A Comparison of Four Approaches from the Autonomous System Framework
Authors:Anja Seegebrecht, Tanja Schilling
Abstract: We compare definitions of the internal energy of an open quantum system and strategies to split the internal energy into work and heat contributions as given by four different approaches from autonomous system framework. Our discussion focuses on methods that allow for arbitrary environments (not just heat baths) and driving by a quantum mechanical system. As a simple application we consider an atom as the system of interest and an oscillator field mode as the environment. Three different types of coupling are analyzed. We discuss ambiguities in the definitions and highlight differences that appear if one aims at constructing environments that act as pure heat or work reservoirs. Further, we identify different sources of work (e.g. coherence, correlations, or frequency offset), depending on the underlying framework. Finally, we give arguments to favour the approach based on minimal dissipation.
8.Multi-Objective Optimization and Network Routing with Near-Term Quantum Computers
Authors:Shao-Hen Chiew, Kilian Poirier, Rajesh Mishra, Ulrike Bornheimer, Ewan Munro, Si Han Foon, Christopher Wanru Chen, Wei Sheng Lim, Chee Wei Nga
Abstract: Multi-objective optimization is a ubiquitous problem that arises naturally in many scientific and industrial areas. Network routing optimization with multi-objective performance demands falls into this problem class, and finding good quality solutions at large scales is generally challenging. In this work, we develop a scheme with which near-term quantum computers can be applied to solve multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems. We study the application of this scheme to the network routing problem in detail, by first mapping it to the multi-objective shortest path problem. Focusing on an implementation based on the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) -- the go-to approach for tackling optimization problems on near-term quantum computers -- we examine the Pareto plot that results from the scheme, and qualitatively analyze its ability to produce Pareto-optimal solutions. We further provide theoretical and numerical scaling analyses of the resource requirements and performance of QAOA, and identify key challenges associated with this approach. Finally, through Amazon Braket we execute small-scale implementations of our scheme on the IonQ Harmony 11-qubit quantum computer.
9.Classical information and collapse in Wigner's friend setups
Authors:Veronika Baumann
Abstract: The famous Wigner's friend experiment considers an observer -- the friend -- and a superobserver -- Wigner -- who treats the friend as a quantum system and her interaction with other quantum systems as unitary dynamics. This is at odds with the friend describing this interaction via collapse dynamics, if she interacts with the quantum system in a way that she would consider a measurement. These different descriptions constitute the Wigner's friend paradox. Extended Wigner's friend experiments combine the original thought experiment with non-locality setups. This allows for deriving local friendliness inequalities, similar to Bell's theorem, which can be violated for certain extended Wigner's friend scenarios. A Wigner's friend paradox and the violation of local friendliness inequalities require that no classical record exists, which reveals the result the friend observed during her measurement. Otherwise Wigner agrees with his friend's description and no local friendliness inequality can be violated. In this article, I introduce classical communication between Wigner and his friend and discuss its effects on the simple as well as extended Wigner's friend experiments. By controlling the properties of a (quasi) classical communication channel between Wigner and the friend one can regulate how much outcome information about the friend's measurement is revealed. This gives a smooth transition between the paradoxical description and the possibility of violating local friendliness inequalities, on the one hand, and the effectively collapsed case, on the other hand.
10.Autonomous stabilization of Fock states in an oscillator against multi-photon losses
Authors:Sai Li, Zhongchu Ni, Libo Zhang, Yanyan Cai, Jiasheng Mai, Shengcheng Wen, Pan Zheng, Xiaowei Deng, Song Liu, Yuan Xu, Dapeng Yu
Abstract: Fock states with a well-defined number of photons in an oscillator have shown a wide range of applications in quantum information science. Nonetheless, their usefulness has been marred by single and multiple photon losses due to unavoidable environment-induced dissipation. Though several dissipation engineering methods have been developed to counteract the leading single-photon loss error, averting multiple photon losses remains elusive. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a dissipation engineering method that autonomously stabilizes multi-photon Fock states against losses of multiple photons using a cascaded selective photon-addition operation in a superconducting quantum circuit. Through measuring the photon-number populations and Wigner tomography of the oscillator states, we observe a prolonged preservation of quantum coherence properties for the stabilized Fock states $\vert N\rangle$ with $N=1,2,3$ for a duration of about $10$~ms, far surpassing their intrinsic lifetimes of less than $50~\mu$s. Furthermore, the dissipation engineering method demonstrated here also facilitates the implementation of a non-unitary operation for resetting a binomially-encoded logical qubit. These results highlight the potential application in error-correctable quantum information processing against multi-photon-loss errors.
