Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Thu, 03 Aug 2023
1.Reducing the number of qubits by a half in one dimensional quantum simulations of Ising chains
Authors:Somayeh Mehrabankar, Miguel Ángel García-March, Carmen G. Almudéver, Armando Pérez
Abstract: We investigate the Ising model using the Block Renormalization Group Method (BRGM), focusing on its behavior across different system sizes. The BRGM reduces the number of spins by a factor of 1/2, effectively preserving essential physical features of the Ising model while using only half the spins. Through a comparative analysis, we demonstrate that as the system size increases, there is a convergence between results obtained from the original and renormalized Hamiltonians, provided the coupling constants are redefined accordingly. Remarkably, for a spin chain with 24 spins, all physical features, including magnetization, correlation function, and entanglement entropy, exhibit an exact correspondence with the results from the original Hamiltonian. The success of BRGM in accurately characterizing the Ising model, even with a relatively small number of spins, underscores its robustness and utility in studying complex physical systems, and facilitates its simulation on current NISQ computers, where the available number of qubits is largely constrained.
2.Correcting biased noise using Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill repetition code with noisy ancilla
Authors:Zhifei Li, Daiqin Su
Abstract: Concatenation of a bosonic code with a qubit code is one of the promising ways to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation. As one of the most important bosonic codes, Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code is proposed to correct small displacement error in phase space. If the noise in phase space is biased, square-lattice GKP code can be concatenated with XZZX surface code or repetition code that promises a high fault-tolerant threshold to suppress the logical error. In this work, we study the performance of GKP repetition codes with physical ancillary GKP qubits in correcting biased noise. We find that there exists a critical value of noise variance for the ancillary GKP qubit such that the logical Pauli error rate decreases when increasing the code size. Furthermore, one round of GKP error correction has to be performed before concatenating with repetition code. Our study paves the way for practical implementation of error correction by concatenating GKP code with low-level qubit codes.
3.Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory Calculations on Quantum Devices
Authors:Junxu Li, Xingyu Gao, Manas Sajjan, Ji-Hu Su, Zhao-Kai Li, Sabre Kais
Abstract: Accurate electronic structure calculations might be one of the most anticipated applications of quantum computing.The recent landscape of quantum simulations within the Hartree-Fock approximation raises the prospect of substantial theory and hardware developments in this context.Here we propose a general quantum circuit for M{\o}ller-Plesset perturbation theory (MPPT) calculations, which is a popular and powerful post-Hartree-Fock method widly harnessed in solving electronic structure problems. MPPT improves on the Hartree-Fock method by including electron correlation effects wherewith Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory. Given the Hartree-Fock results, the proposed circuit is designed to estimate the second order energy corrections with MPPT methods. In addition to demonstration of the theoretical scheme, the proposed circuit is further employed to calculate the second order energy correction for the ground state of Helium atom, and the total error rate is around 2.3%. Experiments on IBM 27-qubit quantum computers express the feasibility on near term quantum devices, and the capability to estimate the second order energy correction accurately. In imitation of the classical MPPT, our approach is non-heuristic, guaranteeing that all parameters in the circuit are directly determined by the given Hartree-Fock results. Moreover, the proposed circuit shows a potential quantum speedup comparing to the traditional MPPT calculations. Our work paves the way forward the implementation of more intricate post-Hartree-Fock methods on quantum hardware, enriching the toolkit solving electronic structure problems on quantum computing platforms.
4.Pulse-area theorem for precision control of the rotational motions of a single molecule in a cavity
Authors:Li-Bao Fan, Chuan-Cun Shu
Abstract: We perform a combined analytical and numerical investigation to explore how an analytically designed pulse can precisely control the rotational motions of a single-molecular polariton formed by the strong coupling of two low-lying rotational states with a single-mode cavity. To this end, we derive a pulse-area theorem that gives amplitude and phase conditions of the pulses in the frequency domain for driving the polariton from a given initial state to an arbitrary coherent state. The pulse-area theorem is examined for generating the maximum degree of orientation using a pair of pulses. We show that the phase condition can be satisfied by setting the initial phases of the two identically overlapped pulses or by controlling the time delay between pulses for practical applications.
