Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 26 Jul 2023
1.Decoherence of a tunable capacitively shunted flux qubit
Authors:R. Trappen, X. Dai, M. A. Yurtalan, D. Melanson, D. M. Tennant, A. J. Martinez, Y. Tang, J. Gibson, J. A. Grover, S. M. Disseler, J. I. Basham, R. Das, D. K. Kim, A. J. Melville, B. M. Niedzielski, C. F. Hirjibehedin, K. Serniak, S. J. Weber, J. L. Yoder, W. D. Oliver, D. A. Lidar, A. Lupascu
Abstract: We present a detailed study of the coherence of a tunable capacitively-shunted flux qubit, designed for coherent quantum annealing applications. The measured relaxation at the qubit symmetry point is mainly due to intrinsic flux noise in the main qubit loop for qubit frequencies below $\sim3~\text{GHz}$. At higher frequencies, thermal noise in the bias line makes a significant contribution to the relaxation, arising from the design choice to experimentally explore both fast annealing and high-frequency control. The measured dephasing rate is primarily due to intrinsic low-frequency flux noise in the two qubit loops, with additional contribution from the low-frequency noise of control electronics used for fast annealing. The flux-bias dependence of the dephasing time also reveals apparent noise correlation between the two qubit loops, possibly due to non-local sources of flux noise or junction critical-current noise. Our results are relevant for ongoing efforts toward building superconducting quantum annealers with increased coherence.
2.Erbium emitters in commercially fabricated nanophotonic silicon waveguides
Authors:Stephan Rinner, Florian Burger, Andreas Gritsch, Jonas Schmitt, Andreas Reiserer
Abstract: Quantum memories integrated into nanophotonic silicon devices are a promising platform for large quantum networks and scalable photonic quantum computers. In this context, erbium dopants are particularly attractive, as they combine optical transitions in the telecommunications frequency band with the potential for second-long coherence time. Here we show that these emitters can be reliably integrated into commercially fabricated low-loss waveguides. We investigate several integration procedures and obtain ensembles of many emitters with an inhomogeneous broadening of < 2 GHz and a homogeneous linewidth of < 30 kHz. We further observe the splitting of the electronic spin states in a magnetic field up to 9 T that freezes paramagnetic impurities. Our findings are an important step towards long-lived quantum memories that can be fabricated on a wafer-scale using CMOS technology.
3.Efficiency Optimization in Quantum Computing: Balancing Thermodynamics and Computational Performance
Authors:Tomasz Śmierzchalski, Zakaria Mzaouali, Sebastian Deffner, Bartłomiej Gardas
Abstract: We investigate the computational efficiency and thermodynamic cost of the D-Wave quantum annealer under reverse-annealing with and without pausing. Our experimental results demonstrate that the combination of reverse-annealing and pausing leads to improved computational efficiency while minimizing the thermodynamic cost compared to reverse-annealing alone. Moreover, we find that the magnetic field has a positive impact on the performance of the quantum annealer during reverse-annealing but becomes detrimental when pausing is involved. Our results provide strategies for optimizing the performance and energy consumption of quantum annealing systems employing reverse-annealing protocols.
4.Classification of data with a qudit, a geometric approach
Authors:A. Mandilara, B. Dellen, U. Jaekel, T. Valtinos, D. Syvridis
Abstract: We propose a model for data classification using isolated quantum $d$-level systems or else qudits. The procedure consists of an encoding phase where classical data are mapped on the surface of the qudit's Bloch hyper-sphere via rotation encoding, followed by a rotation of the sphere and a projective measurement. The rotation is adjustable in order to control the operator to be measured, while additional weights are introduced in the encoding phase adjusting the mapping on the Bloch's hyper-surface. During the training phase, a cost function based on the average expectation value of the observable is minimized using gradient descent thereby adjusting the weights. Using examples and performing a numerical estimation of lossless memory dimension, we demonstrate that this geometrically inspired qudit model for classification is able to solve nonlinear classification problems using a small number of parameters only and without requiring entangling operations.
