Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 20 Jul 2023
1.Constructive plaquette compilation for the parity architecture
Authors:Roeland ter Hoeven, Benjamin E. Niehoff, Sagar Sudhir Kale, Wolfgang Lechner
Abstract: Parity compilation is the challenge of laying out the required constraints for the parity mapping in a local way. We present the first constructive compilation algorithm for the parity architecture using plaquettes for arbitrary higher-order optimization problems. This enables adiabatic protocols, where the plaquette layout can natively be implemented, as well as fully parallelized digital circuits. The algorithm builds a rectangular layout of plaquettes, where in each layer of the rectangle at least one constraint is added. The core idea is that each constraint, consisting of any qubits on the boundary of the rectangle and some new qubits, can be decomposed into plaquettes with a deterministic procedure using ancillas. We show how to pick a valid set of constraints and how this decomposition works. We further give ways to optimize the ancilla count and show how to implement optimization problems with additional constraints.
2.A method to discriminate between localized and chaotic quantum systems
Authors:Youssef Aziz Alaoui, Bruno Laburthe-Tolra
Abstract: We derive a criterion that distinguishes whether a generic isolated quantum system initially set out of equilibrium can be considered as localized close to its initial state, or chaotic. Our approach considers the time evolution in the Lanczos basis, which maps the system's dynamics onto that of a particle moving in a one-dimensional lattice where both the energy in the lattice sites and the tunneling from one lattice site to the next are inhomogeneous. We infer a criterion that allows distinguishing localized from chaotic systems. This criterion involves the coupling strengths between Lanczos states and their expectation energy fluctuations. We verify its validity by inspecting three cases, corresponding to Anderson localization as a function of dimension, the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a many-body dipolar spin system, and integrable systems. We finally show that our approach provides a justification for the Wigner surmise and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, which have both been proposed to characterize quantum chaotic systems. Indeed, our criterion for a system to be chaotic implies the level repulsion (also known as spectral rigidity) of eigenenergies, which is characteristic of the Wigner-Dyson distribution; and we also demonstrate that in the chaotic regime, the expectation value of any local observable only weakly varies as a function of eigenstates. Our demonstration allows to define the class of operators to which the eigenstate thermalization applies, as the ones that connect states that are coupled at weak order by the Hamiltonian.
3.Special features of the Weyl-Heisenberg Bell basis imply unusual entanglement structure of Bell-diagonal states
Authors:Christopher Popp, Beatrix C. Hiesmayr
Abstract: Maximally entangled Bell states are of crucial importance for entanglement based methods in quantum information science. Typically, a standard construction of a complete orthonormal Bell-basis by Weyl-Heisenberg operators is considered. We show that the group structure of these operators has strong implication on error correction schemes and on the entanglement structure within Bell-diagonal states. In particular, it implies a equivalence between a Pauli channel and a twirl channel. Interestingly, other complete orthonormal Bell-bases do break the equivalence and lead to a completely different entanglement structure, for instance in the share of PPT-entangled states. In detail, we find that the standard Bell basis has the highest observed share on PPT-states and PPT-entangled states compared to other Bell bases. In summary, our findings show that the standard Bell basis construction exploits a very special structure with strong implications to quantum information theoretic protocols if a deviation is considered.
4.Robust sparse IQP sampling in constant depth
Authors:Louis Paletta, Anthony Leverrier, Alain Sarlette, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Christophe Vuillot
Abstract: Between NISQ (noisy intermediate scale quantum) approaches without any proof of robust quantum advantage and fully fault-tolerant quantum computation, we propose a scheme to achieve a provable superpolynomial quantum advantage (under some widely accepted complexity conjectures) that is robust to noise with minimal error correction requirements. We choose a class of sampling problems with commuting gates known as sparse IQP (Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial-time) circuits and we ensure its fault-tolerant implementation by introducing the tetrahelix code. This new code is obtained by merging several tetrahedral codes (3D color codes) and has the following properties: each sparse IQP gate admits a transversal implementation, and the depth of the logical circuit can be traded for its width. Combining those, we obtain a depth-1 implementation of any sparse IQP circuit up to the preparation of encoded states. This comes at the cost of a space overhead which is only polylogarithmic in the width of the original circuit. We furthermore show that the state preparation can also be performed in constant depth with a single step of feed-forward from classical computation. Our construction thus exhibits a robust superpolynomial quantum advantage for a sampling problem implemented on a constant depth circuit with a single round of measurement and feed-forward.
