Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 15 Jun 2023
1.Quantum Secret Reconstruction
Authors:Ruihai Ma, Fei Gao, Song Lin
Abstract: In addition to secret splitting, secret reconstruction is another important component of secret sharing. In this paper, the first quantum secret reconstruction protocol based on cluster states is proposed. Before the protocol, a classical secret is divided into multiple shares, which are distributed among shareholders via secret splitting. In the protocol, the dealer utilizes her secret to encrypt a private quantum state, and sends the encrypted state to a combiner chosen by her from the shareholders. With the help of other shareholders, the combiner utilizes the properties of cluster states to recover the privacy quantum state. It is shown that the proposed protocol is secure against several common attacks, including external and internal attacks. Compared with classical secret reconstruction protocols, this protocol not only achieves theoretical security of all shares, but also is more efficient due to reducing the distribution cost and computation cost. To demonstrate the feasibility of the protocol, a corresponding simulation quantum experiment is conducted on the IBM Q platform. Furthermore, in conjunction with quantum fingerprinting, it can be directly applied to achieve the task of multiple secrets sharing, because the classical shares can be reused in the proposed protocol.
2.Shadow-based quantum subspace algorithm for the nuclear shell model
Authors:Ruyu Yang, Tianren Wang, Bing-Nan Lu, Ying Li, Xiaosi Xu
Abstract: In recent years, researchers have been exploring the applications of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computation in various fields. One important area in which quantum computation can outperform classical computers is the ground state problem of a many-body system, e.g., the nucleus. However, using a quantum computer in the NISQ era to solve a meaningful-scale system remains a challenge. To calculate the ground energy of nuclear systems, we propose a new algorithm that combines classical shadow and subspace diagonalization techniques. Our subspace is composed of matrices, with the basis of the subspace being the classical shadow of the quantum state. We test our algorithm on nuclei described by Cohen-Kurath shell model and USD shell model. We find that the accuracy of the results improves as the number of shots increases, following the Heisenberg scaling.
3.Vibrational response functions for multidimensional electronic spectroscopy: from Duschinsky rotations to multimode squeezed coherent states
Authors:Frank Ernesto Quintela Rodriguez, Filippo Troiani
Abstract: Multidimensional spectroscopy unveils the interplay of nuclear and electronic dynamics, which characterizes the ultrafast dynamics of various molecular and solid-state systems. In a widely used class of models used for the simulation of such dynamics, field-induced transitions between electronic states result in linear transformations (Duschinsky rotations) between the normal coordinates of the vibrational modes. Here we present an approach for the calculation of the response functions, based on the explicit derivation of the vibrational state. This can be shown to coincide with a multimode squeezed coherent state, whose expression we derive within a quantum-optical formalism, and specifically by the sequential application to the initial state of rotation, displacement and squeeze operators. This approach potentially simplifies the numerical derivation of the response function, avoiding the time integration of the Schr\"odinger equation or the Hamiltonian diagonalization, combined with the sum over infinite vibronic pathways. Besides, it quantitatively substantiates in the considered models the intuitive interpretation of the response function in terms of the vibrational wave packet dynamics.
4.Toward collective chemistry by strong light-matter coupling
Authors:Bing Gu
Abstract: Strong light-matter coupling provides a versatile and novel means to manipulate chemical processes. Here we develop a theoretical framework to investigate the spectroscopy and dynamics of a molecular ensemble embedded in an optical cavity under the collective strong coupling regime. This theory is constructed by a pseudoparticle representation of the molecular Hamiltonians, mapping the polaritonic Hamiltonian into a coupled fermion-boson model under particle number constraints. The mapped model is then analyzed using the non-equilibrium Green function theory with the important self-energy diagrams identified through power counting. Numerical demonstrations are shown for the driven Tavis-Cummings model, which shows an excellent agreement with exact results.
