Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 30 Aug 2023
1.Quantum synchronization of qubits via dynamical Casimir effect
Authors:Haruki Mitarai, Yoshihiko Hasegawa
Abstract: Following the groundbreaking observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in 2011, the exploration of the dynamical Casimir effect in superconducting circuits has garnered significant attention. In this paper, we investigate the synchronization of qubits induced by the dynamical Casimir effect. Our investigation revolves around a pragmatic configuration of a quantum system, where superconducting qubits coupled with a shared coplanar waveguide resonator, terminated by a SQUID at one end. We identify the sufficient condition required for achieving in-phase synchronization, which is expected to be accomplished by generating photons in the resonator. Furthermore, we numerically simulate the time evolution of the system and verify that photon generation via the dynamical Casimir effect arguably induces the synchronization of two qubits. Our result suggests that photon generation by the dynamical Casimir effect affects both the qubits and the resonator, and is a fruitful resource for the control of quantum systems. In addition, we unveil a remarkable feature that is probably unique to the dynamical Casimir effect: The differences in initial states and coupling strengths affect the synchronization independently with no overlap between them.
2.Performance of Rotation-Symmetric Bosonic Codes in a Quantum Repeater Network
Authors:Pei-Zhe Li, Josephine Dias, William J. Munro, Peter van Loock, Kae Nemoto, Nicoló Lo Piparo
Abstract: Quantum error correction codes based on continuous variables play an important role for the implementation of quantum communication systems. A natural application of such codes occurs within quantum repeater systems which are used to combat severe channel losses and local gate errors. In particular, channel loss drastically reduces the distance of communication between remote users. Here we consider a cavity-QED based repeater scheme to address the losses in the quantum channel. This repeater scheme relies on the transmission of a specific class of rotationally invariant error-correcting codes. We compare several rotation-symmetric bosonic codes (RSBCs) being used to encode the initial states of two remote users connected by a quantum repeater network against the convention of the cat codes and we quantify the performance of the system using the secret key rate. In particular, we determine the number of stations required to exchange a secret key over a fixed distance and establish the resource overhead.
3.Chiral cavity-magnonic system for the unidirectional emission of a tunable squeezed microwave field
Authors:Ji-kun Xie, Sheng-li Ma, Ya-long Ren, Shao-yan Gao, Fu-li Li
Abstract: Unidirectional photon emission is crucial for constructing quantum networks and realizing scalable quantum information processing. In the present work an efficient scheme is developed for the unidirectional emission of a tunable squeezed microwave field. Our scheme is based on a chiral cavity magnonic system, where a magnon mode in a single-crystalline yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere is selectively coupled to one of the two degenerate rotating microwave modes in a torus-shaped cavity with the same chirality. With the YIG sphere driven by a two-color Floquet field to induce sidebands in the magnon-photon coupling, we show that the unidirectional emission of a tunable squeezed microwave field can be generated via the assistance of the dissipative magnon mode and a waveguide. Moreover, the direction of the proposed one-way emitter can be controlled on demand by reversing the biased magnetic field. Our work opens up an avenue to create and manipulate one-way nonclassical microwave radiation field and could find potential quantum technological applications.
4.Complexity of Thermofield double state for a Harmonic Oscillator with an External Field
Authors:F. Khorasani, Reza Pirmoradian, Mohammad Reza Tanhayi
Abstract: In this paper, we study the computational complexity of Gaussian states for a harmonic oscillator subjected to an external electric field. We use Nielsen's geometric approach to obtain the so-called complexity of the thermofield double state for a harmonic oscillator, and then by numerical analysis, we investigate the effect of the appeared parameters on the complexity. Precisely, by numerical analysis, we consider the effect of an external electric field on the dynamics of complexity. Our results indicate that turning on the electric field may reduce the system's complexity.
5.Optimized excitonic transport mediated by local energy defects: survival of optimization laws in the presence of dephasing
Authors:Lucie Pepe, Vincent Pouthier, Saad Yalouz
Abstract: In an extended star with peripheral defects and a core occupied by a trap, it has been shown that exciton-mediated energy transport from the periphery to the core can be optimized [S. Yalouz et al. Phys. Rev. E 106, 064313 (2022)]. If the defects are judiciously chosen, the exciton dynamics is isomorphic to that of an asymmetric chain and a speedup of the excitonic propagation is observed. Here, we extend this previous work by considering that the exciton in both an extended star and an asymmetric chain, is perturbed by the presence of a dephasing environment. Simulating the dynamics using a Lindblad master equation, two questions are addressed: how does the environment affect the energy transport on these two networks? And, do the two systems still behave equivalently in the presence of dephasing? Our results reveal that the time-scale for the exciton dynamics strongly depends on the nature of the network. But quite surprisingly, the two networks behave similarly regarding the survival of their optimization law. In both cases, the energy transport can be improved using the same original optimal tuning of energy defects as long as the dephasing remains weak. However, for moderate/strong dephasing, the optimization law is lost due to quantum Zeno effect.
