Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 30 Jun 2023
1.Optimizing Initial State of Detector Sensors in Quantum Sensor Networks
Authors:Caitao Zhan, Himanshu Gupta, Mark Hillery
Abstract: In this paper, we consider a network of quantum sensors, where each sensor is a qubit detector that "fires," i.e., its state changes when an event occurs close by. The change in state due to the firing of a detector is given by a unitary operator which is the same for all sensors in the network. Such a network of detectors can be used to localize an event, using a protocol to determine the firing sensor which is presumably the one closest to the event. The determination of the firing sensor can be posed as a Quantum State Discrimination problem which incurs a probability of error depending on the initial state and the measurement operator used. In this paper, we address the problem of determining the optimal initial global state of a network of detectors that incur a minimum probability of error in determining the firing sensor. For this problem, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an initial state that allows for perfect discrimination, i.e., zero probability of error. Using insights from this result, we derive a conjectured optimal solution for the initial state, provide a pathway to prove the conjecture, and validate the conjecture empirically using multiple search heuristics that seem to perform near-optimally.
2.Variational preparation of entangled states on quantum computers
Authors:Vu Tuan Hai, Nguyen Tan Viet, Le Bin Ho
Abstract: We propose a variational approach for preparing entangled quantum states on quantum computers. The methodology involves training a unitary operation to match with a target unitary using the Fubini-Study distance as a cost function. We employ various gradient-based optimization techniques to enhance performance, including Adam and quantum natural gradient. Our investigation showcases the versatility of different ansatzes featuring a hypergraph structure, enabling the preparation of diverse entanglement target states such as GHZ, W, and absolutely maximally entangled states. Remarkably, the circuit depth scales efficiently with the number of layers and does not depend on the number of qubits. Moreover, we explore the impacts of barren plateaus, readout noise, and error mitigation techniques on the proposed approach. Through our analysis, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the variational algorithm in maximizing the efficiency of quantum state preparation, leveraging low-depth quantum circuits.
3.Pure-state photon-pair source with a long coherence time for large-scale quantum information processing
Authors:Bo Li, Yu-Huai Li, Yuan Cao, Juan Yin, Cheng-Zhi Peng
Abstract: The Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between independent photons plays a pivotal role in the large-scale quantum networks involving distant nodes. Photons need to work in a pure state for indistinguishability to reach high-quality interference. Also, they need to have a sufficiently long coherence time to reduce the time synchronization requirements in practical application. In this paper, we discuss a scheme for generating a pure-state photon-pair source with a long coherence time in periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) crystals. By selecting the appropriate pump laser and filter, we could simultaneously eliminate the frequency correlation of the parametric photons while achieving a long coherence time. We experimentally developed this pure-state photon-pair source of 780 nm on PPKTP crystals pumped by a 390 nm pulsed laser. The source provided a coherence time of tens of picoseconds, and it showed to have the potential to be applied in long-distance quantum interference. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrated the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference between two photon sources with visibility exceeding the classical limit.
4.Controlling photons by phonons via giant atom in a waveguide QED setup
Authors:Xinyu Li, Wei Zhao, Zhihai Wang
Abstract: We investigate the single photon scattering in a phonon-photon hybrid system in the waveguide QED scheme. In our consideration, an artificial giant atom, which is dressed by the phonons in a surface acoustic wave resonator, interacts with a coupled resonator waveguide (CRW) nonlocally via two connecting sites. Together with the interference effect by the nonlocal coupling, the phonon serves as a controller to the transport of the photon in the waveguide. On the one hand, the coupling strength between the giant atom and the surface acoustic wave resonator modulates the width of the transmission valley or window in the near resonant regime. On the other hand, the two reflective peaks induced by the Rabi splitting degrade into a single one when the giant atom is large detuned from the surface acoustic resonator, which implies an effective dispersive coupling. Our study paves the way for the potential application of giant atoms in the hybrid system.
