Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 12 Jul 2023
1.Virtual Screening of Chemical Space based on Quantum Annealing
Authors:Takuro Tanaka, Masami Sako, Mahito Chiba, Chul Lee, Hyukgeun Cha, Masayuki Ohzeki
Abstract: For searching a new chemical material which satisfies the target characteristic value, for example emission wavelength, many cut and trial of experiments/calculations are required since the chemical space is astronomically large (organic molecules generates >10^60 candidates). Extracting feature importance is a method to reduce the chemical space, and limiting the search space to those features leads to shorter development time. Quantum computer can generate sampling data faster than classical computers, and this property is utilized to extract feature importance. In this paper, quantum annealer was used as a sampler to make data for extracting feature importance of material properties. By screening the chemical space with feature importance, it was found that the chemical space can be reduced to less than 1 percent. This result suggests that the acceleration of material research can be achievable.
2.Increasing Quantum Communication Rates Using Hyperentangled Photonic States
Authors:Liat Nemirovsky-Levy, Uzi Pereg, Mordechai Segev
Abstract: Quantum communication is based on the generation of quantum states and exploitation of quantum resources for communication protocols. Currently, photons are considered as the optimal carrier of information, because they enable long-distance transition with resilience to decoherence, and they are relatively easy to create and detect. Entanglement is a fundamental resource for quantum communication and information processing, and it is of particular importance for quantum repeaters [1]. Hyperentanglement [2], a state where parties are entangled with two or more degrees of freedom (DoFs), provides an important additional resource because it increases data rates and enhances error resilience. However, in photonics, the channel capacity, i.e. the ultimate throughput, is fundamentally limited when dealing with linear elements. We propose a technique for achieving higher transmission rates for quantum communication by using hyperentangled states, based on multiplexing multiple DoFs on a single photon, transmitting the photon, and eventually demultiplexing the DoFs to different photons at the destination, using a Bell state measurement. Following our scheme, one can generate two entangled qubit pairs by sending only a single photon. The proposed transmission scheme lays the groundwork for novel quantum communication protocols with higher transmission rate and refined control over scalable quantum technologies.
3.A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Scheduling Over Memory-Equipped Quantum Networks
Authors:Paolo Fittipaldi, Anastasios Giovanidis, Frédéric Grosshans
Abstract: Quantum Internetworking is a recent field that promises numerous interesting applications, many of which require the distribution of entanglement between arbitrary pairs of users. This work deals with the problem of scheduling in an arbitrary entanglement swapping quantum network - often called first generation quantum network - in its general topology, multicommodity, loss-aware formulation. We introduce a linear algebraic framework that exploits quantum memory through the creation of intermediate entangled links. The framework is then employed to mathematically derive a natural class of quadratic scheduling policies for quantum networks by applying Lyapunov Drift Minimization, a standard technique in classical network science. Moreover, an additional class of Max-Weight inspired policies is proposed and benchmarked, reducing significantly the computation cost, at the price of a slight performance degradation. The policies are compared in terms of information availability, localization and overall network performance through an ad-hoc simulator that admits user-provided network topologies and scheduling policies in order to showcase the potential application of the provided tools to quantum network design.
