Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 17 Aug 2023
1.A Feasibility-Preserved Quantum Approximate Solver for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Authors:Ningyi Xie, Xinwei Lee, Dongsheng Cai, Yoshiyuki Saito, Nobuyoshi Asai, Hoong Chuin Lau
Abstract: The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is an NP-optimization problem (NPO) that arises in various fields including transportation and logistics. The CVRP extends from the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), aiming to determine the most efficient plan for a fleet of vehicles to deliver goods to a set of customers, subject to the limited carrying capacity of each vehicle. As the number of possible solutions skyrockets when the number of customers increases, finding the optimal solution remains a significant challenge. Recently, a quantum-classical hybrid algorithm known as Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) can provide better solutions in some cases of combinatorial optimization problems, compared to classical heuristics. However, the QAOA exhibits a diminished ability to produce high-quality solutions for some constrained optimization problems including the CVRP. One potential approach for improvement involves a variation of the QAOA known as the Grover-Mixer Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz (GM-QAOA). In this work, we attempt to use GM-QAOA to solve the CVRP. We present a new binary encoding for the CVRP, with an alternative objective function of minimizing the shortest path that bypasses the vehicle capacity constraint of the CVRP. The search space is further restricted by the Grover-Mixer. We examine and discuss the effectiveness of the proposed solver through its application to several illustrative examples.
2.Predictive Modelling of Quantum Process with Neural Networks
Authors:Yan Zhu, Ya-Dong Wu, Qiushi Liu, Yuexuan Wang, Giulio Chiribella
Abstract: Complete characterization of an unknown quantum process can be achieved by process tomography, or, for continuous time processes, by Hamiltonian learning. However, such a characterization becomes unfeasible for high dimensional quantum systems. In this paper, we develop the first neural network algorithm for predicting the behavior of an unknown quantum process when applied on a given ensemble of input states. The network is trained with classical data obtained from measurements on a few pairs of input/output quantum states. After training, it can be used to predict the measurement statistics of a set of measurements of interest performed on the output state corresponding to any input in the state ensemble. Besides learning a quantum gate or quantum circuit, our model can also be applied to the task of learning a noisy quantum evolution and predicting the measurement statistics on a time-evolving quantum state. We show numerical results using our neural network model for various relevant processes in quantum computing, quantum many-body physics, and quantum optics.
3.Experimental quantum e-commerce
Authors:Xiao-Yu Cao, Bing-Hong Li, Yang Wang, Yao Fu, Hua-Lei Yin, Zeng-Bing Chen
Abstract: E-commerce, a type of trading that occurs at a high frequency on the Internet, requires guaranteeing the integrity, authentication and non-repudiation of messages through long distance. As current e-commerce schemes are vulnerable to computational attacks, quantum cryptography, ensuring information-theoretic security against adversary's repudiation and forgery, provides a solution to this problem. However, quantum solutions generally have much lower performance compared to classical ones. Besides, when considering imperfect devices, the performance of quantum schemes exhibits a significant decline. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate the whole e-commerce process of involving the signing of a contract and payment among three parties by proposing a quantum e-commerce scheme, which shows resistance of attacks from imperfect devices. Results show that with a maximum attenuation of 25 dB among participants, our scheme can achieve a signature rate of 0.82 times per second for an agreement size of approximately 0.428 megabit. This proposed scheme presents a promising solution for providing information-theoretic security for e-commerce.
4.Multimode ion-photon entanglement over 101 kilometers of optical fiber
Authors:V. Krutyanskiy, M. Canteri, M. Meraner, V. Krcmarsky, B. P. Lanyon
Abstract: A three-qubit quantum network node based on trapped atomic ions is presented. The ability to establish entanglement between each of the qubits in the node and a separate photon that has travelled over a 101km-long optical fiber is demonstrated. By sending those photons through the fiber in close succession, a remote entanglement rate is achieved that is greater than when using only a single qubit in the node. Once extended to more qubits, this multimode approach can be a useful technique to boost entanglement distribution rates in future long-distance quantum networks of light and matter.
5.Long-lived quantum memory enabling atom-photon entanglement over 101 km telecom fiber
Authors:Yiru Zhou, Pooja Malik, Florian Fertig, Matthias Bock, Tobias Bauer, Tim van Leent, Wei Zhang, Christoph Becher, Harald Weinfurter
Abstract: Long-distance entanglement distribution is the key task for quantum networks, enabling applications such as secure communication and distributed quantum computing. Here we report on novel developments extending the reach for sharing entanglement between a single $^{87}$Rb atom and a single photon over long optical fibers. To maintain a high fidelity during the long flight times through such fibers, the coherence time of the single atom is prolonged to 7 ms by applying a long-lived qubit encoding. In addition, the attenuation in the fibers is minimized by converting the photon's wavelength to the telecom S-Band via polarization-preserving quantum frequency conversion. This enables to observe entanglement between the atomic quantum memory and the emitted photon after passing 101 km of optical fiber with a fidelity better than 70.8$\pm$2.4%. The fidelity, however, is no longer reduced due to loss of coherence of the atom or photon but in the current setup rather due to detector dark counts, showing the suitability of our platform to realize city-to-city scale quantum network links.
