Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Fri, 23 Jun 2023
1.Homotopy continuation methods for coupled-cluster theory in quantum chemistry
Authors:Fabian M. Faulstich, Andre Laestadius
Abstract: Homotopy methods have proven to be a powerful tool for understanding the multitude of solutions provided by the coupled-cluster polynomial equations. This endeavor has been pioneered by quantum chemists that have undertaken both elaborate numerical as well as mathematical investigations. Recently, from the perspective of applied mathematics, new interest in these approaches has emerged using both topological degree theory and algebraically oriented tools. This article provides an overview of describing the latter development.
2.A SAT Solver and Computer Algebra Attack on the Minimum Kochen-Specker Problem
Authors:Zhengyu Li, Curtis Bright, Vijay Ganesh
Abstract: One of the foundational results in quantum mechanics is the Kochen-Specker (KS) theorem, which states that any theory whose predictions agree with quantum mechanics must be contextual, i.e., a quantum observation cannot be understood as revealing a pre-existing value. The theorem hinges on the existence of a mathematical object called a KS vector system. While many KS vector systems are known to exist, the problem of finding the minimum KS vector system has remained stubbornly open for over 55 years, despite significant attempts by leading scientists and mathematicians. In this paper, we present a new method based on a combination of a SAT solver and a computer algebra system (CAS) to address this problem. Our approach improves the lower bound on the minimum number of vectors in a KS system from 22 to 24, and is about 35,000 times more efficient compared to the previous best computational methods. The increase in efficiency derives from the fact we are able to exploit the powerful combinatorial search-with-learning capabilities of a SAT solver together with the isomorph-free exhaustive generation methods of a CAS. The quest for the minimum KS vector system is motivated by myriad applications such as simplifying experimental tests of contextuality, zero-error classical communication, dimension witnessing, and the security of certain quantum cryptographic protocols. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of a novel SAT+CAS system to a problem in the realm of quantum foundations.
3.A note on the time-reversal symmetry for the quasiprobability distributions of work
Authors:Gianluca Francica
Abstract: In this short note we discuss the time-reversal of a quasiprobability distribution of work.
4.Three-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa in measurement-based quantum computing
Authors:M. Schwetz, R. M. Noack
Abstract: Measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC), an alternate paradigm for formulating quantum algorithms, can lead to potentially more flexible and efficient implementations as well as to theoretical insights on the role of entanglement in a quantum algorithm. Using the recently developed ZX-calculus, we outline a general scheme for reformulating quantum circuits as MBQC implementations. After illustrating the method using the two-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, we derive a ZX graph-diagram that encodes a general MBQC implementation for the three-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. This graph describes an 11-qubit cluster state on which single-qubit measurements are used to execute the algorithm. Particular sets of choices of the axes for the measurements can be used to implement any realization of the oracle. In addition, we derive an equivalent lattice cluster state for the algorithm.
5.Exploring the impact of graph locality for the resolution of MIS with neutral atom devices
Authors:Constantin Dalyac, Louis-Paul Henry, Minhyuk Kim, Jaewook Ahn, Loïc Henriet
Abstract: In the past years, many quantum algorithms have been proposed to tackle hard combinatorial problems. In particular, the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) is a known NP-hard problem that can be naturally encoded in Rydberg atom arrays. By representing a graph with an ensemble of neutral atoms one can leverage Rydberg dynamics to naturally encode the constraints and the solution to MIS. However, the classes of graphs that can be directly mapped ``vertex-to-atom" on standard devices with 2D capabilities are currently limited to Unit-Disk graphs. In this setting, the inherent spatial locality of the graphs can be leveraged by classical polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTAS) that guarantee an $\epsilon$-approximate solution. In this work, we build upon recent progress made for using 3D arrangements of atoms to embed more complex classes of graphs. We report experimental and theoretical results which represent important steps towards tackling combinatorial tasks on quantum computers for which no classical efficient $\varepsilon$-approximation scheme exists.
6.Quantum Deletion Codes Derived From Quantum Reed-Solomon Codes
Authors:Manabu Hagiwara
Abstract: This manuscript presents a construction method for quantum codes capable of correcting multiple deletion errors. By introducing two new alogorithms, the alternating sandwich mapping and the block error locator, the proposed method reduces deletion error correction to erasure error correction. Unlike previous quantum deletion error-correcting codes, our approach enables flexible code rates and eliminates the requirement of knowing the number of deletions.
7.Differential scattering cross section of the non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm effect in multiband systems
Authors:Róbert Németh, József Cserti
Abstract: We develop a unified treatment of the non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect in isotropic multiband systems, namely, the scattering of particles on a gauge field corresponding to a noncommutative Lie group. We present a complex contour integral representation of the scattering states for such systems, and, using their asymptotic form, we calculate the differential scattering cross section. The angular dependence of the cross section turns out to be the same as that obtained originally by Aharonov and Bohm in their seminal paper, but this time it depends on the polarization of the incoming plane wave. As an application of our theory, we perform the contour integrals for the wave functions explicitly and calculate the corresponding cross section for three non-trivial isotropic multiband systems relevant to condensed matter and particle physics. To have a deeper insight into the nature of the scattering, we plot the probability and current distributions for different incoming waves. This paper is a generalization of our recent results on the Abelian AB effect providing an extension of exactly solvable AB scattering problems.
