Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 31 Aug 2023
1.Locally Tomographic Shadows (Extended Abstract)
Authors:Howard Barnum Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Matthew A. Graydon Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Alex Wilce Susquehanna University
Abstract: Given a monoidal probabilistic theory -- a symmetric monoidal category $\mathcal{C}$ of systems and processes, together with a functor $\mathbf{V}$ assigning concrete probabilistic models to objects of $\mathcal{C}$ -- we construct a locally tomographic probabilistic theory LT$(\mathcal{C},\mathbf{V})$ -- the locally tomographic shadow of $(\mathcal{C},\mathbf{V})$ -- describing phenomena observable by local agents controlling systems in $\mathcal{C}$, and able to pool information about joint measurements made on those systems. Some globally distinct states become locally indistinguishable in LT$(\mathcal{C},\mathbf{V})$, and we restrict the set of processes to those that respect this indistinguishability. This construction is investigated in some detail for real quantum theory.
2.Global Synthesis of CNOT Circuits with Holes
Authors:Ewan Murphy University of Oxford, Aleks Kissinger University of Oxford
Abstract: A common approach to quantum circuit transformation is to use the properties of a specific gate set to create an efficient representation of a given circuit's unitary, such as a parity matrix or stabiliser tableau, and then resynthesise an improved circuit, e.g. with fewer gates or respecting connectivity constraints. Since these methods rely on a restricted gate set, generalisation to arbitrary circuits usually involves slicing the circuit into pieces that can be resynthesised and working with these separately. The choices made about what gates should go into each slice can have a major effect on the performance of the resynthesis. In this paper we propose an alternative approach to generalising these resynthesis algorithms to general quantum circuits. Instead of cutting the circuit into slices, we "cut out" the gates we can't resynthesise leaving holes in our quantum circuit. The result is a second-order process called a quantum comb, which can be resynthesised directly. We apply this idea to the RowCol algorithm, which resynthesises CNOT circuits for topologically constrained hardware, explaining how we were able to extend it to work for quantum combs. We then compare the generalisation of RowCol using our method to the naive "slice and build" method empirically on a variety of circuit sizes and hardware topologies. Finally, we outline how quantum combs could be used to help generalise other resynthesis algorithms.
3.High-Precision Observable Estimation with Single Qubit Quantum Memory
Authors:L. A. Markovich, J. Borregaard
Abstract: The estimation of multi-qubit observables is a key task in quantum information science. The standard approach is to decompose a multi-qubit observable into a weighted sum of Pauli strings. The observable can then be estimated from projective single qubit measurements according to the Pauli strings followed by a classical summation. As the number of Pauli strings in the decomposition increases, shot-noise drastically builds up, and the accuracy of such estimation can be considerably compromised. Access to a single qubit quantum memory, where measurement data may be stored and accumulated can circumvent the build-up of shot noise. Here, we describe a many-qubit observable estimation approach to achieve this with a much lower number of interactions between the multi-qubit device and the single qubit memory compared to previous approaches. Our algorithm offers a reduction in the required number of measurements for a given target variance that scales $N^{\frac{2}{3}}$ with the number of Pauli strings $N$ in the observable decomposition. The low number of interactions between the multi-qubit device and the memory is desirable for noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.
4.What can we learn from quantum convolutional neural networks?
Authors:Chukwudubem Umeano, Annie E. Paine, Vincent E. Elfving, Oleksandr Kyriienko
Abstract: We can learn from analyzing quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNNs) that: 1) working with quantum data can be perceived as embedding physical system parameters through a hidden feature map; 2) their high performance for quantum phase recognition can be attributed to generation of a very suitable basis set during the ground state embedding, where quantum criticality of spin models leads to basis functions with rapidly changing features; 3) pooling layers of QCNNs are responsible for picking those basis functions that can contribute to forming a high-performing decision boundary, and the learning process corresponds to adapting the measurement such that few-qubit operators are mapped to full-register observables; 4) generalization of QCNN models strongly depends on the embedding type, and that rotation-based feature maps with the Fourier basis require careful feature engineering; 5) accuracy and generalization of QCNNs with readout based on a limited number of shots favor the ground state embeddings and associated physics-informed models. We demonstrate these points in simulation, where our results shed light on classification for physical processes, relevant for applications in sensing. Finally, we show that QCNNs with properly chosen ground state embeddings can be used for fluid dynamics problems, expressing shock wave solutions with good generalization and proven trainability.
5.Superluminal local operations in quantum field theory: A ping-pong ball test
Authors:Albert Much, Rainer Verch
Abstract: It is known that in quantum field theory, localized operations, e.g.\ given by unitary operators in local observable algebras, may lead to non-causal, or superluminal, state changes within their localization region. In this article, it is shown that both in quantum field theory as well as in classical relativistic field theory, there are localized operations which correspond to ``instantaneous'' spatial rotations (leaving the localization region invariant) leading to superluminal effects within the localization region. This shows that ``impossible measurement scenarios'' which have been investigated in the literature, and which rely on the presence of localized operations that feature superluminal effects within their localization region, do not only occur in quantum field theory, but also in classical field theory.
6.Using 1-Factorization from Graph Theory for Quantum Speedups on Clique Problems
Authors:Ali Hadizadeh Moghadam, Payman Kazemikhah, Hossein Aghababa
Abstract: The clique problems, including $k$-CLIQUE and Triangle Finding, form an important class of computational problems; the former is an NP-complete problem, while the latter directly gives lower bounds for Matrix Multiplication. A number of previous efforts have approached these problems with Quantum Computing methods, such as Amplitude Amplification. In this paper, we provide new Quantum oracle designs based on the 1-factorization of complete graphs, all of which have depth $O(n)$ instead of the $O(n^2)$ presented in previous studies. Also, we discuss the usage of one of these oracles in bringing the Triangle Finding time complexity down to $O(n^{2.25} poly(log n))$, compared to the $O(n^{2.38})$ classical record. Finally, we benchmark the number of required Amplitude Amplification iterations for another presented oracle, for solving $k$-CLIQUE.
7.More Quantum Chemistry with Fewer Qubits
Authors:Jakob Günther, Alberto Baiardi, Markus Reiher, Matthias Christandl
Abstract: Quantum computation is the most promising new paradigm for the simulation of physical systems composed of electrons and atomic nuclei. An atomistic problem in chemistry, solid-state physics, materials science, or molecular biology can be mapped to a representation on a (digital) quantum computer. Any such representation will be reduced dimensional as, for instance, accomplished by active-orbital-space approaches. While it is, in principle, obvious how to improve on the representation by including more orbitals, this is usually unfeasible in practice (e.g., because of the limited number of qubits available on a quantum computer) and severely compromises the accuracy of the obtained results. Here, we propose a quantum algorithm that improves on the representation of the physical problem by virtue of second-order perturbation theory. In particular, our quantum algorithm evaluates the second-order energy correction through a series of time-evolution steps under the unperturbed Hamiltonian ($H$), which allows us to take advantage of an underlying structure that $H$ might have. For multireference perturbation theory, we exploit that $H$ is diagonal for virtual orbitals and show that the number of qubits is independent of the number of virtual orbitals. Moreover, our perturbation theory quantum algorithm can be applied to Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory (SAPT). Here, we use the fact that $H$ is the sum of two commuting monomer Hamiltonians, which makes it possible to calculate the full second-order energy correction of SAPT while only having access to the state of one of the monomers at a time. As such, we reduce the quantum hardware requirements for quantum chemistry by leveraging perturbation theory.