High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)
Fri, 12 May 2023
1.The Spatially Resolved Properties of the GW170817 Host Galaxy
Authors:Yubin Li, Jirong Mao, Jianbo Qin, Xianzhong Zheng, Fengshan Liu, Yinghe Zhao, Xiao-Hong Zhao
Abstract: GW170817 is the unique gravitational-wave (GW) event that is associated to the electromagnetic (EM) counterpart GRB 170817A. NGC 4993 is identified as the host galaxy of GW170817/GRB 170817A. In this paper, we particularly focus on the spatially resolved properties of NGC 4993. We present the photometric results from the comprehensive data analysis of the high spatial-resolution images in the different optical bands. The morphological analysis reveals that NGC 4993 is a typical early-type galaxy without significant remnants of major galaxy merger. The spatially resolved stellar population properties of NGC 4993 suggest that the galaxy center has passive evolution with the outskirt formed by gas accretion. We derive the merging rate of the compact object per galaxy by a co-evolution scenario of supermassive black hole and its host galaxy. If the galaxy formation is at redshift 1.0, the merging rate per galaxy is $3.2\times 10^{-4}$ to $7.7\times 10^{-5}$ within the merging decay time from 1.0 to 5.0 Gyr. The results provide the vital information for the ongoing GW EM counterpart detections. The HST data analysis presented in this paper can be also applied for the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) research in the future.
2.Phase Transition Phenomenology with Nonparametric Representations of the Neutron Star Equation of State
Authors:Reed Essick, Isaac Legred, Katerina Chatziioannou, Sophia Han, Philippe Landry
Abstract: Astrophysical observations of neutron stars probe the structure of dense nuclear matter and have the potential to reveal phase transitions at high densities. Most recent analyses are based on parametrized models of the equation of state with a finite number of parameters and occasionally include extra parameters intended to capture phase transition phenomenology. However, such models restrict the types of behavior allowed and may not match the true equation of state. We introduce a complementary approach that extracts phase transitions directly from the equation of state without relying on, and thus being restricted by, an underlying parametrization. We then constrain the presence of phase transitions in neutron stars with astrophysical data. Current pulsar mass, tidal deformability, and mass-radius measurements disfavor only the strongest of possible phase transitions (latent energy per particle $\gtrsim 100\,\mathrm{MeV}$). Weaker phase transitions are consistent with observations. We further investigate the prospects for measuring phase transitions with future gravitational-wave observations and find that catalogs of \result{$O(100)$} events will (at best) yield Bayes factors of $\sim 10:1$ in favor of phase transitions even when the true equation of state contains very strong phase transitions. Our results reinforce the idea that neutron star observations will primarily constrain trends in macroscopic properties rather than detailed microscopic behavior. Fine-tuned equation of state models will likely remain unconstrained in the near future.
3.Interplanetary scintillation and pulsar pulse statistics
Authors:S. A. Tyul'bashev, I. V. Chashei, M. A. Kitaeva
Abstract: The effect of interplanetary plasma on pulsed pulsar radiation passing through is considered. The pulses of two rotating radio transients (J0609+16, J1132+25) and a pulsar (B0320+39) detected on the Large Phased Array (Pushchino observatory) were analyzed. It is shown that in observations at the frequency of 111 MHz, on elongations of 20o-40o, both an increase and a decrease in the number of received pulses are observed. The change in the number of pulses is explained by the distortion of the energy distribution of pulses due to interplanetary scintillation. These changes in the number of observed pulses are in qualitative agreement with the expected dependence of the scintillation index on the observed sources elongation. Analytical expressions are obtained that allow estimating the effective modulation index from observations of individual pulses for the power distribution of pulses by energy.
4.Modelling the variable emission states of $γ$-ray emitting Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies
Authors:Anna Luashvili, Catherine Boisson, Andreas Zech, Maialen Arrieta-Lobo, Daniel Kynoch
Abstract: $\gamma$-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies ($\gamma$-NLS1) constitute an intriguing small population of Active Galactic Nuclei with $\gamma$-ray emission resembling low power flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ), but with differing physical properties. They are jetted, $\gamma$/radio-loud Seyfert galaxies, with relatively low black hole masses, accreting at exceptionally high, near-Eddington rates. Certain of these sources exhibit highly variable emission states on relatively short time scales, the physical origin of which remains elusive. In this work, varying emission states of two bona-fide NLS1s, 1H 0323+342 and PMN J0948+0022, and one little studied FSRQ/intermediate object, B2 0954+25A, are examined. For each source, we analyzed quasi-simultaneous multiwavelength data for different states of $\gamma$-ray activity and present the results of their broad-band emission modelling, taking into account all available physical constraints to limit the range of the model parameters. Two different scenarios are discussed, in the framework of a one-zone leptonic model, where the high energy emission is due to the inverse Compton scattering of the disc and broad line region (BLR) or torus photons by relativistic electrons within the jet. The transition from low to high state is well described by variations of the jet parameters, leaving the external photon fields unchanged. The parameterisation favours an emission scenario with particle injection on a stationary shock inside the jet. When considering all physical constraints, the disc & BLR scenario is preferred for all three sources. We use the multi-epoch modelling to characterize total jet powers and discuss the intrinsic nature of $\gamma$-NLS1 galaxies and FSRQs.
