Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 05 Jul 2023
1.Localisation in Permutation Symmetric Fermionic Quantum Walks
Authors:A. P. Balachandran, Anjali Kundalpady, Pramod Padmanabhan, Akash Sinha
Abstract: We investigate localisation in a quantum system with a global permutation symmetry and a superselected symmetry. We start with a systematic construction of many-fermion Hamiltonians with a global permutation symmetry using the conjugacy classes of the permutation group $S_N$, with $N$ being the total number of fermions. The resulting Hamiltonians are interpreted as generators of continuous-time quantum walk of indistinguishable fermions. In this setup we analytically solve the simplest example and show that all the states are localised without the introduction of any disorder coefficients. Furthermore, we show that the localisation is stable to interactions that preserve the global $S_N$ symmetry making these systems candidates for a quantum memory. The models we propose can be realised on superconducting quantum circuits and trapped ion systems.
2.Emergent non-Markovianity and dynamical quantification of the quantum switch
Authors:Vishal Anand, Ananda G. Maity, Subhadip Mitra, Samyadeb Bhattacharya
Abstract: We investigate the dynamical aspects of the quantum switch and find a particular form of quantum memory emerging out of the switch action. We first analyse the loss of information in a general quantum evolution subjected to a quantum switch and propose a measure to quantify the switch-induced memory. We then derive an uncertainty relation between information loss and switch-induced memory. We explicitly consider the example of depolarising dynamics and show how it is affected by the action of a quantum switch. For a more detailed analysis, we consider both the control qubit and the final measurement on the control qubit as noisy and investigate the said uncertainty relation. Further, while deriving the Lindblad-type dynamics for the reduced operation of the switch action, we identify that the switch-induced memory actually leads to the emergence of non-Markovianity. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the emergent non-Markovianity can be explicitly attributed to the switch operation by comparing it with other standard measures of non-Markovianity. Our investigation thus paves the way forward to understanding the quantum switch as an emerging non-Markovian quantum memory.
3.The existence of distinguishable bases of $\bbC^3\otimes \bbC^n$ three-dimensional subspaces under one-way local operations and classical communication
Authors:Zhiwei Song, Lin Chen, Dragomir Z. Djokovic
Abstract: We show that every three-dimensional subspace of $\bbC^3\otimes \bbC^n$ has a distinguishable basis under one-way local operations and classical communication (LOCC). This solves an open problem proposed in [J. Phys. A, 40, 7937, 2007]. We extend our result to construct a four-dimensional locally indistinguishable subspace of $\bbC^3\otimes \bbC^{12}$ under one-way LOCC. We also show that the environment-assisted classical capacity of every channel with a three-dimensional environment is at least $\log_2 3$, and the environment-assisting classical capacity of any qutrit channel is $\log_2 3$.
4.Tetrahedron genuine entanglement measure of four-qubit systems
Authors:Meng-Li Guo, Zhi-Xiang Jin, Bo Li, Shao-Ming Fei
Abstract: Quantifying genuine entanglement is a key task in quantum information theory. We study the quantification of genuine multipartite entanglement for four-qubit systems. Based on the concurrence of nine different classes of four-qubit states, with each class being closed under stochastic local operation and classical communication, we construct a concurrence tetrahedron. Proper genuine four-qubit entanglement measure is presented by using the volume of the concurrence tetrahedron. For non genuine entangled pure states, the four-qubit entanglement measure classifies the bi-separable entanglement. We show that the concurrence tetrahedron based measure of genuine four-qubit entanglement is not equivalent to the genuine four-partite entanglement concurrence. We illustrate the advantages of the concurrence tetrahedron by detailed examples.
5.Quantum metrology in complex systems and experimental verification by quantum simulation
Authors:Qing Ai, Yang-Yang Wang, Jing Qiu
Abstract: Quantum metrology based on quantum entanglement and quantum coherence improves the accuracy of measurement. In this paper, we briefly review the schemes of quantum metrology in various complex systems, including non-Markovian noise, correlated noise, quantum critical system. On the other hand, the booming development of quantum information allows us to utilize quantum simulation experiments to test the feasibility of various theoretical schemes and demonstrate the rich physical phenomena in complex systems, such as bound states in one-dimensional coupled cavity arrays, single-photon switches and routers.
6.Noise Decoupling for State Transfer in Continuous Variable Systems
Authors:Fattah Sakuldee, Behnam Tonekaboni
Abstract: We consider a toy model of noise channels, given by a random mixture of unitary operations, for state transfer problems with continuous variables. Assuming that the path between the transmitter node and the receiver node can be intervened, we propose a noise decoupling protocol to manipulate the noise channels generated by linear and quadratic polynomials of creation and annihilation operators, to achieve an identity channel, hence the term noise decoupling. For random constant noise, the target state can be recovered while for the general noise profile, the decoupling can be done when the interventions are fast compared to the noise. We show that the state at the transmitter can be written as a convolution of the target state and a filter function characterizing the noise and the manipulation scheme. We also briefly discuss that a similar analysis can be extended to the case of higher-order polynomial generators. Finally, we demonstrate the protocols by numerical calculations.
