Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 28 Jun 2023
1.Quantum Control of Heat Current
Authors:Gobinda Chakraborty, Subhadeep Chakraborty, Tanmoy Basu, Manas Mukherjee
Abstract: We investigate the local thermal transport in a quantum trimer of harmonic oscillators connected to two thermal baths. The coupling between them are augmented by complex phases which leads to the quantum control of the local atypical heat current between two oscillators connected to the same heat bath. Our study reveals that this atypical heat current is a consequence of the lifting of the dark mode and the modulation of this current is due to variation in system bath correlations. The proposed quantum system may find application in quantum thermal and memory devices by leveraging the heat current.
2.Robust Nuclear Spin Polarization via Ground-State Level Anti-Crossing of Boron Vacancy Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Authors:Shihao Ru, Zhengzhi Jiang, Haidong Liang, Jonathan Kenny, Hongbing Cai, Xiaodan Lyu, Robert Cernansky, Feifei Zhou, Yuzhe Yang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguch, Fuli Li, Koh Teck Seng, Xiaogang Liu, Fedor Jelezko, Andrew A. Bettiol, Weibo Gao
Abstract: Nuclear spin polarization plays a crucial role in quantum information processing and quantum sensing. In this work, we demonstrate a robust and efficient method for nuclear spin polarization with boron vacancy ($\mathrm{V_B^-}$) defects in hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) using ground-state level anti-crossing (GSLAC). We show that GSLAC-assisted nuclear polarization can be achieved with significantly lower laser power than excited-state level anti-crossing, making the process experimentally more viable. Furthermore, we have demonstrated direct optical readout of nuclear spins for $\mathrm{V_B^-}$ in h-BN. Our findings suggest that GSLAC is a promising technique for the precise control and manipulation of nuclear spins in $\mathrm{V_B^-}$ defects in h-BN.
3.Effective quantum volume, fidelity and computational cost of noisy quantum processing experiments
Authors:K. Kechedzhi, S. V. Isakov, S. Mandrà, B. Villalonga, X. Mi, S. Boixo, V. Smelyanskiy
Abstract: Today's experimental noisy quantum processors can compete with and surpass all known algorithms on state-of-the-art supercomputers for the computational benchmark task of Random Circuit Sampling [1-5]. Additionally, a circuit-based quantum simulation of quantum information scrambling [6], which measures a local observable, has already outperformed standard full wave function simulation algorithms, e.g., exact Schrodinger evolution and Matrix Product States (MPS). However, this experiment has not yet surpassed tensor network contraction for computing the value of the observable. Based on those studies, we provide a unified framework that utilizes the underlying effective circuit volume to explain the tradeoff between the experimentally achievable signal-to-noise ratio for a specific observable, and the corresponding computational cost. We apply this framework to recent quantum processor experiments of Random Circuit Sampling [5], quantum information scrambling [6], and a Floquet circuit unitary [7]. This allows us to reproduce the results of Ref. [7] in less than one second per data point using one GPU.
4.On the energy density in quantum mechanics
Authors:Francisco Torres Arvizu, Adrian Ortega, Hernán Larralde
Abstract: There are several definitions of energy density in quantum mechanics. These yield expressions that differ locally, but all satisfy a continuity equation and integrate to the value of the expected energy of the system under consideration. Thus, the question of whether there are physical grounds to choose one definition over another arises naturally. In this work, we propose a way to probe a system by varying the size of a well containing a quantum particle. We show that the mean work done by moving the wall is closely related to one of the definitions for energy density. Specifically, the appropriate energy density, evaluated at the wall corresponds to the force exerted by the particle locally, against which the work is done. We show that this identification extends to two and three dimensional systems.
5.Exponential separations between classical and quantum learners
Authors:Casper Gyurik, Vedran Dunjko
Abstract: Despite significant effort, the quantum machine learning community has only demonstrated quantum learning advantages for artificial cryptography-inspired datasets when dealing with classical data. In this paper we address the challenge of finding learning problems where quantum learning algorithms can achieve a provable exponential speedup over classical learning algorithms. We reflect on computational learning theory concepts related to this question and discuss how subtle differences in definitions can result in significantly different requirements and tasks for the learner to meet and solve. We examine existing learning problems with provable quantum speedups and find that they largely rely on the classical hardness of evaluating the function that generates the data, rather than identifying it. To address this, we present two new learning separations where the classical difficulty primarily lies in identifying the function generating the data. Furthermore, we explore computational hardness assumptions that can be leveraged to prove quantum speedups in scenarios where data is quantum-generated, which implies likely quantum advantages in a plethora of more natural settings (e.g., in condensed matter and high energy physics). We also discuss the limitations of the classical shadow paradigm in the context of learning separations, and how physically-motivated settings such as characterizing phases of matter and Hamiltonian learning fit in the computational learning framework.