5.Accelerating Grover Adaptive Search: Qubit and Gate Count Reduction Strategies with Higher-Order Formulations
Authors:Yuki Sano, Kosuke Mitarai, Naoki Yamamoto, Naoki Ishikawa
Abstract: Grover adaptive search (GAS) is a quantum exhaustive search algorithm designed to solve binary optimization problems. In this paper, we propose higher-order binary formulations that can simultaneously reduce the numbers of qubits and gates required for GAS. Specifically, we consider two novel strategies: one that reduces the number of gates through polynomial factorization, and the other that halves the order of the objective function, subsequently decreasing circuit runtime and implementation cost. Our analysis demonstrates that the proposed higher-order formulations improve the convergence performance of GAS by both reducing the search space size and the number of quantum gates. Our strategies are also beneficial for general combinatorial optimization problems using one-hot encoding.
6.Quantum speedups for stochastic optimization
Authors:Aaron Sidford, Chenyi Zhang
Abstract: We consider the problem of minimizing a continuous function given quantum access to a stochastic gradient oracle. We provide two new methods for the special case of minimizing a Lipschitz convex function. Each method obtains a dimension versus accuracy trade-off which is provably unachievable classically and we prove that one method is asymptotically optimal in low-dimensional settings. Additionally, we provide quantum algorithms for computing a critical point of a smooth non-convex function at rates not known to be achievable classically. To obtain these results we build upon the quantum multivariate mean estimation result of Cornelissen et al. 2022 and provide a general quantum-variance reduction technique of independent interest.
7.Active quantum flocks
Authors:Reyhaneh Khasseh, Sascha Wald, Roderich Moessner, Christoph A. Weber, Markus Heyl
Abstract: Flocks of animals represent a fascinating archetype of collective behavior in the macroscopic classical world, where the constituents, such as birds, concertedly perform motions and actions as if being one single entity. Here, we address the outstanding question of whether flocks can also form in the microscopic world at the quantum level. For that purpose, we introduce the concept of active quantum matter by formulating a class of models of active quantum particles on a one-dimensional lattice. We provide both analytical and large-scale numerical evidence that these systems can give rise to quantum flocks. A key finding is that these flocks, unlike classical ones, exhibit distinct quantum properties by developing strong quantum coherence over long distances. We propose that quantum flocks could be experimentally observed in Rydberg atom arrays. Our work paves the way towards realizing the intriguing collective behaviors of biological active particles in quantum matter systems. We expect that this opens up a path towards a yet totally unexplored class of nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems with unique properties.
8.Manifestation of topological phase in neutron spin rotation without adiabatic regime
Authors:Jian-Jian Cheng
Abstract: The Bitter-Dubbers (BD) experiment is an important experiment that originally aimed to measure topological phase using polarized-neutron spin rotation in a helical magnetic field under adiabatic conditions. Contrary to expectations, upon reevaluation of the BD experiment, it has been found that adiabatic conditions are not necessary for measuring topological phase. In scenarios where the magnetic field is neither homogeneous nor strong enough, and the neutron has a fast velocity, the topological phase can still be manifested. To demonstrate this, we analytically solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the neutron spin rotation in general rotating systems. These exact solutions are then utilized to investigate the nonadiabatic topological phase under the conditions mentioned above. The numerical simulations of the nonadiabatic topological phase have shown a strong concurrence with the BD experimental data. This novel result extends our understanding of the topological phase observed in neutron spin rotation, even in more complex and dynamic scenarios beyond the originally required adiabatic conditions.
