Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Mon, 10 Apr 2023
1.Entangled Pair Resource Allocation under Uncertain Fidelity Requirements
Authors:Rakpong Kaewpuang, Minrui Xu, Stephen John Turner, Dusit Niyato, Han Yu, Dong In Kim
Abstract: In quantum networks, effective entanglement routing facilitates remote entanglement communication between quantum source and quantum destination nodes. Unlike routing in classical networks, entanglement routing in quantum networks must consider the quality of entanglement qubits (i.e., entanglement fidelity), presenting a challenge in ensuring entanglement fidelity over extended distances. To address this issue, we propose a resource allocation model for entangled pairs and an entanglement routing model with a fidelity guarantee. This approach jointly optimizes entangled resources (i.e., entangled pairs) and entanglement routing to support applications in quantum networks. Our proposed model is formulated using two-stage stochastic programming, taking into account the uncertainty of quantum application requirements. Aiming to minimize the total cost, our model ensures efficient utilization of entangled pairs and energy conservation for quantum repeaters under uncertain fidelity requirements. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model can reduce the total cost by at least 20\% compared to the baseline model.
2.Operating with Quantum Integers: an Efficient 'Multiples of' Oracle
Authors:Javier Sanchez-Rivero, Daniel Talaván, Jose Garcia-Alonso, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés, Juan Manuel Murillo
Abstract: Quantum algorithms are a very promising field. However, creating and manipulating these kind of algorithms is a very complex task, specially for software engineers used to work at higher abstraction levels. The work presented here is part of a broader research focused on providing operations of a higher abstraction level to manipulate integers codified as a superposition. These operations are designed to be composable and efficient, so quantum software developers can reuse them to create more complex solutions. Specifically, in this paper we present a 'multiples of' operation. To validate this operation we show several examples of quantum circuits and their simulations, including its composition possibilities. A theoretical analysis proves that both the complexity of the required classical calculations and the depth of the circuit scale linearly with the number of qubits. Hence, the 'multiples of' oracle is efficient in terms of complexity and depth. Finally, an empirical study of the circuit depth is conducted to further reinforce the theoretical analysis.
3.Optical dipole micro-trap for atoms based on crossed planar photonic waveguides
Authors:Yuri B. Ovchinnikov, Folly Eli Ayi-Yovo, Alessio Spampinato
Abstract: Optical dipole micro-traps for atoms based on constructive superposition of two-colour evanescent light waves, formed by corresponding optical modes of two crossed suspended photonic rib waveguides, are modelled. The main parameters of the traps for rubidium atoms, such as potential depth, tunnelling rates of atoms from the trap and coherence time of the trapped atoms are estimated. Applications of such traps for quantum memory and quantum logic devices are discussed.
4.High Fidelity Noise-Tolerant State Preparation of a Heisenberg spin-1/2 Hamiltonian for the Kagome Lattice on a 16 Qubit Quantum Computer
Authors:Wladimir Silva
Abstract: This work describes a method to prepare the quantum state of the Heisenberg spin-1/2 Hamiltonian for the Kagome Lattice in an IBM 16 qubit quantum computer with a fidelity below 1% of the ground state computed via a classical Eigen-solver. Furthermore, this solution has a very high noise tolerance (or overall success rate above 98%). With industrious care taken to deal with the persistent noise inherent to current quantum computers; we show that our solution, when run, multiple times achieves a very high probability of success and high fidelity. We take this work a step further by including efficient scalability or the ability to run on any qubit size quantum computer. The platform of choice for this experiment: The IBM 16 qubit transmon processor ibmq_guadalupe using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE).
