Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Wed, 13 Sep 2023
1.Widely tunable solid-state source of single-photons matching an atomic transition
Authors:Rubayet Al Maruf, Sreesh Venuturumilli, Divya Bharadwaj, Paul Anderson, Jiawei Qiu, Yujia Yuan, Mohd Zeeshan, Behrooz Semnani, Philip J. Poole, Dan Dalacu, Kevin Resch, Michael E. Reimer, Michal Bajcsy
Abstract: Hybrid quantum technologies aim to harness the best characteristics of multiple quantum systems, in a similar fashion that classical computers combine electronic, photonic, magnetic, and mechanical components. For example, quantum dots embedded in semiconductor nanowires can produce highly pure, deterministic, and indistinguishable single-photons with high repetition, while atomic ensembles offer robust photon storage capabilities and strong optical nonlinearities that can be controlled with single-photons. However, to successfully integrate quantum dots with atomic ensembles, one needs to carefully match the optical frequencies of these two platforms. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate simple, precise, reversible, broad-range, and local method for controlling the emission frequency of individual quantum dots embedded in tapered semiconductor nanowires and use it to interface with an atomic ensemble via single-photons matched to hyperfine transitions and slow-light regions of the cesium D1-line. Our approach allows linking together atomic and solid-state quantum systems and can potentially also be applied to other types of nanowire-embedded solid-state emitters, as well as to creating devices based on multiple solid-state emitters tuned to produce indistinguishable photons.
2.Effective Field Theories and Finite-temperature Properties of Zero-dimensional Superradiant Quantum Phase Transitions
Authors:Zi-Yong Ge, Heng Fan, Franco Nori
Abstract: The existence of zero-dimensional superradiant quantum phase transitions seems inconsistent with conventional statistical physics, which has not been explained so far. Here we demonstrate the corresponding effective field theories and finite-temperature properties of light-matter interacting systems, and show how this zero-dimensional quantum phase transition occurs. We first focus on the Rabi model, which is a minimum model that hosts a superradiant quantum phase transition. With the path integral method, we derive the imaginary-time action of the photon degrees of freedom. We also define a dynamical exponent as the rescaling between the temperature and the photon frequency, and perform dimensional analysis to the effective action. Our results show that the effective theory becomes a free scalar field or $\phi^4$-theory for a proper dynamical exponent, where a true second-order quantum phase transition emerges. These results are also verified by numerical simulations of imaginary-time correlation functions of the order parameter. Furthermore, we also generalize this method to the Dicke model. Our results make the zero-dimensional superradiant quantum phase transition compatible with conventional statistical physics, and pave the way to understand it in the perspective of effective field theories.
3.Fourier coefficient of parameterized quantum circuits and barren plateau problem
Authors:Shun Okumura, Masayuki Ohzeki
Abstract: We show the relationship between the Fourier coefficients and the barren plateau problem emerging in parameterized quantum circuits. In particular, the sum of squares of the Fourier coefficients is exponentially restricted concerning the qubits under the barren plateau condition. Throughout theory and numerical experiments, we introduce that this property leads to the vanishing of a probability and an expectation formed by parameterized quantum circuits. The traditional barren plateau problem requires the variance of gradient, whereas our idea does not explicitly need a statistic. Therefore, it is not required to specify the kind of initial probability distribution.
4.Derivation of CPT resonance signals from density-matrix equations with all relevant sublevels of Cs atoms and confirmation of experimental results
Authors:K. Matsumoto, S. Kagami, T. Fujisaku, A. Kirihara, S. Yanagimachi, T. Ikegami, A. Morinaga
Abstract: Coherent-population-trapping resonance is a quantum interference effect that appears in the two-photon transitions between the ground-state hyperfine levels of alkali atoms and is often utilized in miniature clock devices. To quantitatively understand and predict the performance of this phenomenon, it is necessary to consider the transitions and relaxations between all hyperfine Zeeman sublevels involved in the different excitation processes of the atom. In this study, we constructed a computational multi-level atomic model of the Liouville density-matrix equation for 32 Zeeman sublevels involved in the $D_1$ line of $^{133}$Cs irradiated by two frequencies with circularly polarized components and then simulated the amplitude and shape of the transmitted light through a Cs vapor cell. We show that the numerical solutions of the equation and analytical investigations adequately explain a variety of the characteristics observed in the experiment.