5.Quantum stochastic trajectories for particles and fields based on positive P-representation
Authors:Stasis Chuchurka, Andrei Benediktovitch, Nina Rohringer
Abstract: In this work we introduce a phase-space description based on the positive P representation for bosonic fields interacting with a system of quantum emitters. The formalism is applicable to collective light-matter interactions and open quantum systems with decoherence. Conservation of particle numbers is considered, and a Jordan-Schwinger transformation enables the representation of multi-level quantum emitters. The evolution of the phase-space description of the combined system of emitters and field is formulated in terms of stochastic trajectories and we derive the rules of mapping from traditional quantum mechanics to this stochastic formalism. The resulting equations of motion encode deterministic, classical evolution with quantum effects incorporated by stochastic noise terms. The framework's equations and properties are provided without specifying the Hamiltonian, aiming for broad applicability in diverse research domains. A potential future application is the quantum mechanical description of collective spontaneous emission of an incoherently pumped ensemble of atoms.
6.Comparison of physical processes of atom-surface scattering computed by classical and quantum dynamics
Authors:Tapas Sahoo
Abstract: We have performed classical and quantum dynamical simulations to calculate dynamical quantities for physical processes of atom - surface scattering, e.g., trapping probability and average energy loss, final angular distribution of a particle scattered from a corrugated thermal surface. Here we have restricted ourselves to in-plane scattering so that only two degrees of freedom of the particle have to be considered - the vertical distance z and the horizontal coordinate x. Moreover, we assumed further that only the vertical coordinate fluctuates due to interaction with thermal phonon bath of the surface. Initial phase - space variables of the system and the bath for our classical simulations were generated according to Wigner distribution functions which were derived from initial wavefunctions of our quantum dynamics. At very low incident energy, we have found that the quantum mechanical average energy loss of the escaped particle from the corrugated as well as thermal surface are smaller than the classical ones at a particular surface temperature. It is important to note that the rate of escaping probability of the scattered particle obtained by classical simulation increases with increasing surface temperature. On the other hand, quantum rate is almost temperature independent at 2 meV incident energy of the particle, whereas it shows same trend with the classical results at 5 meV and the quantum rate is lower than the classical rate. We have also noticed that the final angular distributions of the scattered particle both for classical as well as quantum dynamics are qualitatively different but the quantities are more or less temperature independent.
7.Reflected entropy and Markov gap in non-inertial frames
Authors:Jaydeep Kumar Basak, Dimitrios Giataganas, Sayid Mondal, Wen-Yu Wen
Abstract: We explore the reflected entropy and the Markov gap between two modes of a free fermionic field as observed by accelerating observers. This is done for both bipartite system which is described by Bell state and tripartite systems which are represented by Werner and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. The reflected entropy degrades monotonically as a result of the Unruh effect, eventually reaching a non-zero minimum value in the limit of infinite acceleration. Furthermore, we show that the Markov gap exhibits monotonic behavior with regard to acceleration in all three cases. In addition, we suggest a function for reflected entropy which decreases monotonically with decreasing Unruh temperature for all states. Finally, we confirm that the reflected entropy for our system does reduce under the partial tracing of the degrees of freedom for our states.
8.Single and double quantum transitions in spin-mixed states under photo-excitation
Authors:Anand Patel Quantum Center of Excellence in Diamond and Emergent Materials, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India, Zainab Chowdhry Quantum Center of Excellence in Diamond and Emergent Materials, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India, Anil Prabhakar Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India, A. Rathi Quantum Center of Excellence in Diamond and Emergent Materials, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India, V. P. Bhallamudi Quantum Center of Excellence in Diamond and Emergent Materials, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India
Abstract: Electronic spins associated with the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) center in diamond offer an opportunity to study spin-related phenomena with extremely high sensitivity owing to their high degree of optical polarization. Here, we study both single- and double-quantum transitions (SQT and DQT) in NV centers between spin-mixed states, which arise from magnetic fields that are non-collinear to the NV axis. We demonstrate the amplification of the ESR signal from both these types of transition under laser illumination. We obtain hyperfine-resolved X-band ESR signal as a function of both excitation laser power and misalignment of static magnetic field with the NV axis. This combined with our analysis using a seven-level model that incorporates thermal polarization and double quantum relaxation allows us to comprehensively analyze the polarization of NV spins under off-axis fields. Such detailed understanding of spin-mixed states in NV centers under photo-excitation can help greatly in realizing NV-diamond platform's potential in sensing correlated magnets and biological samples, as well as other emerging applications, such as masing and nuclear hyperpolarization.