9.Predicting rate kernels via dynamic mode decomposition
Authors:Wei Liu, Zi-Hao Chen, Yu Su, Yao Wang, Wenjie Dou
Abstract: Simulating dynamics of open quantum systems is sometimes a significant challenge, despite the availability of various exact or approximate methods. Particularly when dealing with complex systems, the huge computational cost will largely limit the applicability of these methods. We investigate the usage of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) to evaluate the rate kernels in quantum rate processes. DMD is a data-driven model reduction technique that characterizes the rate kernels using snapshots collected from a small time window, allowing us to predict the long-term behaviors with only a limited number of samples. Our investigations show that whether the external field is involved or not, the DMD can give accurate prediction of the result compared with the traditional propagations, and simultaneously reduce the required computational cost.
10.Measurement-Induced Criticality is Tomographically Optimal
Authors:Ahmed A. Akhtar, Hong-Ye Hu, Yi-Zhuang You
Abstract: We develop a classical shadow tomography protocol utilizing the randomized measurement scheme based on hybrid quantum circuits, which consist of layers of two-qubit random unitary gates mixed with single-qubit random projective measurements. Unlike conventional protocols that perform all measurements by the end of unitary evolutions, our protocol allows measurements to occur at any spacetime position throughout the quantum evolution. We provide a universal classical post-processing strategy to approximately reconstruct the original quantum state from intermittent measurement outcomes given the corresponding random circuit realizations over repeated experiments. We investigated the sample complexity for estimating different observables at different measurement rates of the hybrid quantum circuits. Our result shows that the sample complexity has an optimal scaling at the critical measurement rate when the hybrid circuit undergoes the measurement-induced transition.
11.Local entanglement of electrons in 1D hydrogen molecule
Authors:Ivan P. Christov
Abstract: The quantum entanglement entropy of the electrons in one-dimensional hydrogen molecule is quantified locally using an appropriate partitioning of the two-dimensional configuration space. Both the global and the local entanglement entropy exhibit a monotonic increase when increasing the inter-nuclear distance, while the local entropy remains peaked at the middle between the nuclei with its width decreasing. Our findings show that at the inter-nuclear distance where stable hydrogen molecule is formed, the quantum entropy shows no peculiarity thus indicating that the entropy and the energy measures display different sensitivity with respect to the interaction between the two electrons involved. One possible explanation is that the calculation of the quantum entropy does not account for explicitly the distance between the nuclei, which contrasts to the total energy calculation where the energy minimum depends decisively on that distance. The numerically exact and the time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo calculations show close results.
12.Fidelity and Entanglement of Random Bipartite Pure States: Insights and Applications
Authors:George Biswas, Debasish Biswas, Anindya Biswas
Abstract: We investigated the fidelity of typical random bipartite pure states from a fixed quantum state and their bipartite entanglement. By plotting the fidelity and entanglement on perpendicular axes, we observed that the resulting plots exhibit non-uniform distributions and possess an upper bound. The shape of the upper bound curve depends on the entanglement of the fixed quantum state used to measure the fidelity of the random pure states. We find that the average fidelity of a randomly chosen fixed quantum state from typical random pure bipartite qubits is 0.250 within a narrow entanglement range. Furthermore, when investigating random pure product states, we find that their fidelity values from a fixed maximally entangled state are uniformly distributed between 0 and 0.5. This finding opens possibilities for employing such systems as quantum random number generators. Expanding our study to higher dimensional bipartite qudits, we find that the average fidelity of typical random pure bipartite qudits from a randomly chosen quantum qudit remains constant within a narrow entanglement range. The values of these constants are different for different dimensional bipartite qudits. This observation suggests a consistent relationship between entanglement and fidelity across different dimensions.
13.Janus-faced tomograms and retrieval of quadrature moments for $q$-deformed states
Authors:S. Kannan, C. Sudheesh
Abstract: In this work, we derive the optical tomograms of various $q$-deformed quantum states. We found that the optical tomograms of the states under consideration exhibit a fascinating `Janus faced' nature, irrespective of the deformation parameter $q$. We also derived a general method to extract the quadrature moments from the optical tomograms of any $q$-deformed states. We also note that this technique can be used in high-precision experiments to observe deviations from the standard quantum mechanical behavior.