6.Dynamical Maps for Accelerating Detectors
Authors:Shalin Jose Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram, Anil Shaji Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram
Abstract: We study the open quantum dynamics of a two-level particle detector that starts accelerating through Minkowski vacuum weakly coupled to a massless scalar field. We consider a detector with non-zero size and study its time evolution for the case where it is initially in inertial motion and subsequently a constant acceleration is switched on for a finite time. We study the dynamical maps that describe the evolution of such a system and show that the dynamics is not completely positive (NCP). The inertial motion prior to the acceleration can entangle the detector and field leading to the NCP dynamics. We examine the nature of the open dynamics during the accelerated phase as a function of the duration of prior inertial motion and the magnitude of the acceleration.
7.Dyck Paths and Topological Quantum Computation
Authors:Vivek Kumar Singh, Akash Sinha, Pramod Padmanabhan, Indrajit Jana
Abstract: The fusion basis of Fibonacci anyons supports unitary braid representations that can be utilized for universal quantum computation. We show a mapping between the fusion basis of three Fibonacci anyons, $\{|1\rangle, |\tau\rangle\}$, and the two length 4 Dyck paths via an isomorphism between the two dimensional braid group representations on the fusion basis and the braid group representation built on the standard $(2,2)$ Young diagrams using the Jones construction. This correspondence helps us construct the fusion basis of the Fibonacci anyons using Dyck paths as the number of standard $(N,N)$ Young tableaux is the Catalan number, $C_N$ . We then use the local Fredkin moves to construct a spin chain that contains precisely those Dyck paths that correspond to the Fibonacci fusion basis, as a degenerate set. We show that the system is gapped and examine its stability to random noise thereby establishing its usefulness as a platform for topological quantum computation. Finally, we show braidwords in this rotated space that efficiently enable the execution of any desired single-qubit operation, achieving the desired level of precision($\sim 10^{-3}$).
8.Classical Capacity of Arbitrarily Distributed Noisy Quantum Channels
Authors:Indrakshi Dey, Harun Siljak, Nicola Marchetti
Abstract: With the rapid deployment of quantum computers and quantum satellites, there is a pressing need to design and deploy quantum and hybrid classical-quantum networks capable of exchanging classical information. In this context, we conduct the foundational study on the impact of a mixture of classical and quantum noise on an arbitrary quantum channel carrying classical information. The rationale behind considering such mixed noise is that quantum noise can arise from different entanglement and discord in quantum transmission scenarios, like different memories and repeater technologies, while classical noise can arise from the coexistence with the classical signal. Towards this end, we derive the distribution of the mixed noise from a classical system's perspective, and formulate the achievable channel capacity over an arbitrary distributed quantum channel in presence of the mixed noise. Numerical results demonstrate that capacity increases with the increase in the number of photons per usage.
9.Quantum-information theory of magnetic field influence on circular dots with different boundary conditions
Authors:H. Shafeekali, O. Olendski
Abstract: Influence of the transverse uniform magnetic field $\bf B$ on position (subscript $\rho$) and momentum ($\gamma$) Shannon quantum-information entropies $S_{\rho,\gamma}$, Fisher informations $I_{\rho,\gamma}$ and informational energies $O_{\rho,\gamma}$ is studied theoretically for the 2D circular quantum dots (QDs) whose circumference supports homogeneous either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition (BC). Analysis reveals similarities and differences of the influence on the properties of the structure of the surface interaction with the magnetic field. Conspicuous distinction between the spectra are crossings at the increasing induction of the Neumann energies with the same radial quantum number $n$ and adjacent non-positive angular indices $m$. At the growing $B$, either system undergoes Landau condensation when its characteristics turn into their uniform field counterparts. For the Dirichlet system this transformation takes place at the smaller magnetic intensities; e.g., the Dirichlet sum $S_{\rho_{00}}+S_{\gamma_{00}}$ on its approach from above to a fundamental limit $2(1+\ln\pi)$ is at any $B$ smaller than the corresponding Neumann quantity what physically means that the former geometry provides more total information about the position and motion of the particle. It is pointed out that the widely accepted disequilibrium uncertainty relation $O_\rho O_\gamma\leq(2\pi)^{-\mathtt{d}}$, with $\mathtt{d}$ being a dimensionality of the system, is violated by the Neumann QD in the magnetic field. Comparison with electrostatic harmonic confinement is performed. Physical interpretation is based on the different roles of the two BCs and their interplay with the field: Dirichlet (Neumann) surface is a repulsive (attractive) interface.