9.Clifford Group and Unitary Designs under Symmetry
Authors:Yosuke Mitsuhashi, Nobuyuki Yoshioka
Abstract: We have generalized the well-known statement that the Clifford group is a unitary 3-design into symmetric cases by extending the notion of unitary design. Concretely, we have proven that a symmetric Clifford group is a symmetric unitary 3-design if and only if the symmetry constraint is described by some Pauli subgroup. We have also found a complete and unique construction method of symmetric Clifford groups with simple quantum gates for Pauli symmetries. For the overall understanding, we have also considered physically relevant U(1) and SU(2) symmetry constraints, which cannot be described by a Pauli subgroup, and have proven that the symmetric Clifford group is a symmetric unitary 1-design but not a 2-design under those symmetries. Our findings are numerically verified by computing the frame potentials, which measure the difference in randomness between the uniform ensemble on the symmetric group of interest and the symmetric unitary group. This work will open a new perspective into quantum information processing such as randomized benchmarking, and give a deep understanding to many-body systems such as monitored random circuits.
10.Trapped atoms in spatially-structured vector light fields
Authors:Maurizio Verde, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Abstract: Spatially-structured laser beams, eventually carrying orbital angular momentum, affect electronic transitions of atoms and their motional states in a complex way. We present a general framework, based on the spherical tensor decomposition of the interaction Hamiltonian, for computing atomic transition matrix elements for light fields of arbitrary spatial mode and polarization structures. We study both the bare electronic matrix elements, corresponding to transitions with no coupling to the atomic center-of-mass motion, as well as the matrix elements describing the coupling to the quantized atomic motion in the resolved side-band regime. We calculate the spatial dependence of electronic and motional matrix elements for tightly focused Hermite-Gaussian, Laguerre-Gaussian and for radially and azimuthally polarized beams. We show that near the diffraction limit, all these beams exhibit longitudinal fields and field gradients, which strongly affect the selection rules and could be used to tailor the light-matter interaction. The presented framework is useful for describing trapped atoms or ions in spatially-structured light fields and therefore for designing new protocols and setups in quantum optics, -sensing and -information processing.
11.How to read out the phonon number statistics via resonance fluorescence spectroscopy of a single-photon emitter
Authors:Daniel Groll, Fabian Paschen, Paweł Machnikowski, Ortwin Hess, Daniel Wigger, Tilmann Kuhn
Abstract: In today's development of quantum technologies a hybrid integration of phononic excitations becomes increasingly attractive. As natural quasi-particle excitations in solid state systems, phonons couple to virtually any other excitation and therefore constitute a useful interaction channel between different building blocks in hybrid quantum systems. This work explores how the efficient light-scattering properties of a single-photon emitter and the appearance of characteristic sidebands in resonance fluorescence spectra, when interfaced with an arbitrary phonon quantum state, can be utilized for acousto-optical transduction. Within reasonable approximations, an analytical description for the optical spectra in the low excitation limit is developed which can be used to read the number statistics of the initial phonon state from a given spectrum. It is shown that the readout is faulty in situations where relevant resonant transitions are forbidden due to vanishing Franck-Condon factors, especially when considering spectra with a noisy background. Two possible solutions to this problem are presented: (A) changing the detuning of the laser relative to the single-photon emitter which modifies the relevant resonant transitions, or (B) increasing dissipation of the single-photon emitter to promote off-resonant transitions.