14.Photonic entanglement with accelerated light
Authors:R. C. Souza Pimenta, G. H. dos Santos, A. B. Barreto, L. C. Celeri, P. H. Souto Ribeiro
Abstract: Accelerated light has been demonstrated with laser light and diffraction. Within the diffracting field it is possible to identify a portion that carries most of the beam energy, which propagates in a curved trajectory as it would have been accelerated by a gravitational field for instance. Here, we analyze the effects of this kind of acceleration over the entanglement between twin beams produced in spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Our results show that acceleration does not affect entanglement significantly, under ideal conditions. The optical scheme introduced can be useful in the understanding of processes in the boundary between gravitation and quantum physics.
15.Benchmarking Adaptative Variational Quantum Algorithms on QUBO Instances
Authors:Gloria Turati Politecnico di Milano, Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema Politecnico di Milano, Paolo Cremonesi Politecnico di Milano
Abstract: In recent years, Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as a promising approach for solving optimization problems on quantum computers in the NISQ era. However, one limitation of VQAs is their reliance on fixed-structure circuits, which may not be taylored for specific problems or hardware configurations. A leading strategy to address this issue are Adaptative VQAs, which dynamically modify the circuit structure by adding and removing gates, and optimize their parameters during the training. Several Adaptative VQAs, based on heuristics such as circuit shallowness, entanglement capability and hardware compatibility, have already been proposed in the literature, but there is still lack of a systematic comparison between the different methods. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap by analyzing three Adaptative VQAs: Evolutionary Variational Quantum Eigensolver (EVQE), Variable Ansatz (VAns), already proposed in the literature, and Random Adapt-VQE (RA-VQE), a random approach we introduce as a baseline. In order to compare these algorithms to traditional VQAs, we also include the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) in our analysis. We apply these algorithms to QUBO problems and study their performance by examining the quality of the solutions found and the computational times required. Additionally, we investigate how the choice of the hyperparameters can impact the overall performance of the algorithms, highlighting the importance of selecting an appropriate methodology for hyperparameter tuning. Our analysis sets benchmarks for Adaptative VQAs designed for near-term quantum devices and provides valuable insights to guide future research in this area.
16.Spectrum-to-position mapping via programmable spatial dispersion implemented in an optical quantum memory
Authors:Marcin Jastrzębski, Stanisław Kurzyna, Bartosz Niewelt, Mateusz Mazelanik, Wojciech Wasilewski, Michał Parniak
Abstract: Spectro-temporal processing is essential in reaching ultimate per-photon information capacity in optical communication and metrology. In contrast to the spatial domain, complex multimode processing in the time-frequency domain is however challenging. Here we propose a protocol for spectrum-to-position conversion using spatial spin wave modulation technique in gradient echo quantum memory. This way we link the two domains and allow the processing to be performed purely on the spatial modes using conventional optics. We present the characterization of our interface as well as the frequency estimation uncertainty discussion including the comparison with Cram\'er-Rao bound. The experimental results are backed up by numerical numerical simulations. The measurements were performed on a single-photon level demonstrating low added noise and proving applicability in a photon-starved regime. Our results hold prospects for ultra-precise spectroscopy and present an opportunity to enhance many protocols in quantum and classical communication, sensing, and computing.
17.Quantum Lower Bounds by Sample-to-Query Lifting
Authors:Qisheng Wang, Zhicheng Zhang
Abstract: We propose a quantum sample-to-query lifting theorem. It reveals a quadratic relation between quantum sample and query complexities regarding quantum property testing, which is optimal and saturated by quantum state discrimination. Based on it, we provide a new method for proving lower bounds on quantum query algorithms from an information theory perspective. Using this method, we prove the following new results: 1. A matching lower bound $\widetilde \Omega(\beta)$ for quantum Gibbs sampling at inverse temperature $\beta$, showing that the quantum Gibbs sampler by Gily\'en, Su, Low, and Wiebe (2019) is optimal. 2. A new lower bound $\widetilde \Omega(1/\sqrt{\Delta})$ for the entanglement entropy problem with gap $\Delta$, which was recently studied by She and Yuen (2023). In addition, we also provide unified proofs for some known lower bounds that have been proven previously via different techniques, including those for phase/amplitude estimation and Hamiltonian simulation.