7.Randomness Certification from Multipartite Quantum Steering for Arbitrary Dimensional Systems
Authors:Yi Li, Yu Xiang, Xiao-Dong Yu, H. Chau Nguyen, Otfried Gühne, Qiongyi He
Abstract: Entanglement in bipartite systems has been applied for the generation of secure random numbers, which are playing an important role in cryptography or scientific numerical simulations. Here, we propose to use multipartite entanglement distributed between trusted and untrusted parties for generating randomness of arbitrary dimensional systems. We show that the distributed structure of several parties leads to additional protection against possible attacks by an eavesdropper, resulting in more secure randomness generated than in the corresponding bipartite scenario. Especially, randomness can be certified in the group of untrusted parties, even there is no randomness exists in either of them individually. We prove that the necessary and sufficient resource for quantum randomness in this scenario is multipartite quantum steering when two measurement settings are performed on the untrusted parties. However, the sufficiency no longer holds with more measurement settings. Finally, we apply our analysis to some experimentally realized states and show that more randomness can be extracted in comparison to the existing analysis.
8.Imaging of high-frequency electromagnetic field by multipulse sensing using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond
Authors:Shintaro Nomura, Hideyuki Watanabe, Satoshi Kashiwaya
Abstract: Near-field enhancement of the microwave field is applied for imaging high frequency radio field using a diamond chip with an $n$-doped isotopically purified diamond layer grown by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition. A short $\pi$ pulse length enables us to utilize a multipulse dynamic decoupling method for detection of radio frequency field at 19.23 MHz. An extraordinary frequency resolution of the external magnetic field detection is achieved by using amplitude-shaped control pulses. Our method opens up the possibility for high-frequency-resolution RF imaging at $\mu$m spatial resolution using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond.
9.Quantum support vector machines for classification and regression on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors:Teppei Suzuki, Takashi Hasebe, Tsubasa Miyazaki
Abstract: The quantum kernel method is one of the most important methods in quantum machine learning. In the present work, we investigate our quantum machine learning models based on quantum support vector classification (QSVC) and quantum support vector regression (QSVR), using a quantum-circuit simulator (with or without noise) as well as the IonQ Harmony quantum processor. A dataset containing fraudulent credit card transactions and image datasets (the MNIST and the Fashion-MNIST datasets) were used for the QSVC tasks, whereas a financial dataset and a materials dataset were used for the QSVR tasks. For the classification tasks, the performance of our QSVC models using the trapped-ion quantum computer with 4 qubits was comparable to that obtained from noiseless quantum-computing simulations, in agreement with the results of our device-noise simulations with various values for qubit-gate error rates. For the regression tasks, the use of a low-rank approximation to the noisy quantum kernel in combination with hyperparameter tuning in {\epsilon}-SVR can be a useful approach for improving the performance and robustness of the QSVR models on the near-term quantum device. Our results suggest that the quantum kernel described by our shallow quantum circuit can be used for both QSVC and QSVR tasks, indicating its robustness to noise and its versatility to different datasets.
10.Reflectionless pseudospin-1 Dirac systems via Darboux transformation and flat band solutions
Authors:Vit Jakubsky, Kevin Zelaya
Abstract: This manuscript explores the Darboux transformation employed in the construction of exactly solvable models for pseudospin-one particles described by the Dirac-type equation. We focus on the settings where a flat band of zero energy is present in the spectrum of the initial system. Using the flat band state as one of the seed solutions substantially improves the applicability of the Darboux transformation, for it becomes necessary to ensure the Hermiticy of the new Hamiltonians. This is illustrated explicitly in four examples, where we show that the new Hamiltonians can describe quasi-particles in Lieb lattice with inhomogeneous hopping amplitudes.
11.Use of Non-Maximal entangled state for free space BBM92 quantum key distribution protocol
Authors:Ayan Biswas, Sarika Mishra, Satyajeet Patil, Anindya Banerji, Shashi Prabhakar, Ravindra P. Singh
Abstract: Satellite-based quantum communication for secure key distribution is becoming a more demanding field of research due to its unbreakable security. Prepare and measure protocols such as BB84 consider the satellite as a trusted device, fraught with danger looking at the current trend for satellite-based optical communication. Therefore, entanglement-based protocols must be preferred since, along with overcoming the distance limitation, one can consider the satellite as an untrusted device too. E91 protocol is a good candidate for satellite-based quantum communication; but the key rate is low as most of the measured qubits are utilized to verify a Bell-CHSH inequality to ensure security against Eve. An entanglement-based protocol requires a maximally entangled state for more secure key distribution. The current work discusses the effect of non-maximality on secure key distribution. It establishes a lower bound on the non-maximality condition below which no secure key can be extracted. BBM92 protocol will be more beneficial for key distribution as we found a linear connection between the extent of violation for Bell-CHSH inequality and the quantum bit error rate for a given setup.