4.From Vlasov-Poisson to Schrödinger-Poisson: dark matter simulation with a quantum variational time evolution algorithm
Authors:Luca Cappelli, Francesco Tacchino, Giuseppe Murante, Stefano Borgani, Ivano Tavernelli
Abstract: Cosmological simulations describing the evolution of density perturbations of a self-gravitating collisionless Dark Matter (DM) fluid in an expanding background, provide a powerful tool to follow the formation of cosmic structures over wide dynamic ranges. The most widely adopted approach, based on the N-body discretization of the collisionless Vlasov-Poisson (VP) equations, is hampered by an unfavourable scaling when simulating the wide range of scales needed to cover at the same time the formation of single galaxies and of the largest cosmic structures. On the other hand, the dynamics described by the VP equations is limited by the rapid increase of the number of resolution elements (grid points and/or particles) which is required to simulate an ever growing range of scales. Recent studies showed an interesting mapping of the 6-dimensional+1 (6D+1) VP problem into a more amenable 3D+1 non-linear Schr\"odinger-Poisson (SP) problem for simulating the evolution of DM perturbations. This opens up the possibility of improving the scaling of time propagation simulations using quantum computing. In this paper, we develop a rigorous formulation of a variational-time evolution quantum algorithm for the simulation of the SP equations to follow DM perturbations, presenting a thorough analysis of the scaling of the algorithm as a function of spatial dimensions and resolution. Finally we investigate the transition of the SP dynamics towards the classical limit, which could become an efficient alternative to the solution of the VP equation.
5.Generating arbitrary non-separable states with polarization and orbital angular momentum of light
Authors:Sarika Mishra, Ali Anwar, R. P. Singh
Abstract: We demonstrate an experimental method to generate arbitrary non-separable states of light using polarization and orbital angular momentum (OAM) degrees of freedom. We observe the intensity distribution corresponding to OAM modes of the light beam by projecting the non-separable state into different polarization states. We further verify the presence of non-separability by measuring the degree of polarization and linear entropy. This classical non-separability can be easily transferred to the quantum domain using spontaneous parametric down-conversion for applications in quantum communication and quantum sensing.
6.Quantum information diode based on a magnonic crystal
Authors:Rohit K. Shukla, Levan Chotorlishvili, Vipin Vijayan, Harshit Verma, Arthur Ernst, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Sunil K. Mishra
Abstract: Exploiting the effect of nonreciprocal magnons in a system with no inversion symmetry, we propose a concept of a quantum information diode, {\it i.e.}, a device rectifying the amount of quantum information transmitted in the opposite directions. We control the asymmetric left and right quantum information currents through an applied external electric field and quantify it through the left and right out-of-time-ordered correlation (OTOC). To enhance the efficiency of the quantum information diode, we utilize a magnonic crystal. We excite magnons of different frequencies and let them propagate in opposite directions. Nonreciprocal magnons propagating in opposite directions have different dispersion relations. Magnons propagating in one direction match resonant conditions and scatter on gate magnons. Therefore, magnon flux in one direction is damped in the magnonic crystal leading to an asymmetric transport of quantum information in the quantum information diode. A quantum information diode can be fabricated from an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film. This is an experimentally feasible concept and implies certain conditions: low temperature and small deviation from the equilibrium to exclude effects of phonons and magnon interactions. We show that rectification of the flaw of quantum information can be controlled efficiently by an external electric field and magnetoelectric effects.
7.Cavity-mediated entanglement of parametrically driven spin qubits via sidebands
Authors:V. Srinivasa, J. M. Taylor, J. R. Petta
Abstract: We consider a pair of quantum dot-based spin qubits that interact via microwave photons in a superconducting cavity, and that are also parametrically driven by separate external electric fields. For this system, we formulate a model for spin qubit entanglement in the presence of mutually off-resonant qubit and cavity frequencies. We show that the sidebands generated via the driving fields enable highly tunable qubit-qubit entanglement using only ac control and without requiring the qubit and cavity frequencies to be tuned into simultaneous resonance. The model we derive can be mapped to a variety of qubit types, including detuning-driven one-electron spin qubits in double quantum dots and three-electron resonant exchange qubits in triple quantum dots. The high degree of nonlinearity inherent in spin qubits renders these systems particularly favorable for parametric drive-activated entanglement. We determine multiple common resonance conditions for the two driven qubits and the cavity and identify experimentally relevant parameter regimes that enable the implementation of entangling gates with suppressed sensitivity to cavity photon occupation and decay. The parametrically driven sideband resonance approach we describe provides a promising route toward scalability and modularity in spin-based quantum information processing through drive-enabled tunability that can also be implemented in micromagnet-free electron and hole systems for spin-photon coupling.