5.Application of a Hybrid Algorithm Based on Quantum Annealing to Solve a Metropolitan Scale Railway Dispatching Problem
Authors:Mátyás Koniorczyk, Krzysztof Krawiec, Ludmila Botelho, Nikola Bešinović, Krzysztof Domino
Abstract: We address the applicability of quantum-classical hybrid solvers for practical railway dispatching/conflict management problems, with a demonstration on real-life metropolitan-scale network traffic. The railway network includes both single-and double segments and covers all the requirements posed by the operator of the network. We build a linear integer model for the problem and solve it with D-Wave's quantum-classical hybrid solver as well as with CPLEX for comparison. The computational results demonstrate the readiness for application and benefits of quantum-classical hybrid solvers in the a realistic railway scenario: they yield acceptable solutions on time; a critical requirement in a dispatching situation. Though they are heuristic they offer a valid alternative and outperform classical solvers in some cases.
6.Strong backaction on a mechanical resonator by a few photons
Authors:Tanmoy bera, Vibhor Singh
Abstract: Cavity electromechanical systems, consisting of a mechanical resonator coupled to an electromagnetic mode, are extensively used for sensing of various forces and controlling the vibrations of a mechanical mode down to their quantum limit. In the microwave domain, such devices based on magnetic-flux coupling have emerged as a promising platform with the potential to reach a single-photon strong coupling regime. Here, we demonstrate a flux-coupled electromechanical device using a frequency tunable superconducting transmon qubit, and a microwave cavity. By tuning the qubit in resonance with the cavity, the hybridized state (dressed mode) of the qubit and the cavity mode is used to achieve a magnetic field-dependent electromechanical coupling. It is established by performing an electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT)-like experiment. At the largest applied field, we estimate the single-photon coupling rate of 60 kHz. Further, in the presence of the pump signal, we observe backaction, showing both cooling and heating of the mechanical mode. With a stronger pump, the dressed mode shows the signature of "super-splitting", and a strong backaction on the mechanical resonator, reflected in the broadening of the mechanical linewidth by a factor of 42 while using less than 1 photon in the dressed mode.
7.Quantum Optical Induced-Coherence Tomography by a Hybrid Interferometer
Authors:Eun Mi Kim, Sun Kyung Lee, Sang Min Lee, Myeong Soo Kang, Hee Su Park
Abstract: Quantum interferometry based on induced-coherence phenomena has demonstrated the possibility of undetected-photon measurements. Perturbation in the optical path of probe photons can be detected by interference signals generated by quantum mechanically correlated twin photons propagating through a different path, possibly at a different wavelength. To the best of our knowledge, this work demonstrates for the first time a hybrid-type induced-coherence interferometer that incorporates a Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer for visible photons and a Michelson-type interferometer for infrared photons, based on double-pass pumped spontaneous parametric down-conversion. This configuration enables infrared optical measurements via the detection of near-visible photons and provides methods for characterizing the quality of measurements by identifying photon pairs of different origins. The results verify that the induced-coherence interference visibility is approximately the same as the heralding efficiencies between twin photons along the relevant spatial modes. Applications to both time-domain and frequency-domain quantum-optical induced-coherence tomography for three-dimensional test structures are demonstrated. The results prove the feasibility of practical undetected-photon sensing and imaging techniques based on the presented structure.