5.Convergence of Digitized-Counterdiabatic QAOA: circuit depth versus free parameters
Authors:Mara Vizzuso, Gianluca Passarelli, Giovanni Cantele, Procolo Lucignano
Abstract: Recently, Digitized-Counterdiabatic (CD) Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) has been proposed to make QAOA converge to the solution of an optimization problem in fewer steps, inspired by Trotterized counterdiabatic driving in continuous-time quantum annealing. In this paper, we critically revisit this approach by focusing on the paradigmatic weighted and unweighted one-dimensional MaxCut problem. We study two variants of QAOA with first and second-order CD corrections. Our results show that, indeed, higher order CD corrections allow for a quicker convergence to the exact solution of the problem at hand by increasing the complexity of the variational cost function. Remarkably, however, the total number of free parameters needed to achieve this result is independent of the particular QAOA variant analyzed.
6.Error channels in quantum nondemolition measurements on spin systems
Authors:Benjamin Joecker, Holly G. Stemp, Irene Fernández de Fuentes, Mark A. I. Johnson, Andrea Morello
Abstract: Quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements are a precious resource for quantum information processing. Repetitive QND measurements can boost the fidelity of qubit preparation and measurement, even when the underlying single-shot measurements are of low fidelity. However, this fidelity boost is limited by the degree in which the physical system allows for a truly QND process -- slight deviations from ideal QND measurement result in bit flip errors (`quantum jumps') if the measurement is repeated too often. Here, we develop a theoretical framework to understand and quantify the resulting error arising from deviation from perfect QND measurement in model spin qubit systems. We first develop our model on the ubiquitous example of exchange-coupled electron spins qubits tunnel-coupled to a charge reservoir. We then extend it to electron-nuclear spin systems, to illustrate the crucial similarities and differences between the two limits. Applied to the well-understood platform of a donor nuclear spin in silicon, the model shows excellent agreement with experiments. For added generality, we conclude the work by considering the effect of anisotropic spin couplings.
7.Wigner Analysis of Particle Dynamics in Wide Nonharmonic Potentials
Authors:Andreu Riera-Campeny, Marc Roda-Llordes, Piotr T. Grochowski, Oriol Romero-Isart
Abstract: We derive an analytical expression of a Wigner function that approximately describes the time evolution of the one-dimensional motion of a particle in a nonharmonic potential. Our result provides an excellent approximation in the regime of wide potentials and small fluctuations, namely potentials that enable spatial expansions orders of magnitude larger than the one of the initial state but that remain smaller compared to the relevant dynamical length scale (e.g., distance between turning points). Our analytical result elucidates the interplay between classical and quantum physics and the impact of decoherence during nonlinear dynamics. This analytical result is instrumental to design, optimize and understand proposals using nonlinear dynamics to generate macroscopic quantum states of massive particles.
8.Imaginarity of Gaussian states
Authors:Jianwei Xu
Abstract: It has been a long-standing debate that why quantum mechanics uses complex numbers but not only real numbers. To address this topic, in recent years, the imaginarity theory has been developed in the way of quantum resource theory. However, the existing imaginarity theory mainly focuses on the quantum systems with finite dimensions. Gaussian states are widely used in many fields of quantum physics, but they are in the quantum systems with infinite dimensions. In this paper we establish a resource theory of imaginarity for bosonic Gaussian states. To do so, under the Fock basis, we determine the real Gaussian states and real Gaussian channels in terms of the means and covariance matrices of Gaussian states. Also, we provide two imaginary measures for Gaussian states based on the fidelity.