5.Fault-Tolerant Computing with Single Qudit Encoding
Authors:Matteo Mezzadri, Alessandro Chiesa, Luca Lepori, Stefano Carretta
Abstract: We present a general approach for the Fault Tolerant implementation of stabilizer codes with a logical qubit encoded into a single multi-level qudit, preventing the explosion of resources of multi-qubit codes. The proposed scheme allows for correction and universal quantum computation. We demonstrate its effectiveness by simulations on molecular spin qudits, finding an almost exponential suppression of logical errors with the qudit size. The resulting performance on a small qudit is remarkable when compared to qubit codes using thousands of units.
6.Object detection and rangefinding with quantum states using simple detection
Authors:Richard J. Murchie, Jonathan D. Pritchard, John Jeffers
Abstract: In a noisy environment with weak single levels, quantum illumination can outperform classical illumination in determining the presence and range of a target object even in the limit of sub-optimal measurements based on non-simultaneous, phase-insensitive coincidence counts. Motivated by realistic experimental protocols, we present a theoretical framework for analysing coincident multi-shot data with simple detectors. This approach allows for the often-overlooked non-coincidence data to be included, as well as providing a calibration-free threshold for inferring the presence and range of an object, enabling a fair comparison between different detection regimes. Our results quantify the advantage of quantum over classical illumination when performing target discrimination in a noisy thermal environment, including estimating the number of shots required to detect a target with a given confidence level.
7.Demonstration of quantum-enhanced rangefinding robust against classical jamming
Authors:Mateusz P. Mrozowski, Richard J. Murchie, John Jeffers, Jonathan D. Pritchard
Abstract: In this paper we demonstrate operation of a quantum-enhanced lidar based on a continuously pumped photon pair source combined with simple detection in regimes with over 5 orders of magnitude separation between signal and background levels and target reflectivity down to -52 dB. We characterise the performance of our detector using a log-likelihood analysis framework, and crucially demonstrate the robustness of our system to fast and slow classical jamming, introducing a new protocol to implement dynamic background tracking to eliminate the impact of slow background changes whilst maintaining immunity to high frequency fluctuations. Finally, we extend this system to the regime of rangefinding in the presence of classical jamming to locate a target with an 11 cm spatial resolution limited only by the detector jitter. These results demonstrate the advantage of exploiting quantum correlations for lidar applications, providing a clear route to implementation of this system in real-world scenarios.
8.Improvements on "Multi-Party Quantum Summation without a Third Party based on $d$-Dimensional Bell States"
Authors:Xiaobing Li, Jiale Hou, Haozhen Situ, Cai Zhang
Abstract: In 2021, Wu et al. presented a multi-party quantum summation scheme exploiting the entanglement properties of d-dimensional Bell states (Wu et al. in Quantum Inf Process 20:200, 2021). In particular, the authors proposed a three-party quantum summation protocol and then extended their work to a multi-party case. It is claimed that their protocol is secure against outside and participants' attacks. However, this work points out that Wu's protocol has a loophole, i.e., two or more dishonest participants who meet a specific location relationship can conspire to obtain the private inputs of some honest participants without being detected. Accordingly, improvements are proposed to address these issues.
