Methodology (stat.ME)
Wed, 26 Jul 2023
1.On the application of Gaussian graphical models to paired data problems
Authors:Saverio Ranciati, Alberto Roverato
Abstract: Gaussian graphical models are nowadays commonly applied to the comparison of groups sharing the same variables, by jointy learning their independence structures. We consider the case where there are exactly two dependent groups and the association structure is represented by a family of coloured Gaussian graphical models suited to deal with paired data problems. To learn the two dependent graphs, together with their across-graph association structure, we implement a fused graphical lasso penalty. We carry out a comprehensive analysis of this approach, with special attention to the role played by some relevant submodel classes. In this way, we provide a broad set of tools for the application of Gaussian graphical models to paired data problems. These include results useful for the specification of penalty values in order to obtain a path of lasso solutions and an ADMM algorithm that solves the fused graphical lasso optimization problem. Finally, we present an application of our method to cancer genomics where it is of interest to compare cancer cells with a control sample from histologically normal tissues adjacent to the tumor. All the methods described in this article are implemented in the $\texttt{R}$ package $\texttt{pdglasso}$ availabe at: https://github.com/savranciati/pdglasso.
2.A bayesian wavelet shrinkage rule under LINEX loss function
Authors:Alex Rodrigo dos Santos Sousa
Abstract: This work proposes a wavelet shrinkage rule under asymmetric LINEX loss function and a mixture of a point mass function at zero and the logistic distribution as prior distribution to the wavelet coefficients in a nonparametric regression model with gaussian error. Underestimation of a significant wavelet coefficient can lead to a bad detection of features of the unknown function such as peaks, discontinuities and oscillations. It can also occur under asymmetrically distributed wavelet coefficients. Thus the proposed rule is suitable when overestimation and underestimation have asymmetric losses. Statistical properties of the rule such as squared bias, variance, frequentist and bayesian risks are obtained. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the rule against standard methods and an application in a real dataset involving infrared spectra is provided.
3.Consideration Set Sampling to Analyze Undecided Respondents
Authors:Dominik Kreiss, Thomas Augustin
Abstract: Researchers in psychology characterize decision-making as a process of eliminating options. While statistical modelling typically focuses on the eventual choice, we analyze consideration sets describing, for each survey participant, all options between which the respondent is pondering. Using a German pre-election poll as a prototypical example, we give a proof of concept that consideration set sampling is easy to implement and provides the basis for an insightful structural analysis of the respondents' positions. The set-valued observations forming the consideration sets are naturally modelled as random sets, allowing to transfer regression modelling as