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Robotics (cs.RO)

Mon, 31 Jul 2023

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1.Part-level Scene Reconstruction Affords Robot Interaction

Authors:Zeyu Zhang, Lexing Zhang, Zaijin Wang, Ziyuan Jiao, Muzhi Han, Yixin Zhu, Song-Chun Zhu, Hangxin Liu

Abstract: Existing methods for reconstructing interactive scenes primarily focus on replacing reconstructed objects with CAD models retrieved from a limited database, resulting in significant discrepancies between the reconstructed and observed scenes. To address this issue, our work introduces a part-level reconstruction approach that reassembles objects using primitive shapes. This enables us to precisely replicate the observed physical scenes and simulate robot interactions with both rigid and articulated objects. By segmenting reconstructed objects into semantic parts and aligning primitive shapes to these parts, we assemble them as CAD models while estimating kinematic relations, including parent-child contact relations, joint types, and parameters. Specifically, we derive the optimal primitive alignment by solving a series of optimization problems, and estimate kinematic relations based on part semantics and geometry. Our experiments demonstrate that part-level scene reconstruction outperforms object-level reconstruction by accurately capturing finer details and improving precision. These reconstructed part-level interactive scenes provide valuable kinematic information for various robotic applications; we showcase the feasibility of certifying mobile manipulation planning in these interactive scenes before executing tasks in the physical world.

2.Model-free Grasping with Multi-Suction Cup Grippers for Robotic Bin Picking

Authors:Philipp Schillinger, Miroslav Gabriel, Alexander Kuss, Hanna Ziesche, Ngo Anh Vien

Abstract: This paper presents a novel method for model-free prediction of grasp poses for suction grippers with multiple suction cups. Our approach is agnostic to the design of the gripper and does not require gripper-specific training data. In particular, we propose a two-step approach, where first, a neural network predicts pixel-wise grasp quality for an input image to indicate areas that are generally graspable. Second, an optimization step determines the optimal gripper selection and corresponding grasp poses based on configured gripper layouts and activation schemes. In addition, we introduce a method for automated labeling for supervised training of the grasp quality network. Experimental evaluations on a real-world industrial application with bin picking scenes of varying difficulty demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

3.Learning Generalizable Tool Use with Non-rigid Grasp-pose Registration

Authors:Malte Mosbach, Sven Behnke

Abstract: Tool use, a hallmark feature of human intelligence, remains a challenging problem in robotics due the complex contacts and high-dimensional action space. In this work, we present a novel method to enable reinforcement learning of tool use behaviors. Our approach provides a scalable way to learn the operation of tools in a new category using only a single demonstration. To this end, we propose a new method for generalizing grasping configurations of multi-fingered robotic hands to novel objects. This is used to guide the policy search via favorable initializations and a shaped reward signal. The learned policies solve complex tool use tasks and generalize to unseen tools at test time. Visualizations and videos of the trained policies are available at

4.Value-Informed Skill Chaining for Policy Learning of Long-Horizon Tasks with Surgical Robot

Authors:Tao Huang, Kai Chen, Wang Wei, Jianan Li, Yonghao Long, Qi Dou

Abstract: Reinforcement learning is still struggling with solving long-horizon surgical robot tasks which involve multiple steps over an extended duration of time due to the policy exploration challenge. Recent methods try to tackle this problem by skill chaining, in which the long-horizon task is decomposed into multiple subtasks for easing the exploration burden and subtask policies are temporally connected to complete the whole long-horizon task. However, smoothly connecting all subtask policies is difficult for surgical robot scenarios. Not all states are equally suitable for connecting two adjacent subtasks. An undesired terminate state of the previous subtask would make the current subtask policy unstable and result in a failed execution. In this work, we introduce value-informed skill chaining (ViSkill), a novel reinforcement learning framework for long-horizon surgical robot tasks. The core idea is to distinguish which terminal state is suitable for starting all the following subtask policies. To achieve this target, we introduce a state value function that estimates the expected success probability of the entire task given a state. Based on this value function, a chaining policy is learned to instruct subtask policies to terminate at the state with the highest value so that all subsequent policies are more likely to be connected for accomplishing the task. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three complex surgical robot tasks from SurRoL, a comprehensive surgical simulation platform, achieving high task success rates and execution efficiency. Code is available at $\href{}{\text{}}$.

