Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Mon, 11 Sep 2023
1.High-dimensional time-frequency entanglement in a singly-filtered biphoton frequency comb
Authors:Xiang Cheng, Kai-Chi Chang, Murat Can Sarihan, Andrew Mueller, Maria Spiropulu, Matthew D. Shaw, Boris Korzh, Andrei Faraon, Franco N. C. Wong, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Chee Wei Wong
Abstract: High-dimensional quantum entanglement is a cornerstone for advanced technology enabling large-scale noise-tolerant quantum systems, fault-tolerant quantum computing, and distributed quantum networks. The recently developed biphoton frequency comb (BFC) provides a powerful platform for high-dimensional quantum information processing in its spectral and temporal quantum modes. Here we propose and generate a singly-filtered high-dimensional BFC via spontaneous parametric down-conversion by spectrally shaping only the signal photons with a Fabry-Perot cavity. High-dimensional energy-time entanglement is verified through Franson-interference recurrences and temporal correlation with low-jitter detectors. Frequency- and temporal- entanglement of our singly-filtered BFC is then quantified by Schmidt mode decomposition. Subsequently, we distribute the high-dimensional singly-filtered BFC state over a 10 km fiber link with a post-distribution time-bin dimension lower bounded to be at least 168. Our demonstrations of high-dimensional entanglement and entanglement distribution show the capability of the singly-filtered quantum frequency comb for high-efficiency quantum information processing and high-capacity quantum networks.
2.A quantum tug of war between randomness and symmetries on homogeneous spaces
Authors:Rahul Arvind, Kishor Bharti, Jun Yong Khoo, Dax Enshan Koh, Jian Feng Kong
Abstract: We explore the interplay between symmetry and randomness in quantum information. Adopting a geometric approach, we consider states as $H$-equivalent if related by a symmetry transformation characterized by the group $H$. We then introduce the Haar measure on the homogeneous space $\mathbb{U}/H$, characterizing true randomness for $H$-equivalent systems. While this mathematical machinery is well-studied by mathematicians, it has seen limited application in quantum information: we believe our work to be the first instance of utilizing homogeneous spaces to characterize symmetry in quantum information. This is followed by a discussion of approximations of true randomness, commencing with $t$-wise independent approximations and defining $t$-designs on $\mathbb{U}/H$ and $H$-equivalent states. Transitioning further, we explore pseudorandomness, defining pseudorandom unitaries and states within homogeneous spaces. Finally, as a practical demonstration of our findings, we study the expressibility of quantum machine learning ansatze in homogeneous spaces. Our work provides a fresh perspective on the relationship between randomness and symmetry in the quantum world.
3.Solving Systems of Linear Equations: HHL from a Tensor Networks Perspective
Authors:Alejandro Mata Ali, Iñigo Perez Delgado, Marina Ristol Roura, Aitor Moreno Fdez. de Leceta, Sebastián V. Romero
Abstract: We present an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations based on the HHL algorithm with a novel qudits methodology, a generalization of the qubits with more states, to reduce the number of gates to be applied and the amount of resources. Based on this idea, we will perform a quantum-inspired version on tensor networks, taking advantage of their ability to perform non-unitary operations such as projection. Finally, we will use this algorithm to obtain a solution for the harmonic oscillator with an external force, the forced damped oscillator and the 2D static heat equation differential equations.
4.Partial Loopholes Free Device Independent Quantum Random Number Generator Using IBM's Quantum Computers
Authors:Abhishek Yadav, Sandeep Mishra, Anirban Pathak
Abstract: Random numbers form an intrinsic part of modern day computing with applications in a wide variety of fields. But due to their limitations, the use of pseudo random number generators (PRNGs) is certainly not desirable for sensitive applications. Quantum systems due to their intrinsic randomness form a suitable candidate for generation of true random numbers that can also be certified. In this work, the violation of CHSH inequality has been used to propose a scheme by which one can generate device independent quantum random numbers by use of IBM quantum computers that are available on the cloud. The generated random numbers have been tested for their source of origin through experiments based on the testing of CHSH inequality through available IBM quantum computers. The performance of each quantum computer against the CHSH test has been plotted and characterized. Further, efforts have been made to close as many loopholes as possible to produce device independent quantum random number generators. This study will provide new directions for the development of self-testing and semi-self-testing random number generators using quantum computers.