8.Circuit QED with a Giant Atom Coupling to Left-handed Superlattice Metamaterials
Authors:Zhao-Min Gao, Jia-Qi Li, Zi-Wen Li, Wen-Xiao Liu, Xin Wang
Abstract: Giant atoms, where the dipole approximation ceases to be valid, allow us to observe unconventional quantum optical phenomena arising from interference and time-delay effects. Most previous studies consider giant atoms coupling to conventional materials with right-handed dispersion. In this study, we first investigate the quantum dynamics of a giant atom interacting with left-handed superlattice metamaterials. Different from those right-handed counterparts, the left-handed superlattices exhibit an asymmetric band gap generated by anomalous dispersive bands and Bragg scattering bands. First, by assuming that the giant atom is in resonance with the continuous dispersive energy band, spontaneous emission will undergo periodic enhancement or suppression due to the interference effect. At the resonant position, there is a significant discrepancy in the spontaneous decay rates between the upper and lower bands, which arises from the differences in group velocity. Second, we explore the non-Markovian dynamics of the giant atom by considering the frequency of the emitter outside the energy band, where bound states will be induced by the interference between two coupling points. By employing both analytical and numerical methods, we demonstrate that the steady atomic population will be periodically modulated, driven by variations in the size of the giant atom. The presence of asymmetric band edges leads to diverse interference dynamics. Finally, we consider the case of two identical emitters coupling to the waveguide and find that the energy within the two emitters undergoes exchange through the mechanism Rabi oscillations.
9.Advantages of the Kirkwood-Dirac distribution among general quasi-probabilities for finite-state quantum systems
Authors:Shun Umekawa, Jaeha Lee, Naomichi Hatano
Abstract: We investigate features of the quasi-joint-probability distribution for finite-state quantum systems, especially the two-state and three-state quantum systems, comparing different types of quasi-joint-probability distributions based on the general framework of quasi-classicalization. We show from two perspectives that the Kirkwood-Dirac distribution is the quasi-joint-probability distribution that behaves nicely for the finite-state quantum systems. One is the similarity to the genuine probability and the other is the information that we can obtain from the quasi-probability. By introducing the concept of the possible values of observables, we show for the finite-state quantum systems that the Kirkwood-Dirac distribution behaves more similarly to the genuine probability distribution in contrast to most of the other quasi-probabilities including the Wigner function. We also prove that the states of the two-state and three-state quantum systems can be completely distinguished by the Kirkwood-Dirac distribution of only two directions of the spin and point out for the two-state system that the imaginary part of the quasi-probability is essential for the distinguishability of the state.
10.Estimation with ultimate quantum precision of the transverse displacement between two photons via two-photon interference sampling measurements
Authors:Danilo Triggiani, Vincenzo Tamma
Abstract: We present a quantum sensing scheme achieving the ultimate quantum sensitivity in the estimation of the transverse displacement between two photons interfering at a balanced beam splitter, based on transverse-momentum sampling measurements at the output. This scheme can possibly lead to enhanced high-precision nanoscopic techniques, such as super-resolved single-molecule localization microscopy with quantum dots, by circumventing the requirements in standard direct imaging of cameras resolution at the diffraction limit, and of highly magnifying objectives. Interestingly, the ultimate spatial precision in nature is achieved irrespectively of the overlap of the two displaced photonic wavepackets. This opens a new research paradigm based on the interface between spatially resolved quantum interference and quantum-enhanced spatial sensitivity.
11.Parity Measurements using Dispersive Shifts for Surface Codes
Authors:Aneirin Baker
Abstract: Parity measurements are central to quantum error correction (QEC). In current implementations measurements of stabilizers are performed using a number of Controlled Not (CNOT) gates. This implementation suffers from an exponential decrease in fidelity as the number of CNOT gates increases thus the stabilizer measurements also suffer a severe decrease in fidelity and increase in gate time. Speeding up and improving the fidelity of this process will improve error rates of these stabilizer measurements thus increasing the coherence times of logical qubits. We propose a single shot method useful for stabilizer readout based on dispersive shifts. We show a possible set up for this method and simulate a 4 qubit system showing that this method is an improvement over the previous CNOT circuit in both fidelity and gate time. We find a fidelity of 99.8% and gate time of 600 ns using our method and investigate the effects of higher order Z interactions on the system.
