Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 11 Aug 2023
1.Qubit Dynamics beyond Lindblad: Non-Markovianity versus Rotating Wave Approximation
Authors:Kiyoto Nakamura, Joachim Ankerhold
Abstract: With increasing experimental performance of qubit devices, highly accurate theoretical predictions are needed to describe the open system dynamics. Here, we make use of three equations of motion for the reduced density matrix, the conventional Lindblad equation (LE), the Universal Lindblad Equation (ULE), and the Hierarchical Equations of Motion (HEOM). While the HEOM provides numerically exact benchmark data, the LE is based on the Born-Markov approximation in combination with the rotating wave approximation (RWA) which is not imposed in the ULE. This allows us to analyze the distinction between the Born-Markov approximation and the RWA, which may be sometimes confused. As a demonstration, predictions for relaxation and decoherence of a two-level system in presence of reservoirs with Ohmic and sub-Ohmic spectral densities are explored. With the aid of a recently proposed protocol based on Ramsey experiments, the role of the Born-Markov approximation and the RWA is revealed.
2.Catalysis of quantum tunneling by ancillary system learning
Authors:Renzo Testa, Alex Rodriguez, Alberto d'Onofrio, Andrea Trombettoni, Fabio Benatti, Fabio Anselmi
Abstract: Given the key role that quantum tunneling plays in a wide range of applications, a crucial objective is to maximize the probability of tunneling from one quantum state/level to another, while keeping the resources of the underlying physical system fixed. In this work, we demonstrate that an effective solution to this challenge can be achieved by coupling the tunneling system with an ancillary system of the same kind. By utilizing machine learning techniques, the parameters of both the ancillary system and the coupling can be optimized, leading to the maximization of the tunneling probability. We provide illustrative examples for the paradigmatic scenario involving a two-mode system and a two-mode ancilla with arbitrary couplings and in the presence of several interacting particles. Importantly, the enhancement of the tunneling probability appears to be minimally affected by noise and decoherence in both the system and the ancilla.
3.A Modular Engine for Quantum Monte Carlo Integration
Authors:Ismail Yunus Akhalwaya, Adam Connolly, Roland Guichard, Steven Herbert, Cahit Kargi, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Michael Lubasch, Conor Mc Keever, Julien Sorci, Michael Spranger, Ifan Williams
Abstract: We present the Quantum Monte Carlo Integration (QMCI) engine developed by Quantinuum. It is a quantum computational tool for evaluating multi-dimensional integrals that arise in various fields of science and engineering such as finance. This white paper presents a detailed description of the architecture of the QMCI engine, including a variety of distribution-loading methods, a novel quantum amplitude estimation method that improves the statistical robustness of QMCI calculations, and a library of statistical quantities that can be estimated. The QMCI engine is designed with modularity in mind, allowing for the continuous development of new quantum algorithms tailored in particular to financial applications. Additionally, the engine features a resource mode, which provides a precise resource quantification for the quantum circuits generated. The paper also includes extensive benchmarks that showcase the engine's performance, with a focus on the evaluation of various financial instruments.
4.Generating quantum channels from functions on discrete sets
Authors:A. C. Quillen, Rayleigh Parker, Nathan Skerrett
Abstract: Using the recent ability of quantum computers to initialize quantum states rapidly with high fidelity, we use a function operating on a discrete set to create a simple class of quantum channels. Fixed points and periodic orbits, that are present in the function, generate fixed points and periodic orbits in the associated quantum channel. Phenomenology such as periodic doubling is visible in a 6 qubit dephasing channel constructed from a truncated version of the logistic map. Using disjoint subsets, discrete function-generated channels can be constructed that preserve coherence within subspaces. Error correction procedures can be in this class as syndrome detection uses an initialized quantum register. A possible application for function-generated channels is in hybrid classical/quantum algorithms. We illustrate how these channels can aid in carrying out classical computations involving iteration of non-invertible functions on a quantum computer with the Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers.
5.Krotov Type Optimization of Coherent and Incoherent Controls for Open Two-Qubit Systems
Authors:Oleg Morzhin, Alexander Pechen
Abstract: This work considers two-qubit open quantum systems driven by coherent and incoherent controls. Incoherent control induces time-dependent decoherence rates via time-dependent spectral density of the environment which is used as a resource for controlling the system. The system evolves according to the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation with time-dependent coefficients. For two types of interaction with coherent control, three types of objectives are considered: 1) maximizing the Hilbert-Schmidt overlap between the final and target density matrices; 2) minimizing the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between these matrices; 3) steering the overlap to a given value. For the first problem, we develop the Krotov type methods directly in terms of density matrices with or without regularization for piecewise continuous constrained controls and find the cases where the methods produce (either exactly or with some precision) zero controls which satisfy the Pontryagin maximum principle and produce the overlap's values close to their upper estimates. For the problems 2) and 3), we find cases when the dual annealing method steers the objectives close to zero and produces a non-zero control.