18.Quantum entropies of realistic states of a topological insulator
Authors:Nicolás Legnazzi, Omar Osenda
Abstract: Nanowires of BiSe show topological states localized near the surface of the material. The topological nature of these states can be analyzed using well-known quantities. In this paper, we calculate the topological entropy suggested by Kitaev and Preskill for these states together with a new entropy based on a reduced density matrix that we propose as a measure to distinguish topological one-electron states. Our results show that the topological entropy is a constant independent of the parameters that characterize a topological state as its angular momentum, longitudinal wave vector, and radius of the nanowire. The new entropy is always larger for topological states than for normal ones, allowing the identification of the topological ones. We show how the reduced density matrices associated with both entropies are constructed from the pure state using positive maps and explicitly obtaining the Krauss operators.
19.Entropic property of randomized QAOA circuits
Authors:Chernyavkiy A. Yu., Bantysh B. I
Abstract: Quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) aims to minimize some binary objective function by sampling bitstrings using a parameterized quantum circuit. In contrast to common optimization-based methods for searching circuit parameters (angles), here we consider choosing them at random. Despite the fact that this approach does not outperform classical algorithms for quadratic unconstrained spin optimization (QUSO) problems, including Max-Cut, it surprisingly provides an advantage over the classical random search. Investigation of this effect has led us to the following conjecture: given the probability distribution of obtaining distinct objective values, random parameters QAOA for QUSO problems always gives a higher entropy of this distribution than the classical random search. We also provide an analytical expressions for the distribution.
20.Physics-Informed Quantum Machine Learning: Solving nonlinear differential equations in latent spaces without costly grid evaluations
Authors:Annie E. Paine, Vincent E. Elfving, Oleksandr Kyriienko
Abstract: We propose a physics-informed quantum algorithm to solve nonlinear and multidimensional differential equations (DEs) in a quantum latent space. We suggest a strategy for building quantum models as state overlaps, where exponentially large sets of independent basis functions are used for implicitly representing solutions. By measuring the overlaps between states which are representations of DE terms, we construct a loss that does not require independent sequential function evaluations on grid points. In this sense, the solver evaluates the loss in an intrinsically parallel way, utilizing a global type of the model. When the loss is trained variationally, our approach can be related to the differentiable quantum circuit protocol, which does not scale with the training grid size. Specifically, using the proposed model definition and feature map encoding, we represent function- and derivative-based terms of a differential equation as corresponding quantum states. Importantly, we propose an efficient way for encoding nonlinearity, for some bases requiring only an additive linear increase of the system size $\mathcal{O}(N + p)$ in the degree of nonlinearity $p$. By utilizing basis mapping, we show how the proposed model can be evaluated explicitly. This allows to implement arbitrary functions of independent variables, treat problems with various initial and boundary conditions, and include data and regularization terms in the physics-informed machine learning setting. On the technical side, we present toolboxes for exponential Chebyshev and Fourier basis sets, developing tools for automatic differentiation and multiplication, implementing nonlinearity, and describing multivariate extensions. The approach is compatible with, and tested on, a range of problems including linear, nonlinear and multidimensional differential equations.
