Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Fri, 28 Apr 2023
1.On Underdamped Nesterov's Acceleration
Authors:Shuo Chen, Bin Shi, Ya-xiang Yuan
Abstract: The high-resolution differential equation framework has been proven to be tailor-made for Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent method~(\texttt{NAG}) and its proximal correspondence -- the class of faster iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithms (FISTA). However, the systems of theories is not still complete, since the underdamped case ($r < 2$) has not been included. In this paper, based on the high-resolution differential equation framework, we construct the new Lyapunov functions for the underdamped case, which is motivated by the power of the time $t^{\gamma}$ or the iteration $k^{\gamma}$ in the mixed term. When the momentum parameter $r$ is $2$, the new Lyapunov functions are identical to the previous ones. These new proofs do not only include the convergence rate of the objective value previously obtained according to the low-resolution differential equation framework but also characterize the convergence rate of the minimal gradient norm square. All the convergence rates obtained for the underdamped case are continuously dependent on the parameter $r$. In addition, it is observed that the high-resolution differential equation approximately simulates the convergence behavior of~\texttt{NAG} for the critical case $r=-1$, while the low-resolution differential equation degenerates to the conservative Newton's equation. The high-resolution differential equation framework also theoretically characterizes the convergence rates, which are consistent with that obtained for the underdamped case with $r=-1$.
2.A Method for Finding a Design Space as Linear Combinations of Parameter Ranges for Biopharmaceutical Control Strategies
Authors:Thomas Oberleitner, Thomas Zahel, Christoph Herwig
Abstract: According to ICH Q8 guidelines, the biopharmaceutical manufacturer submits a design space (DS) definition as part of the regulatory approval application, in which case process parameter (PP) deviations within this space are not considered a change and do not trigger a regulatory post approval procedure. A DS can be described by non-linear PP ranges, i.e., the range of one PP conditioned on specific values of another. However, independent PP ranges (linear combinations) are often preferred in biopharmaceutical manufacturing due to their operation simplicity. While some statistical software supports the calculation of a DS comprised of linear combinations, such methods are generally based on discretizing the parameter space - an approach that scales poorly as the number of PPs increases. Here, we introduce a novel method for finding linear PP combinations using a numeric optimizer to calculate the largest design space within the parameter space that results in critical quality attribute (CQA) boundaries within acceptance criteria, predicted by a regression model. A precomputed approximation of tolerance intervals is used in inequality constraints to facilitate fast evaluations of this boundary using a single matrix multiplication. Correctness of the method was validated against different ground truths with known design spaces. Compared to stateof-the-art, grid-based approaches, the optimizer-based procedure is more accurate, generally yields a larger DS and enables the calculation in higher dimensions. Furthermore, a proposed weighting scheme can be used to favor certain PPs over others and therefore enabling a more dynamic approach to DS definition and exploration. The increased PP ranges of the larger DS provide greater operational flexibility for biopharmaceutical manufacturers.