8.Understanding quantum machine learning also requires rethinking generalization
Authors:Elies Gil-Fuster, Jens Eisert, Carlos Bravo-Prieto
Abstract: Quantum machine learning models have shown successful generalization performance even when trained with few data. In this work, through systematic randomization experiments, we show that traditional approaches to understanding generalization fail to explain the behavior of such quantum models. Our experiments reveal that state-of-the-art quantum neural networks accurately fit random states and random labeling of training data. This ability to memorize random data defies current notions of small generalization error, problematizing approaches that build on complexity measures such as the VC dimension, the Rademacher complexity, and all their uniform relatives. We complement our empirical results with a theoretical construction showing that quantum neural networks can fit arbitrary labels to quantum states, hinting at their memorization ability. Our results do not preclude the possibility of good generalization with few training data but rather rule out any possible guarantees based only on the properties of the model family. These findings expose a fundamental challenge in the conventional understanding of generalization in quantum machine learning and highlight the need for a paradigm shift in the design of quantum models for machine learning tasks.
9.Galilean Relativity and the Path Integral Formalism in Quantum Mechanics
Authors:Charles Torre
Abstract: Closed systems in Newtonian mechanics obey the principle of Galilean relativity. However, the usual Lagrangian for Newtonian mechanics, formed from the difference of kinetic and potential energies, is not invariant under the full group of Galilean transformations. In quantum mechanics Galilean boosts require a non-trivial transformation rule for the wave function and a concomitant "projective representation" of the Galilean symmetry group. Using Feynman's path integral formalism this latter result can be shown to be equivalent to the non-invariance of the Lagrangian. Thus, using path integral methods, the representation of certain symmetry groups in quantum mechanics can be simply understood in terms of the transformation properties of the classical Lagrangian and conversely. The main results reported here should be accessible to students and teachers of physics -- particularly classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and mathematical physics -- at the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate levels, providing a useful exposition for those wanting to explore topics such as the path integral formalism for quantum mechanics, relativity principles, Lagrangian mechanics, and representations of symmetries in classical and quantum mechanics.
10.Quantum random number generation using an on-chip nanowire plasmonic waveguide
Authors:C. Strydom, S. Soleymani, Ş. K. Özdemir, M. S. Tame
Abstract: Quantum random number generators employ the inherent randomness of quantum mechanics to generate truly unpredictable random numbers, which are essential in cryptographic applications. While a great variety of quantum random number generators have been realised using photonics, few exploit the high-field confinement offered by plasmonics, which enables device footprints an order of magnitude smaller in size. Here we integrate an on-chip nanowire plasmonic waveguide into an optical time-of-arrival based quantum random number generation setup. Despite loss, we achieve a random number generation rate of 14.4 Mbits/s using low light intensity, with the generated bits passing industry standard tests without post-processing. By increasing the light intensity, we were then able to increase the generation rate to 41.4 Mbits/s, with the resulting bits only requiring a shuffle to pass all tests. This is an order of magnitude increase in the generation rate and decrease in the device size compared to previous work. Our experiment demonstrates the successful integration of an on-chip nanoscale plasmonic component into a quantum random number generation setup. This may lead to new opportunities in compact and scalable quantum random number generation.
11.Experimental higher-dimensional entanglement advantage over qubit channel
Authors:Yu Guo, Hao Tang, Jef Pauwels, Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro, Xiao-Min Hu, Bi-Heng Liu, Yu-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Armin Tavakoli
Abstract: Shared entanglement boosts classical correlations between systems that interact over a limited quantum channel. To create such correlations, a natural avenue is to use entanglement of the same dimension as the channel, as this leads to unitary encodings similar to the celebrated dense coding protocol. In contrast, we demonstrate that by using an entanglement dimension larger than that of the channel and encoding classical information via irreversible quantum operations, one can outperform every such quantum protocol. We showcase this in a task that hybridizes state discrimination and random access coding, implemented by encoding the systems in distinct and independently controlled paths of a single photon. The experiment combines several high-quality building blocks for path-mode single-photon quantum operations: four-dimensional entanglement, quantum compression operations and high-dimensional entangled projections, achieving a total protocol fidelity of over $97.0\%$. It constitutes a proof-of-concept for harvesting higher-dimensional entanglement to improve low-dimensional quantum communication without relying on detailed modeling of the involved quantum devices.
