Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 14 Apr 2023
1.Formulation of causality-preserving quantum time of arrival theory
Authors:Denny Lane B. Sombillo, Neris I. Sombillo
Abstract: We revisit the quantum correction to the classical time of arrival to address the unphysical instantaneous arrival in the limit of zero initial momentum. In this study, we show that the vanishing of arrival time is due to the contamination of the causality-violating component of the initial wave packet. Motivated by this observation, we propose to update the temporal collapse mechanism in [Galapon E. A. 2009, Proc. R. Soc. A.46571-86] to incorporate the removal of causality-violating spectra of the arrival time operator. We found that the quantum correction to the classical arrival time is still observed. Thus, our analysis validates that the correction is an inherent consequence of quantizing a time observable and is not just some mathematical artifact of the theory. We also discuss the possible application of the theory in describing point interactions in particle physics and provide a possible explanation to the observed neutron's lifetime anomaly.
2.QNEAT: Natural Evolution of Variational Quantum Circuit Architecture
Authors:Alessandro Giovagnoli, Yunpu Ma, Volker Tresp
Abstract: Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is a recent and rapidly evolving field where the theoretical framework and logic of quantum mechanics are employed to solve machine learning tasks. Various techniques with different levels of quantum-classical hybridization have been proposed. Here we focus on variational quantum circuits (VQC), which emerged as the most promising candidates for the quantum counterpart of neural networks in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era. Although showing promising results, VQCs can be hard to train because of different issues, e.g., barren plateau, periodicity of the weights, or choice of architecture. This paper focuses on this last problem for finding optimal architectures of variational quantum circuits for various tasks. To address it, we propose a gradient-free algorithm inspired by natural evolution to optimize both the weights and the architecture of the VQC. In particular, we present a version of the well-known neuroevolution of augmenting topologies (NEAT) algorithm and adapt it to the case of variational quantum circuits. We refer to the proposed architecture search algorithm for VQC as QNEAT. We test the algorithm with different benchmark problems of classical fields of machine learning i.e. reinforcement learning and combinatorial optimization.
3.Observation of Exceptional Points in Thermal Atomic Ensembles
Authors:Chao Liang, Yuanjiang Tang, An-Ning Xu, Yong-Chun Liu
Abstract: Exceptional points (EPs) in non-Hermitian systems have recently attracted wide interests and spawned intriguing prospects for enhanced sensing. However, EPs have not yet been realized in thermal atomic ensembles, which is one of the most important platforms for quantum sensing. Here we experimentally observe EPs in multi-level thermal atomic ensembles, and realize enhanced sensing of magnetic field for one order of magnitude. We take advantage of the rich energy levels of atoms and construct effective decays for selected energy levels by employing laser coupling with the excited state, yielding unbalanced decay rates for different energy levels, which finally results in the existence of EPs. Furthermore, we propose the optical polarization rotation measurement scheme to detect the splitting of the resonance peaks, which makes use of both the absorption and dispersion properties, and shows advantage with enhanced splitting compared with the conventional transmission measurement scheme. Besides, in our system both the effective coupling strength and decay rates are flexibly adjustable, and thus the position of the EPs are tunable, which expands the measurement range. Our work not only provides a new controllable platform for studying EPs and non-Hermitian physics, but also provide new ideas for the design of EP-enhanced sensors and opens up realistic opportunities for practical applications in the high-precision sensing of magnetic field and other physical quantities.
4.Implementation of electromagnetic analogy to gravity mediated entanglement
Authors:Ji Bian, Teng Liu, Pengfei Lu, Qifeng Lao, Xinxin Rao, Feng Zhu, Yang Liu, Le Luo
Abstract: Recently, experiments aimed at measuring gravity mediated entanglement (GME) using quantum information techniques have been proposed, based on the assumption that if two systems get entangled through local interactions with gravitational field, then this field must be quantum. While there is a debate about what could be drawn from GME, quantum simulation might provide some clarification. Here, we present electromagnetic analogy of GME using magnetic-field mediated interaction between the electron and nucleus in a single atom. Our work successfully implements the general procedures of GME experiments and confirms that the mediating field does not support the mean-field description. It also clarifies that, without considering the light-crossing time, the GME experiment would not distinguish a quantum-field-theory description from a quantum-controlled classical field one. Furthermore, this work provides a novel method to construct two-qubit systems in a single atom, and providing the first quantum simulation of GME using material qubits. It helps to conceive the future GME experiments on the scale of light-crossing time.
