Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Mon, 10 Jul 2023
1.Large-scale on-chip integration of gate-voltage addressable hybrid superconductor-semiconductor quantum wells field effect nano-switch arrays
Authors:Kaveh Delfanazari, Jiahui Li, Peng Ma, Reuben K. Puddy, Teng Yi, Yusheng Xiong, Ian Farrer, Sachio Komori, Jason Robinson, David A. Ritchie, Michael J. Kelly, Hannah J. Joyce, Charles G. Smith
Abstract: Stable, reproducible, scalable, addressable, and controllable hybrid superconductor-semiconductor (S-Sm) junctions and switches are key circuit elements and building blocks of gate-based quantum processors. The electrostatic field effect produced by the split gate voltages facilitates the realisation of nano-switches that can control the conductance or current in the hybrid S-Sm circuits based on 2D semiconducting electron systems. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a novel realisation of large-scale scalable, and gate voltage controllable hybrid field effect quantum chips. Each chip contains arrays of split gate field effect hybrid junctions, that work as conductance switches, and are made from In0.75Ga0.25As quantum wells integrated with Nb superconducting electronic circuits. Each hybrid junction in the chip can be controlled and addressed through its corresponding source-drain and two global split gate contact pads that allow switching between their (super)conducting and insulating states. We fabricate a total of 18 quantum chips with 144 field effect hybrid Nb- In0.75Ga0.25As 2DEG-Nb quantum wires and investigate the electrical response, switching voltage (on/off) statistics, quantum yield, and reproducibility of several devices at cryogenic temperatures. The proposed integrated quantum device architecture allows control of individual junctions in a large array on a chip useful for the development of emerging cryogenic nanoelectronics circuits and systems for their potential applications in fault-tolerant quantum technologies.
2.Experimental verification of bound and multiparticle entanglement with the randomized measurement toolbox
Authors:Chao Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Zhao, Nikolai Wyderka, Satoya Imai, Andreas Ketterer, Ning-Ning Wang, Kai Xu, Keren Li, Bi-Heng Liu, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Otfried Gühne
Abstract: In recent years, analysis methods for quantum states based on randomized measurements have been investigated extensively. Still, in the experimental implementations these methods were typically used for characterizing strongly entangled states and not to analyze the different families of multiparticle or weakly entangled states. In this work, we experimentally prepare various entangled states with path-polarization hyper-entangled photon pairs, and study their entanglement properties using the full toolbox of randomized measurements. First, we successfully characterize the correlations of a series of GHZ-W mixed states using the second moments of the random outcomes, and demonstrate the advantages of this method by comparing it with the well-known three-tangle and squared concurrence. Second, we generate bound entangled chessboard states of two three-dimensional systems and verify their weak entanglement with a criterion derived from moments of randomized measurements.
3.Violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality using ideal negative measurements in neutron interferometry
Authors:Elisabeth Kreuzgruber, Richard Wagner, Niels Geerits, Hartmut Lemmel, Stephan Sponar
Abstract: We report on an experiment that demonstrates the violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI) with neutrons. LGIs have been proposed in order to assess how far the predictions of quantum mechanics defy macroscopic realism. With LGIs, correlations of measurements performed on a single system at different times are described. The measured value of K = 1.120 +/- 0.007, obtained in a neutron interferometric experiment, is clearly above the limit K = 1 predicted by macro-realistic theories.
4.Quantum Zeno effect: a qutrit controlled by a qubit
Authors:Komal Kumari, Garima Rajpoot, Sudhir Ranjan Jain
Abstract: For a three-level system monitored by an ancilla, we show that quantum Zeno effect can be employed to control quantum jump for error correction. Further, we show that we can realize cNOT gate, and effect dense coding and teleportation. We believe that this work paves the way to generalize the control of a qudit.
5.Quantum error correction beyond the toric code: dynamical systems meet encoding
Authors:Garima Rajpoot, Komal Kumari, Sudhir Ranjan Jain
Abstract: We construct surface codes corresponding to genus greater than one in the context of quantum error correction. The architecture is inspired by the topology of invariant integral surfaces of certain non-integrable classical billiards. Corresponding to the fundamental domains of rhombus and square torus billiard, surface codes of genus two and five are presented here. There is significant improvement in encoding rates and code distance, in addition to immunity against noise.