10.Variational generation of spin squeezing on one-dimensional quantum devices with nearest-neighbor interactions
Authors:Zheng-Hang Sun, Yong-Yi Wang, Yu-Ran Zhang, Franco Nori, Heng Fan
Abstract: Efficient preparation of spin-squeezed states is important for quantum-enhanced metrology. Current protocols for generating strong spin squeezing rely on either high dimensionality or long-range interactions. A key challenge is how to generate considerable spin squeezing in one-dimensional systems with only nearest-neighbor interactions. Here, we develop variational spin-squeezing algorithms to solve this problem. We consider both digital and analog quantum circuits for these variational algorithms. After the closed optimization loop of the variational spin-squeezing algorithms, the generated squeezing can be comparable to the strongest squeezing created from two-axis twisting. By analyzing the experimental imperfections, the variational spin-squeezing algorithms proposed in this work are feasible in recent developed noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers.
11.Efficient Reduction of Casimir Forces by Self-assembled Bio-molecular Thin Films
Authors:René I. P. Sedmik, Alexander Urech, Zeev Zalevsky, Itai Carmeli
Abstract: Casimir forces, related to London-van der Waals forces, arise if the spectrum of electromagnetic fluctuations is restricted by boundaries. There is great interest both from fundamental science and technical applications to control these forces on the nano scale. Scientifically, the Casimir effect being the only known quantum vacuum effect manifesting between macroscopic objects, allows to investigate the poorly known physics of the vacuum. In this work, we experimentally investigate the influence of self-assembled molecular bio and organic thin films on the Casimir force between a plate and a sphere. We find that molecular thin films, despite being a mere few nanometers thick, reduce the Casimir force by up to 14%. To identify the molecular characteristics leading to this reduction, five different bio-molecular films with varying chemical and physical properties were investigated. Spectroscopic data reveal a broad absorption band whose presence can be attributed to the mixing of electronic states of the underlying gold layer and those of the molecular film due to charge rearrangement in the process of self-assembly. Using Lifshitz theory we calculate that the observed change in the Casimir force is consistent with the appearance of the new absorption band due to the formation of molecular layers. The desired Casimir force reduction can be tuned by stacking several monolayers, using a simple self-assembly technique in a solution. The molecules - each a few nanometers long - can penetrate small cavities and holes, and cover any surface with high efficiency. This process seems compatible with current methods in the production of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), which cannot be miniaturized beyond a certain size due to `stiction' caused by the Casimir effect. Our approach could therefore readily enable further miniaturization of these devices.
12.High-Q trenched aluminum coplanar resonators with an ultrasonic edge microcutting for superconducting quantum devices
Authors:E. V. Zikiy, A. I. Ivanov, N. S. Smirnov, D. O. Moskalev, V. I. Polozov, A. R. Matanin, E. I. Malevannaya, V. V. Echeistov, T. G. Konstantinova, I. A. Rodionov
Abstract: Dielectric losses are one of the key factors limiting the coherence of superconducting qubits. The impact of materials and fabrication steps on dielectric losses can be evaluated using coplanar waveguide (CPW) microwave resonators. Here, we report on superconducting CPW microwave resonators with internal quality factors systematically exceeding 5x106 at high powers and 2x106 (with the best value of 4.4x106) at low power. Such performance is demonstrated for 100-nm-thick aluminum resonators with 7-10.5 um center trace on high-resistivity silicon substrates commonly used in quantum Josephson junction circuits. We investigate internal quality factors of the resonators with both dry and wet aluminum etching, as well as deep and isotropic reactive ion etching of silicon substrate. Josephson junction compatible CPW resonators fabrication process with both airbridges and silicon substrate etching is proposed. Finally, we demonstrate the effect of airbridges positions and extra process steps on the overall dielectric losses. The best quality fa ctors are obtained for the wet etched aluminum resonators and isotropically removed substrate with the proposed ultrasonic metal edge microcutting.
13.The SpinBus Architecture: Scaling Spin Qubits with Electron Shuttling
Authors:Matthias Künne, Alexander Willmes, Max Oberländer, Christian Gorjaew, Julian D. Teske, Harsh Bhardwaj, Max Beer, Eugen Kammerloher, René Otten, Inga Seidler, Ran Xue, Lars R. Schreiber, Hendrik Bluhm
Abstract: Quantum processor architectures must enable scaling to large qubit numbers while providing two-dimensional qubit connectivity and exquisite operation fidelities. For microwave-controlled semiconductor spin qubits, dense arrays have made considerable progress, but are still limited in size by wiring fan-out and exhibit significant crosstalk between qubits. To overcome these limitations, we introduce the SpinBus architecture, which uses electron shuttling to connect qubits and features low operating frequencies and enhanced qubit coherence. Device simulations for all relevant operations in the Si/SiGe platform validate the feasibility with established semiconductor patterning technology and operation fidelities exceeding 99.9 %. Control using room temperature instruments can plausibly support at least 144 qubits, but much larger numbers are conceivable with cryogenic control circuits. Building on the theoretical feasibility of high-fidelity spin-coherent electron shuttling as key enabling factor, the SpinBus architecture may be the basis for a spin-based quantum processor that meets the scalability requirements for practical quantum computing.