5.Operational Quantum Frames: An operational approach to quantum reference frames
Authors:Jan Głowacki
Abstract: The quantum reference frames program is based on the idea that reference frames should be treated as quantum physical systems. In this work, we combine these insights with the emphasis on operationality, understood as refraining from introducing into the framework objects not directly related to in principle verifiable probabilities of measurement outcomes, and identifying the setups indistinguishable as such. Based on intuitions from special relativity and gauge theory, we introduce an operational notion of a quantum reference frame -- which is defined as a quantum system equipped with a covariant positive operator-valued measure (POVM) -- and build a framework on the concept of operational equivalence that allows us to enforce operationality by quotienting the quantum state spaces with equivalence relation of indistinguishability by the available effects, assumed to be invariant under gauge transformations, and framed in the sense of respecting the choice of the frame's POVM. Such effects are accessed via the yen construction, which maps effects on the system to those on the composite system, satisfying gauge invariance and framing. They are called relative, and the classes of states indistinguishable by them are referred to as relative states. We show that when the frame is localizable, meaning that it allows for states that give rise to a highly localized probability distribution of the frame's observable, by restricting the relative description upon such localized frame preparation we recover the usual, non-relational formalism of quantum mechanics. We provide a consistent way of translating between different relative descriptions by means of frame-change maps and compare these with the corresponding notions in other approaches to QRF, establishing an operational agreement in the domain of common applicability.
6.Interpretation of Quantum Theory and Cosmology
Authors:Giovanni M. Prosepri, Massimiliano Baldicchi
Abstract: We reconsider the problem of the interpretation of the Quantum Theory (QT) in the perspective of the entire universe and of Bphr idea that the classical language is the language of our experience and QT acquires a meaning only with a reference to it. We distinguish a classical or macroscopic level, and a quantum or microscopic one that is perceived only through the modifications that it induces in the first. The macroscopic state of the universe is assumed to be specified by a set of variables, a classical energy momentum tensor and some conserved currents, which are supposed to have a well defined value across the entire space-time. To the energy-momentum tensor a classical metric is related by the Einstein equation. The quantum state and dynamics are expressed by the usual QT formalism in terms of a density operator and the ordinary quantum operators in Heisenberg picture. For the macroscopic variables a basic distribution of probability is postulated in terms of a density and the corresponding quantum operators, so in some way their evolution is driven by the underlying QT. Such postulate essentially replaces the usual elfadjoint operators correspondence. For the Universe we adopt a variance of the {\Lambda}CDM model with Omega=1, one single inflaton with an Higgs type potential, the initial time at t=minus infinite. The expectation values of all fundamental fields are supposed to vanish for time going to minus infinite. In the framework the scalar fluctuation in the Cosmic Microwave Background are correctly explained giving appropriate calue to the parameters in the potential. As in more conventional models the absence of the tensor fluctuations remains not understood, if even a quantum metric is introduced. This seems to suggest that Gravity is a pure classical phenomenon, what could be consistently accommodated in our formalism by an appropriate even if somewhat ad hoc assumption
7.Non-stationary non-Hermitian "wrong-sign'' quantum oscillators and their meaningful physical interpretation
Authors:Miloslav Znojil
Abstract: Quantum mechanics of closed, unitary quantum systems can be formulated in non-Hermitian interaction picture (NIP) in which both the states and the observables vary with time. Then, in general, not only the Schr\"{o}dinger-equation generators $G(t)$ but also the Heisenberg-equation generators $\Sigma(t)$ are phenomenologically irrelevant, with spectra which are, in general, complex. Only the sum $H(t)=G(t)+\Sigma(t)$ retains the standard physical meaning of instantaneous energy. For illustration, the ``wrong-sign'' quartic oscillators are recalled and reconsidered.
8.Objectivity of classical quantum stochastic processes
Authors:Piotr Szańkowski, Łukasz Cywiński
Abstract: Here we investigate what can be concluded about the quantum system when the sequential quantum measurements of its observable -- the so-called quantum stochastic process -- fulfill the Kolmogorov consistency condition, and thus, appears to an observer as a sampling of classical trajectory. We identify a set of physical conditions imposed on the system dynamics, that, when satisfied, lead to the aforementioned trajectory interpretation of the measurement results. Then, we show that when another quantum system is coupled to the observable, the operator representing it can be replaced by an external noise. Crucially, the realizations of this surrogate (classical) stochastic process are following the same trajectories as those measured by the observer. Therefore, it can be said that the trajectory interpretation suggested by the consistent measurements also applies in contexts other than sequential measurements.