12.The power of photons: Cavity-mediated energy transfer between quantum devices
Authors:Alba Crescente
Abstract: The coherent energy transfer between a quantum charger and a quantum battery is analyzed. In particular, we study how to improve the direct energy transfer by adding a photonic cavity as a mediator. We show that the additional degree of freedom given by the photons consistently improves the transfer performances, above all in the off-resonant case, where there is a mismatch in the energy levels. An experimental feasible way to switch-on and off the interaction between each part of the systems and the possibility of changing the energy levels mismatch will be described, in view of finding the best working setup.
13.Heralded three-photon entanglement from a single-photon source on a photonic chip
Authors:Si Chen, Li-Chao Peng, Yong-Peng Guo, Xue-Mei Gu, Xing Ding, Run-Ze Liu, Xiang You, Jian Qin, Yun-Fei Wang, Yu-Ming He, Jelmer J. Renema, Yong-Heng Huo, Hui Wang, Chao-Yang Lu, Jian-Wei Pan
Abstract: In the quest to build general-purpose photonic quantum computers, fusion-based quantum computation has risen to prominence as a promising strategy. This model allows a ballistic construction of large cluster states which are universal for quantum computation, in a scalable and loss-tolerant way without feed-forward, by fusing many small n-photon entangled resource states. However, a key obstacle to this architecture lies in efficiently generating the required essential resource states on photonic chips. One such critical seed state that has not yet been achieved is the heralded three-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (3-GHZ) state. Here, we address this elementary resource gap, by reporting the first experimental realization of a heralded dual-rail encoded 3-GHZ state. Our implementation employs a low-loss and fully programmable photonic chip that manipulates six indistinguishable single photons of wavelengths in the telecommunication regime. Conditional on the heralding detection, we obtain the desired 3-GHZ state with a fidelity 0.573+-0.024. Our work marks an important step for the future fault-tolerant photonic quantum computing, leading to the acceleration of building a large-scale optical quantum computer.
14.Optimum-Preserving QUBO Parameter Compression
Authors:Sascha Mücke, Thore Gerlach, Nico Piatkowski
Abstract: Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems are well-studied, not least because they can be approached using contemporary quantum annealing or classical hardware acceleration. However, due to limited precision and hardware noise, the effective set of feasible parameter values is severely restricted. As a result, otherwise solvable problems become harder or even intractable. In this work, we study the implications of solving QUBO problems under limited precision. Specifically, it is shown that the problem's dynamic range has a crucial impact on the problem's robustness against distortions. We show this by formalizing the notion of preserving optima between QUBO instances and explore to which extend parameters can be modified without changing the set of minimizing solutions. Based on these insights, we introduce techniques to reduce the dynamic range of a given QUBO instance based on theoretical bounds of the minimal energy value. An experimental evaluation on random QUBO instances as well as QUBO-encoded Binary Clustering and Subset Sum problems show that our theoretical findings manifest in practice. Results on quantum annealing hardware show that the performance can be improved drastically when following our methodology.
15.Does entanglement enhance single-molecule pulsed biphoton spectroscopy?
Authors:Aiman Khan, Francesco Albarelli, Animesh Datta
Abstract: It depends. For a single molecule interacting with one mode of a biphoton probe, we show that the spectroscopic information has three contributions, only one of which is a genuine two-photon contribution. When all the scattered light can be measured, solely this contribution exists and can be fully extracted using unentangled measurements. Furthermore, this two-photon contribution can, in principle, be matched by an optimised but unentangled single-photon probe. When the matter system spontaneously emits into inaccessible modes, an advantage due to entanglement can not be ruled out. In practice, time-frequency entanglement does enhance spectroscopic performance of the oft-studied weakly-pumped spontaneous parametric down conversion (PDC) probes. For two-level systems and coupled dimers, more entangled PDC probes yield more spectroscopic information, even in the presence of emission into inaccessible modes. Moreover, simple, unentangled measurements can capture between 60% - 90% of the spectroscopic information. We thus establish that biphoton spectroscopy using source-engineered PDC probes and unentangled measurements can provide tangible quantum enhancement. Our work underscores the intricate role of entanglement in single-molecule spectroscopy using quantum light.