6.Nitrogen isotope effects on boron vacancy quantum sensors in hexagonal boron nitride
Authors:Kento Sasaki, Takashi Taniguchi, Kensuke Kobayashi
Abstract: Recently, there has been growing interest in researching the use of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) for quantum technologies. Here we investigate nitrogen isotope effects on boron vacancy (V$_\text{B}$) defects, one of the candidates for quantum sensors, in $^{15}$N isotopically enriched hBN synthesized using metathesis reaction. The Raman shifts are scaled with the reduced mass, consistent with previous work on boron isotope enrichment. We obtain nitrogen isotopic composition dependent optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of V$_\text{B}$ defects and determine the hyperfine interaction parameter of $^{15}$N spin to be -64 MHz. Our investigation provides a design policy for hBNs for quantum technologies.
7.On the Bipartite Entanglement Capacity of Quantum Networks
Authors:Gayane Vardoyan, Emily van Milligen, Saikat Guha, Stephanie Wehner, Don Towsley
Abstract: We consider the problem of multi-path entanglement distribution to a pair of nodes in a quantum network consisting of devices with non-deterministic entanglement swapping capabilities. Multi-path entanglement distribution enables a network to establish end-to-end entangled links across any number of available paths with pre-established link-level entanglement. Probabilistic entanglement swapping, on the other hand, limits the amount of entanglement that is shared between the nodes; this is especially the case when, due to architectural and other practical constraints, swaps must be performed in temporal proximity to each other. Limiting our focus to the case where only bipartite entangled states are generated across the network, we cast the problem as an instance of generalized flow maximization between two quantum end nodes wishing to communicate. We propose a mixed-integer quadratically constrained program (MIQCP) to solve this flow problem for networks with arbitrary topology. We then compute the overall network capacity, defined as the maximum number of EPR states distributed to users per time unit, by solving the flow problem for all possible network states generated by probabilistic entangled link presence and absence, and subsequently by averaging over all network state capacities. The MIQCP can also be applied to networks with multiplexed links. While our approach for computing the overall network capacity has the undesirable property that the total number of states grows exponentially with link multiplexing capability, it nevertheless yields an exact solution that serves as an upper bound comparison basis for the throughput performance of easily-implementable yet non-optimal entanglement routing algorithms. We apply our capacity computation method to several networks, including a topology based on SURFnet -- a backbone network used for research purposes in the Netherlands.
8.Experimental quantum non-Gaussian coincidences of entangled photons
Authors:Run-Ze Liu, Yu-Kun Qiao, Lukáš Lachman, Zhen-Xuan Ge, Tung-Hsun Chung, Jun-Yi Zhao, Hao Li, Lixing You, Radim Filip, Yong-Heng Huo
Abstract: Quantum non-Gaussianity, a more potent and highly useful form of nonclassicality, excludes all convex mixtures of Gaussian states and Gaussian parametric processes generating them. Here, for the first time, we conclusively test quantum non-Gaussian coincidences of entangled photon pairs with the CHSH-Bell factor $S=2.328\pm0.004$ from a single quantum dot with a depth up to $0.94\pm 0.02$ dB. Such deterministically generated photon pairs fundamentally overcome parametric processes by reducing crucial multiphoton errors. For the quantum non-Gaussian depth of the unheralded (heralded) single-photon state, we achieve the record value of $8.08\pm0.05$ dB ($19.06\pm0.29$ dB). Our work experimentally certifies the exclusive quantum non-Gaussianity properties highly relevant for optical sensing, communication and computation.
9.Exceptional points and phase transitions in non-Hermitian binary systems
Authors:Amir Rahmani, Andrzej Opala, Michał Matuszewski
Abstract: Recent study demonstrated that steady states of a polariton system may show a first-order dissipative phase transition with an exceptional point that appears as an endpoint of the phase boundary [R. Hanai et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 185301 (2019)]. Here, we show that this phase transition is strictly related to the stability of solutions. In general, the exceptional point does not correspond to the endpoint of a phase transition, but rather it is the point where stable and unstable solutions coalesce. Moreover, we show that the transition may occur also in the weak coupling regime, which was excluded previously. In a certain range of parameters, we demonstrate permanent Rabi-like oscillations between light and matter fields. Our results contribute to the understanding of nonequilibrium light-matter systems, but can be generalized to any two-component oscillatory systems with gain and loss.
10.Black-hole powered quantum coherent amplifier
Authors:Avijit Misra, Pritam Chattopadhyay, Anatoly Svidzinsky, Marlan O. Scully, Gershon Kurizki
Abstract: Atoms falling into a black hole (BH) through a cavity are shown to enable coherent amplification of light quanta powered by the BH gravitational vacuum energy. This process can harness the BH energy towards useful purposes, such as propelling a spaceship trapped by the BH. The process can occur via transient amplification of a signal field by falling atoms that are partly excited by Hawking radiation reflected by an orbiting mirror. In the steady-state regime of thermally equilibrated atoms that weakly couple to the field, this amplifier constitutes a BH-powered quantum heat engine. The envisaged effects substantiate the thermodynamic approach to BH acceleration radiation.
