Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Tue, 11 Apr 2023
1.Factorization of large tetra and penta prime numbers on IBM quantum processor
Authors:Ritu Dhaulakhandi, Bikash K. Behera, Felix J. Seo
Abstract: The factorization of a large digit integer in polynomial time is a challenging computational task to decipher. The exponential growth of computation can be alleviated if the factorization problem is changed to an optimization problem with the quantum computation process with the generalized Grover's algorithm and a suitable analytic algebra. In this article, the generalized Grover's protocol is used to amplify the amplitude of the required states and, in turn, help in the execution of the quantum factorization of tetra and penta primes as a proof of concept for distinct integers, including 875, 1269636549803, and 4375 using 3 and 4 qubits of IBMQ Perth (7-qubit processor). The fidelity of quantum factorization with the IBMQ Perth qubits was near unity.
2.Dynamics of an atom cavity field system in interacting Fock space
Authors:P. K. Das, Arpita Chatterjee
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate one-time passing of a $V$-type three-level atom through a single-mode interacting field in a cavity. We extend the idea of elementary Jaynes-Cummings model by assuming that the field vector belongs to interacting Fock space. In the process, we arrive at a state vector which will be analyzed to study the nonclassicality of the evolved state of the system.
3.Lower- versus higher-order nonclassicalities for a coherent superposed quantum state
Authors:Deepak, Arpita Chatterjee
Abstract: A coherent state is defined conventionally in different ways such as a displaced vacuum state, an eigenket of annihilation operator or as an infinite dimensional Poissonian superposition of Fock states. In this work, we describe a superposition $(ta+ra^\dagger)$ of field annihilation and creation operators acting on a continuous variable coherent state $|{\alpha}\rangle$ and specify it by $|\psi\rangle$. We analyze the lower- as well as the higher-order nonclassical properties of $|\psi\rangle$. The comparison is performed by using a set of nonclassicality witnesses (e.g., higher-order photon-statistics, higher-order antibunching, higher-order sub-Poissonian statistics, higher-order squeezing, Agarwal-Tara parameter, Klyshko's condition and a relatively new concept, matrix of phase-space distribution). It is found that higher-order criteria are much more efficient to detect the presence of nonclassicality as compared to lower-order conditions.
4.Robust beam splitter with fast quantum state transfer through a topological interface
Authors:Jia-Ning Zhang, Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu, Jie Song, Yong-Yuan Jiang
Abstract: The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, commonly used for robust state transfers through topologically protected edge pumping, has been generalized and exploited to engineer diverse functional quantum devices. Here, we propose to realize a fast topological beam splitter based on a generalized SSH model by accelerating the quantum state transfer (QST) process essentially limited by adiabatic requirements. The scheme involves delicate orchestration of the instantaneous energy spectrum through exponential modulation of nearest neighbor coupling strengths and onsite energies, yielding a significantly accelerated beam splitting process. Due to properties of topological pumping and accelerated QST, the beam splitter exhibits strong robustness against parameter disorders and losses of system. In addition, the model demonstrates good scalability and can be extended to two-dimensional crossed-chain structures to realize a topological router with variable numbers of output ports. Our work provides practical prospects for fast and robust topological QST in feasible quantum devices in large-scale quantum information processing.
5.High-fidelity two-qubit gates of hybrid superconducting-semiconducting singlet-triplet qubits
Authors:Maria Spethmann, Stefano Bosco, Andrea Hofmann, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss
Abstract: Hybrid systems comprising superconducting and semiconducting materials are promising architectures for quantum computing. Superconductors induce long-range interactions between the spin degrees of freedom of semiconducting quantum dots. These interactions are widely anisotropic when the semiconductor material has strong spin-orbit interactions. We show that this anisotropy is tunable and enables fast and high-fidelity two-qubit gates between singlet-triplet (ST) spin qubits. Our design is immune to leakage of the quantum information into non-computational states and removes always-on interactions between the qubits, thus resolving key open challenges for these architectures. Our ST qubits do not require additional technologically-demanding components nor fine-tuning of parameters. They operate at low magnetic fields of a few milli Tesla and are fully compatible with superconductors. In realistic devices, we estimate infidelities below $10^{-3}$, that could pave the way toward large-scale hybrid superconducting-semiconducting quantum processors.