16.Cavity-Born-Oppenheimer Hartree-Fock Ansatz: Light-matter Properties of Strongly Coupled Molecular Ensembles
Authors:Thomas Schnappinger, Dominik Sidler, Michael Ruggenthaler, Angel Rubio, Markus Kowalewski
Abstract: Experimental studies indicate that optical cavities can affect chemical reactions, through either vibrational or electronic strong coupling and the quantized cavity modes. However, the current understanding of the interplay between molecules and confined light modes is incomplete. Accurate theoretical models, that take into account inter-molecular interactions to describe ensembles, are therefore essential to understand the mechanisms governing polaritonic chemistry. We present an ab-initio Hartree-Fock ansatz in the framework of the cavity Born-Oppenheimer approximation and study molecules strongly interacting with an optical cavity. This ansatz provides a non-perturbative, self-consistent description of strongly coupled molecular ensembles taking into account the cavity-mediated dipole self-energy contributions. To demonstrate the capability of the cavity Born-Oppenheimer Hartree-Fock ansatz, we study the collective effects in ensembles of strongly coupled diatomic hydrogen fluoride molecules. Our results highlight the importance of the cavity-mediated inter-molecular dipole-dipole interactions, which lead to energetic changes of individual molecules in the coupled ensemble.
17.Stronger Quantum Speed Limit For Mixed Quantum States
Authors:Shrobona Bagchi, Dimpi Thakuria, Arun Kumar Pati
Abstract: We derive a quantum speed limit for mixed quantum states using the stronger uncertainty relation for mixed quantum states and unitary evolution. We also show that this bound can be optimized over different choices of operators for obtaining a better bound. We illustrate this bound with some examples and show its better performance with respect to some earlier bounds.
18.Efficient Information Reconciliation for High-Dimensional Quantum Key Distribution
Authors:Ronny Mueller, Domenico Ribezzo, Mujtaba Zahidy, Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe, Davide Bacco, Søren Forchhammer
Abstract: The Information Reconciliation phase in quantum key distribution has significant impact on the range and throughput of any QKD system. We explore this stage for high-dimensional QKD implementations and introduce two novel methods for reconciliation. The methods are based on nonbinary LDPC codes and the Cascade algorithm, and achieve efficiencies close the the Slepian-Wolf bound on q-ary symmetric channels.
19.Preparation of two-qubit entangled states on a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg diamond spin cluster by controlling the measurement
Authors:A. R. Kuzmak
Abstract: The preparation of entangled quantum states is an inherent and indispensable step for the implementation of many quantum information algorithms. Depending on the physical system, there are different ways to control and measure them, which allow one to achieve the predefined quantum states. The diamond spin cluster is the system that can be applied for this purpose. Moreover, such a system appears in chemical compounds such as the natural mineral azurite, where the $Cu^{2+}$ are arranged in a spin-1/2 diamond chain. Herein, we propose the method of preparation of pure entangled states on the Ising-Heisenberg spin-1/2 diamond cluster. We suppose that the cluster consists of two central spins which are described by an anisotropic Heisenberg model and interact with the side spins via Ising interaction. Controlling the measurement direction of the side (central) spins allows us to achieve predefined pure quantum states of the central (side) spins. We show that this directly affects the entanglement and fidelity of the prepared states. For example, we obtain conditions and fidelities for preparations of the Bell states.
20.Monolithic atom interferometry
Authors:Johannes Fiedler, Kim Lefmann, Wolf von Klitzing, Bodil Holst
Abstract: Atom and, more recently, molecule interferometers are used in fundamental research and industrial applications. Most atom interferometers rely on gratings made from laser beams, which can provide high precision but cannot reach very short wavelengths and require complex laser systems to function. Contrary to this, simple monolithic interferometers cut from single crystals offer (sub) nano-meter wavelengths with an extreme level of stability and robustness. Such devices have been conceived and demonstrated several decades ago for neutrons and electrons. Here, we propose a monolithic design for a thermal-beam molecule interferometer based on (quantum) reflection. We show, as an example, how a reflective, monolithic interferometer (Mach-Zehnder type) can be realised for a helium beam using Si(111)-H(1x1) surfaces, which have previously been demonstrated to act as very robust and stable diffractive mirrors for neutral helium atoms.
21.Measurement-induced phase transitions in the toric code
Authors:Amir-Reza Negari, Subhayan Sahu, Timothy H. Hsieh
Abstract: We show how distinct phases of matter can be generated by performing random single-qubit measurements on a subsystem of toric code. Using a parton construction, such measurements map to random Gaussian tensor networks, and in particular, random Pauli measurements map to a classical loop model in which watermelon correlators precisely determine measurement-induced entanglement. Measuring all but a 1d boundary of qubits realizes hybrid circuits involving unitary gates and projective measurements in 1+1 dimensions. We find that varying the probabilities of different Pauli measurements can drive transitions in the un-measured boundary between phases with different orders and entanglement scaling, corresponding to short and long loop phases in the classical model. Furthermore, by utilizing single-site boundary unitaries conditioned on the bulk measurement outcomes, we generate mixed state ordered phases and transitions that can be experimentally diagnosed via linear observables. This demonstrates how parton constructions provide a natural framework for measurement-based quantum computing setups to produce and manipulate phases of matter.
