Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Thu, 24 Aug 2023
1.Convex envelopes of bounded monomials on two-variable cones
Authors:Pietro Belotti
Abstract: We consider an $n$-variate monomial function that is restricted both in value by lower and upper bounds and in domain by two homogeneous linear inequalities. Such functions are building blocks of several problems found in practical applications, and that fall under the class of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization. We show that the upper envelope of the function in the given domain, for $n\ge 2$ is given by a conic inequality. We also present the lower envelope for $n=2$. To assess the applicability of branching rules based on homogeneous linear inequalities, we also derive the volume of the convex hull for $n=2$.
2.A Distributed Linear Quadratic Discrete-Time Game Approach to Formation Control with Collision Avoidance
Authors:Prima Aditya, Herbert Werner
Abstract: Formation control problems can be expressed as linear quadratic discrete-time games (LQDTG) for which Nash equilibrium solutions are sought. However, solving such problems requires solving coupled Riccati equations, which cannot be done in a distributed manner. A recent study showed that a distributed implementation is possible for a consensus problem when fictitious agents are associated with edges in the network graph rather than nodes. This paper proposes an extension of this approach to formation control with collision avoidance, where collision is precluded by including appropriate penalty terms on the edges. To address the problem, a state-dependent Riccati equation needs to be solved since the collision avoidance term in the cost function leads to a state-dependent weight matrix. This solution provides relative control inputs associated with the edges of the network graph. These relative inputs then need to be mapped to the physical control inputs applied at the nodes; this can be done in a distributed manner by iterating over a gradient descent search between neighbors in each sampling interval. Unlike inter-sample iteration frequently used in distributed MPC, only a matrix-vector multiplication is needed for each iteration step here, instead of an optimization problem to be solved. This approach can be implemented in a receding horizon manner, this is demonstrated through a numerical example.