12.Constant-sized self-tests for maximally entangled states and single projective measurements
Authors:Jurij Volčič
Abstract: Self-testing is a powerful certification of quantum systems relying on measured, classical statistics. This paper considers self-testing in bipartite Bell scenarios with small number of inputs and outputs, but with quantum states and measurements of arbitrarily large dimension. The contributions are twofold. Firstly, it is shown that every maximally entangled state can be self-tested with four binary measurements per party. This result extends the earlier work of Man\v{c}inska-Prakash-Schafhauser (2021), which applies to maximally entangled states of odd dimensions only. Secondly, it is shown that every single binary projective measurement can be self-tested with five binary measurements per party. A similar statement holds for self-testing of projective measurements with more than two outputs. These results are enabled by the representation theory of quadruples of projections that add to a scalar multiple of the identity. Structure of irreducible representations, analysis of their spectral features and post-hoc self-testing are the primary methods for constructing the new self-tests with small number of inputs and outputs.
13.Quantum phase transition of the Jaynes-Cummings model in the strong-coupling regime
Authors:Cheng Liu, Jin-Feng Huang
Abstract: We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to show the quantum phase transition of the Janeys-Cummings (JC) model by manipulating the transition frequency of a two-level system in a quantum Rabi model with strong coupling. By tunning the modulation frequency and amplitude, the ratio of the effective coupling strength of the rotating terms to the effective cavity (atomic transition) frequency can enter the deep-strong coupling regime, while the counter-rotating terms can be neglected. Thus a deep-strong JC model is obtained. The effective vacuum Rabi frequency is increased by two orders of magnitude compared to the original vacuum Rabi frequency. Our scheme works in both atom-cavity resonance and off-resonance cases, and it is valid in a broad range. The emerge of the quantum phase transition is indicated by the non-zero average cavity photons of the ground state. We also show the dependence of the phase diagram on the atom-cavity detuning and modulation parameters. All the parameters used are within the reach of current experiment technology. Our scheme provides a new mechanism for investigating the critical phenomena of finite component system without requiring classical field limit and opens a door for studying fundamental quantum phenomena in strong coupling regime that occurs in ultrastrong even deep-strong coupling regime.
14.A photonic which-path entangler based on longitudinal cavity-qubit coupling
Authors:Z. McIntyre, W. A. Coish
Abstract: A modulated longitudinal cavity-qubit coupling can be used to control the path taken by a multiphoton wavepacket, resulting in a qubit--which-path (QWP) entangled state. For QWP states, the fundamental limit to precision in interferometry (the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound) is better than for either NOON states or entangled coherent states having the same average photon number. QWP states can also be used to generate long-range multipartite entanglement using strategies for interfacing discrete- and continuous-variable degrees-of-freedom.
15.A hydrodynamic analog of interaction-free measurement
Authors:Valeri Frumkin, John W. M. Bush
Abstract: Interaction-free measurement allows for quantum particles to detect objects along paths they never traveled. As such, it represents one of the most beguiling of quantum phenomena. Here, we present a classical analog of interaction-free measurement using the hydrodynamic pilot-wave system, in which a droplet self-propels across a vibrating fluid surface, guided by a wave of its own making. We argue that existing rationalizations of interaction-free quantum measurement in terms of particles being guided by wave forms allow for a classical description manifest in our hydrodynamic system, wherein the measurement is decidedly not interaction-free.
16.L00L and p00p entanglement
Authors:Dylan Danese, Sabine Wollmann, Saroch Leedumrongwatthanakun, Will McCutcheon, Manuel Erhard, William N. Plick, Mehul Malik
Abstract: We demonstrate the generation of unbalanced two-photon entanglement in the Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) transverse-spatial degree-of-freedom, where one photon carries a fundamental (Gauss) mode and the other a higher-order LG mode with a non-zero azimuthal ($\ell$) or radial ($p$) component. Taking a cue from the $N00N$ state nomenclature, we call these types of states $LOOL$ (L00L) or $p00p$-entangled. They are generated by shifting one photon in the LG mode space and combining it with a second (initially uncorrelated) photon at a beamsplitter, followed by coincidence detection. In order to verify two-photon coherence, we demonstrate a two-photon ``twisted'' quantum eraser, where Hong-Ou-Mandel interference is recovered between two distinguishable photons by projecting them into a rotated LG superposition basis. Using an entanglement witness, we find that our generated $LOOL$ and $p00p$ states have fidelities of 95.31\% and 89.80\% to their respective ideal maximally entangled states. Besides being of fundamental interest, this type of entanglement will likely have a significant impact on tickling the average quantum physicist's funny bone.
17.Perfect single-photon sources
Authors:Sana Khalid, Fabrice P. Laussy
Abstract: We introduce the "gapped coherent state" in the form of a single-photon source (SPS) that consists of uncorrelated photons as a background, except that we demand that no two photons can be closer in time than a time gap $t_\mathrm{G}$. While no obvious quantum mechanism is yet identified to produce exactly such a photon stream, a numerical simulation is easily achieved by first generating an uncorrelated (Poissonian) signal and then for each photon in the list, either adding such a time gap or removing all successive photons that are closer in time from any photon that is kept than $t_\mathrm{G}$. We study the statistical properties of such a hypothetical signal, which exhibits counter-intuitive features. This provides a neat and natural connection between continuous-wave (stationary) and pulsed single-photon sources, with also a bearing on what it means for such sources to be perfect in terms of single-photon emission.