5.Algorithmic Cluster Expansions for Quantum Problems
Authors:Ryan L. Mann, Romy M. Minko
Abstract: We establish a general framework for developing approximation algorithms for a class of counting problems. Our framework is based on the cluster expansion of abstract polymer models formalism of Koteck\'y and Preiss. We apply our framework to obtain efficient algorithms for (1) approximating probability amplitudes of a class of quantum circuits close to the identity, (2) approximating expectation values of a class of quantum circuits with operators close to the identity, (3) approximating partition functions of a class of quantum spin systems at high temperature, and (4) approximating thermal expectation values of a class of quantum spin systems at high temperature with positive-semidefinite operators. Further, we obtain hardness of approximation results for approximating probability amplitudes of quantum circuits and partition functions of quantum spin systems. This establishes a computational complexity transition for these problems and shows that our algorithmic conditions are optimal under complexity-theoretic assumptions. Finally, we show that our algorithmic condition is almost optimal for expectation values and optimal for thermal expectation values in the sense of zero freeness.
6.Ergotropic interpretation of entanglement entropy
Authors:Dominik Šafránek
Abstract: Entanglement entropy is one of the most prominent measures in quantum physics. We show that it has an interesting ergotropic interpretation in terms of unitarily extracted work. It determines how much energy one can extract from a source of pure unknown states by applying unitary operations when only local measurements can be performed to characterize this source. Additionally, entanglement entropy sets a limit on the minimal temperature to which these partially characterized states can be cooled down, by using only unitary operations.
7.Solution of a $5$-state Landau-Zener model and applications to Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains
Authors:Rongyu Hu, Fuxiang Li, Chen Sun
Abstract: We study a $5$-state Landau-Zener model which cannot be solved by integrability methods. By analyzing analytical constraints on its scattering matrix combined with fitting to results from numerical simulations of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation, we find nearly exact analytical expressions of all its transition probabilities. We further apply this model to study a $5$-site Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain with couplings changing linearly in time. Our work points out a new possibility to solve multistate Landau-Zener models not necessarily integrable and with insufficient numbers of constraints on their scattering matrices.
8.Characterizing quantum chaoticity of kicked spin chains
Authors:Tabea Herrmann, Maximilian F. I. Kieler, Arnd Bäcker
Abstract: Quantum many-body systems are commonly considered as quantum chaotic if their spectral statistics, such as the level spacing distribution, agree with those of random matrix theory. Using the example of the kicked Ising chain we demonstrate that even if both level spacing distribution and eigenvector statistics agree well with random matrix predictions, the entanglement entropy deviates from the expected Page curve. To explain this observation we propose a new measure of the effective spin interactions and obtain the corresponding random matrix result. By this the deviations of the entanglement entropy can be attributed to significantly different behavior of the $k$-spin interactions compared to RMT.
9.Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Nonlinear Open Quantum Mechanics
Authors:Marc Roda-Llordes, Davide Candoli, Piotr T. Grochowski, Andreu Riera-Campeny, Thomas Agrenius, Juan José García-Ripoll, Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero, Oriol Romero-Isart
Abstract: We introduce a numerical method to simulate nonlinear open quantum dynamics of a particle in situations where its state undergoes significant expansion in phase space while generating small quantum features at the phase-space Planck scale. Our approach involves simulating the Wigner function in a time-dependent frame that leverages information from the classical trajectory to efficiently represent the quantum state in phase space. To demonstrate the capabilities of our method, we examine the open quantum dynamics of a particle evolving in a one-dimensional weak quartic potential after initially being ground-state cooled in a tight harmonic potential. This numerical approach is particularly relevant to ongoing efforts to design, optimize, and understand experiments targeting the preparation of macroscopic quantum superposition states of massive particles through nonlinear quantum dynamics.
10.Multipurpose Quantum Thermodynamic Operations
Authors:Joe Dunlop, Federico Cerisola, Jorge Tabanera-Bravo, Janet Anders
Abstract: Much recent research has focused on establishing the thermodynamic cost of quantum operations acting on single input states. However, information processing, quantum or classical, relies on channels transforming multiple input states to different corresponding outputs. In Ref. [1] the existence of a bound on the work extraction for multiple inputs was proven. However, no specifics were provided for how optimal multipurpose operations may be constructed, and no upper limit on the dissipated work was given. For the insightful case of qubits, we here give explicit protocols to implement work extraction on multiple states. We first prove conditions on the feasibility of carrying out such transformations at all. Furthermore, we quantify the achievable work extraction, and find that there is a dramatic penalty for multipurpose operations. Our results will be relevant for the growing field of quantum technologies in the thermodynamic assessment of all quantum information processing tasks.