12.Synchronization of quantum communication over an optical classical communication channel
Authors:Federico Berra, Costantino Agnesi, Andrea Stanco, Marco Avesani, Michal Kuklewski, Daniel Matter, Paolo Villoresi, Giuseppe Vallone
Abstract: Precise synchronization between transmitter and receiver is crucial for quantum communication protocols, such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), to efficiently correlate the transmitted and received signals and increase the signal-to-noise ratio. In this work, we introduce a synchronization technique that exploits a co-propagating classical optical communication link and test its performance in a free-space QKD system. Previously, existing techniques required additional laser beams or relied on the capability of retrieving the synchronization from the quantum signal itself, though this is not applicable in high channel loss scenarios. On the contrary, our method exploits classical and quantum signals locked to the same master clock, allowing the receiver to synchronize both the classical and quantum communication links by performing a clock-data-recovery routine on the classical signal. In this way, by exploiting the same classical communication already required for post-processing and key generation, no additional hardware is required, and the synchronization can be reconstructed from a high-power signal. Our approach is suitable for both satellite and fiber infrastructures, where a classical and quantum channel can be transmitted through the same link.
13.High-order geometric integrators for the variational Gaussian approximation
Authors:Roya Moghaddasi Fereidani, Jiří Vaníček
Abstract: Among the single-trajectory Gaussian-based methods for solving the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation, the variational Gaussian approximation is the most accurate one. In contrast to Heller's original thawed Gaussian approximation, it is symplectic, conserves energy exactly, and partially takes into account tunneling. However, the variational method is also much more expensive. To improve its efficiency, we symmetrically compose the second-order symplectic integrator of Faou and Lubich and obtain geometric integrators that can achieve an arbitrary even order of convergence in the time step. We demonstrate that the high-order integrators can speed up convergence drastically compared to the second-order algorithm and, in contrast to the popular fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, are time-reversible and conserve the norm and the symplectic structure exactly, regardless of the time step. To show that the method is not restricted to low-dimensional systems, we perform most of the analysis on a non-separable twenty-dimensional model of coupled Morse oscillators. We also show that the variational method can include tunneling and, in general, improves accuracy over the non-variational thawed Gaussian approximation.
14.Fault-Tolerant Code Switching Protocols for Near-Term Quantum Processors
Authors:Friederike Butt, Sascha Heußen, Manuel Rispler, Markus Müller
Abstract: Topological color codes are widely acknowledged as promising candidates for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Neither a two-dimensional nor a three-dimensional topology, however, can provide a universal gate set $\{$H, T, CNOT$\}$, with the T-gate missing in the two-dimensional and the H-gate in the three-dimensional case. These complementary shortcomings of the isolated topologies may be overcome in a combined approach, by switching between a two- and a three-dimensional code while maintaining the logical state. In this work, we construct resource-optimized deterministic and non-deterministic code switching protocols for two- and three-dimensional distance-three color codes using fault-tolerant quantum circuits based on flag-qubits. Deterministic protocols allow for the fault-tolerant implementation of logical gates on an encoded quantum state, while non-deterministic protocols may be used for the fault-tolerant preparation of magic states. Taking the error rates of state-of-the-art trapped-ion quantum processors as a reference, we find a logical failure probability of $3\%$ for deterministic logical gates, which cannot be realized transversally in the respective code. By replacing the three-dimensional distance-three color code in the protocol for magic state preparation with the morphed code introduced in [1], we reduce the logical failure rates by two orders of magnitude, thus rendering it a viable method for magic state preparation on near-term quantum processors. Our results demonstrate that code switching enables the fault-tolerant and deterministic implementation of a universal gate set under realistic conditions, and thereby provide a practical avenue to advance universal, fault-tolerant quantum computing and enable quantum algorithms on first, error-corrected logical qubits.
15.Quantum paradoxical knowledge
Authors:Benjamin Schumacher, Michael D. Westmoreland
Abstract: We generalize the quantum "pigeonhole paradox" to quantum paradoxes involving arbitrary types of particle relations, including orderings, functions and graphs.