9.Violation of Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture using an integrable many-body Floquet system
Authors:Harshit Sharma, Udaysinh T. Bhosale
Abstract: Earlier studies have given enough evidence in support of the BGS conjecture, with few exceptions violating it. Here, we provide one more counterexample using a many-body system popularly known as the model of quantum kicked top consisting of $N$ qubits with all-to-all interaction and kicking strength $k=N\pi/2$. We show that it is quantum integrable even though the corresponding semiclassical phase-space is chaotic, thus violating the BGS conjecture. We solve the cases of $N=5$ to $11$ qubits analytically, finding its eigensystem, the dynamics of the entanglement, and the unitary evolution operator. For the general case of $N>11$ qubits, we provide numerical evidence of integrability using degenerate spectrum, and the exact periodic nature of the time-evolved unitary evolution operator and the entanglement dynamics.
10.Quasiparticle Dynamics in Superconducting Quantum-Classical Hybrid Circuits
Authors:Kuang Liu, Xiaoliang He, Zhengqi Niu, Hang Xue, Wenbing Jiang, Liliang Ying, Wei Peng, Masaaki Maezawa, Zhirong Lin, Xiaoming Xie, Zhen Wang
Abstract: Single flux quantum (SFQ) circuitry is a promising candidate for a scalable and integratable cryogenic quantum control system. However, the operation of SFQ circuits introduces non-equilibrium quasiparticles (QPs), which are a significant source of qubit decoherence. In this study, we investigate QP behavior in a superconducting quantum-classical hybrid chip that comprises an SFQ circuit and a qubit circuit. By monitoring qubit relaxation time, we explore the dynamics of SFQ-circuit-induced QPs. Our findings reveal that the QP density near the qubit reaches its peak after several microseconds of SFQ circuit operation, which corresponds to the phonon-mediated propagation time of QPs in the hybrid circuits. This suggests that phonon-mediated propagation dominates the spreading of QPs in the hybrid circuits. Our results lay the foundation to suppress QP poisoning in quantum-classical hybrid systems.
11.Single-flux-quantum-based Qubit Control with Tunable Driving Strength
Authors:Kuang Liu, Yifan Wang, Bo Ji, Wanpeng Gao, Zhirong Lin, Zhen Wang
Abstract: Single-flux-quantum (SFQ) circuits have great potential in building cryogenic quantum-classical interfaces for scaling up superconducting quantum processors. SFQ-based quantum gates have been designed and realized. However, current control schemes are difficult to tune the driving strength to qubits, which restricts the gate length and usually induces leakage to unwanted levels. In this study, we design the scheme and corresponding pulse generator circuit to continuously adjust the driving strength by coupling SFQ pulses with variable intervals. This scheme not only provides a way to adjust the SFQ-based gate length, but also proposes the possibility to tune the driving strength envelope. Simulations show that our scheme can suppress leakage to unwanted levels and reduce the error of SFQ-based Clifford gates by more than an order of magnitude.
12.Multi-photon electron emission with non-classical light
Authors:Jonas Heimerl, Alexander Mikhaylov, Stefan Meier, Henrick Höllerer, Ido Kaminer, Maria Chekhova, Peter Hommelhoff
Abstract: Photon number distributions from classical and non-classical light sources have been studied extensively, yet their impact on photoemission processes is largely unexplored. In this article, we present measurements of electron number-distributions from metal needle tips illuminated with ultrashort light pulses of different photon quantum statistics. By varying the photon statistics of the exciting light field between classical (Poissonian) and quantum (super-Poissonian), we demonstrate that the measured electron distributions are changed substantially. Using single-mode bright squeezed vacuum light, we measure extreme statistics events with up to 65 electrons from one light pulse at a mean of 0.27 electrons per pulse - the likelihood for such an event equals $10^{-128}$ with Poissonian statistics. Changing the number of modes of the exciting bright squeezed vacuum light, we can tailor the electron-number distribution on demand. Most importantly, our results demonstrate that the photon statistics is imprinted from the driving light to the emitted electrons, opening the door to new sensor devices and to strong-field quantum optics with quantum light.
