Methodology (stat.ME)
Thu, 29 Jun 2023
1.Causally Interpretable Meta-Analysis of Multivariate Outcomes in Observational Studies
Authors:Subharup Guha, Yi Li
Abstract: Integrating multiple observational studies to make unconfounded causal or descriptive comparisons of group potential outcomes in a large natural population is challenging. Moreover, retrospective cohorts, being convenience samples, are usually unrepresentative of the natural population of interest and have groups with unbalanced covariates. We propose a general covariate-balancing framework based on pseudo-populations that extends established weighting methods to the meta-analysis of multiple retrospective cohorts with multiple groups. Additionally, by maximizing the effective sample sizes of the cohorts, we propose a FLEXible, Optimized, and Realistic (FLEXOR) weighting method appropriate for integrative analyses. We develop new weighted estimators for unconfounded inferences on wide-ranging population-level features and estimands relevant to group comparisons of quantitative, categorical, or multivariate outcomes. The asymptotic properties of these estimators are examined, and accurate small-sample procedures are devised for quantifying estimation uncertainty. Through simulation studies and meta-analyses of TCGA datasets, we discover the differential biomarker patterns of the two major breast cancer subtypes in the United States and demonstrate the versatility and reliability of the proposed weighting strategy, especially for the FLEXOR pseudo-population.
2.A location-scale joint model for studying the link between the time-dependent subject-specific variability of blood pressure and competing events
Authors:Léonie Courcoul, Christophe Tzourio, Mark Woodward, Antoine Barbieri, Hélène Jacqmin-Gadda
Abstract: Given the high incidence of cardio and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD), and its association with morbidity and mortality, its prevention is a major public health issue. A high level of blood pressure is a well-known risk factor for these events and an increasing number of studies suggest that blood pressure variability may also be an independent risk factor. However, these studies suffer from significant methodological weaknesses. In this work we propose a new location-scale joint model for the repeated measures of a marker and competing events. This joint model combines a mixed model including a subject-specific and time-dependent residual variance modeled through random effects, and cause-specific proportional intensity models for the competing events. The risk of events may depend simultaneously on the current value of the variance, as well as, the current value and the current slope of the marker trajectory. The model is estimated by maximizing the likelihood function using the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm. The estimation procedure is implemented in a R-package and is validated through a simulation study. This model is applied to study the association between blood pressure variability and the risk of CVD and death from other causes. Using data from a large clinical trial on the secondary prevention of stroke, we find that the current individual variability of blood pressure is associated with the risk of CVD and death. Moreover, the comparison with a model without heterogeneous variance shows the importance of taking into account this variability in the goodness-of-fit and for dynamic predictions.
3.Efficient subsampling for exponential family models
Authors:Subhadra Dasgupta, Holger Dette
Abstract: We propose a novel two-stage subsampling algorithm based on optimal design principles. In the first stage, we use a density-based clustering algorithm to identify an approximating design space for the predictors from an initial subsample. Next, we determine an optimal approximate design on this design space. Finally, we use matrix distances such as the Procrustes, Frobenius, and square-root distance to define the remaining subsample, such that its points are "closest" to the support points of the optimal design. Our approach reflects the specific nature of the information matrix as a weighted sum of non-negative definite Fisher information matrices evaluated at the design points and applies to a large class of regression models including models where the Fisher information is of rank larger than $1$.
4.Zipper: Addressing degeneracy in algorithm-agnostic inference
Authors:Geng Chen, Yinxu Jia, Guanghui Wang, Changliang Zou
Abstract: The widespread use of black box prediction methods has sparked an increasing interest in algorithm/model-agnostic approaches for quantifying goodness-of-fit, with direct ties to specification testing, model selection and variable importance assessment. A commonly used framework involves defining a predictiveness criterion, applying a cross-fitting procedure to estimate the predictiveness, and utilizing the difference in estimated predictiveness between two models as the test statistic. However, even after standardization, the test statistic typically fails to converge to a non-degenerate distribution under the null hypothesis of equal goodness, leading to what is known as the degeneracy issue. To addresses this degeneracy issue, we present a simple yet effective device, Zipper. It draws inspiration from the strategy of additional splitting of testing data, but encourages an overlap between two testing data splits in predictiveness evaluation. Zipper binds together the two overlapping splits using a slider parameter that controls the proportion of overlap. Our proposed test statistic follows an asymptotically normal distribution under the null hypothesis for any fixed slider value, guaranteeing valid size control while enhancing power by effective data reuse. Finite-sample experiments demonstrate that our procedure, with a simple choice of the slider, works well across a wide range of settings.