22.Enhanced Electron Spin Coherence in a GaAs Quantum Emitter
Authors:Giang N. Nguyen, Clemens Spinnler, Mark R. Hogg, Liang Zhai, Alisa Javadi, Carolin A. Schrader, Marcel Erbe, Marcus Wyss, Julian Ritzmann, Hans-Georg Babin, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Richard J. Warburton
Abstract: A spin-photon interface should operate with both coherent photons and a coherent spin to enable cluster-state generation and entanglement distribution. In high-quality devices, self-assembled GaAs quantum dots are near-perfect emitters of on-demand coherent photons. However, the spin rapidly decoheres via the magnetic noise arising from the host nuclei. Here, we address this drawback by implementing an all-optical nuclear-spin cooling scheme on a GaAs quantum dot. The electron-spin coherence time increases 156-fold from $T_2^*$ = 3.9 ns to 0.608 $\mu$s. The cooling scheme depends on a non-collinear term in the hyperfine interaction. The results show that such a term is present even though the strain is low and no external stress is applied. Our work highlights the potential of optically-active GaAs quantum dots as fast, highly coherent spin-photon interfaces.
23.Quantum Limits of Position and Polarizability Estimation in the Optical Near Field
Authors:Lukas Kienesberger, Thomas Juffmann, Stefan Nimmrichter
Abstract: Optical near fields are at the heart of various applications in sensing and imaging. We investigate dipole scattering as a parameter estimation problem and show that optical near-fields carry more information about the location and the polarizability of the scatterer than the respective far fields. This increase in information originates from and occurs simultaneously with the scattering process itself. Our calculations also yield the far-field localization limit for dipoles in free space.
24.High-rate quantum key distribution exceeding 110 Mb/s
Authors:Wei Li, Likang Zhang, Hao Tan, Yichen Lu, Sheng-Kai Liao, Jia Huang, Hao Li, Zhen Wang, Hao-Kun Mao, Bingze Yan, Qiong Li, Yang Liu, Qiang Zhang, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Lixing You, Feihu Xu, Jian-Wei Pan
Abstract: Quantum key distribution (QKD) can provide fundamentally proven security for secure communication. Toward application, the secret key rate (SKR) is a key figure of merit for any QKD system. So far, the SKR has been limited to about a few megabit-per-second. Here we report a QKD system that is able to generate key at a record high SKR of 115.8 Mb/s over 10-km standard fibre, and to distribute key over up to 328 km of ultra-low-loss fibre. This attributes to a multi-pixel superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with ultrahigh counting rate, an integrated transmitter that can stably encode polarization states with low error, a fast post-processing algorithm for generating key in real time and the high system clock-rate operation. The results demonstrate the feasibility of practical high-rate QKD with photonic techniques, thus opening its possibility for widespread applications.
25.Interpolating Between the Gauge and Schrödinger Pictures of Quantum Dynamics
Authors:Sayak Guha Roy, Kevin Slagle
Abstract: Although spatial locality is explicit in the Heisenberg picture of quantum dynamics, spatial locality is not explicit in the Schr\"odinger picture equations of motion. The gauge picture is a modification of Schr\"odinger's picture such that locality is explicit in the equations of motion. In order to achieve this explicit locality, the gauge picture utilizes (1) a distinct wavefunction associated with each patch of space, and (2) time-dependent unitary connections to relate the Hilbert spaces associated with nearby patches. In this work, we show that by adding an additional spatially-local term to the gauge picture equations of motion, we can effectively interpolate between the gauge and Schr\"odinger pictures, such that when this additional term has a large coefficient, all of the gauge picture wavefunctions approach the Schr\"odginer picture wavefunction (and the connections approach the identity).
26.A remark on the quantum complexity of the Kronecker coefficients
Authors:Christian Ikenmeyer, Sathyawageeswar Subramanian
Abstract: We prove that the computation of the Kronecker coefficients of the symmetric group is contained in the complexity class #BQP. This improves a recent result of Bravyi, Chowdhury, Gosset, Havlicek, and Zhu. We use only the quantum computing tools that are used in their paper and additional classical representation theoretic insights. We also prove the analogous result for the plethysm coefficients.
27.Quantum Fisher Information and multipartite entanglement in spin-1 chains
Authors:Federico Dell'Anna, Sunny Pradhan, Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi, Elisa Ercolessi
Abstract: In this paper, we study the ground state Quantum Fisher Information (QFI) in one-dimensional spin-1 models, as witness to Multipartite Entanglement. The models addressed are the Bilinear-Biquadratic model, the most general isotropic SU(2)-invariant spin-1 chain, and the XXZ spin-1 chain, both with nearest-neighbor interactions and open boundary conditions. We show that the scaling of the QFI of strictly non-local observables can be used for characterizing the phase diagrams and, in particular, for studying topological phases, where it scales maximally. Analysing its behavior at the critical phases we are also able to recover the scaling dimensions of the order parameters both for local and string observables. The numerical results have been obtained by exploiting the Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm and Tensor Network techniques.
