Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Tue, 11 Apr 2023
1.A structure exploiting SDP solver for robust controller synthesis
Authors:Dennis Gramlich, Tobias Holicki, Carsten W. Scherer, Christian Ebenbauer
Abstract: In this paper, we revisit structure exploiting SDP solvers dedicated to the solution of Kalman-Yakubovic-Popov semi-definite programs (KYP-SDPs). These SDPs inherit their name from the KYP Lemma and they play a crucial role in e.g. robustness analysis, robust state feedback synthesis, and robust estimator synthesis for uncertain dynamical systems. Off-the-shelve SDP solvers require $O(n^6)$ arithmetic operations per Newton step to solve this class of problems, where $n$ is the state dimension of the dynamical system under consideration. Specialized solvers reduce this complexity to $O(n^3)$. However, existing specialized solvers do not include semi-definite constraints on the Lyapunov matrix, which is necessary for controller synthesis. In this paper, we show how to include such constraints in structure exploiting KYP-SDP solvers.
2.Generative modeling for time series via Schr{ö}dinger bridge
Authors:Mohamed Hamdouche LPSM, Pierre Henry-Labordere LPSM, Huyên Pham LPSM
Abstract: We propose a novel generative model for time series based on Schr{\"o}dinger bridge (SB) approach. This consists in the entropic interpolation via optimal transport between a reference probability measure on path space and a target measure consistent with the joint data distribution of the time series. The solution is characterized by a stochastic differential equation on finite horizon with a path-dependent drift function, hence respecting the temporal dynamics of the time series distribution. We can estimate the drift function from data samples either by kernel regression methods or with LSTM neural networks, and the simulation of the SB diffusion yields new synthetic data samples of the time series. The performance of our generative model is evaluated through a series of numerical experiments. First, we test with a toy autoregressive model, a GARCH Model, and the example of fractional Brownian motion, and measure the accuracy of our algorithm with marginal and temporal dependencies metrics. Next, we use our SB generated synthetic samples for the application to deep hedging on real-data sets. Finally, we illustrate the SB approach for generating sequence of images.
3.Robust Tube Model Predictive Control with Uncertainty Quantification for Discrete-Time Linear Systems
Authors:Yulong Gao, Shuhao Yan, Jian Zhou, Mark Cannon, Alessandro Abate, Karl H. Johansson
Abstract: This paper is concerned with model predictive control (MPC) of discrete-time linear systems subject to bounded additive disturbance and hard constraints on the state and input, whereas the true disturbance set is unknown. Unlike most existing work on robust MPC, we propose an MPC algorithm incorporating online uncertainty quantification that builds on prior knowledge of the disturbance, i.e., a known but conservative disturbance set. We approximate the true disturbance set at each time step with a parameterised set, which is referred to as a quantified disturbance set, using the scenario approach with additional disturbance realisations collected online. A key novelty of this paper is that the parameterisation of these quantified disturbance sets enjoy desirable properties such that the quantified disturbance set and its corresponding rigid tube bounding disturbance propagation can be efficiently updated online. We provide statistical gaps between the true and quantified disturbance sets, based on which, probabilistic recursive feasibility of MPC optimisation problems are discussed. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed algorithm and compare with conventional robust MPC algorithms.
4.Sufficient Conditions for the Exact Relaxation of Complementarity Constraints for Storages in Multi-period ACOPF
Authors:Qi Wang, Wenchuan Wu, Chenhui Lin, Xueliang Li
Abstract: Storage-concerned Alternative Current Optimal Power Flow (ACOPF) with complementarity constraints is highly non-convex and intractable. In this letter, we first derive two types of relaxation conditions, which guarantee no simultaneous charging and discharging (SCD) in the relaxed multi-period ACOPF. Moreover, we prove that the regions on LMPs formed by the proposed two conditions both contain the other four typical ones. We also generalize the application premise of sufficient conditions from the positive electricity price requirements to the negative electricity price scenarios. The case studies verify the exactness and advantages of the proposed method.
5.Local Conditions for Global Convergence of Gradient Flows and Proximal Point Sequences in Metric Spaces
Authors:Lorenzo Dello Schiavo, Jan Maas, Francesco Pedrotti
Abstract: This paper deals with local criteria for the convergence to a global minimiser for gradient flow trajectories and their discretisations. To obtain quantitative estimates on the speed of convergence, we consider variations on the classical Kurdyka--{\L}ojasiewicz inequality for a large class of parameter functions. Our assumptions are given in terms of the initial data, without any reference to an equilibrium point. The main results are convergence statements for gradient flow curves and proximal point sequences to a global minimiser, together with sharp quantitative estimates on the speed of convergence. These convergence results apply in the general setting of lower semicontinuous functionals on complete metric spaces, generalising recent results for smooth functionals on $\mathbb{R}^n$. While the non-smooth setting covers very general spaces, it is also useful for (non)-smooth functionals on $\mathbb{R}^n$.
6.A priori data-driven robustness guarantees on strategic deviations from generalised Nash equilibria
Authors:George Pantazis, Filiberto Fele, Kostas Margellos
Abstract: In this paper we focus on noncooperative games with uncertain constraints coupling the agents' decisions. We consider a setting where bounded deviations of agents' decisions from the equilibrium are possible, and uncertain constraints are inferred from data. Building upon recent advances in the so called scenario approach, we propose a randomised algorithm that returns a nominal equilibrium such that a pre-specified bound on the probability of violation for yet unseen constraints is satisfied for an entire region of admissible deviations surrounding it, thus supporting neighbourhoods of equilibria with probabilistic feasibility certificates. For the case in which the game admits a potential function, whose minimum coincides with the social welfare optimum of the population, the proposed algorithmic scheme opens the road to achieve a trade-off between the guaranteed feasibility levels of the region surrounding the nominal equilibrium, and its system-level efficiency. Detailed numerical simulations corroborate our theoretical results.
7.Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization over Time
Authors:Kevin-Martin Aigner, Andreas Bärmann, Kristin Braun, Frauke Liers, Sebastian Pokutta, Oskar Schneider, Kartikey Sharma, Sebastian Tschuppik
Abstract: Stochastic Optimization (SO) is a classical approach for optimization under uncertainty that typically requires knowledge about the probability distribution of uncertain parameters. As the latter is often unknown, Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) provides a strong alternative that determines the best guaranteed solution over a set of distributions (ambiguity set). In this work, we present an approach for DRO over time that uses online learning and scenario observations arriving as a data stream to learn more about the uncertainty. Our robust solutions adapt over time and reduce the cost of protection with shrinking ambiguity. For various kinds of ambiguity sets, the robust solutions converge to the SO solution. Our algorithm achieves the optimization and learning goals without solving the DRO problem exactly at any step. We also provide a regret bound for the quality of the online strategy which converges at a rate of $\mathcal{O}(\log T / \sqrt{T})$, where $T$ is the number of iterations. Furthermore, we illustrate the effectiveness of our procedure by numerical experiments on mixed-integer optimization instances from popular benchmark libraries and give practical examples stemming from telecommunications and routing. Our algorithm is able to solve the DRO over time problem significantly faster than standard reformulations.