5.Dissipative Quantum Gibbs Sampling
Authors:Daniel Zhang, Jan Lukas Bosse, Toby Cubitt
Abstract: Systems in thermal equilibrium at non-zero temperature are described by their Gibbs state. For classical many-body systems, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm gives a Markov process with a local update rule that samples from the Gibbs distribution. For quantum systems, sampling from the Gibbs state is significantly more challenging. Many algorithms have been proposed, but these are more complex than the simple local update rule of classical Metropolis sampling, requiring non-trivial quantum algorithms such as phase estimation as a subroutine. Here, we show that a dissipative quantum algorithm with a simple, local update rule is able to sample from the quantum Gibbs state. In contrast to the classical case, the quantum Gibbs state is not generated by converging to the fixed point of a Markov process, but by the states generated at the stopping time of a conditionally stopped process. This gives a new answer to the long-sought-after quantum analogue of Metropolis sampling. Compared to previous quantum Gibbs sampling algorithms, the local update rule of the process has a simple implementation, which may make it more amenable to near-term implementation on suitable quantum hardware. This dissipative Gibbs sampler works for arbitrary quantum Hamiltonians, without any assumptions on or knowledge of its properties, and comes with certifiable precision and run-time bounds.
6.Asynchronous measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with hybrid source
Authors:Jun-Lin Bai, Yuan-Mei Xie, Yao Fu, Hua-Lei Yin, Zeng-Bing Chen
Abstract: The linear constraint of secret key rate capacity is overcome by the tiwn-field quantum key distribution (QKD). However, the complex phase-locking and phase-tracking technique requirements throttle the real-life applications of twin-field protocol. The asynchronous measurement-device-independent (AMDI) QKD or called mode-pairing QKD protocol [PRX Quantum 3, 020315 (2022), Nat. Commun. 13, 3903 (2022)] can relax the technical requirements and keep the similar performance of twin-field protocol. Here, we propose an AMDI-QKD protocol with a nonclassical light source by changing the phase-randomized weak coherent state to a phase-randomized coherent-state superposition (CSS) in the signal state time window. Simulation results show that our proposed hybrid source protocol significantly enhances the key rate of the AMDI-QKD protocol, while exhibiting robustness to imperfect modulation of nonclassical light sources.
7.Deploying hybrid quantum-secured infrastructure for applications: When quantum and post-quantum can work together
Authors:Aleksey K. Fedorov
Abstract: Most currently used cryptographic tools for protecting data are based on certain computational assumptions, which makes them vulnerable with respect to technological and algorithmic developments, such as quantum computing. One existing option to counter this potential threat is quantum key distribution, whose security is based on the laws of quantum physics. Quantum key distribution is secure against unforeseen technological developments. A second approach is post-quantum cryptography, which is a set of cryptographic primitives that are believed to be secure even against attacks with both classical and quantum computing technologies. From this perspective, this study reviews recent progress in the deployment of the quantum-secured infrastructure based on quantum key distribution, post-quantum cryptography, and their combinations. Various directions in the further development of the full-stack quantum-secured infrastructure are also indicated. Distributed applications, such as blockchains and distributed ledgers, are also discussed.
8.Composite Quantum Phases in Non-Hermitian Systems
Authors:Yuchen Guo, Ruohan Shen, Shuo Yang
Abstract: Non-Hermitian systems have attracted considerable interest in recent years owing to their unique topological properties that are absent in Hermitian systems. While such properties have been thoroughly characterized in free fermion models, they remain an open question for interacting bosonic systems. In this Letter, we present a precise definition of quantum phases for non-Hermitian systems and propose a new family of phases referred to as composite quantum phases. We demonstrate the existence of these phases in a one-dimensional spin-$1$ system and show their robustness against perturbations through numerical simulations. Furthermore, we investigate the phase diagram of our model, indicating the extensive presence of these new phases in non-Hermitian systems. Our work establishes a new framework for studying and constructing quantum phases in non-Hermitian interacting systems, revealing exciting possibilities beyond the single-particle picture.
