Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Tue, 05 Sep 2023
1.Topological synchronization of fractionalized spins
Authors:Christopher W. Wächtler, Joel E. Moore
Abstract: The gapped symmetric phase of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model exhibits fractionalized spins at the ends of an open chain. We show that breaking SU(2) symmetry and applying a global spin-lowering dissipator achieves synchronization of these fractionalized spins. Additional local dissipators ensure convergence to the ground state manifold. In order to understand which aspects of this synchronization are robust within the entire Haldane-gap phase, we reduce the biquadratic term which eliminates the need for an external field but destabilizes synchronization. Within the ground state subspace, stability is regained using only the global lowering dissipator. These results demonstrate that fractionalized degrees of freedom can be synchronized in extended systems with a significant degree of robustness arising from topological protection.
2.Multi-mode quantum correlation generated from an unbalanced SU(1,1) interferometer using ultra-short laser pulses as pump
Authors:Xueshi Guo, Wen Zhao, Xiaoying Li, Z. Y. Ou
Abstract: Multi-mode entanglement is one of the critical resource in quantum information technology. Generating large scale multi-mode entanglement state by coherently combining time-delayed continuous variables Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs with linear beam-splitters has been widely studied recently. Here we theoretically investigate the multi-mode quantum correlation property of the optical fields generated from an unbalanced SU(1,1) interferometer pumped ultra-short pulses, which generates multi-mode entangled state by using a non-degenerate parametric processes to coherently combine delayed Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs in different frequency band. The covariance matrix of the generated multi-mode state is derived analytically for arbitrary mode number $M$ within adjacent timing slot, which shows a given mode is maximally correlated to 5 other modes. Based on the derived covariance matrix, both photon number correlation and quadrature amplitude correlation of the generated state is analyzed. We also extend our analyzing method to the scheme of generating entangled state by using linear beam splitter as a coherent combiner of delayed EPR pairs, and compare the states generated by the two coherently combining schemes. Our result provides a comprehensive theoretical description on the quantum correlations generated from an unbalanced SU(1,1) interferometer within Gaussian system range, and will offer more perspectives to quantum information technology.
3.Anomalous Thermodynamic Cost of Clock Synchronization
Authors:Cheng Yang, Jiteng Sheng, Haibin Wu
Abstract: Clock synchronization is critically important in positioning, navigation and timing systems. While its performance has been intensively studied in a wide range of disciplines, much less is known for the fundamental thermodynamics of clock synchronization, what limits the precision and how to optimize the energy cost for clock synchronization. Here, we report the first experimental investigation of two stochastic clocks synchronization, unveiling the thermodynamic relation between the entropy cost and clock synchronization in an open cavity optomechanical system. Two autonomous clocks are synchronized spontaneously by engineering the controllable photon-mediated dissipative optomechanical coupling and the disparate decay rates of hybrid modes. The measured dependence of the degree of synchronization on entropy cost exhibits an unexpected non-monotonic characteristic, indicating that the perfect clock synchronization does not cost the maximum entropy and there exists an optimum. The investigation of transient dynamics of clock synchronization exposes a trade-off between energy and time consumption. Our results reveal the fundamental relation between clock synchronization and thermodynamics, and have a great potential for precision measurements, distributed quantum networks, and biological science.
4.Atomic diffraction from single-photon transitions in gravity and Standard-Model extensions
Authors:Alexander Bott, Fabio Di Pumpo, Enno Giese
Abstract: Single-photon transitions are one of the key technologies for designing and operating very-long-baseline atom interferometers tailored for terrestrial gravitational-wave and dark-matter detection. Since such setups aim at the detection of relativistic and beyond-Standard-Model physics, the analysis of interferometric phases as well as of atomic diffraction must be performed to this precision and including these effects. In contrast, most treatments focused on idealized diffraction so far. Here, we study single-photon transitions, both magnetically-induced and direct ones, in gravity and Standard-Model extensions modeling dark matter as well as Einstein-equivalence-principle violations. We take into account relativistic effects like the coupling of internal to center-of-mass degrees of freedom, induced by the mass defect, as well as the gravitational redshift of the diffracting light pulse. To this end, we also include chirping of the light pulse required by terrestrial setups, as well as its associated modified momentum transfer for single-photon transitions.