5.Robust Control of Single-Qubit Gates at the Quantum Speed Limit
Authors:Xi Cao, Jiangyu Cui, Man Hong Yung, Re-Bing Wu
Abstract: Fastness and robustness are both critical in the implementation of high-fidelity gates for quantum computation, but in practice, a trade-off has to be made between them. In this paper, we investigate the underlying robust time-optimal control problem so as to make the best balance. Based on the Taylor expansion of the system's unitary propagator, we formulate the design problem as the optimal control of an augmented finite-dimensional system at its quantum speed limit (QSL), where the robustness is graded by the degree of series truncation. The gradient-descent algorithm is then introduced to sequentially seek QSLs corresponding to different orders of robustness. Numerical simulations for single-qubit systems show that the obtained time-optimal control pulses can effectively suppress gate errors (to the prescribed robustness order) caused by qubit frequency and field amplitude uncertainties. These results provide a practical guide for selecting pulse lengths in the pulse-level compilation of quantum circuits.
6.Scalable spin squeezing in two-dimensional arrays of dipolar large-$S$ spins
Authors:Youssef Trifa, Tommaso Roscilde
Abstract: Controlling the quantum many-body state of arrays of qudits, possessing a large local Hilbert space, opens the path to a broad range of possibilities for many-particle entanglement, interesting both for fundamental quantum science, as well as for potential metrological applications. In this work we theoretically show that the spin-spin interactions realized in two-dimensional Mott insulators of large-spin magnetic atoms (such as Cr, Er or Dy) lead to scalable spin squeezing along the non-equilibrium unitary evolution initialized in a coherent spin state. An experimentally relevant perturbation to the collective squeezing dynamics is offered by a quadratic Zeeman shift, which leads instead to squeezing of individual spins. Making use of a truncated cumulant expansion for the quantum fluctuations of the spin array, we show that, for sufficiently small quadratic shifts, the spin squeezing dynamics is akin to that produced by the paradigmatic one-axis-twisting (OAT) model -- as expected from an effective separation between collective spin and spin-wave variables. Spin squeezing with OAT-like scaling is shown to be protected by the robustness of long-range ferromagnetic order to quadratic shifts in the equilibrium phase diagram of the system, that we reconstruct via quantum Monte Carlo and mean-field theory.
7.Generation of three-dimensional cluster entangled state
Authors:Chan Roh, Geunhee Gwak, Young-Do Yoon, Young-Sik Ra
Abstract: Measurement-based quantum computing is a promising paradigm of quantum computation, where universal computing is achieved through a sequence of local measurements. The backbone of this approach is the preparation of multipartite entanglement, known as cluster states. While a cluster state with two-dimensional (2D) connectivity is required for universality, a three-dimensional (3D) cluster state is necessary for additionally achieving fault tolerance. However, the challenge of making 3D connectivity has limited cluster state generation up to 2D. Here we experimentally generate a 3D cluster state in the continuous-variable optical platform. To realize 3D connectivity, we harness a crucial advantage of time-frequency modes of ultrafast quantum light: an arbitrary complex mode basis can be accessed directly, enabling connectivity as desired. We demonstrate the versatility of our method by generating cluster states with 1D, 2D, and 3D connectivities. For their complete characterization, we develop a quantum state tomography method for multimode Gaussian states. Moreover, we verify the cluster state generation by nullifier measurements, as well as full inseparability and steering tests. Finally, we highlight the usefulness of 3D cluster state by demonstrating quantum error detection in topological quantum computation. Our work paves the way toward fault-tolerant and universal measurement-based quantum computing.
8."Toward" Metal-Organic Framework Design by Quantum Computing
Authors:Kourosh Sayar Dogahe, Tamara Sarac, Delphine De Smedt, Koen Bertels
Abstract: The article summarizes the study performed in the context of the Deloitte Quantum Climate Challenge in 2023. We present a hybrid quantum-classical method for calculating Potential Energy Surface scans, which are essential for designing Metal-Organic Frameworks for Direct Air Capture applications. The primary objective of this challenge was to highlight the potential advantages of employing quantum computing. To evaluate the performance of the model, we conducted total energy calculations using various computing frameworks and methods. The results demonstrate, at a small scale, the potential advantage of quantum computing-based models. We aimed to define relevant classical computing model references for method benchmarking. The most important benefits of using the PISQ approach for hybrid quantum-classical computational model development and assessment are demonstrated.