28.Graphical CSS Code Transformation Using ZX Calculus
Authors:Jiaxin Huang, Sarah Meng Li, Lia Yeh, Aleks Kissinger, Michele Mosca, Michael Vasmer
Abstract: In this work, we present a generic approach to transform CSS codes by building upon their equivalence to phase-free ZX diagrams. Using the ZX calculus, we demonstrate diagrammatic transformations between encoding maps associated with different codes. As a motivating example, we give explicit transformations between the Steane code and the quantum Reed-Muller code, since by switching between these two codes, one can obtain a fault-tolerant universal gate set. To this end, we propose a bidirectional rewrite rule to find a (not necessarily transversal) physical implementation for any logical ZX diagram in any CSS code. We then focus on two code transformation techniques: $\textit{code morphing}$, a procedure that transforms a code while retaining its fault-tolerant gates, and $\textit{gauge fixing}$, where complimentary codes can be obtained from a common subsystem code (e.g., the Steane and the quantum Reed-Muller codes from the [[15,1,3,3]] code). We provide explicit graphical derivations for these techniques and show how ZX and graphical encoder maps relate several equivalent perspectives on these code transforming operations.
29.Landscape approximation of low energy solutions to binary optimization problems
Authors:Benjamin Y. L. Tan, Beng Yee Gan, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis
Abstract: We show how the localization landscape, originally introduced to bound low energy eigenstates of disordered wave media and many-body quantum systems, can form the basis for hardware-efficient quantum algorithms for solving binary optimization problems. Many binary optimization problems can be cast as finding low-energy eigenstates of Ising Hamiltonians. First, we apply specific perturbations to the Ising Hamiltonian such that the low energy modes are bounded by the localization landscape. Next, we demonstrate how a variational method can be used to prepare and sample from the peaks of the localization landscape. Numerical simulations of problems of up to $10$ binary variables show that the localization landscape-based sampling can outperform QAOA circuits of similar depth, as measured in terms of the probability of sampling the exact ground state.
30.High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Hadrons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED
Authors:Ron Belyansky, Seth Whitsitt, Niklas Mueller, Ali Fahimniya, Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Zohreh Davoudi, Alexey V. Gorshkov
Abstract: With the aim of studying nonperturbative out-of-equilibrium dynamics of high-energy particle collisions on quantum simulators, we investigate the scattering dynamics of lattice quantum electrodynamics in 1+1 dimensions. Working in the bosonized formulation of the model, we propose an analog circuit-QED implementation that is native to the platform, requires minimal ingredients and approximations, and enables practical schemes for particle wave-packet preparation and evolution. Furthermore, working in the thermodynamic limit, we use uniform-matrix-product-state tensor networks to construct multi-particle wave-packet states, evolve them in time, and detect outgoing particles post collision. This facilitates the numerical simulation of scattering experiments in both confined and deconfined regimes of the model at different energies, giving rise to rich phenomenology, including inelastic production of quark and meson states, meson disintegration, and dynamical string formation and breaking. We obtain elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections, together with time-resolved momentum and position distributions of the outgoing particles. This study highlights the role of classical and quantum simulation in enhancing our understanding of scattering processes in quantum field theories in real time.
31.Large Deviations Theory Beyond the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism
Authors:Federico Balducci, Mathieu Beau, Jing Yang, Andrea Gambassi, Adolfo del Campo
Abstract: The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) predicts that the average number of topological defects generated upon crossing a quantum phase transition obeys a universal scaling law with the quench time. Fluctuations in the defect number near equilibrium are approximately of Gaussian form, in agreement with the central limit theorem. Using large deviations theory, we characterize the universality of fluctuations beyond the KZM and report the exact form of the rate function in the transverse-field quantum Ising model. In addition, we characterize the scaling of large deviations in an arbitrary continuous phase transition, building on recent evidence establishing the universality of the defect number distribution.
32.Frustrating quantum batteries
Authors:Alberto Giuseppe Catalano, Salvatore Marco Giampaolo, Oliver Morsch, Vittorio Giovannetti, Fabio Franchini
Abstract: We propose to use a quantum spin chain as a device to store and release energy coherently (namely, a quantum battery) and we investigate the interplay between its internal correlations and outside decoherence. We employ the quantum Ising chain in a transverse field, and our charging protocol consists of a sudden global quantum quench in the external field to take the system out of equilibrium. Interactions with the environment and decoherence phenomena can dissipate part of the work that the chain can supply after being charged, measured by the ergotropy. We find that the system shows overall remarkably better performances, in terms of resilience, charging time, and energy storage, when topological frustration is introduced by setting AFM interactions with an odd number of sites and periodic boundary conditions. Moreover, we show that in a simple discharging protocol to an external spin, only the frustrated chain can transfer work and not just heat.