8.Scalable generation and detection of on-demand W states in nanophotonic circuits
Authors:Jun Gao, Leonardo Santos, Govind Krishna, Ze-Sheng Xu, Adrian Iovan, Stephan Steinhauer, Otfried Gühne, Philip J. Poole, Dan Dalacu, Val Zwiller, Ali W. Elshaari
Abstract: Quantum physics phenomena, entanglement and coherence, are crucial for quantum information protocols, but understanding these in systems with more than two parts is challenging due to increasing complexity. The W state, a multipartite entangled state, is notable for its robustness and benefits in quantum communication. Here, we generate an 8-mode on-demand single photon W states, using nanowire quantum dots and a silicon nitride photonic chip. We demonstrate a reliable, scalable technique for reconstructing W-state in photonic circuits using Fourier and real-space imaging, supported by the Gerchberg-Saxton phase retrieval algorithm. Additionally, we utilize an entanglement witness to distinguish between mixed and entangled states, thereby affirming the entangled nature of our generated state. The study provides a new imaging approach of assessing multipartite entanglement in W-states, paving the way for further progress in image processing and Fourier-space analysis techniques for complex quantum systems.
9.Entropic distinguishability of quantum fields in phase space
Authors:Sara Ditsch, Tobias Haas
Abstract: We present a general way of quantifying the entropic uncertainty of quantum field configurations in field-theoretic phase space in terms of entropic distinguishability. Our approach is based on the functional Husimi $Q$-distribution and a suitably chosen relative entropy thereof, which we show to be non-trivially bounded from above by the uncertainty principle. The resulting relative entropic uncertainty relation holds for a finite number of modes as well as for quantum fields and is as general as the concept of coherent states. We evaluate this relation for bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom by considering the relativistic scalar field and the spinless Majorana fermion, respectively. We find that the bound on the entropic distinguishability of excitations with respect to the vacuum scales with the average number of excitations and is independent of the particle nature.
10.Quantum field theory for multipolar composite bosons with mass defect and relativistic corrections
Authors:Tobias Aßmann, Enno Giese, Fabio Di Pumpo
Abstract: Atomic high-precision measurements have become a competitive and essential technique for tests of fundamental physics, the Standard Model, and our theory of gravity. It is therefore self-evident that such measurements call for a consistent relativistic description of atoms that eventually originates from quantum field theories like quantum electrodynamics. Most quantum-metrological approaches even postulate effective field-theoretical treatments to describe a precision enhancement through techniques like squeezing. However, a consistent derivation of interacting atomic quantum gases from an elementary quantum field theory that includes both the internal structure as well as the center of mass of atoms, has not yet been addressed. We present such an effective quantum field theory for interacting, spin-carrying, and possibly charged ensembles of atoms composed of nucleus and electron that form composite bosons called cobosons, where the interaction with light is included in a multipolar description. Relativistic corrections to the energy of a single coboson, light-matter interaction, and the scattering potential between cobosons arise in a consistent and natural manner. In particular, we obtain a relativistic coupling between the coboson's center-of-mass motion and internal structure encoded by the mass defect, together with an ion spin-orbit coupling. We use these results to derive modified bound-state energies including the motion of ions, modified scattering potentials, a relativistic extension of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and the mass defect applicable to atomic clocks or quantum-clock interferometry. Our theory does not only combine and generalize aspects of effective field theories, quantum optics, scattering theory, and ultracold quantum gases, but it also bridges the gap between quantum electrodynamics and effective field theories for ultracold quantum gases.