21.A novel approach for quantum financial simulation and quantum state preparation
Authors:Yen-Jui Chang, Wei-Ting Wang, Hao-Yuan Chen, Shih-Wei Liao, Ching-Ray Chang
Abstract: Quantum state preparation is vital in quantum computing and information processing. The ability to accurately and reliably prepare specific quantum states is essential for various applications. One of the promising applications of quantum computers is quantum simulation. This requires preparing a quantum state representing the system we are trying to simulate. This research introduces a novel simulation algorithm, the multi-Split-Steps Quantum Walk (multi-SSQW), designed to learn and load complicated probability distributions using parameterized quantum circuits (PQC) with a variational solver on classical simulators. The multi-SSQW algorithm is a modified version of the split-steps quantum walk, enhanced to incorporate a multi-agent decision-making process, rendering it suitable for modeling financial markets. The study provides theoretical descriptions and empirical investigations of the multi-SSQW algorithm to demonstrate its promising capabilities in probability distribution simulation and financial market modeling. Harnessing the advantages of quantum computation, the multi-SSQW models complex financial distributions and scenarios with high accuracy, providing valuable insights and mechanisms for financial analysis and decision-making. The multi-SSQW's key benefits include its modeling flexibility, stable convergence, and instantaneous computation. These advantages underscore its rapid modeling and prediction potential in dynamic financial markets.
22.User-friendly confidence regions for quantum state tomography
Authors:Carlos de Gois, Matthias Kleinmann
Abstract: Quantum state tomography is the standard technique for reconstructing a quantum state from experimental data. Given finite statistics, experimental data cannot give perfect information about the quantum state. A common way to express this limited knowledge is by providing confidence regions in state space. Though plenty of confidence regions have been previously proposed, they are often too loose to use for large systems or difficult to apply to nonstandard measurement schemes. Starting from a vector Bernstein inequality, we consider concentration bounds for random vectors following multinomial distributions and analyse optimal strategies to distribute a fixed budget of samples across them. Interpreting this as a tomography experiment leads to two confidence regions, one of which performs comparably well to the best regions in the literature. The regions describe an ellipsoid in the state space and have the appeal of being efficient in the required number of samples as well as being easily applicable to any measurement scheme.
23.Dissipative Dynamics of Graph-State Stabilizers with Superconducting Qubits
Authors:Liran Shirizly, Grégoire Misguich, Haggai Landa
Abstract: We study the noisy evolution of multipartite entangled states, focusing on superconducting-qubit devices accessible via the cloud. We experimentally characterize the single-qubit coherent and incoherent error parameters together with the effective two-qubit interactions, whose combined action dominates the decoherence of quantum memory states. We find that a valid modeling of the dynamics of superconducting qubits requires one to properly account for coherent frequency shifts, caused by stochastic charge-parity fluctuations. We present a numerical approach that is scalable to tens of qubits, allowing us to simulate efficiently the dissipative dynamics of some large multiqubit states. Comparing our simulations to measurements of stabilizers dynamics of graph states realized experimentally with up to 12 qubits on a ring, we find that a very good agreement is achievable. Our approach allows us to probe nonlocal state characteristics that are inaccessible in the experiment. We show evidence for a significant improvement of the many-body state fidelity using dynamical decoupling sequences, mitigating the effect of charge-parity oscillations and two-qubit crosstalk.
24.The Electronic and Electromagnetic Dirac Equations
Authors:Mingjie Li, S. A. R. Horsley
Abstract: Maxwell's equations and the Dirac equation are the first-order differential relativistic wave equation for electromagnetic waves and electronic waves respectively. Hence, there is a notable similarity between these two wave equations, which has been widely researched since the Dirac equation was proposed. In this paper, we show that the Maxwell equations can be written in an exact form of the Dirac equation by representing the four Dirac operators with $8\times8$ matrices. Unlike the ordinary $4\times4$ Dirac equation, both spin--1/2 and spin--1 operators can be derived from the $8\times8$ Dirac equation, manifesting that the $8\times8$ Dirac equation is able to describe both electrons and photons. As a result of the restrictions that the electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave, the photon is a spin--1 particle. The four--current in the Maxwell equations and the mass in the electronic Dirac equation also force the electromagnetic field to transform differently to the electronic field. We use this $8\times8$ representation to find that the Zitterbewegung of the photon is actually the oscillatory part of the Poynting vector, often neglected upon time averaging.