5.A QPO in Mkn 421 from Archival RXTE Data
Authors:Evan Smith Florida Institute of Technology, Lani Oramas Florida Institute of Technology, Eric Perlman Florida Institute of Technology
Abstract: We report a 325(-7, +8) day quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the X-ray emission of the blazar Mkn 421, based on data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The QPO is seen prominently in the ASM data (at least 15 cycles), due to the fact that it has had near-continuous sampling for more than a decade. The PCA data, where the sampling is not uniform and shows many large gaps, provide supporting evidence at lower significance. This QPO is present in both the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) and All-Sky Monitor (ASM) light curves, however it is far more secure (32 sigma significance) in the ASM data since much of the PCA data are from target-of-opportunity flare observations and thus have substantial gaps. QPOs are an important observable in accretion disks, can be modulated by various orbital timescales, and may be generated by a number of mechanisms. They have been studied extensively in X-ray binaries, and should be present in active galactic nuclei (AGN) if they are governed by a common set of physical principles. In jetted sources, QPOs can probe jet-disk interactions or helical oscillations. This QPO previously has been claimed intermittently in X-ray, radio and gamma-ray data, but the continuous, 15-year extent (1996-2011) of the ASM observations (in which Mkn 421 is the brightest AGN observed) provides a unique window. The QPO appears present for nearly the entire extent of the ASM observations. We explore various physical origins and modulating mechanisms, particularly interpretations of the QPO as a result of disk-jet interactions, either due to an accretion disk limit cycle, jet instabilities or helical motions. Limit-cycle related oscillations would not interact with either Keplerian or Lense-Thirring modulated oscillations, however those associated with jet instabilities or helical motions in the jet would likely be modulated by Lense-Thirring precession.
6.The extremely X-ray luminous quasar CFHQS J142952+544717 at $z=6.18$ under Chandra high-angular resolution lens
Authors:G. Migliori, A. Siemiginowska, M. Sobolewska, C. C. Cheung, Ł. Stawarz, D. Schwartz, B. Snios, A. Saxena, V. Kashyap
Abstract: We present the first X-ray observation at sub-arcsecond resolution of the high-redshift ($z=6.18$) quasar CFHQS J142952+544717 (J1429). The ~100 net-count 0.3-7 keV spectrum obtained from $\sim 30$ ksec Chandra exposure is best fit by a single power-law model with a photon index $\Gamma=2.0\pm0.2$ and no indication of an intrinsic absorber, implying a 3.6-72 keV rest-frame luminosity $L_{\rm X}=(2.3^{+0.6}_{-0.5})\times10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We identify a second X-ray source at 30 arcsec, distance from J1429 position, with a soft ($\Gamma\simeq 2.8$) and absorbed (equivalent hydrogen column density $N_{\rm H} <13.4\times 10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$) spectrum, which likely contaminated J1429 spectra obtained in lower angular resolution observations. Based on the analysis of the Chandra image, the bulk of the X-ray luminosity is produced within the central $\sim 3$ kpc region, either by the disk/corona system, or by a moderately aligned jet. In this context, we discuss the source properties in comparison with samples of low- and high-redshift quasars. We find indication of a possible excess of counts over the expectations for a point-like source in a 0.5 arcsec-1.5 arcsec ($\sim 3-8$ kpc) annular region. The corresponding X-ray luminosity at J1429 redshift is $4\times 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$. If confirmed, this emission could be related to either a large-scale X-ray jet, or a separate X-ray source.
7.Prospects of detecting soft X-ray emission from typical WHIM filaments around massive clusters and the Coma cluster soft excess
Authors:E. Churazov, I. I. Khabibullin, K. Dolag, N. Lyskova, R. A. Sunyaev
Abstract: While hot ICM in galaxy clusters makes these objects powerful X-ray sources, the cluster's outskirts and overdense gaseous filaments might give rise to much fainter sub-keV emission. Cosmological simulations show a prominent "focusing" effect of rich clusters on the space density of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) filaments up to a distance of $\sim 10\,{\rm Mpc}$ ($\sim$ turnaround radius, $r_{ta}$) and beyond. Here, we use Magneticum simulations to characterize their properties in terms of integrated emission measure for a given temperature and overdensity cut and the level of contamination by the more dense gas. We suggest that the annuli $(\sim 0.5-1)\times \,r_{ta}$ around massive clusters might be the most promising sites for the search of the gas with overdensity $\lesssim 50$. We model spectral signatures of the WHIM in the X-ray band and identify two distinct regimes for the gas at temperatures below and above $\sim 10^6\,{\rm K}$. Using this model, we estimate the sensitivity of X-ray telescopes to the WHIM spectral signatures. We found that the WHIM structures are within reach of future high spectral resolution missions, provided that the low-density gas is not extremely metal-poor. We then consider the Coma cluster observed by SRG/eROSITA during the CalPV phase as an example of a nearby massive object. We found that beyond the central $r\sim 40'$ ($\sim 1100\,{\rm kpc}$) circle, where calibration uncertainties preclude clean separation of the extremely bright cluster emission from a possible softer component, the conservative upper limits are about an order of magnitude larger than the levels expected from simulations.