11.Shor's Factoring Algorithm and Modular Exponentiation Operators: A Pedagogical Presentation with Examples
Authors:Robert L Singleton Jr
Abstract: These are pedagogical notes on Shor's factoring algorithm, which is a quantum algorithm for factoring very large numbers (of order of hundreds to thousands of bits) in polynomial time. In contrast, all known classical algorithms for the factoring problem take an exponential time to factor large numbers. In these notes, we assume no prior knowledge of Shor's algorithm beyond a basic familiarity with the circuit model of quantum computing. The literature is thick with derivations and expositions of Shor's algorithm, but most of them seem to be lacking in essential details, and none of them provide a pedagogical presentation. We develop the theory of modular exponentiation (ME) operators in some detail, one of the fundamental components of Shor's algorithm, and the place where most of the quantum resources are deployed. We also discuss the post-quantum processing and the method of continued fractions, which is used to extract the exact period of the modular exponential function from the approximately measured phase angles of the ME operator. The manuscript then moves on to a series of examples. We first verify the formalism by factoring N=15, the smallest number accessible to Shor's algorithm. We then proceed to factor larger numbers, developing a systematic procedure that will find the ME operators for any semi-prime $N = p \times q$ (where $q$ and~$p$ are prime). Finally, we factor the numbers N=21, 33, 35, 143, 247 using the Qiskit simulator. It is observed that the ME operators are somewhat forgiving, and truncated approximate forms are able to extract factors just as well as the exact operators. This is because the method of continued fractions only requires an approximate phase value for its input, which suggests that implementing Shor's algorithm might not be as difficult as first suspected.
12.Robust gates with spin-locked superconducting qubits
Authors:Ido Zuk, Daniel Cohen, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Alex Retzker
Abstract: Dynamical decoupling has been shown to be effective in reducing gate errors in most quantum computation platforms and is therefore projected to play an essential role in future fault-tolerant constructions. In superconducting circuits, however, it has proven difficult to utilize the benefits of dynamical decoupling. In this work, we present a theoretical proposal that incorporates a continuous version of dynamical decoupling, namely spin locking, with a coupler-based CZ gate for transmons and provide analytical and numerical results that demonstrate its effectiveness.
13.A Review on Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm and its Variants
Authors:Kostas Blekos, Dean Brand, Andrea Ceschini, Chiao-Hui Chou, Rui-Hao Li, Komal Pandya, Alessandro Summer
Abstract: The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a highly promising variational quantum algorithm that aims to solve combinatorial optimization problems that are classically intractable. This comprehensive review offers an overview of the current state of QAOA, encompassing its performance analysis in diverse scenarios, its applicability across various problem instances, and considerations of hardware-specific challenges such as error susceptibility and noise resilience. Additionally, we conduct a comparative study of selected QAOA extensions and variants, while exploring future prospects and directions for the algorithm. We aim to provide insights into key questions about the algorithm, such as whether it can outperform classical algorithms and under what circumstances it should be used. Keywords: QAOA, Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs), Quantum Optimization, Combinatorial Optimization Problems, NISQ Algorithms
14.Scalable Quantum Networks: Congestion-Free Hierarchical Entanglement Routing with Error Correction
Authors:Hyeongrak Choi, Marc G. Davis, Álvaro G. Iñesta, Dirk R. Englund
Abstract: We propose quantum tree networks for hierarchical multi-flow entanglement routing. The end nodes on the leaves of the tree communicate through the routers at internal nodes. In a $k$-ary tree network, each node is connected to $k$ nodes in the lower layer, and the channel length connecting two nodes grows with rate $a_k$ as we move from the leaf to the root node. This architecture enables the qubit-per-node overhead for congestion-free and error-corrected operations to be sublinear in the number of end nodes, $N$. The overhead scaling for $k$-ary tree is $O(N^{\log_k a_k} \cdot \log_k N)$. Specifically, the square-lattice distributed end nodes with the quaternary tree routing leads to an overhead $\sim O(\sqrt{N}\cdot\log_4 N)$. For a minimal surface-covering tree, the overhead $\sim O(N^{0.25}\cdot\log_4 N)$ for $k=4$ and is sublinear for all $k$. We performed network simulations of quantum tree networks that exhibits size-independent threshold behavior. The routing in tree network does not require time-consuming multi-path finding algorithms. These properties satisfy the essential requirements for scalable quantum networks.