12.Mode-multiplexing deep-strong light-matter coupling
Authors:J. Mornhinweg Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany Department of Physics, TU Dortmund University, Germany, L. Diebel Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, M. Halbhuber Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, M. Prager Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, J. Riepl Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, T. Inzenhofer Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, D. Bougeard Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, R. Huber Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany, C. Lange Department of Physics, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Abstract: Dressing quantum states of matter with virtual photons can create exotic effects ranging from vacuum-field modified transport to polaritonic chemistry, and may drive strong squeezing or entanglement of light and matter modes. The established paradigm of cavity quantum electrodynamics focuses on resonant light-matter interaction to maximize the coupling strength $\Omega_\mathrm{R}/\omega_\mathrm{c}$, defined as the ratio of the vacuum Rabi frequency and the carrier frequency of light. Yet, the finite oscillator strength of a single electronic excitation sets a natural limit to $\Omega_\mathrm{R}/\omega_\mathrm{c}$. Here, we demonstrate a new regime of record-strong light-matter interaction which exploits the cooperative dipole moments of multiple, highly non-resonant magnetoplasmon modes specifically tailored by our metasurface. This multi-mode coupling creates an ultrabroadband spectrum of over 20 polaritons spanning 6 optical octaves, vacuum ground state populations exceeding 1 virtual excitation quantum for electronic and optical modes, and record coupling strengths equivalent to $\Omega_\mathrm{R}/\omega_\mathrm{c}=3.19$. The extreme interaction drives strongly subcycle exchange of vacuum energy between multiple bosonic modes akin to high-order nonlinearities otherwise reserved to strong-field physics, and entangles previously orthogonal electronic excitations solely via vacuum fluctuations of the common cavity mode. This offers avenues towards tailoring phase transitions by coupling otherwise non-interacting modes, merely by shaping the dielectric environment.
13.Predicting Expressibility of Parameterized Quantum Circuits using Graph Neural Network
Authors:Shamminuj Aktar, Andreas Bärtschi, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Diane Oyen, Stephan Eidenbenz
Abstract: Parameterized Quantum Circuits (PQCs) are essential to quantum machine learning and optimization algorithms. The expressibility of PQCs, which measures their ability to represent a wide range of quantum states, is a critical factor influencing their efficacy in solving quantum problems. However, the existing technique for computing expressibility relies on statistically estimating it through classical simulations, which requires many samples. In this work, we propose a novel method based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for predicting the expressibility of PQCs. By leveraging the graph-based representation of PQCs, our GNN-based model captures intricate relationships between circuit parameters and their resulting expressibility. We train the GNN model on a comprehensive dataset of PQCs annotated with their expressibility values. Experimental evaluation on a four thousand random PQC dataset and IBM Qiskit's hardware efficient ansatz sets demonstrates the superior performance of our approach, achieving a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.03 and 0.06, respectively.
14.Dynamics Reflects Quantum Phase Transition of Rabi Model
Authors:M. Li, Y. N. Wang, Z. Y. Song, Y. M. Zhao, X. L. Zhao, H. Y. Ma
Abstract: As the simplest and most fundamental model describing the interaction between light and matter, a breakdown in the rotating wave approximation leads to phase-transition-like behavior versus coupling strength when the frequency of the qubit greatly surpasses that of the oscillator. We show that the dynamics can reflect the phase transition of the Rabi model. In addition to the excitation of the qubit and bosonic field in the ground state, we show that the witness of inseparability, mutual information, quantum Fisher information, and the variance of cavity quadrature can be employed to detect the phase transition in quench. We also reveal the negative impact of temperature on checking the phase transition by quench. This model can be implemented using trapped ions, where the coupling strength can be flexibly adjusted from weak to ultrastrong regime. By reflecting the phase transition in a fundamental quantum optics model without imposing the thermodynamic limit, we propose a method to explore phase transition in non-equilibrium process.
15.Quantum Signatures of Topological Phase in Bosonic Quadratic System
Authors:Yaohua Li, Yong-Chun Liu
Abstract: Quantum entanglement and classical topology are two distinct phenomena that are difficult to be connected together. Here we discover that an open bosonic quadratic chain exhibits topology-induced entanglement effect. When the system is in the topological phase, the edge modes can be entangled in the steady state, while no entanglement appears in the trivial phase. This finding is verified through the covariance approach based on the quantum master equations, which provide exact numerical results without truncation process. We also obtain concise approximate analytical results through the quantum Langevin equations, which perfectly agree with the exact numerical results. We show the topological edge states exhibit near-zero eigenenergies located in the band gap and are separated from the bulk eigenenergies, which match the system-environment coupling (denoted by the dissipation rate) and thus the squeezing correlations can be enhanced. Our work reveals that the stationary entanglement can be a quantum signature of the topological phase in bosonic systems, and inversely the topological quadratic systems can be powerful platforms to generate robust entanglement.