25.Mutually unbiased bases as a commuting polynomial optimisation problem
Authors:Luke Mortimer
Abstract: We consider the problem of mutually unbiased bases as a polynomial optimization problem over the reals. We heavily reduce it using known symmetries before exploring it using two methods, combining a number of optimization techniques. The first of these is a search for bases using Lagrange-multipliers that converges rapidly in case of MUB existence, whilst the second combines a hierarchy of semidefinite programs with branch-and-bound techniques to perform a global search. We demonstrate that such an algorithm would eventually solve the open question regarding dimension 6 with finite memory, although it still remains intractable. We explore the idea that to show the inexistence of bases, it suffices to search for orthonormal vector sets of certain smaller sizes, rather than full bases. We use our two methods to conjecture the minimum set sizes required to show infeasibility, proving it for dimensions 3. The fact that such sub-problems seem to also be infeasible heavily reduces the number of variables, by 66\% in the case of the open problem, potentially providing an large speedup for other algorithms and bringing them into the realm of tractability.
26.Magic of quantum hypergraph states
Authors:Junjie Chen, Yuxuan Yan, You Zhou
Abstract: Magic, or nonstabilizerness, characterizes the deviation of a quantum state from the set of stabilizer states and plays a fundamental role from quantum state complexity to universal fault-tolerant quantum computing. However, analytical or even numerical characterizations of magic are very challenging, especially in the multi-qubit system, even with a moderate qubit number. Here we systemically and analytically investigate the magic resource of archetypal multipartite quantum states -- quantum hypergraph states, which can be generated by multi-qubit Controlled-phase gates encoded by hypergraphs. We first give the magic formula in terms of the stabilizer R$\mathrm{\acute{e}}$nyi-$\alpha$ entropies for general quantum hypergraph states and prove the magic can not reach the maximal value, if the average degree of the corresponding hypergraph is constant. Then we investigate the statistical behaviors of random hypergraph states and prove the concentration result that typically random hypergraph states can reach the maximal magic. This also suggests an efficient way to generate maximal magic states with random diagonal circuits. Finally, we study some highly symmetric hypergraph states with permutation-symmetry, such as the one whose associated hypergraph is $3$-complete, i.e., any three vertices are connected by a hyperedge. Counterintuitively, such states can only possess constant or even exponentially small magic for $\alpha\geq 2$. Our study advances the understanding of multipartite quantum magic and could lead to applications in quantum computing and quantum many-body physics.
27.Quantum Maps Between CPTP and HPTP
Authors:Ningping Cao, Maxwell Fitzsimmons, Zachary Mann, Rajesh Pereira, Raymond Laflamme
Abstract: For an open quantum system to evolve under CPTP maps, assumptions are made on the initial correlations between the system and the environment. Hermitian-preserving trace-preserving (HPTP) maps are considered as the local dynamic maps beyond CPTP. In this paper, we provide a succinct answer to the question of what physical maps are in the HPTP realm by two approaches. The first is by taking one step out of the CPTP set, which provides us with Semi-Positivity (SP) TP maps. The second way is by examining the physicality of HPTP maps, which leads to Semi-Nonnegative (SN) TP maps. Physical interpretations and geometrical structures are studied for these maps. The non-CP SPTP maps $\Psi$ correspond to the quantum non-Markovian process under the CP-divisibility definition ($\Psi = \Xi \circ \Phi^{-1}$, where $\Xi$ and $\Phi$ are CPTP). When removing the invertibility assumption on $\Phi$, we land in the set of SNTP maps. A by-product of set relations is an answer to the following question -- what kind of dynamics the system will go through when the previous dynamic $\Phi$ is non-invertible. In this case, the only locally well-defined maps are in $SN\backslash SP$, they live on the boundary of $SN$. Otherwise, the non-local information will be irreplaceable in the system's dynamic. With the understanding of physical maps beyond CPTP, we prove that the current quantum error correction scheme is still sufficient to correct quantum non-Markovian errors. In some special cases, lack of complete positivity could provide us with more error correction methods with less overhead.