6.Efficient Approximation of Quantum Channel Fidelity Exploiting Symmetry
Authors:Yeow Meng Chee, Hoang Ta, Van Khu Vu
Abstract: Determining the optimal fidelity for the transmission of quantum information over noisy quantum channels is one of the central problems in quantum information theory. Recently, [Berta \& et al., Mathematical Programming, 2021] introduced an asymptotically converging semidefinite programming hierarchy of outer bounds for this quantity. However, the size of the semidefinite program (SDP) grows exponentially with respect to the level of the hierarchy, and thus computing the SDP directly is inefficient. In this work, by exploiting the symmetries in the SDP, we show that, for fixed input and output dimensions, we can compute the SDP in polynomial time in term of level of the hierarchy. As a direct consequence of our result, the optimal fidelity can be approximated with an accuracy of $\epsilon$ in a time that is polynomial in $1/\epsilon$.
7.Thermodynamic Computing via Autonomous Quantum Thermal Machines
Authors:Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, Martí Perarnau-Llobet, Nicolas Brunner
Abstract: We develop a physics-based model for classical computation based on autonomous quantum thermal machines. These machines consist of few interacting quantum bits (qubits) connected to several environments at different temperatures. Heat flows through the machine are here exploited for computing. The process starts by setting the temperatures of the environments according to the logical input. The machine evolves, eventually reaching a non-equilibrium steady state, from which the output of the computation can be determined via the temperature of an auxilliary finite-size reservoir. Such a machine, which we term a "thermodynamic neuron", can implement any linearly-separable function, and we discuss explicitly the cases of NOT, 3-majority and NOR gates. In turn, we show that a network of thermodynamic neurons can perform any desired function. We discuss the close connection between our model and artificial neurons (perceptrons), and argue that our model provides an alternative physics-based analogue implementation of neural networks, and more generally a platform for thermodynamic computing.
8.High-rate intercity quantum key distribution with a semiconductor single-photon source
Authors:Jingzhong Yang, Zenghui Jiang, Frederik Benthin, Joscha Hanel, Tom Fandrich, Raphael Joos, Stephanie Bauer, Sascha Kolatschek, Ali Hreibi, Eddy Patrick Rugeramigabo, Michael Jetter, Simone Luca Portalupi, Michael Zopf, Peter Michler, Stefan Kück, Fei Ding
Abstract: Quantum key distribution (QKD) enables the transmission of information that is secure against general attacks by eavesdroppers. The use of on-demand quantum light sources in QKD protocols is expected to help improve security and maximum tolerable loss. Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are a promising building block for quantum communication applications because of the deterministic emission of single photons with high brightness and low multiphoton contribution. Here we report on the first intercity QKD experiment using a bright deterministic single photon source. A BB84 protocol based on polarisation encoding is realised using the high-rate single photons in the telecommunication C-band emitted from a semiconductor QD embedded in a circular Bragg grating structure. Utilising the 79 km long link with 25.49 dB loss (equivalent to 130 km for the direct-connected optical fibre) between the German cities of Hannover and Braunschweig, a record-high secret key bits per pulse of 4.8e-5 with an average quantum bit error ratio of 0.65 % are demonstrated. An asymptotic maximum tolerable loss of 28.11 dB is found, corresponding to a length of 144 km of standard telecommunication fibre. Deterministic semiconductor sources therefore compete with state-of-the-art decoy state QKD with weak coherent pulses with respect to high secret key rate and have the potential to excel in measurement device independent protocols and quantum repeater applications.