8.A multi-messenger model for neutron star - black hole mergers
Authors:B. P. Gompertz, M. Nicholl, J. C. Smith, S. Harisankar, G. Pratten, P. Schmidt, G. P. Smith
Abstract: We present a semi-analytic model for predicting kilonova light curves from the mergers of neutron stars with black holes (NSBH). The model is integrated into the MOSFiT platform, and can generate light curves from input binary properties and nuclear equation-of-state considerations, or incorporate measurements from gravitational wave (GW) detectors to perform multi-messenger parameter estimation. The rapid framework enables the generation of NSBH kilonova distributions from binary populations, light curve predictions from GW data, and statistically meaningful comparisons with an equivalent BNS model in MOSFiT. We investigate a sample of kilonova candidates associated with cosmological short gamma-ray bursts, and demonstrate that they are broadly consistent with being driven by NSBH systems, though most have limited data. We also perform fits to the very well sampled GW170817, and show that the inability of an NSBH merger to produce lanthanide-poor ejecta results in a significant underestimate of the early ($\lesssim 2$ days) optical emission. Our model indicates that NSBH-driven kilonovae may peak up to a week after merger at optical wavelengths for some observer angles. This demonstrates the need for early coverage of emergent kilonovae in cases where the GW signal is either ambiguous or absent; they likely cannot be distinguished from BNS mergers by the light curves alone from $\sim 2$ days after the merger. We also discuss the detectability of our model kilonovae with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).
9.On the nature of M31 gamma-ray halo in its relation to dark matter annihilation
Authors:Andrei E. Egorov
Abstract: The present work analyzes various aspects of M31 gamma-ray halo emission in its relation to annihilating dark matter (DM). The main aspect is the predicted effect of asymmetry of the intensity of emission due to inverse Compton scattering (ICS) of a possible population of relativistic electrons and positrons ($e^\pm$) in the galactic halo on starlight photons. This asymmetry is expected to exist around the major galactic axis, and arises due to anisotropy of the interstellar radiation field and the inclination of M31. ICS emission and its asymmetry were modeled by GALPROP code for the trial case of $e^\pm$ generated by annihilating weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with various properties. The asymmetry was obtained to appear at photon energies above $\sim$ 0.1 MeV. Morphological and spectral properties of the asymmetry were studied in detail. Potential observational detection of the asymmetry may allow to infer the leptonic fraction in the emission generation mechanism, thus providing valuable inferences for understanding the nature of M31 gamma-ray halo emission. Specific asymmetry predictions were made for the recently claimed DM interpretation of the outer halo emission. The paper also studied the role of secondary -- ICS and bremsstrahlung -- emissions due to DM annihilation for that interpretation. And, finally, the latter was shown to be in significant tension with the recently derived WIMP constraints by radio data on M31.
10.How do supernova remnants cool? -- I. Morphology, optical emission lines, and shocks
Authors:Ekaterina I. Makarenko I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany, Stefanie Walch I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany, Seamus D. Clarke Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan, Daniel Seifried I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany, Thorsten Naab Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany, Pierre C. Nürnberger I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany, Tim-Eric Rathjen I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany
Abstract: Supernovae (SNe) inject $\sim 10^{51}$ erg in the interstellar medium, thereby shocking and heating the gas. A substantial fraction of this energy is later lost via radiative cooling. We present a post-processing module for the FLASH code to calculate the cooling radiation from shock-heated gas using collisional excitation data from MAPPINGS V. When applying this tool to a simulated SN remnant (SNR), we find that most energy is emitted in the EUV. However, optical emission lines ($[$O III$]$, $[$N II$]$, $[$S II$]$, H${\alpha}$, H${\beta}$) are usually best observable. Our shock detection scheme shows that [S II] and [N II] emissions arise from the thin shell surrounding the SNR, while [O III], H$\rm \alpha$, and H$\rm \beta$ originate from the volume-filling hot gas inside the SNR bubble. We find that the optical emission lines are affected by the SNR's complex structure and its projection onto the plane of the sky because the escaping line luminosity can be reduced by 10 -- 80\% due to absorption along the line-of-sight. Additionally, the subtraction of contaminating background radiation is required for the correct classification of an SNR on the oxygen or sulphur BPT diagrams. The electron temperature and density obtained from our synthetic observations match well with the simulation but are very sensitive to the assumed metallicity.