5.Human Preferences and Robot Constraints Aware Shared Control for Smooth Follower Motion Execution

Authors:Qibin Chen, Yaonan Zhu, Kay Hansel, Tadayoshi Aoyama, Yasuhisa Hasegawa

Abstract: With the continuous advancement of robot teleoperation technology, shared control is used to reduce the physical and mental load of the operator in teleoperation system. This paper proposes an alternating shared control framework for object grasping that considers both operator's preferences through their manual manipulation and the constraints of the follower robot. The switching between manual mode and automatic mode enables the operator to intervene the task according to their wishes. The generation of the grasping pose takes into account the current state of the operator's hand pose, as well as the manipulability of the robot. The object grasping experiment indicates that the use of the proposed grasping pose selection strategy leads to smoother follower movements when switching from manual mode to automatic mode.

6.Extraction of Road Users' Behavior From Realistic Data According to Assumptions in Safety-Related Models for Automated Driving Systems

Authors:Novel Certad, Sebastian Tschernuth, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal

Abstract: In this work, we utilized the methodology outlined in the IEEE Standard 2846-2022 for "Assumptions in Safety-Related Models for Automated Driving Systems" to extract information on the behavior of other road users in driving scenarios. This method includes defining high-level scenarios, determining kinematic characteristics, evaluating safety relevance, and making assumptions on reasonably predictable behaviors. The assumptions were expressed as kinematic bounds. The numerical values for these bounds were extracted using Python scripts to process realistic data from the UniD dataset. The resulting information enables Automated Driving Systems designers to specify the parameters and limits of a road user's state in a specific scenario. This information can be utilized to establish starting conditions for testing a vehicle that is equipped with an Automated Driving System in simulations or on actual roads.

7.An Overconstrained Vertical Darboux Mechanism

Authors:Johannes Siegele, Martin Pfurner

Abstract: In this article, we will construct an overconstrained closed-loop linkage consisting of four revolute and one cylindrical joint. It is obtained by factorization of a prescribed vertical Darboux motion. We will investigate the kinematic behaviour of the obtained mechanism, which turns out to have multiple operation modes. Under certain conditions on the design parameters, two of the operation modes will correspond to vertical Darboux motions. It turns out, that for these design parameters, there also exists a second assembly mode.

8.Poly-MOT: A Polyhedral Framework For 3D Multi-Object Tracking

Authors:Xiaoyu Li, Tao Xie, Dedong Liu, Jinghan Gao, Kun Dai, Zhiqiang Jiang, Lijun Zhao, Ke Wang

Abstract: 3D Multi-object tracking (MOT) empowers mobile robots to accomplish well-informed motion planning and navigation tasks by providing motion trajectories of surrounding objects. However, existing 3D MOT methods typically employ a single similarity metric and physical model to perform data association and state estimation for all objects. With large-scale modern datasets and real scenes, there are a variety of object categories that commonly exhibit distinctive geometric properties and motion patterns. In this way, such distinctions would enable various object categories to behave differently under the same standard, resulting in erroneous matches between trajectories and detections, and jeopardizing the reliability of downstream tasks (navigation, etc.). Towards this end, we propose Poly-MOT, an efficient 3D MOT method based on the Tracking-By-Detection framework that enables the tracker to choose the most appropriate tracking criteria for each object category. Specifically, Poly-MOT leverages different motion models for various object categories to characterize distinct types of motion accurately. We also introduce the constraint of the rigid structure of objects into a specific motion model to accurately describe the highly nonlinear motion of the object. Additionally, we introduce a two-stage data association strategy to ensure that objects can find the optimal similarity metric from three custom metrics for their categories and reduce missing matches. On the NuScenes dataset, our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance with 75.4\% AMOTA. The code is available at

9.End-to-End Reinforcement Learning for Torque Based Variable Height Hopping

Authors:Raghav Soni, Daniel Harnack, Hauke Isermann, Sotaro Fushimi, Shivesh Kumar, Frank Kirchner

Abstract: Legged locomotion is arguably the most suited and versatile mode to deal with natural or unstructured terrains. Intensive research into dynamic walking and running controllers has recently yielded great advances, both in the optimal control and reinforcement learning (RL) literature. Hopping is a challenging dynamic task involving a flight phase and has the potential to increase the traversability of legged robots. Model based control for hopping typically relies on accurate detection of different jump phases, such as lift-off or touch down, and using different controllers for each phase. In this paper, we present a end-to-end RL based torque controller that learns to implicitly detect the relevant jump phases, removing the need to provide manual heuristics for state detection. We also extend a method for simulation to reality transfer of the learned controller to contact rich dynamic tasks, resulting in successful deployment on the robot after training without parameter tuning.