11.Quantum-enhanced policy iteration on the example of a mountain car
Authors:Egor E. Nuzhin, Dmitry Yudin
Abstract: Advances in the experimental demonstration of quantum processors have provoked a surge of interest to the idea of practical implementation of quantum computing over last years. It is expected that the use of quantum algorithms will significantly speed up the solution to certain problems in numerical optimization and machine learning. In this paper, we propose a quantum-enhanced policy iteration (QEPI) algorithm as widely used in the domain of reinforcement learning and validate it with the focus on the mountain car problem. In practice, we elaborate on the soft version of the value iteration algorithm, which is beneficial for policy interpretation, and discuss the stochastic discretization technique in the context of continuous state reinforcement learning problems for the purposes of QEPI. The complexity of the algorithm is analyzed for dense and (typical) sparse cases. Numerical results on the example of a mountain car with the use of a quantum emulator verify the developed procedures and benchmark the QEPI performance.
12.$q$-analog qudit Dicke states
Authors:David Raveh, Rafael I. Nepomechie
Abstract: Dicke states are completely symmetric states of multiple qubits (2-level systems), and qudit Dicke states are their $d$-level generalization. We define here $q$-deformed qudit Dicke states using the quantum algebra $su_q(d)$. We show that these states can be compactly expressed as a weighted sum over permutations with $q$-factors involving the so-called inversion number, an important permutation statistic in Combinatorics. We use this result to compute the bipartite entanglement entropy of these states. We also discuss the preparation of these states on a quantum computer, and show that introducing a $q$-dependence does not change the circuit gate count.
13.Quantum simulation of Maxwell's equations via Schrödingersation
Authors:Shi Jin, Nana Liu, Chuwen Ma
Abstract: We present quantum algorithms for electromagnetic fields governed by Maxwell's equations. The algorithms are based on the Schr\"odingersation approach, which transforms any linear PDEs and ODEs with non-unitary dynamics into a system evolving under unitary dynamics, via a warped phase transformation that maps the equation into one higher dimension. In this paper, our quantum algorithms are based on either a direct approximation of Maxwell's equations combined with Yee's algorithm, or a matrix representation in terms of Riemann-Silberstein vectors combined with a spectral approach and an upwind scheme. We implement these algorithms with physical boundary conditions, including perfect conductor and impedance boundaries. We also solve Maxwell's equations for a linear inhomogeneous medium, specifically the interface problem. Several numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate the validity of this approach. In addition, instead of qubits, the quantum algorithms can also be formulated in the continuous variable quantum framework, which allows the quantum simulation of Maxwell's equations in analog quantum simulation.
14.Quantum walk in stochastic environment
Authors:Ben Avnit, Doron Cohen
Abstract: We consider a quantized version of the Sinai-Derrida model for "random walk in random environment". The model is defined in terms of a Lindblad master equation. For a ring geometry (a chain with periodic boundary condition) it features a delocalization-transition as the bias in increased beyond a critical value, indicating that the relaxation becomes under-damped. Counter intuitively, the effective disorder is enhanced due to coherent hopping. We analyze in detail this enhancement and its dependence on the model parameters. The non-monotonic dependence of the Lindbladian spectrum on the rate of the coherent transitions is highlighted.
15.Collapse and revivals for the binomial field distribution
Authors:S. I. Pavlik
Abstract: The exact representation of the atomic inversion in the Jaynes-Cummings model as an integral over the Hankel contour is used. For a field in a binomial state, the integral is evaluated using the saddle point method. Simple approximate analytical expressions for collapse and revivals are obtained.
16.On Neural Quantum Support Vector Machines
Authors:Lars Simon, Manuel Radons
Abstract: In \cite{simon2023algorithms} we introduced four algorithms for the training of neural support vector machines (NSVMs) and demonstrated their feasibility. In this note we introduce neural quantum support vector machines, that is, NSVMs with a quantum kernel, and extend our results to this setting.