5.Time delays in anisotropic systems
Authors:Ulf Saalmann, Jan M. Rost
Abstract: Scattering properties and time delays for general (non-symmetric) potentials in terms of the respective S-matrices are discussed paradigmatically in one dimension and in comparison to symmetric potentials. Only for the latter the Wigner and Smith time delays coincide. Considering asymmetric potentials also reveals that only one version of S-matrices used in the literature (the one with reflection coefficients on the diagonal) generalizes to the asymmetric case. Finally, we give a criterion how to identify a potential with intrinsic symmetry which behaves like an asymmetric one if it is merely offset from the scattering center.
6.Quantum control landscape for generation of $H$ and $T$ gates in an open qubit with both coherent and environmental drive
Authors:Vadim Petruhanov, Alexander Pechen
Abstract: An important problem in quantum computation is generation of single-qubit quantum gates such as Hadamard ($H$) and $\pi/8$ ($T$) gates which are components of a universal set of gates. Qubits in experimental realizations of quantum computing devices are interacting with their environment. While the environment is often considered as an obstacle leading to decrease of the gate fidelity, in some cases it can be used as a resource. Here we consider the problem of optimal generation of $H$ and $T$ gates using coherent control and the environment as a resource acting on the qubit via incoherent control. For this problem, we study quantum control landscape which represents the behaviour of the infidelity as a functional of the controls. We consider three landscapes, with infidelities defined by steering between two, three (via Goerz-Reich-Koch approach), and four matrices in the qubit Hilbert space. We observe that for the $H$ gate, which is Clifford gate, for all three infidelities the distributions of minimal values obtained with gradient search have a simple form with just one peak. However, for $T$ gate which is a non-Clifford gate, the situation is surprisingly different - this distribution for the infidelity defined by two matrices also has one peak, whereas distributions for the infidelities defined by three and four matrices have two peaks, that might indicate possible existence of two isolated minima in the control landscape. Important is that among these three infidelities only those defined with three and four matrices guarantee closeness of generated gate to a target and can be used as a good measure of closeness. We study sets of optimized solutions for this most general and not treated before case of coherent and incoherent controls acting together, and discover that they form submanifolds in the control space, and unexpected, in some cases two isolated submanifolds.
7.Some log-convexity theorems on quantum entropies
Authors:Saptak Bhattacharya
Abstract: In this paper, we prove log-convexity of some parametrized versions of the relative entropy and fidelity. We also look at a R\'enyi generalization of relative entropy difference introduced by Seshadreesan et. al. in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) and give a counterexample to one of their conjectures.
8.A Control Architecture for Entanglement Generation Switches in Quantum Networks
Authors:Scarlett Gauthier, Gayane Vardoyan, Stephanie Wehner
Abstract: Entanglement between quantum network nodes is often produced using intermediary devices - such as heralding stations - as a resource. When scaling quantum networks to many nodes, requiring a dedicated intermediary device for every pair of nodes introduces high costs. Here, we propose a cost-effective architecture to connect many quantum network nodes via a central quantum network hub called an Entanglement Generation Switch (EGS). The EGS allows multiple quantum nodes to be connected at a fixed resource cost, by sharing the resources needed to make entanglement. We propose an algorithm called the Rate Control Protocol (RCP) which moderates the level of competition for access to the hub's resources between sets of users. We proceed to prove a convergence theorem for rates yielded by the algorithm. To derive the algorithm we work in the framework of Network Utility Maximization (NUM) and make use of the theory of Lagrange multipliers and Lagrangian duality. Our EGS architecture lays the groundwork for developing control architectures compatible with other types of quantum network hubs as well as system models of greater complexity.
9.Casimir and Casimir-Polder Interactions for Magneto-dielectric Materials: Surface Scattering Expansion
Authors:Giuseppe Bimonte, Thorsten Emig
Abstract: We develop a general multiple scattering expansion (MSE) for computing Casimir forces between magneto-dielectric bodies and Casimir-Polder forces between polarizable particles and magneto-dielectric bodies. The approach is based on fluctuating electric and magnetic surface currents and charges. The surface integral equations for these surface fields can be formulated in terms of surface scattering operators (SSO). We show that there exists an entire family of such operators. One particular member of this family is only weakly divergent and allows for a MSE that appears to be convergent for general magneto-dielectric bodies. We proof a number of properties of this operator, and demonstrate explicitly convergence for sufficiently low and high frequencies, and for perfect conductors. General expressions are derived for the Casimir interaction between macroscopic bodies and for the Casimir-Polder interaction between particles and macroscopic bodies in terms of the SSO, both at zero and finite temperatures. An advantage of our approach above previous scattering methods is that it does not require the knowledge of the scattering amplitude (T-operator) of the bodies. A number of simple examples are provided to demonstrate the use of the method. Some applications of our approach have appeared previously [T. Emig, G. Bimonte, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 200401 (2023)]. Here we provide additional technical aspects and details of our approach.