11.Permutationally invariant processes in arbitrary multiqudit systems
Authors:T. Bastin, J. Martin
Abstract: We establish the theoretical framework for an exact description of the open system dynamics of permutationally invariant (PI) states in arbitrary $N$-qudit systems when this dynamics preserves the PI symmetry over time. Thanks to Schur-Weyl duality powerful formalism, we identify an orthonormal operator basis in the PI operator subspace of the Liouville space onto which the master equation can be projected and we provide the exact expansion coefficients in the most general case. Our approach does not require to compute the Schur transform as it operates directly within the restricted operator subspace, whose dimension only scales polynomially with the number of qudits. We introduce the concept of $3\nu$-symbol matrix that proves to be very useful in this context.
12.Scaled Tight-Binding Crystal
Authors:Peter Schmelcher
Abstract: The concept of local symmetry dynamics has recently been used to demonstrate the evolution of discrete symmetries in one-dimensional chains leading to emergent periodicity. Here we go one step further and show that the unboundedness of this dynamics can lead to chains that consist of subunits of ever increasing lengths which results in a scaled chain. Mapping this scaled chain onto a corresponding tight-binding Hamiltonian we investigate its spectral and transmission properties. Varying the off-diagonal coupling the eigenvalue spectrum shows different branches with characteristic transitions and peaks in the corresponding density of states. The fluctuations of the energy levels exhibit a hierarchy of minigaps each one accompanied by a characteristic sequence of energy spacings. We develop a local resonator model to describe the spectral properties and gain a deeper understanding of it in the weak to intermediate coupling regime. Eigenstate maps together with the inverse participation ratio are used to unravel the characteristic (de-)localization properties of the scaled chain with varying coupling strength. Finally we probe the energy-dependent transmission profile of the scaled chain.
13.State dependence of tunneling processes and nuclear fusion
Authors:Roberto Onofrio, Carlo Presilla
Abstract: We discuss the sensitivity of tunneling processes to the initial preparation of the quantum state. We compare the case of Gaussian wave packets of different positional variances using a generalised Woods-Saxon potential for which analytical expressions of the tunneling coefficients are available. Using realistic parameters for barrier potentials we find that the usual plane wave approximation underestimates fusion reactivities by an order of magnitude in a range of temperatures of practical relevance for controlled energy production.
14.The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are not redundant
Authors:Adrian Kent Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations, DAMTP, University of Cambridge and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Abstract: Masanes, Galley and M\"uller [1] argue that the measurement postulates of non-relativistic quantum mechanics follow from the structural postulates together with an assumption they call the "possibility of state estimation". Their argument also relies on what they term a "theory-independent characterization of measurements for single and multipartite systems". We refute their conclusion, giving explicit examples of non-quantum measurement and state update rules that satisfy all their assumptions. We also show that their "possibility of state estimation" assumption is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure a sensible notion of state estimation within a theory whose states are described by the quantum formalism. We further show their purportedly "theory-independent" characterization assumes several properties of quantum measurements that exclude plausible alternative types of measurement. We illustrate all these points with specific alternative measurement postulates and post-measurement state update rules. We conclude that, contrary to some folklore, quantum mechanics is by no means an island in theory-space. It can consistently be extended by rules for obtaining information about quantum states other than via POVMs. Whether such rules are realised in nature, for example in linking quantum theory and gravity, is an empirical question that cannot be resolved by theoretical analysis alone.
15.Hybrid discrete-continuous compilation of trapped-ion quantum circuits with deep reinforcement learning
Authors:Francesco Preti, Michael Schilling, Sofiene Jerbi, Lea M. Trenkwalder, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Felix Motzoi, Hans J. Briegel
Abstract: Shortening quantum circuits is crucial to reducing the destructive effect of environmental decoherence and enabling useful algorithms. Here, we demonstrate an improvement in such compilation tasks via a combination of using hybrid discrete-continuous optimization across a continuous gate set, and architecture-tailored implementation. The continuous parameters are discovered with a gradient-based optimization algorithm, while in tandem the optimal gate orderings are learned via a deep reinforcement learning algorithm, based on projective simulation. To test this approach, we introduce a framework to simulate collective gates in trapped-ion systems efficiently on a classical device. The algorithm proves able to significantly reduce the size of relevant quantum circuits for trapped-ion computing. Furthermore, we show that our framework can also be applied to an experimental setup whose goal is to reproduce an unknown unitary process.