9.Invariant-based control of quantum many-body systems across critical points
Authors:Hilario Espinós, Loris Maria Cangemi, Amikam Levy, Ricardo Puebla, Erik Torrontegui
Abstract: Quantum many-body systems are emerging as key elements in the quest for quantum-based technologies and in the study of fundamental physics. In this context, finding control protocols that allow for fast and high fidelity evolutions across quantum phase transitions is of particular interest. Ideally, such controls should be scalable with the system size and not require controllable and unwanted extra interactions. In addition, its performance should be robust against potential imperfections. Here we design an invariant-based control technique that ensures perfect adiabatic-like evolution in the lowest energy subspace of the many-body system, and is able to meet all these requirements -- tuning the controllable parameter according to the analytical control results in high-fidelity evolutions operating close to the speed limit, valid for any number particles. As such, Kibble-Zurek scaling laws break down, leading to tunable and much better time scaling behavior. We illustrate our findings by means of detailed numerical simulations in the transverse-field Ising and long-range Kitaev models and demonstrate the robustness against noisy controls and disorder.
10.Topological transitions in dissipatively coupled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models
Authors:Jayakrishnan M. P. Nair, Marlan O. Scully, Girish S. Agarwal
Abstract: Non-Hermitian topological phenomena have gained much interest among physicists in recent years. In this paper, we expound on the physics of dissipatively coupled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) lattices, specifically in systems with bosonic and electrical constituents. In the context of electrical circuits, we demonstrate that a series of resistively coupled LCR circuits mimics the topology of a dissipatively coupled SSH model. In addition, we foreground a scheme to construct dissipatively coupled SSH lattices involving a set of non-interacting bosonic oscillators weakly coupled to engineered reservoirs of modes possessing substantially small lifetimes when compared to other system timescales. Further, by activating the coherent coupling between bosonic oscillators, we elucidate the emergence of non-reciprocal dissipative coupling which can be controlled by the phase of the coherent interaction strength precipitating in phase-dependent topological transitions and skin effect. Our analyses are generic, apropos of a large class of systems involving, for instance, optical and microwave settings, while the circuit implementation represents the most straightforward of them.
11.Dynamic Price Incentivization for Carbon Emission Reduction using Quantum Optimization
Authors:David Bucher, Jonas Nüßlein, Corey O'Meara, Ivan Angelov, Benedikt Wimmer, Kumar Ghosh, Giorgio Cortiana, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Abstract: Demand Side Response (DSR) is a strategy that enables consumers to actively participate in managing electricity demand. It aims to alleviate strain on the grid during high demand and promote a more balanced and efficient use of electricity resources. We implement DSR through discount scheduling, which involves offering discrete price incentives to consumers to adjust their electricity consumption patterns. Since we tailor the discounts to individual customers' consumption, the Discount Scheduling Problem (DSP) becomes a large combinatorial optimization task. Consequently, we adopt a hybrid quantum computing approach, using D-Wave's Leap Hybrid Cloud. We observe an indication that Leap performs better compared to Gurobi, a classical general-purpose optimizer, in our test setup. Furthermore, we propose a specialized decomposition algorithm for the DSP that significantly reduces the problem size, while maintaining an exceptional solution quality. We use a mix of synthetic data, generated based on real-world data, and real data to benchmark the performance of the different approaches.
12.Switching global correlations on and off in a many-body quantum state by tuning local entanglement
Authors:Colin Benjamin, Aditya Dash
Abstract: A quantum many-body state built on a classical 1D Ising model with locally entangled qubits is considered. This setup can model an infinite-player quantum Prisoner's dilemma game with each site representing two entangled players (or qubits). The local entanglement $\gamma$ between two qubits placed on a site in the 1D Ising model and classical coupling between adjacent sites of the Ising model has an apposite influence on qubits. It points to a counter-intuitive situation wherein local entanglement at a site can exactly cancel global correlations, signaling an artificial quantum many-body state wherein, by locally tuning the entanglement at a particular site, one can transition from a strongly correlated quantum state to an uncorrelated quantum state and then to a correlated classical state. In other words, we can simulate a state similar to a Type II superconducting state via local tuning of entanglement in a 1D Ising chain with entangled qubits.