9.Battle Against Fluctuating Quantum Noise: Compression-Aided Framework to Enable Robust Quantum Neural Network
Authors:Zhirui Hu, Youzuo Lin, Qiang Guan, Weiwen Jiang
Abstract: Recently, we have been witnessing the scale-up of superconducting quantum computers; however, the noise of quantum bits (qubits) is still an obstacle for real-world applications to leveraging the power of quantum computing. Although there exist error mitigation or error-aware designs for quantum applications, the inherent fluctuation of noise (a.k.a., instability) can easily collapse the performance of error-aware designs. What's worse, users can even not be aware of the performance degradation caused by the change in noise. To address both issues, in this paper we use Quantum Neural Network (QNN) as a vehicle to present a novel compression-aided framework, namely QuCAD, which will adapt a trained QNN to fluctuating quantum noise. In addition, with the historical calibration (noise) data, our framework will build a model repository offline, which will significantly reduce the optimization time in the online adaption process. Emulation results on an earthquake detection dataset show that QuCAD can achieve 14.91% accuracy gain on average in 146 days over a noise-aware training approach. For the execution on a 7-qubit IBM quantum processor, IBM-Jakarta, QuCAD can consistently achieve 12.52% accuracy gain on earthquake detection.
10.Nanophotonic cavity cooling of a single atom
Authors:Chenwei Lv, Ming Zhu, Sambit Banerjee, Chen-Lung Hung
Abstract: We investigate external and internal dynamics of a two-level atom strongly coupled to a weakly pumped nanophotonic cavity. We calculate the dipole force, friction force, and stochastic force due to the cavity pump field, and show that a three-dimensional cooling region exists near the surface of a cavity. Using a two-color evanescent field trap as an example, we perform three-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulations to demonstrate efficient loading of single atoms into a trap by momentum diffusion, and the stability of cavity cooling near the trap center. Our analyses show that cavity cooling can be a promising method for directly loading cold atoms from free-space into a surface micro-trap. We further discuss the impact of pump intensity on atom trapping and loading efficiency.
11.Improved Logical Error Rate via List Decoding of Quantum Polar Codes
Authors:Anqi Gong, Joseph M. Renes
Abstract: The successive cancellation list decoder (SCL) is an efficient decoder for classical polar codes with low decoding error, approximating the maximum likelihood decoder (MLD) for small list sizes. Here we adapt the SCL to the task of decoding quantum polar codes and show that it inherits the high performance and low complexity of the classical case, and can approximate the quantum MLD for certain channels. We apply SCL decoding to a novel version of quantum polar codes based on the polarization weight (PW) method, which entirely avoids the need for small amounts of entanglement assistance apparent in previous quantum polar code constructions. When used to find the precise error pattern, the quantum SCL decoder (SCL-E) shows competitive performance with surface codes of similar size and low-density parity check codes of similar size and rate. The SCL decoder may instead be used to approximate the probability of each equivalence class of errors, and then choose the most likely class. We benchmark this class-oriented decoder (SCL-C) against the SCL-E decoder and find a noticeable improvement in the logical error rate. This improvement stems from the fact that the contributions from just the low-weight errors give a reasonable approximation to the error class probabilities. Both SCL-E and SCL-C maintain the complexity O(LN logN) of SCL for code size N and list size L. We also show that the list decoder can be used to gain insight into the weight distribution of the codes and how this impacts the effect of degenerate errors.
12.Quantum communication networks with optical vortices
Authors:S. Suciu, G. A. Bulzan, T. A. Isdraila, A. M. Palici, S. Ataman, C. Kusko, R. Ionicioiu
Abstract: Quantum communications bring a paradigm change in internet security by using quantum resources to establish secure keys between parties. Present-day quantum communications networks are mainly point-to-point and use trusted nodes and key management systems to relay the keys. Future quantum networks, including the quantum internet, will have complex topologies in which groups of users are connected and communicate with each-other. Here we investigate several architectures for quantum communication networks. We show that photonic orbital angular momentum (OAM) can be used to route quantum information between different nodes. Starting from a simple, point-to-point network, we will gradually develop more complex architectures: point-to-multipoint, fully-connected and entanglement-distribution networks. As a particularly important result, we show that an $n$-node, fully-connected network can be constructed with a single OAM sorter and $n-1$ OAM values. Our results pave the way to construct complex quantum communication networks with minimal resources.