15.Chirped Bloch-Harmonic oscillations in a parametrically forced optical lattice
Authors:Usman Ali, Martin Holthaus, Torsten Meier
Abstract: The acceleration theorem for wavepacket propagation in periodic potentials disentangles the kspace dynamics and real-space dynamics. This is well known and understood for Bloch oscillations and super Bloch oscillations in the presence of position-independent forces. Here, we analyze the dynamics of a model system in which the k-space dynamics and the real-space dynamics are inextricably intertwined due to a position-dependent force which is provided by a parabolic trap. We demonstrate that this coupling gives rise to significantly modified and rich dynamics when the lattice is shaken by a modulated parabolic potential. The dynamics range from chirped Bloch-Harmonic oscillations to the asymmetric spreading oscillations. We analyze these findings by tracing the spatio-temporal dynamics in real space and by visualizing the relative phase in the k-space dynamics which leads to an accurate explanation of the obtained phenomena. We also compare our numerical results to a local acceleration model and obtain very good agreement for the case of coherent oscillations, however, deviations for oscillations with spreading dynamics which altogether supports the interpretations of our findings.
16.Stabilizer Testing and Magic Entropy
Authors:Kaifeng Bu, Weichen Gu, Arthur Jaffe
Abstract: We introduce systematic protocols to perform stabilizer testing for quantum states and gates. These protocols are based on quantum convolutions and swap-tests, realized by quantum circuits that implement the quantum convolution for both qubit and qudit systems. We also introduce ''magic entropy'' to quantify magic in quantum states and gates, in a way which may be measurable experimentally.
17.Quantum JPEG
Authors:Simone Roncallo, Lorenzo Maccone, Chiara Macchiavello
Abstract: The JPEG algorithm compresses a digital image by filtering its high spatial-frequency components. Similarly, we introduce a quantum protocol that uses the quantum Fourier transform to discard the high-frequency qubits of the image. This allows to capture, compress and send images even with limited quantum resources for storage and communication, at the cost of reducing the resolution of the output. We show under which conditions this protocol is advantageous with respect to its classical counterpart.
18.Instantaneous nonlocal quantum computation and circuit depth reduction
Authors:Li Yu, Jie Xu, Fuqun Wang, Chui-Ping Yang
Abstract: Instantaneous two-party quantum computation is a computation process in which there are initial shared entanglement, and the nonlocal interactions are limited to simultaneous classical communication in both directions. It is almost equivalent to the problem of instantaneous measurements, and is related to some topics in quantum foundations and position-based quantum cryptography. In this work we show an efficient protocol for instantaneous two-party quantum computation (or measurement). Its entanglement cost is proportional to the T-gate count when the quantum circuit is decomposed into Clifford gates and T gates. It makes use of a garden-hose gadget from the study of quantum homomorphic encryption. This protocol makes a class of quantum position verification schemes insecure. Independent from the main result, we show that any unitary circuit consisting of layers of Clifford gates and T gates can be implemented using a circuit with measurements (or a unitary circuit) of depth proportional to the T-depth of the original circuit. This matches a corresponding result in measurement-based quantum computation. This is of limited use since interesting quantum algorithms often require a high ratio of T gates, but still we discuss some extensions and applications of the second result.