10.Persisting quantum effects in the anisotropic Rabi model at thermal equilibrium
Authors:He-Guang Xu, V. Montenegro, Gao Xianlong, Jiasen Jin, G. D. de Moraes Neto
Abstract: Quantum correlations and nonclassical states are at the heart of emerging quantum technologies. Efforts to produce long-lived states of such quantum resources are a subject of tireless pursuit. Among several platforms useful for quantum technology, the mature quantum system of light-matter interactions offers unprecedented advantages due to current on-chip nanofabrication, efficient quantum control of its constituents, and its wide range of operational regimes. Recently, a continuous transition between the Jaynes-Cummings model and the Rabi model has been proposed by exploiting anisotropies in their light-matter interactions, known as the anisotropic quantum Rabi model. In this work, we study the long-lived quantum correlations and nonclassical states generated in the anisotropic Rabi model and how these indeed persist even at thermal equilibrium. To achieve this, we thoroughly analyze several quantumness quantifiers, where the long-lived quantum state is obtained from a dressed master equation that is valid for all coupling regimes and with the steady state ensured to be the canonical Gibbs state. Furthermore, we demonstrate a stark distinction between virtual excitations produced beyond the strong coupling regime and the quantumness quantifiers once the light-matter interaction has been switched off. This raises the key question about the nature of the equilibrium quantum features generated in the anisotropic quantum Rabi model and paves the way for future experimental investigations, without the need for challenging ground-state cooling.
11.Focusing of quantum gate interactions using dynamical decoupling
Authors:M. C. Smith, A. D. Leu, M. F. Gely, D. M. Lucas
Abstract: In 1995, Cirac and Zoller proposed the first concrete implementation of a small-scale quantum computer, using laser beams focused to micron spot sizes to address individual trapped ions in a linear crystal. Here we propose a method to focus entangling gate interactions, but driven by microwave fields, to micron-sized zones, corresponding to $10^{-5}$ microwave wavelengths. We demonstrate the ability to suppress the spin-dependent force using a single ion, and find the required interaction introduces $3.7(4)\times 10^{-4}$ error per emulated gate in a single-qubit benchmarking sequence. We model the scheme for a 17-qubit ion crystal, and find that any pair of ions should be addressable with an average crosstalk error of $\sim 10^{-5}$.
12.Quantum teleportation and dynamics of quantum coherence and metrological non-classical correlations for open two-qubit systems: A study of Markovian and non-Markovian regimes
Authors:Yassine Dakir, Abdallah Slaoui, Abdel-Baset A. Mohamed, Rachid Ahl Laamara, Hichem Eleuch
Abstract: We investigate the dynamics of non-classical correlations and quantum coherence in open quantum systems by employing metrics like local quantum Fisher information, local quantum uncertainty, and quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. Our focus here is on a system of two qubits in two distinct physical situations: the first one when the two qubits are coupled to a single-mode cavity, while the second consists of two qubits immersed in dephasing reservoirs. Our study places significant emphasis on how the evolution of these quantum criterion is influenced by the initial state's purity (whether pure or mixed) and the nature of the environment (whether Markovian or non-Markovian). We observe that a decrease in the initial state's purity corresponds to a reduction in both quantum correlations and quantum coherence, whereas higher purity enhances these quantumness. Furthermore, we establish a quantum teleportation strategy based on the two different physical scenarios. In this approach, the resulting state of the two qubits functions as a quantum channel integrated into a quantum teleportation protocol. We also analyze how the purity of the initial state and the Markovian or non-Markovian regimes impact the quantum teleportation process.