6.Prior Entanglement Exponentially Improves One-Server Quantum Private Information Retrieval for Quantum Messages
Authors:Seunghoan Song, Francois Le Gall, Masahito Hayashi
Abstract: Quantum private information retrieval (QPIR) for quantum messages is a quantum communication task, in which a user retrieves one of the multiple quantum states from the server without revealing which state is retrieved. In the one-server setting, we find an exponential gap in the communication complexities between the presence and absence of prior entanglement in this problem with the one-server setting. To achieve this aim, as the first step, we prove that the trivial solution of downloading all messages is optimal under QPIR for quantum messages, which is a similar result to that of classical PIR but different from QPIR for classical messages. As the second step, we propose an efficient one-server one-round QPIR protocol with prior entanglement by constructing a reduction from a QPIR protocol for classical messages to a QPIR protocol for quantum messages in the presence of prior entanglement.
7.Statistical phase estimation and error mitigation on a superconducting quantum processor
Authors:Nick S. Blunt, Laura Caune, Róbert Izsák, Earl T. Campbell, Nicole Holzmann
Abstract: Quantum phase estimation (QPE) is a key quantum algorithm, which has been widely studied as a method to perform chemistry and solid-state calculations on future fault-tolerant quantum computers. Recently, several authors have proposed statistical alternatives to QPE that have benefits on early fault-tolerant devices, including shorter circuits and better suitability for error mitigation techniques. However, practical implementations of the algorithm on real quantum processors are lacking. In this paper we practically implement statistical phase estimation on Rigetti's superconducting processors. We specifically use the method of Lin and Tong [PRX Quantum 3, 010318 (2022)] using the improved Fourier approximation of Wan et al. [PRL 129, 030503 (2022)], and applying a variational compilation technique to reduce circuit depth. We then incorporate error mitigation strategies including zero-noise extrapolation and readout error mitigation with bit-flip averaging. We propose a simple method to estimate energies from the statistical phase estimation data, which is found to improve the accuracy in final energy estimates by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to prior theoretical bounds, reducing the cost to perform accurate phase estimation calculations. We apply these methods to chemistry problems for active spaces up to 4 electrons in 4 orbitals, including the application of a quantum embedding method, and use them to correctly estimate energies within chemical precision. Our work demonstrates that statistical phase estimation has a natural resilience to noise, particularly after mitigating coherent errors, and can achieve far higher accuracy than suggested by previous analysis, demonstrating its potential as a valuable quantum algorithm for early fault-tolerant devices.
8.Sensitive detection of millimeter wave electric field by driving trapped surface-state electrons
Authors:Miao Zhang, Y. F. Wang, X. Y. Peng, X. N. Feng, S. R. He, Y. F. Li, L. F. Wei
Abstract: Sensitive detection of electromagnetic wave electric field plays an important role for electromagnetic communication and sensing. Here, we propose a quantum sensor to sensitively detect the electric field of the millimeter (mm) wave. The quantum sensor consists of many surface-state electrons trapped individually on liquid helium by a scalable electrode-network at the bottom of the helium film. On such a chip, each of the trapped electrons can be manipulated by the biased dc-current to deliver the strong spin-orbit couplings. The mm wave signal to be detected is applied to non-dispersively drive the orbital states of the trapped electrons, just resulting in the Stark shifts of the dressed spin-orbital states. As a consequence, the electric field of the applied mm wave could be detected sensitively by using the spin-echo interferometry of the long-lived spin states of the electrons trapped on liquid helium. The reasonable accuracy of the detection and also the feasibility of the proposal are discussed.
9.Nonergodic measurements of qubit frequency noise
Authors:Filip Wudarski, Yaxing Zhang, M. I. Dykman
Abstract: Slow fluctuations of a qubit frequency are one of the major problems faced by quantum computers. To understand their origin it is necessary to go beyond the analysis of their spectra. We show that characteristic features of the fluctuations can be revealed using comparatively short sequences of periodically repeated Ramsey measurements, with the sequence duration smaller than needed for the noise to approach the ergodic limit. The outcomes distribution and its dependence on the sequence duration are sensitive to the nature of noise. The time needed for quantum measurements to display quasi-ergodic behavior can strongly depend on the measurement parameters.