16.Practical quantum imaging with undetected photons
Authors:Emma Pearce Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, Nathan R. Gemmell Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, Jefferson Flórez Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, Jiaye Ding Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, Rupert F. Oulton Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, Alex S. Clark Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, Chris C. Phillips Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London
Abstract: Infrared (IR) imaging is invaluable across many scientific disciplines, from material analysis to diagnostic medicine. However, applications are often limited by detector cost, resolution and sensitivity, noise caused by the thermal IR background, and the cost, portability and tunability of infrared sources. Here, we describe a compact, portable, and low-cost system that is able to image objects at IR wavelengths without an IR source or IR detector. This imaging with undetected photons (IUP) approach uses quantum interference and correlations between entangled photon pairs to transfer image information from the IR to the visible, where it can be detected with a standard silicon camera. We also demonstrate a rapid analysis approach to acquire both phase and transmission image information. These developments provide an important step towards making IUP a commercially viable technique.
17.Eigenvalue sensitivity from eigenstate geometry near and beyond arbitrary-order exceptional points
Authors:Henning Schomerus
Abstract: Systems with an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian display an enhanced sensitivity to parametric and dynamic perturbations. I derive a general and exact algebraic expression for this sensitivity that retains a simple asymptotic behaviour close to exceptional points (EPs) of any order, while capturing the role of additional states in the system. This reveals that such states can have a direct effect even if they are spectrally well separated. The employed algebraic approach, which follows the eigenvectors-from-eigenvalues school of thought, also provides direct insights into the geometry of the states near an EP. In particular, I show that the condition number quantifying the sensitivity follows a striking equipartition principle in the quasi-degenerate subspace.
18.Model Reduction for Quantum Systems: Discrete-time Quantum Walks and Open Markov Dynamics
Authors:Tommaso Grigoletto, Francesco Ticozzi
Abstract: A general approach to obtain reduced models for a wide class of discrete-time quantum systems is proposed. The obtained models not only reproduce exactly the output of a given quantum model, but are also guaranteed to satisfy physical constraints, namely complete positivity and preservation of total probability. A fundamental framework for exact model reduction of quantum systems is constructed leveraging on algebraic methods, as well as novel results on quantum conditional expectations in finite-dimensions. The proposed reduction algorithm is illustrated and tested on prototypical examples, including the quantum walk realizing Grover's algorithm.
19.Influence of generic quantum coins on the spreading and entanglement in binary aperiodic quantum walks
Authors:Tushar Kanti Bose
Abstract: Exploring the quantum walk as a tool of generating various probability distributions and quantum entanglements is a topic of current interest. In the present work, we use extensive numerical simulations to investigate the influence of generic quantum coins on the hybrid entanglement and spreading behavior of different binary quantum walks with time and position dependent coin operations based on the Fibonacci, Thue-Morse and Rudin-Shapiro sequences. We find that each considered walk is differently but significantly influenced by the choice of quantum coins. We demonstrate that the dynamic Fibonacci walk exhibits localized behavior for certain coin parameters. This behavior brings new information about the role played by dynamic coin disorder, considered before as always a generator of non-localized behavior. We also reveal the significant role played by a specific coin parameter which controls the nature of superposition of spin up and spin down states during coin operation. We find that the parameter can distinctly tune the spreading and entanglement behavior of a binary quantum walk. We show that an increase in the value of the parameter can enhance both the the standard deviation of the position distribution of the walker and the hybrid entanglement from significantly low to significantly high values depending on the coin and the nature of coin operations. The present work may thus be considered as one step towards understanding the role of coins in inhomogeneous quantum walks.