13.A survey of universal quantum von Neumann architecture
Authors:Y. -T. Liu, K. Wang, Y. -D. Liu, D. -S. Wang
Abstract: The existence of universal quantum computers has been theoretically well established. However, building up a real quantum computer system not only relies on the theory of universality, but also needs methods to satisfy requirements on other features, such as programmability, modularity, scalability, etc. To this end, we study the recently proposed model of quantum von Neumann architecture, by putting it in a practical and broader setting, namely, the hierarchical design of a computer system. We analyze the structures of quantum CPU and quantum control unit, and draw their connections with computational advantages. We also point out that a recent demonstration of our model would require less than 20 qubits.
14.QPLEX: Realizing the Integration of Quantum Computing into Combinatorial Optimization Software
Authors:Juan Giraldo, José Ossorio, Norha M. Villegas, Gabriel Tamura, Ulrike Stege
Abstract: Quantum computing has the potential to surpass the capabilities of current classical computers when solving complex problems. Combinatorial optimization has emerged as one of the key target areas for quantum computers as problems found in this field play a critical role in many different industrial application sectors (e.g., enhancing manufacturing operations or improving decision processes). Currently, there are different types of high-performance optimization software (e.g., ILOG CPLEX and Gurobi) that support engineers and scientists in solving optimization problems using classical computers. In order to utilize quantum resources, users require domain-specific knowledge of quantum algorithms, SDKs and libraries, which can be a limiting factor for any practitioner who wants to integrate this technology into their workflows. Our goal is to add software infrastructure to a classical optimization package so that application developers can interface with quantum platforms readily when setting up their workflows. This paper presents a tool for the seamless utilization of quantum resources through a classical interface. Our approach consists of a Python library extension that provides a backend to facilitate access to multiple quantum providers. Our pipeline enables optimization software developers to experiment with quantum resources selectively and assess performance improvements of hybrid quantum-classical optimization solutions.
15.Derivative Pricing using Quantum Signal Processing
Authors:Nikitas Stamatopoulos, William J. Zeng
Abstract: Pricing financial derivatives on quantum computers typically includes quantum arithmetic components which contribute heavily to the quantum resources required by the corresponding circuits. In this manuscript, we introduce a method based on Quantum Signal Processing (QSP) to encode financial derivative payoffs directly into quantum amplitudes, alleviating the quantum circuits from the burden of costly quantum arithmetic. Compared to current state-of-the-art approaches in the literature, we find that for derivative contracts of practical interest, the application of QSP significantly reduces the required resources across all metrics considered, most notably the total number of T-gates by $\sim 16$x and the number of logical qubits by $\sim 4$x. Additionally, we estimate that the logical clock rate needed for quantum advantage is also reduced by a factor of $\sim 5$x. Overall, we find that quantum advantage will require $4.7$k logical qubits, and quantum devices that can execute $10^9$ T-gates at a rate of $45$MHz. While in this work we focus specifically on the payoff component of the derivative pricing process where the method we present is most readily applicable, similar techniques can be employed to further reduce the resources in other applications, such as state preparation.
16.SQUWALS: A Szegedy QUantum WALks Simulator
Authors:Sergio A. Ortega, Miguel A. Martin-Delgado
Abstract: Szegedy's quantum walk is an algorithm for quantizing a general Markov chain. It has plenty of applications such as many variants of optimizations. In order to check its properties in an error-free environment, it is important to have a classical simulator. However, the current simulation algorithms require a great deal of memory due to the particular formulation of this quantum walk. In this paper we propose a memory-saving algorithm that scales as $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ with the size $N$ of the graph. We provide additional procedures for simulating Szegedy's quantum walk over mixed states and also the Semiclassical Szegedy walk. With these techniques we have built a classical simulator in Python called SQUWALS. We show that our simulator scales as $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ in both time and memory resources. This package provides some high-level applications for algorithms based on Szegedy's quantum walk, as for example the quantum PageRank.