11.The matrix permanent and determinant from a spin system
Authors:Abhijeet Alase, Owen Doty, David L. Feder
Abstract: In contrast to the determinant, no algorithm is known for the exact determination of the permanent of a square matrix that runs in time polynomial in its dimension. Consequently, non interacting fermions are classically efficiently simulatable while non-interacting bosons are not, underpinning quantum supremacy arguments for sampling the output distribution of photon interferometer arrays. This work introduces a graph-theoretic framework that bridges both the determinant and permanent. The only non-zero eigenvalues of a sparse non-Hermitian operator $\breve{M}$ for $n$ spin-$1/2$ particles are the $n$th roots of the permanent or determinant of an $n\times n$ matrix $M$, interpreting basis states as bosonic or fermionic occupation states, respectively. This operator can be used to design a simple and straightforward method for the classical determination of the permanent that matches the efficiency of the best-known algorithm. Gauss-Jordan elimination for the determinant of $M$ is then equivalent to the successive removal of the generalized zero eigenspace of the fermionic $\breve{M}$, equivalent to the deletion of some nodes and reweighting of the remaining edges in the graph such that only $n$ nodes survive after the last step. In the bosonic case, the successive removal of generalized zero eigenspaces for $\breve{M}$ is also equivalent to node deletion, but new edges are added during this process, which gives rise to the higher complexity of computing the permanent. Our analysis may point the way to new strategies for classical and quantum evaluation of the permanent.
12.Heisenberg-limited Hamiltonian learning for interacting bosons
Authors:Haoya Li, Yu Tong, Hongkang Ni, Tuvia Gefen, Lexing Ying
Abstract: We develop a protocol for learning a class of interacting bosonic Hamiltonians from dynamics with Heisenberg-limited scaling. For Hamiltonians with an underlying bounded-degree graph structure, we can learn all parameters with root mean squared error $\epsilon$ using $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon)$ total evolution time, which is independent of the system size, in a way that is robust against state-preparation and measurement error. In the protocol, we only use bosonic coherent states, beam splitters, phase shifters, and homodyne measurements, which are easy to implement on many experimental platforms. A key technique we develop is to apply random unitaries to enforce symmetry in the effective Hamiltonian, which may be of independent interest.
13.Aufbau Principle for Non-Hermitian Systems
Authors:Gaoyong Sun, Su-Peng Kou
Abstract: We develop a generalized Aufbau principle for non-Hermitian systems that allows for building up the configurations of indistinguishable particles. The Aufbau rule of non-Hermitian systems is unexpectedly shown to be identical to those developed in Hermitian systems when only the real parts of the complex energy levels are considered. We derive the full many-body energy spectra of the fermionic and bosonic Hatano-Nelson models as examples by filling the single-particle energy levels in the momentum space. For open boundary conditions, we show that many-body non-Hermitian skin effects persist in all many-body eigenstates for both fermions and bosons. Furthermore, we find surprisingly that the ground state of bosons is an anomalous Bose-Einstein condensation with all of the particles simultaneously localizing in both the real and momentum space beyond the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. For periodic boundary conditions, we show that hard-core bosons cannot be mapped to fermions. This work establishes a general framework for understanding the many-body physics of non-Hermitian systems.
14.A unifying framework for differentially private quantum algorithms
Authors:Armando Angrisani, Mina Doosti, Elham Kashefi
Abstract: Differential privacy is a widely used notion of security that enables the processing of sensitive information. In short, differentially private algorithms map "neighbouring" inputs to close output distributions. Prior work proposed several quantum extensions of differential privacy, each of them built on substantially different notions of neighbouring quantum states. In this paper, we propose a novel and general definition of neighbouring quantum states. We demonstrate that this definition captures the underlying structure of quantum encodings and can be used to provide exponentially tighter privacy guarantees for quantum measurements. Our approach combines the addition of classical and quantum noise and is motivated by the noisy nature of near-term quantum devices. Moreover, we also investigate an alternative setting where we are provided with multiple copies of the input state. In this case, differential privacy can be ensured with little loss in accuracy combining concentration of measure and noise-adding mechanisms. En route, we prove the advanced joint convexity of the quantum hockey-stick divergence and we demonstrate how this result can be applied to quantum differential privacy. Finally, we complement our theoretical findings with an empirical estimation of the certified adversarial robustness ensured by differentially private measurements.