13.The scaling law of the arrival time of spin systems that present pretty good transmission
Authors:Pablo Serra, Alejandro Ferrón, Omar Osenda
Abstract: The pretty good transmission scenario implies that the probability of sending one excitation from one extreme of a spin chain to the other can reach values arbitrarily close to the unity just by waiting a time long enough. The conditions that ensure the appearance of this scenario are known for chains with different interactions and lengths. Sufficient conditions for the presence of pretty good transmission depend on the spectrum of the Hamiltonian of the spin chain. Some works suggest that the time $t_{\varepsilon}$ at which the pretty good transmission takes place scales as $1/(|\varepsilon|)^{f(N)}$, where $\varepsilon$ is the difference between the probability that a single excitation propagates from one extreme of the chain to the other and the unity, while $f(N)$ is an unknown function of the chain length. In this paper, we show that the exponent is not a simple function of the chain length but a power law of the number of linearly independent irrational eigenvalues of the one-excitation block of the Hamiltonian that enter into the expression of the probability of transmission of one excitation. We explicitly provide examples of a chain showing that the exponent changes when the couplings between the spins change while the length remains fixed. For centrosymmetric spin chains the exponent is at most $N/2$.
14.Detecting quantum speedup of random walks with machine learning
Authors:Hanna Linn, Yu Zheng, Anton Frisk Kockum
Abstract: We explore the use of machine-learning techniques to detect quantum speedup in random walks on graphs. Specifically, we investigate the performance of three different neural-network architectures (variations on fully connected and convolutional neural networks) for identifying linear, cyclic, and random graphs that yield quantum speedups in terms of the hitting time for reaching a target node after starting in another node of the graph. Our results indicate that carefully building the data set for training can improve the performance of the neural networks, but all architectures we test struggle to classify large random graphs and generalize from training on one graph size to testing on another. If classification accuracy can be improved further, valuable insights about quantum advantage may be gleaned from these neural networks, not only for random walks, but more generally for quantum computing and quantum transport.
15.Simulating quantum backflow on a quantum computer
Authors:Arseni Goussev, Jaewoo Joo
Abstract: Quantum backflow is a counterintuitive effect in which the probability density of a free particle moves in the direction opposite to the particle's momentum. If the particle is electrically charged, then the effect can be viewed as the contrast between the direction of electric current and that of the momentum. To date, there has been no direct experimental observation of quantum backflow. However, the effect has been simulated numerically (using classical computers) and optically (using classical light). In this study, we present the first simulation of quantum backflow using a real quantum computer.
16.Broadband optical nonreciprocity via nonreciprocal band structure
Authors:Ning Hu, Zhi-Xiang Tang, Xun-Wei Xu
Abstract: As a promising approach for optical nonreciprocity without magnetic materials, optomechanically induced nonreciprocity has great potential for all-optical controllable isolators and circulators on chips. However, as a very important issue in practical applications, the bandwidth for nonreciprocal transmission with high isolation has not been fully investigated yet. In this study we review the nonreciprocity in a Brillouin optomechanical system with single cavity and point out the challenge in achieving broad bandwidth with high isolation. To overcome this challenge, we propose a one dimensional optomechanical array to realize broadband optical nonreciprocity via nonreciprocal band structure. We exploit nonreciprocal band structure by the stimulated Brillouin scattering induced transparency with directional optical pumping, and show that it is possible to demonstrate optical nonreciprocity with both broad bandwidth and high isolation. Such Brillouin optomechanical lattices with nonreciprocal band structure, offer an avenue to explore nonreciprocal collective effects in different electromagnetic and mechanical frequency regimes, such as nonreciprocal topological photonic and phononic phases.
17.When does a one-axis-twist-untwist quantum sensing protocol work?
Authors:Martin Koppenhöfer, A. A. Clerk
Abstract: Spin squeezing can increase the sensitivity of interferometric measurements of small signals in large spin ensembles beyond the standard quantum limit. In many practical settings, the ideal metrological gain is limited by imperfect readout of the sensor. To overcome this issue, protocols based on time reversal of unitary one-axis-twist (OAT) spin-squeezing dynamics have been proposed. Such protocols mitigate readout noise and, when implemented using cavity feedback, have been argued to also be robust against dissipation as long as the collective cooperativity of the system is sufficiently large [Davis et al., PRL 116, 053601 (2016)]. Here, we perform a careful systematic study of dissipative effects on three different implementations of a OAT twist-untwist sensing scheme (based on symmetric as well as asymmetric cavity feedback and on a Tavis-Cummings interaction). Our full treatment shows that the three approaches have markedly different properties and resilience when subject to dissipation. Moreover, the metrological gain for an implementation using symmetric cavity feedback is more sensitive to undesired dissipation than was previously appreciated.