16.Tailoring quantum error correction to spin qubits
Authors:Bence Hetényi, James R. Wootton
Abstract: Spin qubits in semiconductor structures bring the promise of large-scale 2D integration, with the possibility to incorporate the control electronics on the same chip. In order to perform error correction on this platform, the characteristic features of spin qubits need to be accounted for. E.g., qubit readout involves an additional qubit which necessitates careful reconsideration of the qubit layout. The noise affecting spin qubits has further peculiarities such as the strong bias towards dephasing. In this work we consider state-of-the-art error correction codes that require only nearest-neighbour connectivity and are amenable to fast decoding via minimum-weight perfect matching. Compared to the surface code, the XZZX code, the reduced-connectivity surface code, the XYZ$^2$ matching code, and the Floquet code all bring different advantages in terms of error threshold, connectivity, or logical qubit encoding. We present the spin-qubit layout required for each of these error correction codes, accounting for reference qubits required for spin readout. The performance of these codes are studied under circuit-level noise accounting for distinct error rates for gates, readout and qubit decoherence during idling stages.
17.A reduction of the separability problem to SPC states in the filter normal form
Authors:Daniel Cariello
Abstract: It was recently suggested that a solution to the separability problem for states that remain positive under partial transpose composed with realignment (the so-called symmetric with positive coefficients states or simply SPC states) could shed light on entanglement in general. Here we show that such a solution would solve the problem completely. Given a state in $ \mathcal{M}_k\otimes\mathcal{M}_m$, we build a SPC state in $ \mathcal{M}_{k+m}\otimes\mathcal{M}_{k+m}$ with the same Schmidt number. It is known that this type of state can be put in the filter normal form retaining its type. A solution to the separability problem in $\mathcal{M}_k\otimes\mathcal{M}_m$ could be obtained by solving the same problem for SPC states in the filter normal form within $\mathcal{M}_{k+m}\otimes\mathcal{M}_{k+m}$. This SPC state can be build arbitrarily close to the projection on the symmetric subspace of $ \mathbb{C}^{k+m}\otimes\mathbb{C}^{k+m}$. All the information required to understand entanglement in $ \mathcal{M}_s\otimes\mathcal{M}_t$ $(s+t\leq k+m)$ lies inside an arbitrarily small ball around that projection.
18.Gauging tensor networks with belief propagation
Authors:Joseph Tindall, Matt Fishman
Abstract: Effectively compressing and optimizing tensor networks requires reliable methods for fixing the latent degrees of freedom of the tensors, known as the gauge. Here we introduce a new algorithm for gauging tensor networks using belief propagation, a method that was originally formulated for performing statistical inference on graphical models and has recently found applications in tensor network contraction. We show that this method is closely related to known tensor network gauging methods. It has the practical advantage, however, that existing belief propagation implementations can be repurposed for tensor network gauging, and that belief propagation is a very simple algorithm based on just tensor contractions so it can be easier to implement and optimize. We present numerical evidence and scaling arguments that this algorithm is faster than existing gauging algorithms, demonstrating its usage on structured, unstructured, and infinite tensor networks. Additionally, we apply this method to improve the accuracy of the widely used simple update gate evolution algorithm.
19.Classical benchmarking of zero noise extrapolation beyond the exactly-verifiable regime
Authors:Sajant Anand, Kristan Temme, Abhinav Kandala, Michael Zaletel
Abstract: In a recent work a quantum error mitigation protocol was applied to the expectation values obtained from circuits on the IBM Eagle quantum processor with up $127$ - qubits with up to $60 \; - \; \mbox{CNOT}$ layers. To benchmark the efficacy of this quantum protocol a physically motivated quantum circuit family was considered that allowed access to exact solutions in different regimes. The family interpolated between Clifford circuits and was additionally evaluated at low depth where exact validation is practical. It was observed that for highly entangling parameter regimes the circuits are beyond the validation of matrix product state and isometric tensor network state approximation methods. Here we compare the experimental results to matrix product operator simulations of the Heisenberg evolution, find they provide a closer approximation than these pure-state methods by exploiting the closeness to Clifford circuits and limited operator growth. Recently other approximation methods have been used to simulate the full circuit up to its largest extent. We observe a discrepancy of up to $20\%$ among the different classical approaches so far, an uncertainty comparable to the bootstrapped error bars of the experiment. Based on the different approximation schemes we propose modifications to the original circuit family that challenge the particular classical methods discussed here.