10.All multipartite entanglements are quantum coherences in locally distinguishable bases
Authors:Ahana Ghoshal, Swati Choudhary, Ujjwal Sen
Abstract: We find that the m-separability and k-partite entanglement of a multipartite quantum system is correlated with quantum coherence of the same with respect to complete orthonormal bases, distinguishable under local operations and classical communication in certain partitions. In particular, we show that the geometric measure of m-inseparable entanglement of a multipartite quantum state is equal to the square of minimum fidelity-based quantum coherence of the state with respect to complete orthonormal bases, that are locally distinguishable in a partition into m-parties.
11.Sequence of penalties method to study excited states using VQE
Authors:Rodolfo Carobene, Stefano Barison, Andrea Giachero
Abstract: We propose an extension of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) that leads to more accurate energy estimations and can be used to study excited states. The method is based on the introduction of a sequence of increasing penalties in the cost function. This approach does not require circuit modifications and thus can be applied with no additional depth cost. Through numerical simulations, we show that we are able to produce variational states with desired physical properties, such as total spin and charge. We assess its performance both on classical simulators and on currently available quantum devices, calculating the potential energy curves of small molecular systems in different physical configurations. Finally, we compare our method to the original VQE and to another extension, obtaining a better agreement with exact simulations for both energy and targeted physical quantities.
12.Complementarity between quantum entanglement, geometrical and dynamical appearances in $N$ spin-$1/2$ system under all-range Ising model
Authors:Jamal Elfakir, Brahim Amghar, Abdallah Slaoui, Mohammed Daoud
Abstract: With the growth of geometric science, including the methods of exploring the world of information by means of modern geometry, there has always been a mysterious and fascinating ambiguous link between geometric, topological and dynamical characteristics with quantum entanglement. Since geometry studies the interrelations between elements such as distance and curvature, it provides the information sciences with powerful structures that yield practically useful and understandable descriptions of integrable quantum systems. We explore here these structures in a physical system of $N$ interaction spin-$1/2$ under all-range Ising model. By performing the system dynamics, we determine the Fubini-Study metric defining the relevant quantum state space. Applying Gaussian curvature within the scope of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, we proved that the dynamics happens on a closed two-dimensional manifold having both a dumbbell-shape structure and a spherical topology. The geometric and topological phases appearing during the system evolution processes are sufficiently discussed. Subsequently, we resolve the quantum brachistochrone problem by achieving the time-optimal evolution. By restricting the whole system to a two spin-$1/2$ system, we investigate the relevant entanglement from two viewpoints; The first is of geometric nature and explores how the entanglement level affects derived geometric structures such as the Fubini-Study metric, the Gaussian curvature, and the geometric phase. The second is of dynamic nature and addresses the entanglement effect on the evolution speed and the related Fubini-Study distance. Further, depending on the degree of entanglement, we resolve the quantum brachistochrone problem.
13.Unveiling the non-Abelian statistics of $D(S_3)$ anyons via photonic simulation
Authors:Suraj Goel, Matthew Reynolds, Matthew Girling, Will McCutcheon, Saroch Leedumrongwatthanakun, Vatshal Srivastav, David Jennings, Mehul Malik, Jiannis K. Pachos
Abstract: Simulators can realise novel phenomena by separating them from the complexities of a full physical implementation. Here we put forward a scheme that can simulate the exotic statistics of $D(S_3)$ non-Abelian anyons with minimal resources. The qudit lattice representation of this planar code supports local encoding of $D(S_3)$ anyons. As a proof-of-principle demonstration we employ a photonic simulator to encode a single qutrit and manipulate it to perform the fusion and braiding properties of non-Abelian $D(S_3)$ anyons. The photonic technology allows us to perform the required non-unitary operations with much higher fidelity than what can be achieved with current quantum computers. Our approach can be directly generalised to larger systems or to different anyonic models, thus enabling advances in the exploration of quantum error correction and fundamental physics alike.