18.Single-photon sub-Rayleigh precision measurements of a pair of incoherent sources of unequal intensity
Authors:Luigi Santamaria Amato, Fabrizio Sgobba, Cosmo Lupo
Abstract: Interferometric methods have been recently investigated to achieve sub-Rayleigh imaging and precision measurements of faint incoherent sources up to the ultimate quantum limit. Here we consider single-photon imaging of two point-like emitters of unequal intensity. This is motivated by the fact that pairs of natural emitters will typically have unequal brightness, as for example binary star systems and exoplanets. We address the problems of estimating the transverse separation $d$ and the relative intensity $\epsilon$. Our theoretical analysis shows that the associated statistical errors are qualitatively different from the case of equal intensity. We employ multi-plane light conversion technology to experimentally implement Hermite-Gaussian (HG) spatial-mode demultiplexing (SPADE), and demonstrate sub-Rayleigh measurement of two emitters with Gaussian point-spread function. The experimental errors are comparable with the theoretical bounds. The latter are benchmarked against direct imaging, yielding a $\epsilon^{-1/2}$ improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio, which may be significant when the primary source is much brighter than the secondary one, as for example for imaging of exoplanets. However, achieving this improved scaling requires low noise in the implementation of SPADE, which is typically affected by crosstalk between HG modes.
19.Pump-tailored Alternative Bell State Generation in the First-Order Hermite-Gaussian basis
Authors:Zhe Kan, Andrew A. Voitiv, Patrick C. Ford, Mark T. Lusk, Mark E. Siemens
Abstract: We demonstrate entangled-state swapping, within the Hermite-Gaussian basis of first-order modes, directly from the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion within a nonlinear crystal. The method works by explicitly tailoring the spatial structure of the pump photon such that it resembles the product of the desired entangled spatial modes exiting the crystal. Importantly, the result is an entangled state of balanced HG modes, which may be beneficial in applications that depend on symmetric accumulations of geometric phase through optics or in applications of quantum sensing and imaging with azimuthal sensitivity. Furthermore, the methods are readily adaptable to other spatial mode bases.
20.Propagating Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states encoded in an optical oscillator
Authors:Shunya Konno, Warit Asavanant, Fumiya Hanamura, Hironari Nagayoshi, Kosuke Fukui, Atsushi Sakaguchi, Ryuhoh Ide, Fumihiro China, Masahiro Yabuno, Shigehito Miki, Hirotaka Terai, Kan Takase, Mamoru Endo, Petr Marek, Radim Filip, Peter van Loock, Akira Furusawa
Abstract: A quantum computer with low-error, high-speed quantum operations and capability for interconnections is required for useful quantum computations. A logical qubit called Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) qubit in a single Bosonic harmonic oscillator is efficient for mitigating errors in a quantum computer. The particularly intriguing prospect of GKP qubits is that entangling gates as well as syndrome measurements for quantum error correction only require efficient, noise-robust linear operations. To date, however, GKP qubits have been only demonstrated at mechanical and microwave frequency in a highly nonlinear physical system. The physical platform that naturally provides the scalable linear toolbox is optics, including near-ideal loss-free beam splitters and near-unit efficiency homodyne detectors that allow to obtain the complete analog syndrome for optimized quantum error correction. Additional optical linear amplifiers and specifically designed GKP qubit states are then all that is needed for universal quantum computing. In this work, we realize a GKP state in propagating light at the telecommunication wavelength and demonstrate homodyne meausurements on the GKP states for the first time without any loss corrections. Our GKP states do not only show non-classicality and non-Gaussianity at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, but unlike the existing schemes with stationary qubits, they are realizable in a propagating wave system. This property permits large-scale quantum computation and interconnections, with strong compatibility to optical fibers and 5G telecommunication technology.
21.Coherence as an indicator to discern electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting
Authors:Arif Warsi Laskar, Pratik Adhikary, Niharika Singh, Saikat Ghosh
Abstract: Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and Autler-Townes splitting (ATS) are generally characterized and distinguished by the width of the transparency created in the absorption profile of a weak probe in presence of a strong control field. This often leads to ambiguities, as both phenomena yield similar spectroscopic signature. However, an objective method based on the AIC test offers a quantitative way to discern the two regimes when applied on the probe absorption profile. The obtained transition value of control field strength was found to be higher than the value given by pole analysis of the corresponding off-diagonal density matrix element $\rho_{13}$. By contrast, we apply the test on ground state coherence $\rho_{12}$ and the measured coherence quantifier, which yielded a distinct transition point around the predicted value also in presence of noise. Our test accurately captures the transition between the two regimes, indicating that a proper measure of coherence is essential for making such distinctions.