10.Bi-Level Image-Guided Ergodic Exploration with Applications to Planetary Rovers

Authors:Elena Wittemyer, Ian Abraham

Abstract: We present a method for image-guided exploration for mobile robotic systems. Our approach extends ergodic exploration methods, a recent exploration approach that prioritizes complete coverage of a space, with the use of a learned image classifier that automatically detects objects and updates an information map to guide further exploration and localization of objects. Additionally, to improve outcomes of the information collected by our robot's visual sensor, we present a decomposition of the ergodic optimization problem as bi-level coarse and fine solvers, which act respectively on the robot's body and the robot's visual sensor. Our approach is applied to geological survey and localization of rock formations for Mars rovers, with real images from Mars rovers used to train the image classifier. Results demonstrate 1) improved localization of rock formations compared to naive approaches while 2) minimizing the path length of the exploration through the bi-level exploration.

11.Learning whom to trust in navigation: dynamically switching between classical and neural planning

Authors:Sombit Dey, Assem Sadek, Gianluca Monaci, Boris Chidlovskii, Christian Wolf

Abstract: Navigation of terrestrial robots is typically addressed either with localization and mapping (SLAM) followed by classical planning on the dynamically created maps, or by machine learning (ML), often through end-to-end training with reinforcement learning (RL) or imitation learning (IL). Recently, modular designs have achieved promising results, and hybrid algorithms that combine ML with classical planning have been proposed. Existing methods implement these combinations with hand-crafted functions, which cannot fully exploit the complementary nature of the policies and the complex regularities between scene structure and planning performance. Our work builds on the hypothesis that the strengths and weaknesses of neural planners and classical planners follow some regularities, which can be learned from training data, in particular from interactions. This is grounded on the assumption that, both, trained planners and the mapping algorithms underlying classical planning are subject to failure cases depending on the semantics of the scene and that this dependence is learnable: for instance, certain areas, objects or scene structures can be reconstructed easier than others. We propose a hierarchical method composed of a high-level planner dynamically switching between a classical and a neural planner. We fully train all neural policies in simulation and evaluate the method in both simulation and real experiments with a LoCoBot robot, showing significant gains in performance, in particular in the real environment. We also qualitatively conjecture on the nature of data regularities exploited by the high-level planner.

12.Multi Agent Navigation in Unconstrained Environments using a Centralized Attention based Graphical Neural Network Controller

Authors:Yining Ma, Qadeer Khan, Daniel Cremers

Abstract: In this work, we propose a learning based neural model that provides both the longitudinal and lateral control commands to simultaneously navigate multiple vehicles. The goal is to ensure that each vehicle reaches a desired target state without colliding with any other vehicle or obstacle in an unconstrained environment. The model utilizes an attention based Graphical Neural Network paradigm that takes into consideration the state of all the surrounding vehicles to make an informed decision. This allows each vehicle to smoothly reach its destination while also evading collision with the other agents. The data and corresponding labels for training such a network is obtained using an optimization based procedure. Experimental results demonstrates that our model is powerful enough to generalize even to situations with more vehicles than in the training data. Our method also outperforms comparable graphical neural network architectures. Project page which includes the code and supplementary information can be found at

13.Deep Reinforcement Learning of Dexterous Pre-grasp Manipulation for Human-like Functional Categorical Grasping

Authors:Dmytro Pavlichenko, Sven Behnke

Abstract: Many objects such as tools and household items can be used only if grasped in a very specific way - grasped functionally. Often, a direct functional grasp is not possible, though. We propose a method for learning a dexterous pre-grasp manipulation policy to achieve human-like functional grasps using deep reinforcement learning. We introduce a dense multi-component reward function that enables learning a single policy, capable of dexterous pre-grasp manipulation of novel instances of several known object categories with an anthropomorphic hand. The policy is learned purely by means of reinforcement learning from scratch, without any expert demonstrations, and implicitly learns to reposition and reorient objects of complex shapes to achieve given functional grasps. Learning is done on a single GPU in less than three hours.

14.Recovery Policies for Safe Exploration of Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions by a Solar-Powered Rover

Authors:Olivier Lamarre, Shantanu Malhotra, Jonathan Kelly

Abstract: The success of a multi-kilometre drive by a solar-powered rover at the lunar south pole depends upon careful planning in space and time due to highly dynamic solar illumination conditions. An additional challenge is that real-world robots may be subject to random faults that can temporarily delay long-range traverses. The majority of existing global spatiotemporal planners assume a deterministic rover-environment model and do not account for random faults. In this paper, we consider a random fault profile with a known, average spatial fault rate. We introduce a methodology to compute recovery policies that maximize the probability of survival of a solar-powered rover from different start states. A recovery policy defines a set of recourse actions to reach a location with sufficient battery energy remaining, given the local solar illumination conditions. We solve a stochastic reach-avoid problem using dynamic programming to find such optimal recovery policies. Our focus, in part, is on the implications of state space discretization, which is often required in practical implementations. We propose a modified dynamic programming algorithm that conservatively accounts for approximation errors. To demonstrate the benefits of our approach, we compare against existing methods in scenarios where a solar-powered rover seeks to safely exit from permanently shadowed regions in the Cabeus area at the lunar south pole. We also highlight the relevance of our methodology for mission formulation and trade safety analysis by empirically comparing different rover mobility models in simulated recovery drives from the LCROSS crash region.