16.High performance Boson Sampling simulation via data-flow engines
Authors:Gregory Morse, Tomasz Rybotycki, Ágoston Kaposi, Zoltán Kolarovszki, Uros Stojic, Tamás Kozsik, Oskar Mencer, Michał Oszmaniec, Zoltán Zimborás, Péter Rakyta
Abstract: In this work, we generalize the Balasubramanian-Bax-Franklin-Glynn (BB/FG) permanent formula to account for row multiplicities during the permanent evaluation and reduce the complexity of permanent evaluation in scenarios where such multiplicities occur. This is achieved by incorporating n-ary Gray code ordering of the addends during the evaluation. We implemented the designed algorithm on FPGA-based data-flow engines and utilized the developed accessory to speed up boson sampling simulations up to $40$ photons, by drawing samples from a $60$ mode interferometer at an averaged rate of $\sim80$ seconds per sample utilizing $4$ FPGA chips. We also show that the performance of our BS simulator is in line with the theoretical estimation of Clifford \& Clifford \cite{clifford2020faster} providing a way to define a single parameter to characterize the performance of the BS simulator in a portable way. The developed design can be used to simulate both ideal and lossy boson sampling experiments.
17.Floquet topological phase transitions induced by uncorrelated or correlated disorder
Authors:Jun-Hui Zheng, Arijit Dutta, Monika Aidelsburger, Walter Hofstetter
Abstract: The impact of weak disorder and its spatial correlation on the topology of a Floquet system is not well understood so far. In this study, we investigate a model closely related to a two-dimensional Floquet system that has been realized in experiments. In the absence of disorder, we determine the phase diagram and identify a new phase characterized by edge states with alternating chirality in adjacent gaps. When weak disorder is introduced, we examine the disorder-averaged Bott index and analyze why the anomalous Floquet topological insulator is favored by both uncorrelated and correlated disorder, with the latter having a stronger effect. For a system with a ring-shaped gap, the Born approximation fails to explain the topological phase transition, unlike for a system with a point-like gap.
18.Deep Quantum Graph Dreaming: Deciphering Neural Network Insights into Quantum Experiments
Authors:Tareq Jaouni, Sören Arlt, Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Ebrahim Karimi, Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn
Abstract: Despite their promise to facilitate new scientific discoveries, the opaqueness of neural networks presents a challenge in interpreting the logic behind their findings. Here, we use a eXplainable-AI (XAI) technique called $inception$ or $deep$ $dreaming$, which has been invented in machine learning for computer vision. We use this techniques to explore what neural networks learn about quantum optics experiments. Our story begins by training a deep neural networks on the properties of quantum systems. Once trained, we "invert" the neural network -- effectively asking how it imagines a quantum system with a specific property, and how it would continuously modify the quantum system to change a property. We find that the network can shift the initial distribution of properties of the quantum system, and we can conceptualize the learned strategies of the neural network. Interestingly, we find that, in the first layers, the neural network identifies simple properties, while in the deeper ones, it can identify complex quantum structures and even quantum entanglement. This is in reminiscence of long-understood properties known in computer vision, which we now identify in a complex natural science task. Our approach could be useful in a more interpretable way to develop new advanced AI-based scientific discovery techniques in quantum physics.
