Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Wed, 26 Jul 2023
1.Efficient Algorithm for QCQP problem with Multiple Quadratic Constraints
Authors:Huang Yin
Abstract: Starting from a classic financial optimization problem, we first propose a cutting plane algorithm for this problem. Then we use spectral decomposition to tranform the problem into an equivalent D.C. programming problem, and the corresponding upper bound estimate is given by the SCO algorithm; then the corresponding lower bound convex relaxation is given by McCormick envelope. Based on this, we propose a global algorithm for this problem and establish the convergence of the algorithms. What's more, the algorithm is still valid for QCQP with multiple quadratic constraints and quadratic matrix in general form.
2.Stabilization of uncertain linear dynamics: an offline-online strategy
Authors:Philipp A. Guth, Karl Kunisch, Sérgio S. Rodrigues
Abstract: A strategy is proposed for adaptive stabilization of linear systems, depending on an uncertain parameter. Offline, the Riccati stabilizing feedback input control operators, corresponding to parameters in a finite training set of chosen candidates for the uncertain parameter, are solved and stored in a library. A uniform partition of the infinite time interval is chosen. In each of these subintervals, the input is given by one of the stored parameter dependent Riccati feedback operators. This parameter is updated online, at the end of each subinterval, based on input and output data, where the true data, corresponding to the true parameter, is compared to fictitious data that one would obtain in case the parameter was in a selected subset of the training set. The auxiliary data can be computed in parallel, so that the parameter update can be performed in real time. The focus is put on the case that the unknown parameter is constant and that the free dynamics is time-periodic. The stabilizing performance of the input obtained by the proposed strategy is illustrated by numerical simulations, for both constant and switching parameters.
3.Gradient-Type Method for Optimization Problems with Polyak-Lojasiewicz Condition: Relative Inexactness in Gradient and Adaptive Parameters Setting
Authors:Sergei M. Puchinin, Fedor S. Stonyakin
Abstract: We consider minimization problems with the well-known Polya-Lojasievich condition and Lipshitz-continuous gradient. Such problem occurs in different places in machine learning and related fields. Furthermore, we assume that a gradient is available with some relative inexactness. We propose some adaptive gradient-type algorithm, where the adaptivity took place with respect to the smoothness parameter and the level of the gradient inexactness. The theoretical estimate of the the quality of the output point is obtained and backed up by experimental results.
4.Improving Conflict Analysis in MIP Solvers by Pseudo-Boolean Reasoning
Authors:Gioni Mexi, Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner, Jakob Nordström
Abstract: Conflict analysis has been successfully generalized from Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving to mixed integer programming (MIP) solvers, but although MIP solvers operate with general linear inequalities, the conflict analysis in MIP has been limited to reasoning with the more restricted class of clausal constraint. This is in contrast to how conflict analysis is performed in so-called pseudo-Boolean solving, where solvers can reason directly with 0-1 integer linear inequalities rather than with clausal constraints extracted from such inequalities. In this work, we investigate how pseudo-Boolean conflict analysis can be integrated in MIP solving, focusing on 0-1 integer linear programs (0-1 ILPs). Phrased in MIP terminology, conflict analysis can be understood as a sequence of linear combinations and cuts. We leverage this perspective to design a new conflict analysis algorithm based on mixed integer rounding (MIR) cuts, which theoretically dominates the state-of-the-art division-based method in pseudo-Boolean solving. We also report results from a first proof-of-concept implementation of different pseudo-Boolean conflict analysis methods in the open-source MIP solver SCIP. When evaluated on a large and diverse set of 0-1 ILP instances from MIPLIB 2017, our new MIR-based conflict analysis outperforms both previous pseudo-Boolean methods and the clause-based method used in MIP. Our conclusion is that pseudo-Boolean conflict analysis in MIP is a promising research direction that merits further study, and that it might also make sense to investigate the use of such conflict analysis to generate stronger no-goods in constraint programming.
5.Convex semi-infinite programming algorithms with inexact separation oracles
Authors:Antoine Oustry, Martina Cerulli
Abstract: Solving convex Semi-Infinite Programming (SIP) problems is challenging when the separation problem, i.e., the problem of finding the most violated constraint, is computationally hard. We propose to tackle this difficulty by solving the separation problem approximately, i.e., by using an inexact oracle. Our focus lies in two algorithms for SIP, namely the Cutting-Planes (CP) and the Inner-Outer Approximation (IOA) algorithms. We prove the CP convergence rate to be in O(1/k), where k is the number of calls to the limited-accuracy oracle, if the objective function is strongly convex. Compared to the CP algorithm, the advantage of the IOA algorithm is the feasibility of its iterates. In the case of a semi-infinite program with Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming separation problem, we prove the convergence of the IOA algorithm toward an optimal solution of the SIP problem despite the oracle's inexactness.
6.Optimisation and monotonicity of the second Robin eigenvalue on a planar exterior domain
Authors:David Krejcirik, Vladimir Lotoreichik
Abstract: We consider the Laplace operator in the exterior of a compact set in the plane, subject to Robin boundary conditions. If the boundary coupling is sufficiently negative, there are at least two discrete eigenvalues below the essential spectrum. We state a general conjecture that the second eigenvalue is maximised by the exterior of a disk under isochoric or isoperimetric constraints. We prove an isoelastic version of the conjecture for the exterior of convex domains. Finally, we establish a monotonicity result for the second eigenvalue under the condition that the compact set is strictly star-shaped and centrally symmetric.
7.Robust Regret Optimal Control
Authors:Jietian Liu, Peter Seiler
Abstract: This paper presents a synthesis method for robust, regret optimal control. The plant is modeled in discrete-time by an uncertain linear time-invariant (LTI) system. An optimal non-causal controller is constructed using the nominal plant model and given full knowledge of the disturbance. Robust regret is defined relative to the performance of this optimal non-causal control. It is shown that a controller achieves robust regret if and only if it satisfies a robust H-infinity performance condition. DK-iteration can be used to synthesize a controller that satisfies this condition and hence achieve a given level of robust regret. The approach is demonstrated via two examples.
8.Parameter-Free FISTA by Adaptive Restart and Backtracking
Authors:Jean-François Aujol, Luca Calatroni, Charles Dossal, Hippolyte Labarrière, Aude Rondepierre
Abstract: We consider a combined restarting and adaptive backtracking strategy for the popular Fast Iterative Shrinking-Thresholding Algorithm frequently employed for accelerating the convergence speed of large-scale structured convex optimization problems. Several variants of FISTA enjoy a provable linear convergence rate for the function values $F(x_n)$ of the form $\mathcal{O}( e^{-K\sqrt{\mu/L}~n})$ under the prior knowledge of problem conditioning, i.e. of the ratio between the (\L ojasiewicz) parameter $\mu$ determining the growth of the objective function and the Lipschitz constant $L$ of its smooth component. These parameters are nonetheless hard to estimate in many practical cases. Recent works address the problem by estimating either parameter via suitable adaptive strategies. In our work both parameters can be estimated at the same time by means of an algorithmic restarting scheme where, at each restart, a non-monotone estimation of $L$ is performed. For this scheme, theoretical convergence results are proved, showing that a $\mathcal{O}( e^{-K\sqrt{\mu/L}n})$ convergence speed can still be achieved along with quantitative estimates of the conditioning. The resulting Free-FISTA algorithm is therefore parameter-free. Several numerical results are reported to confirm the practical interest of its use in many exemplar problems.