14.Low-ground/High ground capacity regions analysis for Bosonic Gaussian Channels
Authors:Farzad Kianvash, Marco Fanizza, Vittorio Giovannetti
Abstract: We present a comprehensive characterization of the interconnections between single-mode, phaseinsensitive Gaussian Bosonic Channels resulting from channel concatenation. This characterization enables us to identify, in the parameter space of these maps, two distinct regions: low-ground and high-ground. In the low-ground region, the information capacities are smaller than a designated reference value, while in the high-ground region, they are provably greater. As a direct consequence, we systematically outline an explicit set of upper bounds for the quantum and private capacity of these maps, which combine known upper bounds and composition rules, improving upon existing results.
15.Classically computing performance bounds on depolarized quantum circuits
Authors:Sattwik Deb Mishra, Miguel Frías-Pérez, Rahul Trivedi
Abstract: Quantum computers and simulators can potentially outperform classical computers in finding ground states of classical and quantum Hamiltonians. However, if this advantage can persist in the presence of noise without error correction remains unclear. In this paper, by exploiting the principle of Lagrangian duality, we develop a numerical method to classically compute a certifiable lower bound on the minimum energy attainable by the output state of a quantum circuit in the presence of depolarizing noise. We provide theoretical and numerical evidence that this approach can provide circuit-architecture dependent bounds on the performance of noisy quantum circuits.
16.Complete equational theories for the sum-over-paths with unbalanced amplitudes
Authors:Matthew Amy
Abstract: Vilmart recently gave a complete equational theory for the balanced sum-over-paths over Toffoli-Hadamard circuits, and by extension Clifford+$\mathrm{diag}(1, \zeta_{2^k})$ circuits. Their theory is based on the phase-free ZH-calculus which crucially omits the average rule of the full ZH-calculus, dis-allowing the local summation of amplitudes. Here we study the question of completeness in unbalanced path sums which naturally support local summation. We give a concrete syntax for the unbalanced sum-over-paths and show that, together with symbolic multilinear algebra and the interference rule, various formulations of the average and ortho rules of the ZH-calculus are sufficient to give complete equational theories over arbitrary rings and fields.
17.Fast classical simulation of evidence for the utility of quantum computing before fault tolerance
Authors:Tomislav Begušić, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan
Abstract: We show that a classical algorithm based on sparse Pauli dynamics can efficiently simulate quantum circuits studied in a recent experiment on 127 qubits of IBM's Eagle processor [Nature 618, 500 (2023)]. Our classical simulations on a single core of a laptop are orders of magnitude faster than the reported walltime of the quantum simulations, as well as faster than the estimated quantum hardware runtime without classical processing, and are in good agreement with the zero-noise extrapolated experimental results.
18.Duality between quantum channels and super-channels is basis-dependent
Authors:Sohail, Sahil, Ritabrata Sengupta, Ujjwal Sen
Abstract: The complete positivity vs positivity correspondence in the Choi-Jamio{\l}kowski-Kraus-Sudarshan quantum channel-state isomorphism depends on the choice of basis. Instead of the ``canonical'' basis, if we use, e.g., the Pauli spin matrices along with the identity as the basis for the space of bounded operators on the two-dimensional complex Hilbert space, this correspondence breaks down. A sufficient condition on the basis for validity of this correspondence is provided in the work of Paulsen and Shult~\cite{Paulsen}, which was later proven to be necessary by Kye~\cite{Kye}. A correspondence is also present between the space of super-maps and the tensor product of the spaces of the inputs and outputs of the same. In particular, a super-map is completely CP-preserving if and only if its Choi-type representation is completely positive (CP). This correspondence also depends on a specific choice of basis. In this work, we find the necessary and sufficient condition on a basis such that this correspondence holds true.
19.Quantum two-block group algebra codes
Authors:Hsiang-Ku Lin, Leonid P. Pryadko
Abstract: We consider quantum two-block group algebra (2BGA) codes, a previously unstudied family of smallest lifted-product (LP) codes. These codes are related to generalized-bicycle (GB) codes, except a cyclic group is replaced with an arbitrary finite group, generally non-abelian. As special cases, 2BGA codes include a subset of square-matrix LP codes over abelian groups, including quasi-cyclic codes, and all square-matrix hypergraph-product codes constructed from a pair of classical group codes. We establish criteria for permutation equivalence of 2BGA codes and give bounds for their parameters, both explicit and in relation to other quantum and classical codes. We also enumerate the optimal parameters of all inequivalent connected 2BGA codes with stabilizer generator weights $W \le 8$, of length $n \le 100$ for abelian groups, and $n \le 200$ for non-abelian groups.