17.Exact distributed quantum algorithm for generalized Simon's problem
Authors:Hao Li, Daowen Qiu, Le Luo, Mateus Paulo
Abstract: Simon's problem is one of the most important problems demonstrating the power of quantum algorithms, as it greatly inspired the proposal of Shor's algorithm. The generalized Simon's problem is a natural extension of Simon's problem, and also a special hidden subgroup problem. In this paper, we present two key contributions. Firstly, we characterize the structure of the generalized Simon's problem in distributed scenario and introduce a corresponding distributed quantum algorithm. Secondly, we refine the algorithm to ensure exactness due to the application of quantum amplitude amplification technique. Our algorithm offers exponential acceleration compared to the distributed classical algorithm. When contrasted with the centralized quantum algorithm for the generalized Simon's problem, our algorithm's oracle requires fewer qubits, thus making it easier to be physically implemented. Particularly, the exact distributed quantum algorithm we develop for the generalized Simon's problem outperforms the best previously proposed distributed quantum algorithm for Simon's problem in terms of generalizability and exactness.
18.Simulation of Open Quantum Systems via Low-Depth Convex Unitary Evolutions
Authors:Joseph Peetz, Scott E. Smart, Spyros Tserkis, Prineha Narang
Abstract: Simulating physical systems on quantum devices is one of the most promising applications of quantum technology. Current quantum approaches to simulating open quantum systems are still practically challenging on NISQ-era devices, because they typically require ancilla qubits and extensive controlled sequences. In this work, we propose a hybrid quantum-classical approach for simulating a class of open system dynamics called random-unitary channels. These channels naturally decompose into a series of convex unitary evolutions, which can then be efficiently sampled and run as independent circuits. The method does not require deep ancilla frameworks and thus can be implemented with lower noise costs. We implement simulations of open quantum systems up to dozens of qubits and with large channel rank.
19.High-sensitivity AC-charge detection with a MHz-frequency fluxonium qubit
Authors:B. -L. Najera-Santos, R. Rousseau, K. Gerashchenko, H. Patange, A. Riva, M. Villiers, T. Briant, P. -F. Cohadon, A. Heidmann, J. Palomo, M. Rosticher, H. le Sueur, A. Sarlette, W. C. Smith, Z. Leghtas, E. Flurin, T. Jacqmin, S. Deléglise
Abstract: Owing to their strong dipole moment and long coherence times, superconducting qubits have demonstrated remarkable success in hybrid quantum circuits. However, most qubit architectures are limited to the GHz frequency range, severely constraining the class of systems they can interact with. The fluxonium qubit, on the other hand, can be biased to very low frequency while being manipulated and read out with standard microwave techniques. Here, we design and operate a heavy fluxonium with an unprecedentedly low transition frequency of $1.8~\mathrm{MHz}$. We demonstrate resolved sideband cooling of the ``hot'' qubit transition with a final ground state population of $97.7~\%$, corresponding to an effective temperature of $23~\mu\mathrm{K}$. We further demonstrate coherent manipulation with coherence times $T_1=34~\mu\mathrm{s}$, $T_2^*=39~\mu\mathrm{s}$, and single-shot readout of the qubit state. Importantly, by directly addressing the qubit transition with a capacitively coupled waveguide, we showcase its high sensitivity to a radio-frequency field. Through cyclic qubit preparation and interrogation, we transform this low-frequency fluxonium qubit into a frequency-resolved charge sensor. This method results in a charge sensitivity of $33~\mu\mathrm{e}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$, or an energy sensitivity (in joules per hertz) of $2.8~\hbar$. This method rivals state-of-the-art transport-based devices, while maintaining inherent insensitivity to DC charge noise. The high charge sensitivity combined with large capacitive shunt unlocks new avenues for exploring quantum phenomena in the $1-10~\mathrm{MHz}$ range, such as the strong-coupling regime with a resonant macroscopic mechanical resonator.