20.Simple Hamiltonian for Quantum Simulation of Strongly Coupled 2+1D SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory on a Honeycomb Lattice
Authors:Berndt Müller, Xiaojun Yao
Abstract: We find a simple spin Hamiltonian to describe physical states of $2+1$ dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory on a honeycomb lattice with a truncation of the electric field representation at $j_{\rm max}=\frac{1}{2}$. The simple spin Hamiltonian only contains local products of Pauli matrices, even though Gauss's law has been completely integrated out.
21.Improved Parameter Targeting in 3D-Integrated Superconducting Circuits through a Polymer Spacer Process
Authors:Graham J. Norris, Laurent Michaud, David Pahl, Michael Kerschbaum, Christopher Eichler, Jean-Claude Besse, Andreas Wallraff
Abstract: Three-dimensional device integration facilitates the construction of superconducting quantum information processors with more than several tens of qubits by distributing elements such as control wires, qubits, and resonators between multiple layers. The frequencies of resonators and qubits in flip-chip-bonded multi-chip modules depend on the details of their electromagnetic environment defined by the conductors and dielectrics in their vicinity. Accurate frequency targeting therefore requires precise control of the separation between chips and minimization of their relative tilt. Here, we describe a method to control the inter-chip separation by using polymer spacers. Compared to an identical process without spacers, we reduce the measured planarity error by a factor of 3.5, to a mean tilt of 76(35) $\mu$rad, and the deviation from the target inter-chip separation by a factor of ten, to a mean of 0.4(8) $\mu$m. We apply this process to coplanar waveguide resonator samples and observe chip-to-chip resonator frequency variations below 50 MHz ($\approx$ 1 %). We measure internal quality factors of $5 \times 10^5$ at the single-photon level, suggesting that the added spacers are compatible with low-loss device fabrication.
22.The domain wall color code
Authors:Konstantin Tiurev, Arthur Pesah, Peter-Jan H. S. Derks, Joschka Roffe, Jens Eisert, Markus S. Kesselring, Jan-Michael Reiner
Abstract: We introduce the domain wall color code, a new variant of the quantum error-correcting color code that exhibits exceptionally high code-capacity error thresholds for qubits subject to biased noise. In the infinite bias regime, a two-dimensional color code decouples into a series of repetition codes, resulting in an error-correcting threshold of 50%. Interestingly, at finite bias, our color code demonstrates thresholds identical to those of the noise-tailored XZZX surface code for all single-qubit Pauli noise channels. The design principle of the code is that it introduces domain walls which permute the code's excitations upon domain crossing. For practical implementation, we supplement the domain wall code with a scalable restriction decoder based on a matching algorithm. The proposed code is identified as a comparably resource-efficient quantum error-correcting code highly suitable for realistic noise.
23.Decoherence-Free Entropic Gravity for Dirac Fermion
Authors:Eric J. Sung, Andre G. Campos, Hartmut Abele, Denys I. Bondar
Abstract: The theory of entropic gravity conjectures that gravity emerges thermodynamically rather than being a fundamental force. One of the main criticisms of entropic gravity is that it would lead to quantum massive particles losing coherence in free fall, which is not observed experimentally. This criticism was refuted in [Phys. Rev. Research {\bf 3}, 033065 (2021)], where a nonrelativistic master equation modeling gravity as an open quantum system interaction demonstrated that in the strong coupling limit, coherence could be maintained and reproduce conventional free fall dynamics. Moreover, the nonrelativistic master equation was shown to be fully compatible with the qBounce experiment for ultracold neutrons. Motivated by this, we extend these results to gravitationally accelerating Dirac fermions. We achieve this by using the Dirac equation in Rindler space and modeling entropic gravity as a thermal bath thus adopting the open quantum systems approach as well. We demonstrate that in the strong coupling limit, our entropic gravity model maintains quantum coherence for Dirac fermions. In addition, we demonstrate that spin is not affected by entropic gravity. We use the Foldy-Wouthysen transformation to demonstrate that it reduces to the nonrelativistic master equation, supporting the entropic gravity hypothesis for Dirac fermions. Also, we demonstrate how anti-gravity seemingly arises from the Dirac equation for free-falling anti-particles but use numerical simulations to show that this phenomenon originates from zitterbewegung thus not violating the equivalence principle.