13.Tradeoff Constructions for Quantum Locally Testable Codes
Authors:Adam Wills, Ting-Chun Lin, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Abstract: In this work, we continue the search for quantum locally testable codes (qLTCs) of new parameters by presenting three constructions that can make new qLTCs from old. The first analyses the soundness of a quantum code under Hastings' weight reduction construction for qLDPC codes arXiv:2102.10030 to give a weight reduction procedure for qLTCs. Secondly, we exhibit the `identity product': the first product construction that is known to preserve both the soundness and locality of the inputted quantum code. This can be used to grow the dimension of a quantum code, where now the tradeoff is put onto the distance. Finally, we apply the AEL distance amplification construction to the case of qLTCs for the first time which could, in future, be used to convert high-distance qLTCs into linear distance qLTCs. These constructions can be used on as-yet undiscovered qLTCs to obtain new parameters, but we are able to apply these presently to the hypersphere product code arXiv:1608.05089 and the hemicubic code arXiv:1911.03069 to obtain many previously unknown parameters. In particular, the only previously known codes to have inverse polylogarithmic soundness, polynomial distance and polynomial dimension have polynomial locality. We obtain such codes with constant locality.
14.A real-time, scalable, fast and highly resource efficient decoder for a quantum computer
Authors:Ben Barber, Kenton M. Barnes, Tomasz Bialas, Okan Buğdaycı, Earl T. Campbell, Neil I. Gillespie, Kauser Johar, Ram Rajan, Adam W. Richardson, Luka Skoric, Canberk Topal, Mark L. Turner, Abbas B. Ziad
Abstract: Quantum computers promise to solve computing problems that are currently intractable using traditional approaches. This can only be achieved if the noise inevitably present in quantum computers can be efficiently managed at scale. A key component in this process is a classical decoder, which diagnoses the errors occurring in the system. If the decoder does not operate fast enough, an exponential slowdown in the logical clock rate of the quantum computer occurs. Additionally, the decoder must be resource efficient to enable scaling to larger systems and potentially operate in cryogenic environments. Here we introduce the Collision Clustering decoder, which overcomes both challenges. We implement our decoder on both an FPGA and ASIC, the latter ultimately being necessary for any cost-effective scalable solution. We simulate a logical memory experiment on large instances of the leading quantum error correction scheme, the surface code, assuming a circuit-level noise model. The FPGA decoding frequency is above a megahertz, a stringent requirement on decoders needed for e.g. superconducting quantum computers. To decode an 881 qubit surface code it uses only $4.5\%$ of the available logical computation elements. The ASIC decoding frequency is also above a megahertz on a 1057 qubit surface code, and occupies 0.06 mm$^2$ area and consumes 8 mW of power. Our decoder is optimised to be both highly performant and resource efficient, while its implementation on hardware constitutes a viable path to practically realising fault-tolerant quantum computers.
15.Performance of Commercial Quantum Annealing Solvers for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Authors:Salvatore Sinno, Thomas Groß, Alan Mott, Arati Sahoo, Deepak Honnalli, Shruthi Thuravakkath, Bhavika Bhalgamiya
Abstract: Quantum annealing (QA) is a heuristic search algorithm that can run on Adiabatic Quantum Computation (AQC) processors to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Although theoretical studies and simulations on classic hardware have shown encouraging results, these analyses often assume that the computation occurs in adiabatically closed systems without environmental interference. This is not a realistic assumption for real systems; therefore, without extensive empirical measurements on real quantum platforms, theory-based predictions, simulations on classical hardware or limited tests do not accurately assess the current commercial capabilities. This study has assessed the quality of the solution provided by a commercial quantum annealing platform compared to known solutions for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). The study has conducted extensive analysis over more than 30 hours of access to QA commercial platforms to investigate how the size of the problem and its complexity impact the solution accuracy and the time used to find a solution. Our results have found that the absolute error is between 0.12 and 0.55, and the quantum processor unit (QPU) time is between 30 and 46 micro seconds. Our results show that as the constraint density increases, the quality of the solution degrades. Therefore, more than the problem size, the model complexity plays a critical role, and practical applications should select formulations that minimize the constraint density.
