High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)
Wed, 19 Jul 2023
1.Photospheric velocity evolution of SN 2020bvc: signature of $r$-process nucleosynthesis from a collapsar
Authors:Long Li, Shu-Qing Zhong, Zi-Gao Dai
Abstract: Whether binary neutron star mergers are the only astrophysical site of rapid neutron-capture process ($r$-process) nucleosynthesis remains unknown. Collapsars associated with long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and hypernovae are promising candidates. Simulations have shown that outflows from collapsar accretion disks can produce enough $r$-process materials to explain the abundances in the universe. However, there is no observational evidence to confirm this result at present. SN 2020bvc is a broad-lined type Ic (Ic-BL) supernova (SN) possibly associated with a low-luminosity GRB. Based on semi-analytic SN emission models with and without $r$-process materials, we perform a fitting to the multi-band light curves and photospheric velocities of SN 2020bvc. We find that in a $r$-process-enriched model the mixing of $r$-process materials slows down the photospheric recession and therefore matches the velocity evolution better. The fitting results show that $r$-process materials with mass of $\approx0.36~M_\odot$ and opacity of $\approx4~\rm cm^2~g^{-1}$ is needed to mix with about half of the SN ejecta. Our fitting results are weakly dependent on the nebular emission. Future statistical analysis of a sample of type Ic-BL SNe helps us understand the contribution of collapsars to the $r$-process abundance.
2.Numerical simulation of photospheric emission in long gamma-ray bursts: prompt correlations, spectral shapes, and polarizations
Authors:Hirotaka Ito, Jin Matsumoto, Shigehiro Nagataki, Donald C. Warren, Maxim V. Barkov, Daisuke Yonetoku
Abstract: We explore the properties of photospheric emission in the context of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) using three numerical models that combine relativistic hydrodynamical simulations and Monte Carlo radiation transfer calculations in three dimensions. Our simulations confirm that the photospheric emission gives rise to correlations between the spectral peak energy and luminosity that agree with the observed Yonetoku, Amati, and Golenetskii correlations. It is also shown that the spectral peak energy and luminosity correlate with the bulk Lorentz factor, as indicated in the literature. On the other hand, synthetic spectral shapes tend to be narrower than those of the observations. The result indicates that an additional physical process that can provide non-thermal broadening is needed to reproduce the spectral features. Furthermore, the polarization analysis finds that, while the degree of polarization is low for the emission from the jet core ($\Pi < 4~\%$), it tends to increase with the viewing angle outside the core and can be as high as $\Pi \sim 20-40~\%$ in an extreme case. This suggests that the typical GRBs show systematically low polarization compared to softer, dimmer counterparts (X-ray-rich GRBs and X-ray flashes). Interestingly, our simulations indicate that photospheric emission exhibits large temporal variation in the polarization position angle ($\Delta \psi \sim 90^{\circ}$), which may be compatible with those inferred in observations. A notable energy dependence of the polarization property is another characteristic feature found in the current study. Particularly, the difference in the position angle among different energy bands can be as large as $\sim 90^{\circ}$.
3.Constraints on redshifts of blazars from extragalactic background light attenuation using Fermi-LAT data
Authors:A. Domínguez UC Madrid & IPARCOS, M. Láinez UC Madrid & IPARCOS, V. S. Paliya IUCAA, N. Álvarez-Crespo, M. Ajello, J. Finke, M. Nievas-Rosillo, J. L. Contreras, A. Desai
Abstract: The extragalactic high-energy $\gamma$-ray sky is dominated by blazars, which are active galactic nuclei with their jets pointing towards us. Distance measurements are of fundamental importance yet for some of these sources are challenging because any spectral signature from the host galaxy may be outshone by the non-thermal emission from the jet. In this paper, we present a method to constrain redshifts for these sources that relies only on data from the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. This method takes advantage of the signatures that the pair-production interaction between photons with energies larger than approximately 10 GeV and the extragalactic background light leaves on $\gamma$-ray spectra. We find upper limits for the distances of 303 $\gamma$-ray blazars, classified as 157 BL Lacertae objects, 145 of uncertain class, and 1 flat-spectrum-radio quasar, whose redshifts are otherwise unknown. These derivations can be useful for planning observations with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes and also for testing theories of supermassive black hole evolution. Our results are applied to estimate the detectability of these blazars with the future Cherenkov Telescope Array, finding that at least 21 of them could be studied in a reasonable exposure of 20 h.
4.Neutrino spin oscillations in a magnetized Polish doughnut
Authors:Maxim Dvornikov IZMIRAN
Abstract: We study the gravitational scattering of ultrarelativistic neutrinos off a rotating supermassive black hole (BH) surrounded by a thick magnetized accretion disk. Neutrinos interact electroweakly with background matter and with the magnetic field in the disk since neutrinos are supposed to possess nonzero magnetic moments. The interaction with external fields results in neutrino spin oscillations. We find that the toroidal magnetic field, inherent in the magnetized Polish doughnut, does not cause a significant spin-flip for any reasonable strengths of the toroidal component. The reduction of the observed neutrino flux, owing to neutrino spin oscillations, is predicted. A poloidal component of the magnetic field gives the main contribution to the modification of the observed flux. The neutrino interaction with matter, rotating with relativistic velocities, also changes the flux of neutrinos. We briefly discuss the idea of the neutrino tomography of magnetic field distributions in accretion disks near BHs.