High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)
Thu, 11 May 2023
1.XTE J1906+090: a persistent low luminosity Be X-ray Binary
Authors:V. Sguera, L. Sidoli, A. J. Bird, N. La Palombara
Abstract: We present new results from INTEGRAL and Swift observations of the hitherto poorly studied and unidentified X-ray source XTE J1906+090. A bright hard X-ray outburst (luminosity of $\sim$10$^{36}$ erg s$^{-1}$ above 20 keV) has been discovered with INTEGRAL observations in 2010, this being the fourth outburst ever detected from the source. Such events are sporadic, the source duty cycle is in the range (0.8--1.6)% as inferred from extensive INTEGRAL and Swift monitoring in a similar hard X-ray band. Using five archival unpublished Swift/XRT observations, we found that XTE J1906+090 has been consistently detected at a persistent low X-ray luminosity value of $\sim$10$^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$, with limited variability (a factor as high as 4). Based on our findings, we propose that XTE J1906+090 belongs to the small and rare group of persistent low luminosity Be X-ray Binaries.
2.Interpreting the GeV-TeV Gamma-Ray Spectra of Local Giant Molecular Clouds using GEANT4 Simulation
Authors:Abhijit Roy, Jagdish C. Joshi, Martina Cardillo, Ritabrata Sarkar
Abstract: Recently, the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray satellite has detected six Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) located in the Gould Belt and the Aquila Rift regions. In half of these objects (Taurus, Orion A, Orion B), the observed gamma-ray spectrum can be explained using the Galactic diffused Cosmic Ray (CR) interactions with the gas environments. In the remaining three GMCs (Rho Oph, Aquila Rift, Cepheus), the origin of the gamma-ray spectrum is still not well established. We use the GEometry ANd Tracking (GEANT4) simulation framework in order to simulate gamma-ray emission due to CR/GMC interaction in these three objects, taking into account the gas density distribution inside the GMCs. We find that propagation of diffused Galactic CRs inside these GMCs can explain the Fermi-LAT detected gamma-ray spectra. Further, our estimated TeV-PeV fluxes are consistent with the HAWC upper limits, available for the Aquila Rift GMC. As last step, we compute the total neutrino flux estimated for these GMCs and compare it with the IceCube detection sensitivity.
3.Searching for temporary gamma-ray dark blazars associated with IceCube neutrinos
Authors:Emma Kun, Imre Bartos, Julia Becker Tjus, Peter L. Biermann, Anna Franckowiak, Francis Halzen, György Mező
Abstract: Tensions between the diffuse gamma-ray sky observed by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and the diffuse high-energy neutrino sky detected by the IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory question our knowledge about high-energy neutrino sources in the gamma-ray regime. While blazars are among the most energetic persistent particle accelerators in the Universe, studies suggest that they could account for up to for 10-30% of the neutrino flux measured by IceCube. Our recent results highlighted that the associated IceCube neutrinos arrived in a local gamma-ray minimum (dip) of three strong neutrino point-source candidates. We increase the sample of neutrino-source candidates to study their gamma-ray light curves. We generate the one-year Fermi-LAT light curve for 8 neutrino source candidate blazars (RBS 0958, GB6 J1040+0617, PKS 1313-333, TXS 0506+056, PKS 1454-354, NVSS J042025-374443, PKS 0426-380 and PKS 1502+106), centered on the detection time of the associated IceCube neutrinos. We apply the Bayesian block algorithm on the light curves to characterize their variability. Our results indicate that GB6 J1040+0617 was in the phase of high gamma-ray activity, while none of the other 7 neutrino source candidates were statistically bright during the detection of the corresponding neutrinos and that indeed even most of the times neutrinos arrived in a faint gamma-ray phase of the light curves. This suggests that the 8 source-candidate blazars (associated with 7 neutrino events) in our reduced sample are either not the sources of the corresponding IceCube neutrinos, or that an in-source effect (e.g. suppression of gamma rays due to high gamma-gamma opacity) complicates the multimessenger scenario of neutrino emission for these blazars.
4.Galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission from GeV to PeV energies in light of up-to-date cosmic ray measurements
Authors:Rui Zhang, Xiaoyuan Huang, Zhi-Hui Xu, Shiping Zhao, Qiang Yuan
Abstract: The diffuse gamma-ray emission between 10 and 1000 TeV from the Galactic plane was recently measured precisely by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), which is very useful in constraining the propagation and interaction of cosmic rays in the Milky Way. On the other hand, new measurements of CR spectra reach a very high precision up to 100 TeV energies, revealing multiple spectral structures of various species. In this work, we confront the model prediction of the diffuse gamma-ray emission, based on up-to-date measurements of the local cosmic ray spectra and simplified propagation setup, with the measurements of diffuse gamma-rays. To better constrain the low-energy part of the model, we analyze Fermi-LAT data to extract the diffuse emission between 1 and 500 GeV from the same sky regions of LHAASO. Compared with the prediction, we find that clear excesses between several GeV and ~60 TeV of the diffuse emission exist. Possible reasons to explain the excesses may include unresolved sources or more complicated propagation models. We illustrate that an exponential-cutoff-power-law component with an index of -2.40 and cutoff energy of ~30 TeV is able to account for such excesses.