33.Semidefinite programming relaxations for quantum correlations
Authors:Armin Tavakoli, Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Peter Brown, Mateus Araújo
Abstract: Semidefinite programs are convex optimisation problems involving a linear objective function and a domain of positive semidefinite matrices. Over the last two decades, they have become an indispensable tool in quantum information science. Many otherwise intractable fundamental and applied problems can be successfully approached by means of relaxation to a semidefinite program. Here, we review such methodology in the context of quantum correlations. We discuss how the core idea of semidefinite relaxations can be adapted for a variety of research topics in quantum correlations, including nonlocality, quantum communication, quantum networks, entanglement, and quantum cryptography.
34.Nonclassicality in correlations without causal order
Authors:Ravi Kunjwal, Ognyan Oreshkov
Abstract: Causal inequalities are device-independent constraints on correlations realizable via local operations under the assumption of definite causal order between these operations. While causal inequalities in the bipartite scenario require nonclassical resources within the process-matrix framework for their violation, there exist tripartite causal inequalities that admit violations with classical resources. The tripartite case puts into question the status of a causal inequality violation as a witness of nonclassicality, i.e., there is no a priori reason to believe that quantum effects are in general necessary for a causal inequality violation. Here we propose a notion of classicality for correlations--termed deterministic consistency--that goes beyond causal inequalities. We refer to the failure of deterministic consistency for a correlation as its antinomicity, which serves as our notion of nonclassicality. Deterministic consistency is motivated by a careful consideration of the appropriate generalization of Bell inequalities--which serve as witnesses of nonclassicality for non-signalling correlations--to the case of correlations without any non-signalling constraints. This naturally leads us to the classical deterministic limit of the process matrix framework as the appropriate analogue of a local hidden variable model. We then define a hierarchy of sets of correlations--from the classical to the most nonclassical--and prove strict inclusions between them. We also propose a measure for the antinomicity of correlations--termed 'robustness of antinomy'--and apply our framework in bipartite and tripartite scenarios. A key contribution of this work is an explicit nonclassicality witness that goes beyond causal inequalities, inspired by a modification of the Guess Your Neighbour's Input (GYNI) game that we term the Guess Your Neighbour's Input or NOT (GYNIN) game.
35.'Frequency-modulated' pulsed Bell setup avoids post-selection
Authors:Mónica Agüero, Alejandro Hnilo, Marcelo Kovalsky, Myriam Nonaka
Abstract: Excepting event-ready setups, Bell experiments require post-selection of data to define coincidences. From the fundamental point of view, post-selection is a true 'logical loophole'. From the practical point of view, it implies a numerically heavy and time consuming task. In Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), it opens vulnerability in case of a hostile adversary. The core of the problem is to synchronize independent clocks during long observation runs. A pulsed source gets rid of clocks' drift, but there is still the problem of identifying the same pulse in each remote station. We use a frequency modulated pulsed source to achieve it. This immediately defines the condition of valid coincidences in a manner that is unaffected by the drift between the clocks. It allows finding the set of entangled pairs avoiding post-selection and in a way that is found to be optimal. It is also robust against a hostile adversary in the case of QKD.
36.Analysis of a Programmable Quantum Annealer as a Random Number Generator
Authors:Elijah Pelofske
Abstract: Quantum devices offer a highly useful function - that is generating random numbers in a non-deterministic way since the measurement of a quantum state is not deterministic. This means that quantum devices can be constructed that generate qubits in some uniform superposition and then measure the state of those qubits. If the preparation of the qubits in a uniform superposition is unbiased, then quantum computers can be used to create high entropy, secure random numbers. Typically, preparing and measuring such quantum systems requires more time compared to classical pseudo random number generators (PRNGs) which are inherently deterministic algorithms. Therefore, the typical use of quantum random number generators (QRNGs) is to provide high entropy secure seeds for PRNGs. Quantum annealing (QA) is an analog type of quantum computation that is a relaxed form of adiabatic quantum computation and uses quantum fluctuations in order to search for ground state solutions of a programmable Ising model. In this article we present extensive experimental random number results from a D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer, totaling over 20 billion bits of QA measurements, which is significantly larger than previous D-Wave QA random number generator studies have used. Modern quantum annealers are susceptible to noise from environmental sources and calibration errors, and are not in general unbiased samplers. Therefore, it is of interest to quantify whether noisy quantum annealers can effectively function as an unbiased QRNG. The amount of data that was collected from the quantum annealer allows a comprehensive analysis of the random bits to be performed using the NIST SP 800-22 Rev 1a testsuite. The randomness tests show that the generated random bits from the D-Wave 2000Q are biased, and not unpredictable random bit sequences.