6.Stable dynamic helix state in the nonintegrable XXZ Heisenberg model
Authors:Gang Zhang, Zhi Song
Abstract: We investigate the influence of the external fields on the stability of spin helix states in a XXZ Heisenberg model. Exact diagonalization on finite system shows that random transverse fields in x and y directions drive the transition from integrability to nonintegrability. It results in the fast decay of a static helix state, which is the eigenstate of an unperturbed XXZ Heisenberg model. However, in the presence of uniform z field, the static helix state becomes a dynamic helix state with a relatively long life as a quantum scar state.
7.Thermodynamic cycles in the broken PT-regime -- beating the Carnot cycle
Authors:Andreas Fring, Marta Reboiro
Abstract: We propose a new type of quantum thermodynamic cycle whose efficiency is greater than the one of the classical Carnot cycle for the same conditions. In our model this type of cycle only exists in the low temperature regime in the spontaneously broken parity-time-reversal (PT) symmetry regime of a non-Hermitian quantum theory and does not manifest in the PT-symmetric regime. We discuss this effect for an ensemble based on a model of a single boson coupled in a non Hermitian way to a bath of different types of bosons with and without a time-dependent boundary.
8.Designs via Free Probability
Authors:Michele Fava, Jorge Kurchan, Silvia Pappalardi
Abstract: Unitary Designs have become a vital tool for investigating pseudorandomness since they approximate the statistics of the uniform Haar ensemble. Despite their central role in quantum information, their relation to quantum chaotic evolution and in particular to the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) are still largely debated issues. This work provides a bridge between the latter and $k$-designs through Free Probability theory. First, by introducing the more general notion of $k$-freeness, we show that it can be used as an alternative probe of designs. In turn, free probability theory comes with several tools, useful for instance for the calculation of mixed moments or for quantum channels. Our second result is the connection to quantum dynamics. Quantum ergodicity, and correspondingly ETH, apply to a restricted class of physical observables, as already discussed in the literature. In this spirit, we show that unitary evolution with generic Hamiltonians always leads to freeness at sufficiently long times, but only when the operators considered are restricted within the ETH class. Our results provide a direct link between unitary designs, quantum chaos and the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, and shed new light on the universality of late-time quantum dynamics.
9.Generation of phonon quantum states and quantum correlations among single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
Authors:Hugo Molinares, Fernanda Pinilla, Enrique Muñoz, Francisco Muñoz, Vitalie Eremeev
Abstract: Hexagonal boron nitride hosts one dimensional topologically-protected phonons at certain grain boundaries. Here we show that it is possible to use these phonons for the transmission of information. Particularly, \textit{(i)} a color center (a single photon emitter) can be used to induce single-, two- and qubit-phonon states in the one dimensional channel, and \textit{(ii)} two distant color centers can be coupled by the topological phonons transmitted along a line of defects that acts as a waveguide, thus exhibiting strong quantum correlations.
10.Minimum Hilbert-Schmidt distance and the Closest Separable state to arbitrary $2 \times 2$ and $2 \times 3$ states
Authors:Palash Pandya, Marcin Wieśniak
Abstract: In this article we provide a three step algorithm to obtain the Closest Separable State to the given state in Hilbert space dimensions $2\times 2$ and $2\times 3$, or in the higher dimensional Hilbert spaces, 'Closest Positive Partial Transpose (PPT) state' for the chosen bipartition. In the process, a tight lower bound to the minimum Hilbert-Schmidt distance is brought forth together with the relation between the minimum Hilbert-Schmidt distance and Negativity. This also leads us to discuss the validity of the said distance from the set of separable quantum states as an entanglement measure. Any Entanglement measure defined as the minimum of a distance measure to the set of separable states needs to follow certain widely accepted rules. Most significantly, contractiveness of the distance (also, CP non-expansive property) under LOCC maps. While the Hilbert-Schmidt distance does not have this property, it is still an open question if the measure constructed using it is non-increasing under LOCC operations. While we outline some of the difficulties in such a proof, we also provide numerical evidence that brings one step closer to closing the question.