5.Methods for non-proportional hazards in clinical trials: A systematic review
Authors:Maximilian Bardo, Cynthia Huber, Norbert Benda, Jonas Brugger, Tobias Fellinger, Vaidotas Galaune, Judith Heinz, Harald Heinzl, Andrew C. Hooker, Florian Klinglmüller, Franz König, Tim Mathes, Martina Mittlböck, Martin Posch, Robin Ristl, Tim Friede
Abstract: For the analysis of time-to-event data, frequently used methods such as the log-rank test or the Cox proportional hazards model are based on the proportional hazards assumption, which is often debatable. Although a wide range of parametric and non-parametric methods for non-proportional hazards (NPH) has been proposed, there is no consensus on the best approaches. To close this gap, we conducted a systematic literature search to identify statistical methods and software appropriate under NPH. Our literature search identified 907 abstracts, out of which we included 211 articles, mostly methodological ones. Review articles and applications were less frequently identified. The articles discuss effect measures, effect estimation and regression approaches, hypothesis tests, and sample size calculation approaches, which are often tailored to specific NPH situations. Using a unified notation, we provide an overview of methods available. Furthermore, we derive some guidance from the identified articles. We summarized the contents from the literature review in a concise way in the main text and provide more detailed explanations in the supplement (page 29).
6.A network-based regression approach for identifying subject-specific driver mutations
Authors:Kin Yau Wong, Donglin Zeng, D. Y. Lin
Abstract: In cancer genomics, it is of great importance to distinguish driver mutations, which contribute to cancer progression, from causally neutral passenger mutations. We propose a random-effect regression approach to estimate the effects of mutations on the expressions of genes in tumor samples, where the estimation is assisted by a prespecified gene network. The model allows the mutation effects to vary across subjects. We develop a subject-specific mutation score to quantify the effect of a mutation on the expressions of its downstream genes, so mutations with large scores can be prioritized as drivers. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methods by simulation studies and provide an application to a breast cancer genomics study.
7.Statistically Enhanced Learning: a feature engineering framework to boost (any) learning algorithms
Authors:Florian Felice, Christophe Ley, Andreas Groll, Stéphane Bordas
Abstract: Feature engineering is of critical importance in the field of Data Science. While any data scientist knows the importance of rigorously preparing data to obtain good performing models, only scarce literature formalizes its benefits. In this work, we will present the method of Statistically Enhanced Learning (SEL), a formalization framework of existing feature engineering and extraction tasks in Machine Learning (ML). The difference compared to classical ML consists in the fact that certain predictors are not directly observed but obtained as statistical estimators. Our goal is to study SEL, aiming to establish a formalized framework and illustrate its improved performance by means of simulations as well as applications on real life use cases.
8.Medoid splits for efficient random forests in metric spaces
Authors:Matthieu Bulté, Helle Sørensen
Abstract: This paper revisits an adaptation of the random forest algorithm for Fr\'echet regression, addressing the challenge of regression in the context of random objects in metric spaces. Recognizing the limitations of previous approaches, we introduce a new splitting rule that circumvents the computationally expensive operation of Fr\'echet means by substituting with a medoid-based approach. We validate this approach by demonstrating its asymptotic equivalence to Fr\'echet mean-based procedures and establish the consistency of the associated regression estimator. The paper provides a sound theoretical framework and a more efficient computational approach to Fr\'echet regression, broadening its application to non-standard data types and complex use cases.
9.How trace plots help interpret meta-analysis results
Authors:Christian Röver, David Rindskopf, Tim Friede
Abstract: The trace plot is seldom used in meta-analysis, yet it is a very informative plot. In this article we define and illustrate what the trace plot is, and discuss why it is important. The Bayesian version of the plot combines the posterior density of tau, the between-study standard deviation, and the shrunken estimates of the study effects as a function of tau. With a small or moderate number of studies, tau is not estimated with much precision, and parameter estimates and shrunken study effect estimates can vary widely depending on the correct value of tau. The trace plot allows visualization of the sensitivity to tau along with a plot that shows which values of tau are plausible and which are implausible. A comparable frequentist or empirical Bayes version provides similar results. The concepts are illustrated using examples in meta-analysis and meta-regression; implementaton in R is facilitated in a Bayesian or frequentist framework using the bayesmeta and metafor packages, respectively.