6.Characterization and benchmarking of a phase-sensitive two-qubit gate using direct digital synthesis
Authors:Mats O. Tholén, Riccardo Borgani, Christian Križan, Jonas Bylander, David B. Haviland
Abstract: We implement an iSWAP gate with two transmon qubits using a flux-tunable coupler. Precise control of the relative phase of the qubit-control pulses and the parametric-coupler drive is achieved with a multi-channel instrument called Presto using direct digital synthesis (DDS), a promising technique for scaling up quantum systems. We describe the process of tuning and benchmarking the iSWAP gate, where the relative phase of the pulses is controlled via software. We perform the iSWAP gate in 290 ns, validate it with quantum-state tomography, and measure 2\% error with interleaved randomized benchmarking.
7.Enhanced repetition codes for the cross-platform comparison of progress towards fault-tolerance
Authors:Milan Liepelt, Tommaso Peduzzi, James R. Wootton
Abstract: Achieving fault-tolerance will require a strong relationship between the hardware and the protocols used. Different approaches will therefore naturally have tailored proof-of-principle experiments to benchmark progress. Nevertheless, repetition codes have become a commonly used basis of experiments that allow cross-platform comparisons. Here we propose methods by which repetition code experiments can be expanded and improved, while retaining cross-platform compatibility. We also consider novel methods of analyzing the results, which offer more detailed insights than simple calculation of the logical error rate.
8.Semiquantum key distribution using initial states in only one basis without the classical user measuring
Authors:Xueying Liang, Xiangfu Zou, Xin Wang, Shenggen Zheng, Zhenbang Rong, Zhiming Huang, Jianfeng Liu, Ying Chen, Jianxiong Wu
Abstract: From the perspective of resource theory, it is interesting to achieve the same quantum task using as few quantum resources as possible. Semiquantum key distribution (SQKD), which allows a quantum user to share a confidential key with a classical user who prepares and operates qubits in only one basis, is an important example for studying this issue. To further limit the quantum resources used by users, in this paper, we constructed the first SQKD protocol which restricts the quantum user to prepare quantum states in only one basis and removes the classical user's measurement capability. Furthermore, we prove that the constructed protocol is unconditionally secure by deriving a key rate expression of the error rate in the asymptotic scenario. The work of this paper provides inspiration for achieving quantum superiority with minimal quantum resources.
9.A Bottom-up Approach to Constructing Symmetric Variational Quantum Circuits
Authors:Babatunde M. Ayeni
Abstract: In the age of noisy quantum processors, the exploitation of quantum symmetries can be quite beneficial in the efficient preparation of trial states, an important part of the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. The benefits include building quantum circuits which are more compact, with lesser number of paramaters, and more robust to noise, than their non-symmetric counterparts. Leveraging on ideas from representation theory we show how to construct symmetric quantum circuits. Similar ideas have been previously used in the field of tensor networks to construct symmetric tensor networks. We focus on the specific case of particle number conservation, that is systems with U(1) symmetry. Based on the representation theory of U(1), we show how to derive the particle-conserving exchange gates, which are commonly used in constructing hardware-efficient quantum circuits for fermionic systems, like in quantum chemistry, material science, and condensed-matter physics. We tested the effectiveness of our circuits with the Heisenberg XXZ model.
10.Evading Quantum Mechanics á la Sudarshan: quantum-mechanics-free subsystem as a realization of Koopman-von Neumann mechanics
Authors:Zurab K. Silagadze
Abstract: Tsang and Caves suggested the idea of a quantum-mechanics-free subsystem in 2012. We contend that Sudarshan's viewpoint on Koopman-von Neumann mechanics is realized in the quantum-mechanics-free subsystem. Since quantum-mechanics-free subsystems are being experimentally realized, Koopman-von Neumann mechanics is essentially transformed into an engineering science.
11.Relational Quantum Mechanics and Consistent Histories
Authors:Calum J. Robson
Abstract: This paper discusses several issues around Relational Quantum Mechanics. First, I discuss possible ontologies underlying the interpretation, before settling on the hypothesis that RQM follows from contextuality of measurements, due to quantum measurements changing the system measured. I then examine how the consistent histories formalism can be used to clarify which infomation about a system can be shared between different observers. Finally I discuss the similarities and differences between special relativity and RQM.