19.Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain
Authors:Eliott Rosenberg, Trond Andersen, Rhine Samajdar, Andre Petukhov, Jesse Hoke, Dmitry Abanin, Andreas Bengtsson, Ilya Drozdov, Catherine Erickson, Paul Klimov, Xiao Mi, Alexis Morvan, Matthew Neeley, Charles Neill, Rajeev Acharya, Igor Aleiner, Richard Allen, Kyle Anderson, Markus Ansmann, Frank Arute, Kunal Arya, Abraham Asfaw, Juan Atalaya, Joseph Bardin, A. Bilmes, Gina Bortoli, Alexandre Bourassa, Jenna Bovaird, Leon Brill, Michael Broughton, Bob B. Buckley, David Buell, Tim Burger, Brian Burkett, Nicholas Bushnell, Juan Campero, Hung-Shen Chang, Zijun Chen, Benjamin Chiaro, Desmond Chik, Josh Cogan, Roberto Collins, Paul Conner, William Courtney, Alexander Crook, Ben Curtin, Dripto Debroy, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Sean Demura, Agustin Di Paolo, Andrew Dunsworth, Clint Earle, E. Farhi, Reza Fatemi, Vinicius Ferreira, Leslie Flores, Ebrahim Forati, Austin Fowler, Brooks Foxen, Gonzalo Garcia, Élie Genois, William Giang, Craig Gidney, Dar Gilboa, Marissa Giustina, Raja Gosula, Alejandro Grajales Dau, Jonathan Gross, Steve Habegger, Michael Hamilton, Monica Hansen, Matthew Harrigan, Sean Harrington, Paula Heu, Gordon Hill, Markus Hoffmann, Sabrina Hong, Trent Huang, Ashley Huff, William Huggins, Lev Ioffe, Sergei Isakov, Justin Iveland, Evan Jeffrey, Zhang Jiang, Cody Jones, Pavol Juhas, D. Kafri, Tanuj Khattar, Mostafa Khezri, Mária Kieferová, Seon Kim, Alexei Kitaev, Andrey Klots, Alexander Korotkov, Fedor Kostritsa, John Mark Kreikebaum, David Landhuis, Pavel Laptev, Kim Ming Lau, Lily Laws, Joonho Lee, Kenneth Lee, Yuri Lensky, Brian Lester, Alexander Lill, Wayne Liu, William P. Livingston, A. Locharla, Salvatore Mandrà, Orion Martin, Steven Martin, Jarrod McClean, Matthew McEwen, Seneca Meeks, Kevin Miao, Amanda Mieszala, Shirin Montazeri, Ramis Movassagh, Wojciech Mruczkiewicz, Ani Nersisyan, Michael Newman, Jiun How Ng, Anthony Nguyen, Murray Nguyen, M. Niu, Thomas O'Brien, Seun Omonije, Alex Opremcak, Rebecca Potter, Leonid Pryadko, Chris Quintana, David Rhodes, Charles Rocque, N. Rubin, Negar Saei, Daniel Sank, Kannan Sankaragomathi, Kevin Satzinger, Henry Schurkus, Christopher Schuster, Michael Shearn, Aaron Shorter, Noah Shutty, Vladimir Shvarts, Volodymyr Sivak, Jindra Skruzny, Clarke Smith, Rolando Somma, George Sterling, Doug Strain, Marco Szalay, Douglas Thor, Alfredo Torres, Guifre Vidal, Benjamin Villalonga, Catherine Vollgraff Heidweiller, Theodore White, Bryan Woo, Cheng Xing, Jamie Yao, Ping Yeh, Juhwan Yoo, Grayson Young, Adam Zalcman, Yaxing Zhang, Ningfeng Zhu, Nicholas Zobrist, Hartmut Neven, Ryan Babbush, Dave Bacon, Sergio Boixo, Jeremy Hilton, Erik Lucero, Anthony Megrant, Julian Kelly, Yu Chen, Vadim Smelyanskiy, Vedika Khemani, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Tomaž Prosen, Pedram Roushan
Abstract: Understanding universal aspects of quantum dynamics is an unresolved problem in statistical mechanics. In particular, the spin dynamics of the 1D Heisenberg model were conjectured to belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class based on the scaling of the infinite-temperature spin-spin correlation function. In a chain of 46 superconducting qubits, we study the probability distribution, $P(\mathcal{M})$, of the magnetization transferred across the chain's center. The first two moments of $P(\mathcal{M})$ show superdiffusive behavior, a hallmark of KPZ universality. However, the third and fourth moments rule out the KPZ conjecture and allow for evaluating other theories. Our results highlight the importance of studying higher moments in determining dynamic universality classes and provide key insights into universal behavior in quantum systems.
20.Causal classification of spatiotemporal quantum correlations
Authors:Minjeong Song, Varun Narasimhachar, Bartosz Regula, Thomas J. Elliott, Mile Gu
Abstract: From correlations in measurement outcomes alone, can two otherwise isolated parties establish whether such correlations are atemporal? That is, can they rule out that they have been given the same system at two different times? Classical statistics says no, yet quantum theory disagrees. Here, we introduce the necessary and sufficient conditions by which such quantum correlations can be identified as atemporal. We demonstrate the asymmetry of atemporality under time reversal, and reveal it to be a measure of spatial quantum correlation distinct from entanglement. Our results indicate that certain quantum correlations possess an intrinsic arrow of time, and enable classification of general quantum correlations across space-time based on their (in)compatibility with various underlying causal structures.