16.Periodically driven open quantum systems with vibronic interaction: Resonance effects and vibrationally mediated decoupling
Authors:Jakob Bätge, Yu Wang, Amikam Levy, Wenjie Dou, Michael Thoss
Abstract: Periodic driving and Floquet engineering have emerged as invaluable tools for controlling and uncovering novel phenomena in quantum systems. In this study, we adopt these methods to manipulate nonequilibrium processes within electronic-vibronic open quantum systems. Through resonance mechanisms and by focusing on the limit-cycle dynamics and quantum thermodynamic properties, we illustrate the intricate interplay between the driving field and vibronic states and its overall influence on the electronic system. Specifically, we observe an effective decoupling of the electronic system from the periodic driving at specific frequencies, a phenomenon that is mediated by the vibrational mode interaction. Additionally, we engineer the driving field to obtain a partial removal of the Franck-Condon blockade. These insights hold promise for efficient charge current control. Our results are obtained from numerically exact calculations of the hierarchical equations of motion and further analyzed by a time-periodic master equation approach.
17.Quantum hypothesis testing via robust quantum control
Authors:Han Xu, Benran Wang, Haidong Yuan, Xin Wang
Abstract: Quantum hypothesis testing plays a pivotal role in quantum technologies, making decisions or drawing conclusions about quantum systems based on observed data. Recently, quantum control techniques have been successfully applied to quantum hypothesis testing, enabling the reduction of error probabilities in the task of distinguishing magnetic fields in presence of environmental noise. In real-world physical systems, such control is prone to various channels of inaccuracies. Therefore improving the robustness of quantum control in the context of quantum hypothesis testing is crucial. In this work, we utilize optimal control methods to compare scenarios with and without accounting for the effects of signal frequency inaccuracies. For parallel dephasing and spontaneous emission, the optimal control inherently demonstrates a certain level of robustness, while in the case of transverse dephasing with an imperfect signal, it may result in a higher error probability compared to the uncontrolled scheme. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a robust control approach optimized for a range of signal noise, demonstrating superior robustness beyond the predefined tolerance window. On average, both the optimal control and robust control show improvements over the uncontrolled schemes for various dephasing or decay rates, with the robust control yielding the lowest error probability.
18.Proof-of-concept Quantum Simulator based on Molecular Spin Qudits
Authors:Simone Chicco, Giuseppe Allodi, Alessandro Chiesa, Elena Garlatti, Christian D. Buch, Paolo Santini, Roberto De Renzi, Stergios Piligkos, Stefano Carretta
Abstract: The use of $d$-level qudits instead of two-level qubits can largely increase the power of quantum logic for many applications, ranging from quantum simulations to quantum error correction. Molecular Nanomagnets are ideal spin systems to realize these large-dimensional qudits. Indeed, their Hamiltonian can be engineered to an unparalleled extent and can yield a spectrum with many low-energy states. In particular, in the last decade intense theoretical, experimental and synthesis efforts have been devoted to develop quantum simulators based on Molecular Nanomagnets. However, this remarkable potential is practically unexpressed, because no quantum simulation has ever been experimentally demonstrated with these systems. Here we show the first prototype quantum simulator based on an ensemble of molecular qudits and a radiofrequency broadband spectrometer. To demonstrate the operativity of the device, we have simulated quantum tunneling of the magnetization and the transverse-field Ising model, representative of two different classes of problems. These results represent an important step towards the actual use of molecular spin qudits in quantum technologies.
19.Long-time properties of generic Floquet systems oscillate at the driving frequency
Authors:Yichen Huang
Abstract: A Floquet quantum system is governed by a Hamiltonian that is periodic in time. Consider the space of piecewise time-independent Floquet systems with (geometrically) local interactions. We prove that for all but a measure zero set of systems in this space, starting from a random product state, many properties (including expectation values of observables and the entanglement entropy of a macroscopically large subsystem) at long times approximately oscillate (with possibly zero amplitude) at the same frequency as the Hamiltonian. Thus, in almost every Floquet system of arbitrarily large but finite size, discrete time-crystalline behavior does not persist to strictly infinite time.