17.Entropy production and fluctuation theorems for monitored quantum systems under imperfect detection
Authors:Mar Ferri-Cortés, Jose A. Almanza-Marrero, Rosa López, Roberta Zambrini, Gonzalo Manzano
Abstract: The thermodynamic behavior of Markovian open quantum systems can be described at the level of fluctuations by using continuous monitoring approaches. However, practical applications require assessing imperfect detection schemes, where the definition of main thermodynamic quantities becomes subtle and universal fluctuation relations are unknown. Here we fill this gap by deriving a universal fluctuation relation that links entropy production in ideal and in inefficient monitoring setups. This provides a suitable estimator of dissipation using imperfect detection records that lower bounds the underlying entropy production at the level of single trajectories. We illustrate our findings with a driven-dissipative two-level system following quantum jump trajectories.
18.Completely hereditarily atomic OMLs
Authors:John Harding, Andre Kornell
Abstract: An irreducible complete atomic OML of infinite height cannot both be algebraic and have the covering property. However, Kalmbach's construction provides an example of such an OML that is algebraic and has the 2-covering property, and Keller's construction provides an example of such an OML that has the covering property and is completely hereditarily atomic. Completely hereditarily atomic OMLs generalize algebraic OMLs suitably to quantum predicate logic.
19.Quantifying operator spreading and chaos in Krylov subspaces with quantum state reconstruction
Authors:Abinash Sahu, Naga Dileep Varikuti, Bishal Kumar Das, Vaibhav Madhok
Abstract: We study operator spreading in many-body quantum systems by its potential to generate an informationally complete measurement record in quantum tomography. We adopt continuous weak measurement tomography for this purpose. We generate the measurement record as a series of expectation values of an observable evolving under the desired dynamics, which can show a transition from integrability to full chaos. We find that the amount of operator spreading, as quantified by the fidelity in quantum tomography, increases with the degree of chaos in the system. We also observe a remarkable increase in information gain when the dynamics transitions from integrable to non-integrable. We find our approach in quantifying operator spreading is a more consistent indicator of quantum chaos than Krylov complexity as the latter may correlate/anti-correlate or show no clear behavior with the level of chaos in the dynamics. We support our argument through various metrics of information gain for two models; the Ising spin chain with a tilted magnetic field and the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain with an integrability breaking field. Our study gives an operational interpretation for operator spreading in quantum chaos.
20.Refrigeration by modified Otto cycles and modified swaps through generalized measurements
Authors:Naghi Behzadi
Abstract: We introduce two types of thermodynamic refrigeration cycles obtained through modification of the Otto cycle refrigerator by a generalized measurement channel. These refrigerators are corresponding to the activation of the measurement-based stroke before (first type) and after (second type) the full thermalization of the cooling medium by the cold reservoir in the related familiar Otto cycle. We show that the coefficient of performance for the first type modified refrigerator increases linearly in terms of measurement strength parameter, beyond the classical cooling of the known Otto cycle refrigerator. The second type interestingly introduces another autonomous refrigerator whose supplying work is provided by a quantum engine induced by the measurement channel along the modified cycle. By the considered measurement channel, we also establish such modifications on the swap refrigerator. It is observed that the thermodynamic properties of the obtained modified swap refrigerators are the same as of the modified Otto cycle ones respectively.
21.Constant-depth circuits for Uniformly Controlled Gates and Boolean functions with application to quantum memory circuits
Authors:Jonathan Allcock, Jinge Bao, João F. Doriguello, Alessandro Luongo, Miklos Santha
Abstract: We explore the power of the unbounded Fan-Out gate and the Global Tunable gates generated by Ising-type Hamiltonians in constructing constant-depth quantum circuits, with particular attention to quantum memory devices. We propose two types of constant-depth constructions for implementing Uniformly Controlled Gates. These gates include the Fan-In gates defined by $|x\rangle|b\rangle\mapsto |x\rangle|b\oplus f(x)\rangle$ for $x\in\{0,1\}^n$ and $b\in\{0,1\}$, where $f$ is a Boolean function. The first of our constructions is based on computing the one-hot encoding of the control register $|x\rangle$, while the second is based on Boolean analysis and exploits different representations of $f$ such as its Fourier expansion. Via these constructions, we obtain constant-depth circuits for the quantum counterparts of read-only and read-write memory devices -- Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) and Quantum Random Access Gate (QRAG) -- of memory size $n$. The implementation based on one-hot encoding requires either $O(n\log{n}\log\log{n})$ ancillae and $O(n\log{n})$ Fan-Out gates or $O(n\log{n})$ ancillae and $6$ Global Tunable gates. On the other hand, the implementation based on Boolean analysis requires only $2$ Global Tunable gates at the expense of $O(n^2)$ ancillae.