12.A Novel Method of Function Extrapolation Inspired by Techniques in Low-entangled Many-body Physics
Authors:Lambert Lin, Steven R White
Abstract: We introduce a novel extrapolation algorithm inspired by quantum mechanics and evaluate its performance against linear prediction. Our method involves mapping function values onto a quantum state and estimating future function values by minimizing entanglement entropy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on various simple functions, both with and without noise, comparing it to linear prediction. Our results show that the proposed algorithm produces extrapolations comparable to linear prediction, while exhibiting improved performance for functions with sharp features.
13.Fingerprinting Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride via Multi-Phonon Excitation
Authors:Pablo Tieben, Andreas W. Schell
Abstract: Single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride have gathered a lot of attention due to their favourable emission properties and the manifold of possible applications. Despite extensive scientific effort, the exact atomic origin of these emitters has remained unkown thus far. Recently, several studies have tied the emission in the yellow spectral region to carbon-related defects, but the exact atomic structure of the defects remains elusive. In this study, photoluminescence emission and excitation spectroscopy is performed on a large number of emitters within this region. By comparison of the experimental data with theoretical predictions, the origin of yellow single photon emission in hexagonal boron nitride is determined. Knowledge of this atomic structure and its optical properties is crucial for the reliable implementation of these emitters in quantum technologies.
14.Protocol for nearly deterministic parity projection on two photonic qubits
Authors:Chenxu Liu, Rafail Frantzeskakis, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes
Abstract: Photonic parity projection plays a significant role in photonic quantum information processing. Non-destructive parity projections normally require high-fidelity Controlled-Z gates between photonic and matter qubits, which can be experimentally demanding. In this paper, we propose a nearly deterministic parity projection protocol on two photonic qubits which only requires stable matter-photon Controlled-Phase gates. The fact that our protocol does not require perfect Controlled-Z gates makes it more amenable to experimental implementation.
15.Guiding Diamond Spin Qubit Growth with Computational Methods
Authors:Jonathan C. Marcks, Mykyta Onizhuk, Nazar Delegan, Yu-Xin Wang, Masaya Fukami, Maya Watts, Aashish A. Clerk, F. Joseph Heremans, Giulia Galli, David D. Awschalom
Abstract: The nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond, a well-studied, optically active spin defect, is the prototypical system in many state of the art quantum sensing and communication applications. In addition to the enticing properties intrinsic to the NV center, its diamond host's nuclear and electronic spin baths can be leveraged as resources for quantum information, rather than considered solely as sources of decoherence. However, current synthesis approaches result in stochastic defect spin positions, reducing the technology's potential for deterministic control and yield of NV-spin bath systems, as well as scalability and integration with other technologies. Here, we demonstrate the use of theoretical calculations of electronic central spin decoherence as an integral part of an NV-spin bath synthesis workflow, providing a path forward for the quantitative design of NV center-based quantum sensing systems. We use computationally generated coherence data to characterize the properties of single NV center qubits across relevant growth parameters to find general trends in coherence time distributions dependent on spin bath dimensionality and density. We then build a maximum likelihood estimator with our theoretical model, enabling the characterization of a test sample through NV T2* measurements. Finally, we explore the impact of dimensionality on the yield of strongly coupled electron spin systems. The methods presented herein are general and applicable to other qubit platforms that can be appropriately simulated.
16.Classical surrogate simulation of quantum systems with LOWESA
Authors:Manuel S. Rudolph, Enrico Fontana, Zoë Holmes, Lukasz Cincio
Abstract: We introduce LOWESA as a classical algorithm for faithfully simulating quantum systems via a classically constructed surrogate expectation landscape. After an initial overhead to build the surrogate landscape, one can rapidly study entire families of Hamiltonians, initial states and target observables. As a case study, we simulate the 127-qubit transverse-field Ising quantum system on a heavy-hexagon lattice with up to 20 Trotter steps which was recently presented in Nature 618, 500-505 (2023). Specifically, we approximately reconstruct (in minutes to hours on a laptop) the entire expectation landscape spanned by the heavy-hex Ising model. The expectation of a given observable can then be evaluated at different parameter values, i.e. with different onsite magnetic fields and coupling strengths, in fractions of a second on a laptop. This highlights that LOWESA can attain state-of-the-art performance in quantum simulation tasks, with the potential to become the algorithm of choice for scanning a wide range of systems quickly.