3.Design and Operation of Renewable Energy Microgrids under uncertainty towards Green Deal and Minimum Carbon Emissions
Authors:Su Meyra Tatar, Erdal Aydin
Abstract: The regulations regarding the Paris Agreement are planned to be adapted soon to keep the global temperature rise within 2 0C. Additionally, integrating renewable energy-based equipment and adopting new ways of producing energy resources, for example Power to Gas technology, becomes essential because of the current environmental and political concerns. Moreover, it is vital to supply the growing energy demand with the increasing population. Uncertainty must be considered in the transition phase since parameters regarding the electricity demand, carbon tax policies, and intermittency of renewable energy-based equipment have intermittent nature. A multi-period two-stage stochastic MILP model is proposed in this work where the wind speed, solar irradiance, temperature, power demand, carbon emission trading (CET) price, and CO2 emission limit are considered uncertain parameters. This model finds one single optimal design for the energy grid while considering several scenarios regarding uncertainties simultaneously. Three stochastic case studies with scenarios including different combinations of the aforementioned uncertain parameters are investigated. Results show that more renewable energy-based equipment with higher rated power values is chosen as the sanctions get stricter. In addition, the optimality of PtG technology is also investigated for a specific location. Implementing the CO2 emission limit as an uncertain parameter instead of including CET price as an uncertain parameter results in lower annual CO2 emission rates and higher net present cost values. Keywords: optimal renewable energy integration, power-to-gas, two-stage stochastic programming, carbon trade, carbon price, green hydrogen
4.Controlling Microgrids Without External Data: A Benchmark of Stochastic Programming Methods
Authors:Alban Puech SE, Tristan Rigaut LAAS-POP, Adrien Le Franc LAAS-POP, William Templier SE, Jean-Christophe Alais SE, Maud Tournoud SE, Victor Bossard SE, Alejandro Yousef SE, Elena Stolyarova SE
Abstract: Microgrids are local energy systems that integrate energy production, demand, and storage units. They are generally connected to the regional grid to import electricity when local production and storage do not meet the demand. In this context, Energy Management Systems (EMS) are used to ensure the balance between supply and demand, while minimizing the electricity bill, or an environmental criterion. The main implementation challenges for an EMS come from the uncertainties in the consumption, the local renewable energy production, and in the price and the carbon intensity of electricity. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is widely used to implement EMS but is particularly sensitive to the forecast quality, and often requires a subscription to expensive third-party forecast services. We introduce four Multistage Stochastic Control Algorithms relying only on historical data obtained from on-site measurements. We formulate them under the shared framework of Multistage Stochastic Programming and benchmark them against two baselines in 61 different microgrid setups using the EMSx dataset. Our most effective algorithm produces notable cost reductions compared to an MPC that utilizes the same uncertainty model to generate predictions, and it demonstrates similar performance levels to an ideal MPC that relies on perfect forecasts.
5.A Stochastic-Gradient-based Interior-Point Algorithm for Solving Smooth Bound-Constrained Optimization Problems
Authors:Frank E. Curtis, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Daniel P. Robinson, Qi Wang
Abstract: A stochastic-gradient-based interior-point algorithm for minimizing a continuously differentiable objective function (that may be nonconvex) subject to bound constraints is presented, analyzed, and demonstrated through experimental results. The algorithm is unique from other interior-point methods for solving smooth (nonconvex) optimization problems since the search directions are computed using stochastic gradient estimates. It is also unique in its use of inner neighborhoods of the feasible region -- defined by a positive and vanishing neighborhood-parameter sequence -- in which the iterates are forced to remain. It is shown that with a careful balance between the barrier, step-size, and neighborhood sequences, the proposed algorithm satisfies convergence guarantees in both deterministic and stochastic settings. The results of numerical experiments show that in both settings the algorithm can outperform a projected-(stochastic)-gradient method.
6.Solving constrained Procrustes problems: a conic optimization approach
Authors:Terézia Fulová, Mária Trnovská
Abstract: Procrustes problems are matrix approximation problems searching for a~transformation of the given dataset to fit another dataset. They find applications in numerous areas, such as factor and multivariate analysis, computer vision, multidimensional scaling or finance. The known methods for solving Procrustes problems have been designed to handle specific sub-classes, where the set of feasible solutions has a special structure (e.g. a Stiefel manifold), and the objective function is defined using a specific matrix norm (typically the Frobenius norm). We show that a wide class of Procrustes problems can be formulated and solved as a (rank-constrained) semi-definite program. This includes balanced and unbalanced (weighted) Procrustes problems, possibly to a partially specified target, but also oblique, projection or two-sided Procrustes problems. The proposed approach can handle additional linear, quadratic, or semi-definite constraints and the objective function defined using the Frobenius norm but also standard operator norms. The results are demonstrated on a set of numerical experiments and also on real applications.