13.Array of Individual Circular Rydberg Atoms Trapped in Optical Tweezers
Authors:Brice Ravon, Paul Méhaignerie, Yohann Machu, Andrés Durán Hernández, Maxime Favier, Jean-Michel Raimond, Michel Brune, Clément Sayrin
Abstract: Circular Rydberg atoms (CRAs), i.e., Rydberg atoms with maximal orbital momentum, are highly promising for quantum computation, simulation and sensing. They combine long natural lifetimes with strong inter-atomic interactions and coupling to electromagnetic fields. Trapping individual CRAs is essential to harness these unique features. We report the first demonstration of CRAs laser-trapping in a programmable array of optical bottle beams. We observe the decay of a trapped Rubidium circular level over 5ms using a novel optical detection method. This first optical detection of alkali CRAs is both spatially- and level selective. We finally observe the mechanical oscillations of the CRAs in the traps. This work opens the route to the use of circular levels in quantum devices. It is also promising for quantum simulation and information processing using the full extent of Rydberg manifolds.
14.Input-output wavepacket description of two photons interacting with a V-type three-level atom in an optical cavity
Authors:Arkan Hassan, Julio Gea-Banacloche
Abstract: We study the interaction of a V-type atom in a cavity with incident single- and two-photon wavepackets and derive an exact formula, valid in all parameter regimes, relating the spectrum of the outgoing wavepackets to the incident one. We present detailed results for several special input pulses, and consider the potential performance of the system as a CPHASE gate for initial pulses in a product state. We find values of the cavity, atomic and pulse parameters that yield a conditional phase shift of $\pi$, albeit with a relatively small overlap between the incoming and outgoing pulse forms.
15.Optimal high-dimensional entanglement concentration in the bipartite scenario
Authors:L. Palma Torres, M. A. Solís-Prosser, O. Jiménez, E. S. Gómez, A. Delgado
Abstract: Considering pure quantum states, entanglement concentration is the procedure where from $N$ copies of a partially entangled state, a single state with higher entanglement can be obtained. Getting a maximally entangled state is possible for $N=1$. However, the associated success probability can be extremely low while increasing the system's dimensionality. In this work, we study two methods to achieve a probabilistic entanglement concentration for bipartite quantum systems with a large dimensionality for $N=1$, regarding a reasonably good probability of success at the expense of having a non-maximal entanglement. Firstly, we define an efficiency function $\mathcal{Q}$ considering a tradeoff between the amount of entanglement (quantified by the I-Concurrence) of the final state after the concentration procedure and its success probability, which leads to solving a quadratic optimization problem. We found an analytical solution, ensuring that an optimal scheme for entanglement concentration can always be found in terms of $\mathcal{Q}$. Finally, a second method was explored, which is based on fixing the success probability and searching for the maximum amount of entanglement attainable. Both ways resemble the Procrustean method applied to a subset of the most significant Schmidt coefficients but obtaining non-maximally entangled states.
16.Majorization-based benchmark of the complexity of quantum processors
Authors:Alexandre B. Tacla, Nina Machado O'Neill, Gabriel G. Carlo, Fernando de Melo, Raul O. Vallejos
Abstract: Here we investigate the use of the majorization-based indicator introduced in [R. O. Vallejos, F. de Melo, and G. G. Carlo, Phys. Rev. A 104, 012602 (2021)] as a way to benchmark the complexity within reach of quantum processors. By considering specific architectures and native gate sets of currently available technologies, we numerically simulate and characterize the operation of various quantum processors. We characterize their complexity for different native gate sets, qubit connectivity and increasing number of gates. We identify and assess quantum complexity by comparing the performance of each device against benchmark lines provided by randomized Clifford circuits and Haar-random pure states. In this way, we are able to specify, for each specific processor, the number of native quantum gates which are necessary, on average, for achieving those levels of complexity. Lastly, we study the performance of the majorization-based characterization in the presence of distinct types of noise. We find that the majorization-based benchmark holds as long as the circuits' output states have, on average, high purity ($\gtrsim 0.9$). In such cases, the indicator showed no significant differences from the noiseless case.