9.Exclusion principle for nonlocal advantage of quantum coherence
Authors:Priya Ghosh, Mahasweta Pandit, Chirag Srivastava, Ujjwal Sen
Abstract: Coherences in mutually unbiased bases of states of an isolated quantum system follow a complementarity relation. The nonlocal advantage of quantum coherence (NAQC), defined in a bipartite scenario, is a situation in which the average quantum coherences of the ensembles of one subsystem, effected by a measurement performed on the other subsystem, violates the complementarity relation. We analyze two criteria to detect NAQC for bipartite quantum states. We construct a more generalized version of the criterion to detect NAQC that is better than the standard criterion as it can capture more states exhibiting NAQC. We prove the local unitary invariance of these NAQC criteria. Further on, we focus on investigating the monogamy properties of NAQC in the tripartite scenario. We check for monogamy of NAQC from two perspectives, differentiated by whether or not the nodal observer in the monogamy relation performs the measurement for the nonlocal advantage. We find in particular that in the case where the nodal observer does not perform the measurement, a strong monogamy relation - an exclusion principle - is exhibited by NAQC.
10.The advantage of quantum control in many-body Hamiltonian learning
Authors:Alicja Dutkiewicz, Thomas E. O'Brien, Thomas Schuster
Abstract: We study the problem of learning the Hamiltonian of a many-body quantum system from experimental data. We show that the rate of learning depends on the amount of control available during the experiment. We consider three control models: a 'discrete quantum control' model where the experimentalist can interleave time evolution under the unknown Hamiltonian with instantaneous quantum operations, a 'continuous quantum control' model where the experimentalist can augment the Hamiltonian with bounded control terms, and a model where the experimentalist has no control over the system's time evolution (but can choose initial states and final measurements). With continuous quantum control, we provide an adaptive algorithm for learning a many-body Hamiltonian at the Heisenberg limit, $T = \mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1})$, which requires only preparation of product states, time-evolution, and measurement in a product basis. In the absence of quantum control, we prove that learning is standard quantum limited, $T = \Omega(\epsilon^{-2})$, for large classes of many-body Hamiltonians, including any Hamiltonian that thermalizes via the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. Our no-go results apply even to learning algorithms that utilize quantum memories or involve a limited number of discrete control operations of arbitrary quantum complexity. These results establish a quadratic advantage in experimental runtime for learning with quantum control.
11.QuACS: Variational Quantum Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation in Induced Subgraph Games
Authors:Supreeth Mysore Venkatesh, Antonio Macaluso, Matthias Klusch
Abstract: Coalition Structure Generation (CSG) is an NP-Hard problem in which agents are partitioned into mutually exclusive groups to maximize their social welfare. In this work, we propose QuACS, a novel hybrid quantum classical algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation in Induced Subgraph Games (ISGs). Starting from a coalition structure where all the agents belong to a single coalition, QuACS recursively identifies the optimal partition into two disjoint subsets. This problem is reformulated as a QUBO and then solved using QAOA. Given an $n$-agent ISG, we show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing approximate classical solvers with a runtime of $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ and an expected approximation ratio of $92\%$. Furthermore, it requires a significantly lower number of qubits and allows experiments on medium-sized problems compared to existing quantum solutions. To show the effectiveness of QuACS we perform experiments on standard benchmark datasets using quantum simulation.
12.A perspective on the pathway to a scalable quantum internet using rare-earth ions
Authors:Robert M. Pettit, Farhang Hadad Farshi, Sean E. Sullivan, Álvaro Veliz Osorio, Manish Kumar Singh
Abstract: The ultimate realization of a global quantum internet will require advances in scalable technologies capable of generating, storing, and manipulating quantum information. The essential devices that will perform these tasks in a quantum network are quantum repeaters, which will enable the long-range distribution of entanglement between distant network nodes. In this perspective, we provide an overview of the primary functions of a quantum repeater and discuss progress that has been made toward the development of repeaters with rare-earth ion doped materials while noting challenges that are being faced as the technologies mature. We give particular attention to erbium, which is well suited for networking applications. Finally, we provide a discussion of near-term benchmarks that can further guide rare-earth ion platforms for impact in near-term quantum networks.