9.Hybrid Quantum Neural Network Structures for Image Multi-classification
Authors:Mingrui Shi, Haozhen Situ, Cai Zhang
Abstract: Image classification is a fundamental computer vision problem, and neural networks offer efficient solutions. With advancing quantum technology, quantum neural networks have gained attention. However, they work only for low-dimensional data and demand dimensionality reduction and quantum encoding. Two recent image classification methods have emerged: one employs PCA dimensionality reduction and angle encoding, the other integrates QNNs into CNNs to boost performance. Despite numerous algorithms, comparing PCA reduction with angle encoding against the latter remains unclear. This study explores these algorithms' performance in multi-class image classification and proposes an optimized hybrid quantum neural network suitable for the current environment. Investigating PCA-based quantum algorithms unveils a barren plateau issue for QNNs as categories increase, unsuitable for multi-class in the hybrid setup. Simultaneously, the combined CNN-QNN model partly overcomes QNN's multi-class training challenges but lags in accuracy to superior traditional CNN models. Additionally, this work explores transfer learning in the hybrid quantum neural network model. In conclusion, quantum neural networks show promise but require further research and optimization, facing challenges ahead.
10.Non-destructive Local Discrimination of Entangled Quantum States
Authors:Youngrong Lim, Minki Hhan, Hyukjoon Kwon
Abstract: We demonstrate a substantial gap between local and nonlocal strategies in a quantum state discrimination task under a non-destructiveness condition. The condition imposes additional constraints to conventional state discrimination that the initial state should be returned without disturbance. For a set of maximally entangled states, the success probability of the proposed task using local operations and classical communications is completely suppressed; it cannot beat random guessing. We also show that a local strategy that efficiently exploits pre-shared entanglement for this task can be essentially different from the conventional approaches. We construct a non-destructive and adaptive strategy to achieve perfect discrimination of maximally entangled states which has a strictly lower entanglement cost than the best-known method based on teleportation. Our approach can be generalized to multipartite scenarios, offering an application in entanglement certification of a quantum network.
11.Programmable quantum simulations on a trapped-ions quantum computer with a global drive
Authors:Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri
Abstract: Simulation of quantum systems is notoriously challenging for classical computers, while quantum computers are naturally well-suited for this task. However, the imperfections of contemporary quantum computers pose a considerable challenge in carrying out accurate simulations over long evolution times. Here we experimentally demonstrate a method for quantum simulations on a small-scale trapped ions-based quantum computer. Our method enables quantum simulations of programmable spin-Hamiltonians, using only simple global fields, driving all qubits homogeneously and simultaneously. We measure the evolution of a quantum Ising ring and accurately reconstruct the Hamiltonian parameters, showcasing an accurate and high-fidelity simulation. Our method enables a significant reduction in the required control and depth of quantum simulations, thus generating longer evolution times with higher accuracy.
12.Native approach to controlled-Z gates in inductively coupled fluxonium qubits
Authors:Xizheng Ma, Gengyan Zhang, Feng Wu, Feng Bao, Xu Chang, Jianjun Chen, Hao Deng, Ran Gao, Xun Gao, Lijuan Hu, Honghong Ji, Hsiang-Sheng Ku, Kannan Lu, Lu Ma, Liyong Mao, Zhijun Song, Hantao Sun, Chengchun Tang, Fei Wang, Hongcheng Wang, Tenghui Wang, Tian Xia, Make Ying, Huijuan Zhan, Tao Zhou, Mengyu Zhu, Qingbin Zhu, Yaoyun Shi, Hui-Hai Zhao, Chunqing Deng
Abstract: The fluxonium qubits have emerged as a promising platform for gate-based quantum information processing. However, their extraordinary protection against charge fluctuations comes at a cost: when coupled capacitively, the qubit-qubit interactions are restricted to XX-interactions. Consequently, effective XX- or XZ-interactions are only constructed either by temporarily populating higher-energy states, or by exploiting perturbative effects under microwave driving. Instead, we propose and demonstrate an inductive coupling scheme, which offers a wide selection of native qubit-qubit interactions for fluxonium. In particular, we leverage a built-in, flux-controlled ZZ-interaction to perform qubit entanglement. To combat the increased flux-noise-induced dephasing away from the flux-insensitive position, we use a continuous version of the dynamical decoupling scheme to perform noise filtering. Combining these, we demonstrate a 20 ns controlled-Z (CZ) gate with a mean fidelity of 99.53%. More than confirming the efficacy of our gate scheme, this high-fidelity result also reveals a promising but rarely explored parameter space uniquely suitable for gate operations between fluxonium qubits.