37.Superpositions of thermalisation states in relativistic quantum field theory
Authors:Joshua Foo, Magdalena Zych
Abstract: Recent results in relativistic quantum information and quantum thermodynamics have independently shown that in the quantum regime, a system may fail to thermalise when subject to quantum-controlled application of the same, single thermalisation channel. For example, an accelerating system with fixed proper acceleration is known to thermalise to an acceleration-dependent temperature, known as the Unruh temperature. However, the same system in a superposition of spatially translated trajectories that share the same proper acceleration fails to thermalise. Here, we provide an explanation of these results using the framework of quantum field theory in relativistic noninertial reference frames. We show how a probe that accelerates in a superposition of spatial translations interacts with incommensurate sets of field modes. In special cases where the modes are orthogonal (for example, when the Rindler wedges are translated in a direction orthogonal to the plane of motion), thermalisation does indeed result, corroborating the here provided explanation. We then discuss how this description relates to an information-theoretic approach aimed at studying quantum aspects of temperature through quantum-controlled thermalisations. The present work draws a connection between research in quantum information, relativistic physics, and quantum thermodynamics, in particular showing that relativistic quantum effects can provide a natural realisation of quantum thermodynamical scenarios.
38.Hybrid quantum-classical systems: Quasi-free Markovian dynamics
Authors:Alberto Barchielli, Reinhard Werner
Abstract: In the case of a quantum-classical hybrid system with a finite number of degrees of freedom, the problem of characterizing the most general dynamical semigroup is solved, under the restriction of being "quasi-free". This is a generalization of a Gaussian dynamics, and it is defined by the property of sending (hybrid) Weyl operators into Weyl operators in the Heisenberg description. The result is a quantum generalization of the L\'evy-Khintchine formula; Gaussian and jump contributions are included. As a byproduct, the most general hybrid quantum-dynamical semigroup is obtained; on the classical side the Liouville equation and the Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equation are included. As a classical subsystem can be, in principle, observed without perturbing it, information can be extracted from the quantum system, even in continuous time; indeed, the whole construction is related to the theory of quantum measurements in continuous time. While the dynamics is formulated to give the hybrid state at a generic time t, we show how to extract multi-time probabilities and how to connect them to the quantum notions of positive operator valued measure and instrument. The structure of the generator of the dynamical semigroup is analyzed, in order to understand how to go on to non quasi-free cases and to understand the possible classical-quantum interactions; in particular, all the interaction terms which allow to extract information from the quantum system necessarily vanish if no dissipation is present in the dynamics of the quantum component. A concrete example is given, showing how a classical component can input noise into a quantum one and how the classical system can extract information on the behaviour of the quantum one.
39.Hybrid Ground-State Quantum Algorithms based on Neural Schrödinger Forging
Authors:Paulin de Schoulepnikoff, Oriel Kiss, Sofia Vallecorsa, Giuseppe Carleo, Michele Grossi
Abstract: Entanglement forging based variational algorithms leverage the bi-partition of quantum systems for addressing ground state problems. The primary limitation of these approaches lies in the exponential summation required over the numerous potential basis states, or bitstrings, when performing the Schmidt decomposition of the whole system. To overcome this challenge, we propose a new method for entanglement forging employing generative neural networks to identify the most pertinent bitstrings, eliminating the need for the exponential sum. Through empirical demonstrations on systems of increasing complexity, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves comparable or superior performance compared to the existing standard implementation of entanglement forging. Moreover, by controlling the amount of required resources, this scheme can be applied to larger, as well as non permutation invariant systems, where the latter constraint is associated with the Heisenberg forging procedure. We substantiate our findings through numerical simulations conducted on spins models exhibiting one-dimensional ring, two-dimensional triangular lattice topologies, and nuclear shell model configurations.
40.A Note on Landauer's Principle
Authors:R. E. Kastner, Andreas Schlatter
Abstract: A form of Landauer's Principle is shown to hold for thermal systems by reference to the joint entropy associated with conjugate observables. It is shown that the source of the compensating entropy for irreversible physical processes is due to the irreducible uncertainty attending values of such mutually incompatible observables. The relevant irreversibility is argued to be that of quantum measurement rather than erasure of classical memory devices, as commonly assumed.
41.Revealing spoofing of classical radar using quantum noise
Authors:Jonathan N. Blakely, Shawn D. Pethel, Kurt Jacobs
Abstract: Electromagnetic remote sensing technologies such as radar can be mislead by targets that generate spoof pulses. Typically, a would-be spoofer must make measurements to characterize a received pulse in order to design a convincing spoof pulse. The precision of such measurements are ultimately limited by quantum noise. Here we introduce a model of electromagnetic spoofing that includes effects of practical importance that were neglected in prior theoretical studies. In particular, the model includes thermal background noise and digital quantization noise, as well as loss in transmission, propagation, and reception. We derive the optimal probability of detecting a spoofer allowed by quantum physics. We show that heterodyne reception and thresholding closely approaches this optimal performance. Finally, we show that a high degree of certainty in spoof detection can be reached by Bayesian inference from a sequence of received pulses. Together these results suggest that a practically realizable receiver could plausibly detect a radar spoofer by observing errors in the spoof pulses due to quantum noise.