15.Congestion Analysis for the DARPA OFFSET CCAST Swarm

Authors:Robert Brown, Julie A. Adams

Abstract: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics program's goal of launching 250 unmanned aerial and ground vehicles from a limited sized launch zone was a daunting challenge. The swarm's aerial vehicles were primarily multirotor platforms, which can efficiently be launched en masse. Each field exercise expected the deployment of an even larger swarm. While the launch zone's spatial area increased with each field exercise, the relative space for each vehicle was not necessarily increased, considering the increasing size of the swarm and the vehicles' associated GPS error; however, safe mission deployment and execution were expected. At the same time, achieving the mission goals required maximizing efficiency of the swarm's performance by reducing congestion that blocked vehicles from completing tactic assignments. Congestion analysis conducted before the final field exercise focused on adjusting various constraints to optimize the swarm's deployment without reducing safety. During the field exercise, data was collected that permitted analyzing the number and durations of individual vehicle blockages' impact on the resulting congestion. After the field exercise, additional analyses used the mission plan to validate the use of simulation for analyzing congestion.

16.Uncertainty-aware Gaussian Mixture Model for UWB Time Difference of Arrival Localization in Cluttered Environments

Authors:Wenda Zhao, Abhishek Goudar, Mingliang Tang, Xinyuan Qiao, Angela P. Schoellig

Abstract: Ultra-wideband (UWB) time difference of arrival(TDOA)-based localization has emerged as a low-cost and scalable indoor positioning solution. However, in cluttered environments, the performance of UWB TDOA-based localization deteriorates due to the biased and non-Gaussian noise distributions induced by obstacles. In this work, we present a bi-level optimization-based joint localization and noise model learning algorithm to address this problem. In particular, we use a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to approximate the measurement noise distribution. We explicitly incorporate the estimated state's uncertainty into the GMM noise model learning, referred to as uncertainty-aware GMM, to improve both noise modeling and localization performance. We first evaluate the GMM noise model learning and localization performance in numerous simulation scenarios. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in extensive real-world experiments using two different cluttered environments. We show that our algorithm provides accurate position estimates with low-cost UWB sensors, no prior knowledge about the obstacles in the space, and a significant amount of UWB radios occluded.

17.Data-Based MHE for Agile Quadrotor Flight

Authors:Wonoo Choo, Erkan Kayacan

Abstract: This paper develops a data-based moving horizon estimation (MHE) method for agile quadrotors. Accurate state estimation of the system is paramount for precise trajectory control for agile quadrotors; however, the high level of aerodynamic forces experienced by the quadrotors during high-speed flights make this task extremely challenging. These complex turbulent effects are difficult to model and the unmodelled dynamics introduce inaccuracies in the state estimation. In this work, we propose a method to model these aerodynamic effects using Gaussian Processes which we integrate into the MHE to achieve efficient and accurate state estimation with minimal computational burden. Through extensive simulation and experimental studies, this method has demonstrated significant improvement in state estimation performance displaying superior robustness to poor state measurements.

18.Discovering Adaptable Symbolic Algorithms from Scratch

Authors:Stephen Kelly, Daniel S. Park, Xingyou Song, Mitchell McIntire, Pranav Nashikkar, Ritam Guha, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Kalyanmoy Deb, Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, Jie Tan, Esteban Real

Abstract: Autonomous robots deployed in the real world will need control policies that rapidly adapt to environmental changes. To this end, we propose AutoRobotics-Zero (ARZ), a method based on AutoML-Zero that discovers zero-shot adaptable policies from scratch. In contrast to neural network adaption policies, where only model parameters are optimized, ARZ can build control algorithms with the full expressive power of a linear register machine. We evolve modular policies that tune their model parameters and alter their inference algorithm on-the-fly to adapt to sudden environmental changes. We demonstrate our method on a realistic simulated quadruped robot, for which we evolve safe control policies that avoid falling when individual limbs suddenly break. This is a challenging task in which two popular neural network baselines fail. Finally, we conduct a detailed analysis of our method on a novel and challenging non-stationary control task dubbed Cataclysmic Cartpole. Results confirm our findings that ARZ is significantly more robust to sudden environmental changes and can build simple, interpretable control policies.