13.Entanglement Dynamics of two Non-Hermitian Qubits
Authors:Yi-Xi Zhang, Zhen-Tao Zhang, Xiao-Zhi Wei, Bao-Long Liang, Feng Mei, Zhen-Shan Yang
Abstract: The evolution of entanglement in a non-Hermitian quantum system may behave differently compared to its Hermitian counterpart. In this paper, we investigate the entanglement dynamics of two coupled and driven non-Hermitian qubits. Through calculating the concurrence of the system, we find that the evolution of the bipartite entanglement manifests two distinct patterns in the parameter space. In the low non-Hermiticity regime, the concurrence oscillates significantly, while in the opposite regime the same quantity would trend to a stable value. We attribute this phenomenon to parity-time ($ \mathcal{PT}$) symmetry phase transition. In addition, we have also studied the effect of decoherence on the entanglement dynamics. Our research provides a method to stabilize entanglement by exploiting non-Hermiticity.
14.Quantum coherence enables hybrid multitask and multisource regimes in autonomous thermal machines
Authors:Kenza Hammam, Gonzalo Manzano, Gabriele De Chiara
Abstract: Non-equilibrium effects may have a profound impact on the performance of thermal devices performing thermodynamic tasks such as refrigeration or heat pumping. The possibility of enhancing the performance of thermodynamic operations by means of quantum coherence is of particular interest but requires an adequate characterization of heat and work at the quantum level. In this work, we demonstrate that the presence of even small amounts of coherence in the thermal reservoirs powering a three-terminal machine, enables the appearance of combined and hybrid modes of operation, where either different resources are combined to perform a single thermodynamic task, or more than one task is performed at the same time. We determine the performance of such coherence-enabled modes of operation obtaining their power and efficiency and discussing the beneficial or detrimental roles of coherence.
15.The minimal time it takes to charge a quantum system
Authors:Ju-Yeon Gyhm, Dario Rosa, Dominik Šafránek
Abstract: We introduce a quantum charging distance as the minimal time that it takes to reach one state (charged state) from another state (depleted state) via a unitary evolution, assuming limits on the resources invested into the charging. We show that for pure states it is equal to the Bures angle, while for mixed states, its computation leads to an optimization problem. Thus, we also derive easily computable bounds on this quantity. The charging distance tightens the known bound on the mean charging power of a quantum battery, it quantifies the quantum charging advantage, and it leads to an always achievable quantum speed limit. In contrast with other similar quantities, the charging distance does not depend on the eigenvalues of the density matrix, it depends only on the corresponding eigenspaces. This research formalizes and interprets quantum charging in a geometric way, and provides a measurable quantity that one can optimize for to maximize the speed of charging of future quantum batteries.
16.Revisiting Hyperbit Limitations unveils Quantum Communication Advantages
Authors:Giovanni Scala, Seyed Arash Ghoreishi, Marcin Pawłowski
Abstract: Paw\l owski and Winter's Hyperbit Theory, proposed in 2012, presented itself as a captivating alternative to quantum theory, suggesting novel ways of redefining entanglement and classical communication paradigms. This research undertakes a meticulous reevaluation of Hyperbit Theory, uncovering significant operational constraints that question its equivalence with quantum mechanics. Crucially, the supposition that Hyperbit Theory and Quantum Theory are equivalent relies on the receiver having unattainable additional knowledge about the sender's laboratory, indicating that the work by Paw\l owski and Winter is incorrect. This study accentuates the constraints of hyperbits in information processing and sheds light on the superiority of quantum communication, thereby advancing the investigation at the intersection of classical and quantum communication.
17.Mixed Quantum-Semiclassical Simulation
Authors:Javier Gonzalez-Conde, Andrew T. Sornborger
Abstract: We study the quantum simulation of mixed quantum-semiclassical (MQS) systems, of fundamental interest in many areas of physics, such as molecular scattering and gravitational backreaction. A basic question for these systems is whether quantum algorithms of MQS systems would be valuable at all, when one could instead study the full quantum-quantum system. We study MQS simulations in the context where a semiclassical system is encoded in a Koopman-von Neumann (KvN) Hamiltonian and a standard quantum Hamiltonian describes the quantum system. In this case, because KvN and quantum Hamiltonians are constructed with the same operators on a Hilbert space, standard theorems guaranteeing simulation efficiency apply. We show that, in this context, $\textit{many-body}$ MQS particle simulations give only nominal improvements in qubit resources over quantum-quantum simulations due to logarithmic scaling in the ratio, $S_q/S_c$, of actions between quantum and semiclassical systems. However, $\textit{field}$ simulations can give improvements proportional to the ratio of quantum to semiclassical actions, $S_q/S_c$. Of particular note, due to the ratio $S_q/S_c \sim 10^{-18}$ of particle and gravitational fields, this approach could be important for semiclassical gravity. We demonstrate our approach in a model of gravitational interaction, where a harmonic oscillator mediates the interaction between two spins. In particular, we demonstrate a lack of distillable entanglement generation between spins due to classical mediators, a distinct difference in dynamics relative to the fully quantum case.