14.Sublinear scaling in non-Markovian open quantum systems simulations
Authors:Moritz Cygorek, Jonathan Keeling, Brendon W. Lovett, Erik M. Gauger
Abstract: While several numerical techniques are available for predicting the dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems, most struggle with simulations for very long memory and propagation times, e.g., due to superlinear scaling with the number of time steps $n$. Here, we introduce a numerically exact algorithm to calculate process tensors -- compact representations of environmental influences -- which provides a scaling advantage over previous algorithms by leveraging self-similarity of the tensor networks that represent Gaussian environments. Based on a divide-and-conquer strategy, our approach requires only $\mathcal{O}(n\log n)$ singular value decompositions for environments with infinite memory. Where the memory can be truncated after $n_c$ time steps, a scaling $\mathcal{O}(n_c\log n_c)$ is found, which is independent of $n$. This improved scaling is enabled by identifying process tensors with repeatable blocks. To demonstrate the power and utility of our approach we provide three examples. (1) We calculate the fluorescence spectra of a quantum dot under both strong driving and strong dot-phonon couplings, a task requiring simulations over millions of time steps, which we are able to perform in minutes. (2) We efficiently find process tensors describing superradiance of multiple emitters. (3) We explore the limits of our algorithm by considering coherence decay with a very strongly coupled environment. The algorithm we present here not only significantly extends the scope of numerically exact techniques to open quantum systems with long memory times, but also has fundamental implications for simulation complexity.
15.Nonclassicality of photon-added-then-subtracted and photon-subtracted-then-added states
Authors:Arpita Chatterjee
Abstract: We formulate the density matrices of a quantum state obtained by first adding multi-photons to and then subtracting multi-photons from any arbitrary state as well as performing the same process in the reverse order. Considering the field to be initially in a thermal (or in an even coherent) state, we evaluate the photon number distribution, Wigner function and Mandel's $Q$ parameter of the resulting field. We show graphically that in which order multi-photons are added and subtracted has a noticeable effect on the temporal behavior of these statistical properties.
16.Quantum-enhanced symmetric cryptanalysis for S-AES
Authors:Alexey Moiseevskiy
Abstract: Advanced Encryption Standard is one of the most widely used and important symmetric ciphers for today. It well known, that it can be subjected to the quantum Grover's attack that twice reduces its key strength. But full AES attack requires hundreds of qubits and circuit depth of thousands, that makes impossible not only experimental research but also numerical simulations of this algorithm. Here we present an algorithm for optimized Grover's attack on downscaled Simplifed-AES cipher. Besides full attack we present several approaches that allows to reduce number of required qubits if some nibbles of the key are known as a result of side-channel attack. For 16-bit S-AES the proposed attack requires 23 qubits in general case and 19, 15 or 11 if 4, 8 or 12 bits were leaked in specifc confguration. Comparing to previously known 32-qubits algorithm this approach potentially allows to run the attack on today's NISQ-devices and perform numerical simulations with GPU, that may be useful for further research of problem-specifc error mitigation and error correction techniques.
17.Correlation measures of a quantum state and information characteristics of a quantum channel
Authors:M. E. Shirokov
Abstract: We discuss the interconnections between basic correlation measures of a bipartite quantum state and basic information characteristics of a quantum channel, focusing on the benefits of these interconnections for solving specific problems concerning the characteristics of both types. We describe the basic properties of the (unoptimized and optimized) quantum discord in infinite-dimensional bipartite systems. In particular, using the generalized Koashi-Winter relation, a simple condition is obtained that guarantees that a state with zero quantum discord is quantum-classical. The generalized versions of Koashi-Winter and Xi-Lu-Wang-Li relations are used to obtain new continuity bounds for the output Holevo information of an ensemble of quantum states and for the Holevo capacity of a quantum channel in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional cases. We also discuss the properties of quantum channels which are "doppelgangers" of the monotonicity of the quantum discord and the entropy reduction of a local measurement w.r.t. quantum channels acting on an unmeasured subsystem. Among others, it is shown that the entropy exchange of a channel does not decrease under concatenation with a channel that does not reduce the von Neumann entropy (in particular, with a bistochastic channel).