9.Efficient amplitude encoding of polynomial functions into quantum computers
Authors:Javier Gonzalez-Conde, Thomas W. Watts, Pablo Rodriguez-Grasa, Mikel Sanz
Abstract: Loading functions into quantum computers represents an essential step in several quantum algorithms, such as in the resolution of partial derivative equations. Therefore, the inefficiency of this process leads to a major bottleneck for the application of these algorithms. Here, we present and compare two efficient methods for the amplitude encoding of real polynomial functions. The first one relies on the matrix product state representation, where we study and benchmark the approximations of the target state when the bond dimension is assumed to be small. The second algorithm combines two subroutines, initially we encode the linear function into the quantum registers with a swallow sequence of multi-controlled gates that loads its Hadamard-Walsh series expansion, followed by the inverse discrete Hadamard-Walsh transform. Then, we use this construction as a building block to achieve a $\mathcal{O}(n)$ block encoding of the amplitudes corresponding to the linear function and apply the quantum singular value transformation that implements the corresponding polynomial transformation to the block encoding of the amplitudes. Additionally, we explore how truncating the Hadamard-Walsh series of the linear function affects the final fidelity of the target state, reporting high fidelities with small resources.
10.Continuous variable entanglement between propagating optical modes using optomechanics
Authors:Greeshma Gopinath Department of Physics, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India, Yong Li Center for Theoretical Physics and School of Science, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China, Sankar Davuluri Department of Physics, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India
Abstract: This article proposes a new method to entangle two spatially separated output laser fields from an optomechanical cavity with a membrane in the middle. The radiation pressure force coupling is used to modify the correlations between the input and the output field quadratures. Then the laser fields at the optomechanical cavity output are entangled using the quantum back-action nullifying meter technique. The effect of thermal noise on the entanglement is studied. For experimentally feasible parameters, the entanglement between the laser fields survives upto room temperature.
11.Local entanglement transfer to multiple pairs of spatially separated observers
Authors:Tanmoy Mondal, Kornikar Sen, Chirag Srivastava, Ujjwal Sen
Abstract: Entanglement is an advantageous but at the same time a costly resource utilized in various quantum tasks. For an efficient usage and deployment of entanglement, we envisage the scenario where a pair of spatially separated observers, Charu and Debu, want to share entanglement without interacting with each other. As a way out, their systems can separately and locally interact with those of Alice and Bob, respectively, who already share an entangled state. We ask if it is possible to transfer entanglement from the Alice-Bob pair to multiple Charu- Debu pairs, where the Alice-Bob pair only possesses a limited amount of pre-shared entanglement. We find joint unitaries, which when applied by Alice and one of the Charus, and by Bob and the corresponding Debu, such that a nonzero amount of the entanglement shared between Alice and Bob can be sequentially transferred to an indefinite number of pairs of Charus and Debus. We discuss the amount of entanglement that can be transferred to a fixed number of pairs using these unitaries. Also, we determine to how many pairs a fixed amount of entanglement can be transferred. Moreover, by optimizing over all possible local unitaries, we analyze the maximum number of pairs to which entanglement can be transferred in such a way that each pair gets at least a fixed amount of entanglement.
12.Distillable entanglement under dually non-entangling operations
Authors:Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula
Abstract: Computing the exact rate at which entanglement can be distilled from noisy quantum states is one of the longest-standing questions in quantum information. We give an exact solution for entanglement distillation under the set of dually non-entangling (DNE) operations -- a relaxation of the typically considered local operations and classical communication, comprising all channels which preserve the sets of separable states and measurements. We show that the DNE distillable entanglement coincides with a modified version of the regularised relative entropy of entanglement in which the arguments are measured with a separable measurement. Ours is only the second known regularised formula for the distillable entanglement under any class of free operations in entanglement theory, after that given by Devetak and Winter for one-way LOCCs. An immediate consequence of our finding is that, under DNE, entanglement can be distilled from any entangled state. As our second main result, we construct a general upper bound on the DNE distillable entanglement, using which we prove that the separably measured relative entropy of entanglement can be strictly smaller than the regularisation of the standard relative entropy of entanglement. This solves an open problem in [Li/Winter, CMP 326, 63 (2014)].