17.Collective neutrino oscillations on a quantum computer with hybrid quantum-classical algorithm
Authors:Pooja Siwach, Kaytlin Harrison, A. Baha Balantekin
Abstract: We simulate the time evolution of collective neutrino oscillations in two-flavor settings on a quantum computer. We explore the generalization of Trotter-Suzuki approximation to time-dependent Hamiltonian dynamics. The trotterization steps are further optimized using the Cartan decomposition of two-qubit unitary gates U $\in$ SU (4) in the minimum number of controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates making the algorithm more resilient to the hardware noise. A more efficient hybrid quantum-classical algorithm is also explored to solve the problem on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices.
18.Quantum Frame Relativity of Subsystems, Correlations and Thermodynamics
Authors:Philipp A. Hoehn, Isha Kotecha, Fabio M. Mele
Abstract: It was recently noted that different internal quantum reference frames (QRFs) partition a system in different ways into subsystems, much like different inertial observers in special relativity decompose spacetime in different ways into space and time. Here we expand on this QRF relativity of subsystems and elucidate that it is the source of all novel QRF dependent effects, just like the relativity of simultaneity is the origin of all characteristic special relativistic phenomena. We show that subsystem relativity, in fact, also arises in special relativity with internal frames and, by implying the relativity of simultaneity, constitutes a generalisation of it. Physical consequences of the QRF relativity of subsystems, which we explore here systematically, and the relativity of simultaneity may thus be seen in similar light. We focus on investigating when and how subsystem correlations and entropies, interactions and types of dynamics (open vs. closed), as well as quantum thermodynamical processes change under QRF transformations. We show that thermal equilibrium is generically QRF relative and find that, remarkably, $\textit{QRF transformations not only can change a subsystem temperature, but even map positive into negative temperature states}$. We further examine how non-equilibrium notions of heat and work exchange, as well as entropy production and flow depend on the QRF. Along the way, we develop the first study of how reduced subsystem states transform under QRF changes. Focusing on physical insights, we restrict to ideal QRFs associated with finite abelian groups. Besides being conducive to rigour, the ensuing finite-dimensional setting is where quantum information-theoretic quantities and quantum thermodynamics are best developed. We anticipate, however, that our results extend qualitatively to more general groups and frames, and even to subsystems in gauge theory and gravity.
19.Interactions and integrability in weakly monitored Hamiltonian systems
Authors:Bo Xing, Xhek Turkeshi, Marco Schiró, Rosario Fazio, Dario Poletti
Abstract: Interspersing unitary dynamics with local measurements results in measurement-induced phases and transitions in many-body quantum systems. When the evolution is driven by a local Hamiltonian, two types of transitions have been observed, characterized by an abrupt change in the system size scaling of entanglement entropy. The critical point separates the strongly monitored area-law phase from a volume law or a sub-extensive, typically logarithmic-like one at low measurement rates. Identifying the key ingredients responsible for the entanglement scaling in the weakly monitored phase is the key purpose of this work. For this purpose, we consider prototypical one-dimensional spin chains with local monitoring featuring the presence/absence of U(1) symmetry, integrability, and interactions. Using exact numerical methods, the system sizes studied reveal that the presence of interaction is always correlated to a volume-law weakly monitored phase. In contrast, non-interacting systems present sub-extensive scaling of entanglement. Other characteristics, namely integrability or U(1) symmetry, do not play a role in the character of the entanglement phase.
20.Protecting backaction-evading measurements from parametric instability
Authors:E. P. Ruddy, Y. Jiang, N. E. Frattini, K. O. Quinlan, K. W. Lehnert
Abstract: Noiseless measurement of a single quadrature in systems of parametrically coupled oscillators is theoretically possible by pumping at the sum and difference frequencies of the two oscillators, realizing a backaction-evading (BAE) scheme. Although this would hold true in the simplest scenario for a system with pure three-wave mixing, implementations of this scheme are hindered by unwanted higher-order parametric processes that destabilize the system and add noise. We show analytically that detuning the two pumps from the sum and difference frequencies can stabilize the system and fully recover the BAE performance, enabling operation at otherwise inaccessible cooperativities. We also show that the acceleration demonstrated in a weak signal detection experiment [PRX QUANTUM 4, 020302 (2023)] was only achievable because of this detuning technique.
21.Quantum Key Distribution using Expectation Values of Super-classical GHZ States
Authors:Hyung S. Choi, Ye Jin Han, Collin Kessinger, Qiaoren Wang
Abstract: We propose a new quantum key distribution scheme that is based on the optimum expectation values of maximally entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. Our protocol makes use of the degrees of freedom in continuously variable angles, thereby increasing the security of the key distribution. Outlined are two protocols that distribute a key from Alice to Bob using the above idea, followed by an extension that allows for the same key to be shared with Charlie. We show how this scheme provides for certain detection of any eavesdropper through absolute violation rather than the probabilistic violation used in many protocols.