18.Giant Emitters in a Structured Bath with Non-Hermitian Skin Effect
Authors:Lei Du, Lingzhen Guo, Yan Zhang, Anton Frisk Kockum
Abstract: Giant emitters derive their name from nonlocal field-emitter interactions and feature diverse self-interference effects. Most of the existing works on giant emitters have considered Hermitian waveguides or photonic lattices. In this work, we unveil how giant emitters behave if they are coupled to a non-Hermitian bath, i.e., a Hatano-Nelson (HN) model which features a non-Hermitian skin effect due to the asymmetric inter-site tunneling rates. We show that the behaviors of the giant emitters are closely related to the stability of the bath. In the convectively unstable regime, where the HN model can be mapped to a pseudo-Hermitian lattice, a giant emitter can either behave as in a Hermitian bath or undergo excitation amplification, depending on the relative strength of different emitter-bath coupling paths. Based on this mechanism, we can realize protected nonreciprocal interactions between giant emitters, with nonreciprocity opposite to that of the bath. Such giant-emitter effects are not allowed, however, if the HN model enters the absolutely unstable regime, where the coupled emitters always show secular energy growth. Our proposal provides a new paradigm of non-Hermitian quantum optics, which may be useful for, e.g., engineering effective interactions between quantum emitters and performing many-body simulations in the non-Hermitian framework.
19.Rigorous noise reduction with quantum autoencoders
Authors:Wai-Keong Mok, Hui Zhang, Tobias Haug, Xianshu Luo, Guo-Qiang Lo, Hong Cai, M. S. Kim, Ai Qun Liu, Leong-Chuan Kwek
Abstract: Reducing noise in quantum systems is a major challenge towards the application of quantum technologies. Here, we propose and demonstrate a scheme to reduce noise using a quantum autoencoder with rigorous performance guarantees. The quantum autoencoder learns to compresses noisy quantum states into a latent subspace and removes noise via projective measurements. We find various noise models where we can perfectly reconstruct the original state even for high noise levels. We apply the autoencoder to cool thermal states to the ground state and reduce the cost of magic state distillation by several orders of magnitude. Our autoencoder can be implemented using only unitary transformations without ancillas, making it immediately compatible with the state of the art. We experimentally demonstrate our methods to reduce noise in a photonic integrated circuit. Our results can be directly applied to make quantum technologies more robust to noise.
20.Out-of-time-order correlator, many-body quantum chaos, light-like generators, and singular values
Authors:Ke Huang, Xiao Li, David A. Huse, Amos Chan
Abstract: We study out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) of local operators in spatial-temporal invariant or random quantum circuits using light-like generators (LLG) -- many-body operators that exist in and act along the light-like directions. We demonstrate that the OTOC can be approximated by the leading singular value of the LLG, which, for the case of generic many-body chaotic circuits, is increasingly accurate as the size of the LLG, $w$, increases. We analytically show that the OTOC has a decay with a universal form in the light-like direction near the causal light cone, as dictated by the sub-leading eigenvalues of LLG, $z_2$, and their degeneracies. Further, we analytically derive and numerically verify that the sub-leading eigenvalues of LLG of any size can be accessibly extracted from those of LLG of the smallest size, i.e., $z_2(w)= z_2(w=1)$. Using symmetries and recursive structures of LLG, we propose two conjectures on the universal aspects of generic many-body quantum chaotic circuits, one on the algebraic degeneracy of eigenvalues of LLG, and another on the geometric degeneracy of the sub-leading eigenvalues of LLG. As corollaries of the conjectures, we analytically derive the asymptotic form of the leading singular state, which in turn allows us to postulate and efficiently compute a product-state variational ansatz away from the asymptotic limit. We numerically test the claims with four generic circuit models of many-body quantum chaos, and contrast these statements against the cases of a dual unitary system and an integrable system.