13.Cycle discrete-time quantum walks on a noisy quantum computer
Authors:Vivek Wadhia, Nicholas Chancellor, Viv Kendon
Abstract: The rapid development of quantum computing has led to increasing interest in quantum algorithms for a variety of different applications. Quantum walks have also experienced a surge in interest due to their potential use in quantum algorithms. Using the qiskit software package, we test how accurately the current generation of quantum computers provided by IBM can simulate a cycle discrete-time quantum walk. Implementing an 8-node, 8-step walk and a simpler 4-node, 4-step discrete-time quantum walk on an IBM quantum device known as ibmq_quito, the results for each step of the respective walks are presented. A custom noise model is developed in order to estimate that noise levels in the ibmq_santiago quantum device would need to be reduced by at least 94% in order to execute a 16-node, 16-step cycle discrete-time quantum walk to a reasonable level of fidelity.
14.Random insights into the complexity of two-dimensional tensor network calculations
Authors:Sofia Gonzalez-Garcia, Shengqi Sang, Timothy H. Hsieh, Sergio Boixo, Guifre Vidal, Andrew C. Potter, Romain Vasseur
Abstract: Projected entangled pair states (PEPS) offer memory-efficient representations of some quantum many-body states that obey an entanglement area law, and are the basis for classical simulations of ground states in two-dimensional (2d) condensed matter systems. However, rigorous results show that exactly computing observables from a 2d PEPS state is generically a computationally hard problem. Yet approximation schemes for computing properties of 2d PEPS are regularly used, and empirically seen to succeed, for a large subclass of (not too entangled) condensed matter ground states. Adopting the philosophy of random matrix theory, in this work we analyze the complexity of approximately contracting a 2d random PEPS by exploiting an analytic mapping to an effective replicated statistical mechanics model that permits a controlled analysis at large bond dimension. Through this statistical-mechanics lens, we argue that: i) although approximately sampling wave-function amplitudes of random PEPS faces a computational-complexity phase transition above a critical bond dimension, ii) one can generically efficiently estimate the norm and correlation functions for any finite bond dimension. These results are supported numerically for various bond-dimension regimes. It is an important open question whether the above results for random PEPS apply more generally also to PEPS representing physically relevant ground states
15.Quantum Logspace Computations are Verifiable
Authors:Uma Girish, Ran Raz, Wei Zhan
Abstract: In this note, we observe that quantum logspace computations are verifiable by classical logspace algorithms, with unconditional security. More precisely, every language in BQL has an (information-theoretically secure) streaming proof with a quantum logspace prover and a classical logspace verifier. The prover provides a polynomial-length proof that is streamed to the verifier. The verifier has a read-once one-way access to that proof and is able to verify that the computation was performed correctly. That is, if the input is in the language and the prover is honest, the verifier accepts with high probability, and, if the input is not in the language, the verifier rejects with high probability even if the prover is adversarial. Moreover, the verifier uses only $O(\log n)$ random bits.
16.Data-driven criteria for quantum correlations
Authors:Mateusz Krawczyk, Jarosław Pawłowski, Maciej M. Maśka, Katarzyna Roszak
Abstract: We build a machine learning model to detect correlations in a three-qubit system using a neural network trained in an unsupervised manner on randomly generated states. The network is forced to recognize separable states, and correlated states are detected as anomalies. Quite surprisingly, we find that the proposed detector performs much better at distinguishing a weaker form of quantum correlations, namely, the quantum discord, than entanglement. In fact, it has a tendency to grossly overestimate the set of entangled states even at the optimal threshold for entanglement detection, while it underestimates the set of discordant states to a much lesser extent. In order to illustrate the nature of states classified as quantum-correlated, we construct a diagram containing various types of states -- entangled, as well as separable, both discordant and non-discordant. We find that the near-zero value of the recognition loss reproduces the shape of the non-discordant separable states with high accuracy, especially considering the non-trivial shape of this set on the diagram. The network architecture is designed carefully: it preserves separability, and its output is equivariant with respect to qubit permutations. We show that the choice of architecture is important to get the highest detection accuracy, much better than for a baseline model that just utilizes a partial trace operation.