19.Fast Flux-Activated Leakage Reduction for Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Authors:Nathan Lacroix, Luca Hofele, Ants Remm, Othmane Benhayoune-Khadraoui, Alexander McDonald, Ross Shillito, Stefania Lazar, Christoph Hellings, Francois Swiadek, Dante Colao-Zanuz, Alexander Flasby, Mohsen Bahrami Panah, Michael Kerschbaum, Graham J. Norris, Alexandre Blais, Andreas Wallraff, Sebastian Krinner
Abstract: Quantum computers will require quantum error correction to reach the low error rates necessary for solving problems that surpass the capabilities of conventional computers. One of the dominant errors limiting the performance of quantum error correction codes across multiple technology platforms is leakage out of the computational subspace arising from the multi-level structure of qubit implementations. Here, we present a resource-efficient universal leakage reduction unit for superconducting qubits using parametric flux modulation. This operation removes leakage down to our measurement accuracy of $7\cdot 10^{-4}$ in approximately $50\, \mathrm{ns}$ with a low error of $2.5(1)\cdot 10^{-3}$ on the computational subspace, thereby reaching durations and fidelities comparable to those of single-qubit gates. We demonstrate that using the leakage reduction unit in repeated weight-two stabilizer measurements reduces the total number of detected errors in a scalable fashion to close to what can be achieved using leakage-rejection methods which do not scale. Our approach does neither require additional control electronics nor on-chip components and is applicable to both auxiliary and data qubits. These benefits make our method particularly attractive for mitigating leakage in large-scale quantum error correction circuits, a crucial requirement for the practical implementation of fault-tolerant quantum computation.
20.Real-time quantum dynamics of thermal states with neural thermofields
Authors:Jannes Nys, Zakari Denis, Giuseppe Carleo
Abstract: Solving the time-dependent quantum many-body Schr\"odinger equation is a challenging task, especially for states at a finite temperature, where the environment affects the dynamics. Most existing approximating methods are designed to represent static thermal density matrices, 1D systems, and/or zero-temperature states. In this work, we propose a method to study the real-time dynamics of thermal states in two dimensions, based on thermofield dynamics, variational Monte Carlo, and neural-network quantum states. To this aim, we introduce two novel tools: (i) a procedure to accurately simulate the cooling down of arbitrary quantum variational states from infinite temperature, and (ii) a generic thermal (autoregressive) recurrent neural-network (ARNNO) Ansatz that allows for direct sampling from the density matrix using thermofield basis rotations. We apply our technique to the transverse-field Ising model subject to an additional longitudinal field and demonstrate that the time-dependent observables, including correlation operators, can be accurately reproduced for a 4x4 spin lattice. We provide predictions of the real-time dynamics on a 6x6 lattice that lies outside the reach of exact simulations.
21.Quantum Computation of Thermal Averages for a Non-Abelian $D_4$ Lattice Gauge Theory via Quantum Metropolis Sampling
Authors:Edoardo Ballini, Giuseppe Clemente, Massimo D'Elia, Lorenzo Maio, Kevin Zambello
Abstract: In this paper, we show the application of the Quantum Metropolis Sampling (QMS) algorithm to a toy gauge theory with discrete non-Abelian gauge group $D_4$ in (2+1)-dimensions, discussing in general how some components of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms should be adapted in the case of gauge theories. In particular, we discuss the construction of random unitary operators which preserve gauge invariance and act transitively on the physical Hilbert space, constituting an ergodic set of quantum Metropolis moves between gauge invariant eigenspaces, and introduce a protocol for gauge invariant measurements. Furthermore, we show how a finite resolution in the energy measurements distorts the energy and plaquette distribution measured via QMS, and propose a heuristic model that takes into account part of the deviations between numerical results and exact analytical results, whose discrepancy tends to vanish by increasing the number of qubits used for the energy measurements.
22.Global becomes local: Efficient many-body dynamics for global master equations
Authors:Alexander Schnell
Abstract: This work makes progress on the issue of global- vs. local- master equations. Global master equations like the Redfield master equation (following from standard Born- and Markov- approximation) require a full diagonalization of the system Hamiltonian. This is especially challenging for interacting quantum many-body systems. We discuss a short-bath-correlation-time expansion in reciprocal (energy) space, leading to a series expansion of the jump operator, which avoids a diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. For a bath that is coupled locally to one site, this typically leads to an expansion of the global Redfield jump operator in terms of local operators. We additionally map the local Redfield master equation to an approximate Lindblad form, giving an equation which has the same conceptual advantages of traditional local Lindblad approaches, while being applicable in a much broader class of systems. Our ideas give rise to a non-heuristic foundation of local master equations, which can be combined with established many-body methods.