High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)
Fri, 05 May 2023
1.Early excess emission in Type Ia supernovae from the interaction between supernova ejecta and their circumstellar wind
Authors:Takashi J. Moriya, Paolo A. Mazzali, Chris Ashall, Elena Pian
Abstract: The effects of the interaction between Type Ia supernova ejecta and their circumstellar wind on the photometric properties of Type Ia supernovae are investigated. We assume that a hydrogen-rich, dense, and extended circumstellar matter (CSM) is formed by the steady mass loss of their progenitor systems. The CSM density is assumed to be proportional to r^{-2}. When the mass-loss rate is above 1e-4 Msun/yr with a wind velocity of 100 km/s, CSM interaction results in an early flux excess in optical light-curves within 4 days of explosion. In these cases, the optical colour quickly evolves to the blue. The ultraviolet flux below 3000 A is found to have a persistent flux excess compared to Type Ia supernovae as long as CSM interaction continues. Type Ia supernovae with progenitor mass-loss rates between 1e-4 and 1e-3 Msun/yr may not have a CSM that is dense enough to affect spectra to make them Type Ia-CSM, but they may still result in Type Ia supernovae with an early optical flux excess. Because they have a persistent ultraviolet flux excess, ultraviolet light curves around the luminosity peak would be significantly different from those with a low-density CSM.
2.An independent determination of the distance to supernova SN 1987A by means of the light echo AT 2019xis
Authors:Aleksandar Cikota, Jiachen Ding, Lifan Wang, Dietrich Baade, Stefan Cikota, Peter Höflich, Justyn Maund, Ping Yang
Abstract: Accurate distance determination to astrophysical objects is essential for the understanding of their intrinsic brightness and size. The distance to SN 1987A has been previously measured by the expanding photosphere method, and by using the angular size of the circumstellar rings with absolute sizes derived from light curves of narrow UV emission lines, with reported distances ranging from 46.77 kpc to 55 kpc. In this study, we independently determined the distance to SN 1987A using photometry and imaging polarimetry observations of AT 2019xis, a light echo of SN 1987A, by adopting a radiative transfer model of the light echo developed in Ding et al. (2021). We obtained distances to SN 1987A in the range from 49.09 $\pm$ 2.16 kpc to 59.39 $\pm$ 3.27 kpc, depending on the interstellar polarization and extinction corrections, which are consistent with the literature values. This study demonstrates the potential of using light echoes as a tool for distance determination to astrophysical objects in the Milky Way, up to kiloparsec level scales.
3.Constraints on Undetected Long-Period Binaries in the Known Pulsar Population
Authors:Megan L. Jones, David L. Kaplan, Maura A. McLaughlin, Duncan R. Lorimer
Abstract: Although neutron star-black hole binaries have been identified through mergers detected in gravitational waves, a pulsar-black hole binary has yet to be detected. While short-period binaries are detectable due to a clear signal in the pulsar's timing residuals, effects from a long-period binary could be masked by other timing effects, allowing them to go undetected. In particular, a long-period binary measured over a small subset of its orbital period could manifest via time derivatives of the spin-frequency incompatible with isolated pulsar properties. We assess the possibility of pulsars having unknown companions in long-period binaries and put constraints on the range of binary properties that may remain undetected in current data, but that may be detectable with further observations. We find that for 35% of canonical pulsars with published higher order derivatives, the precision of measurements is not enough to confidently reject binarity (period greater than ~2 kyr), and that a black-hole binary companion could not be ruled out for a sample of pulsars without published constraints if the period is greater than 1 kyr. While we find no convincing cases in the literature, we put more stringent limits on orbital period and longitude of periastron for the few pulsars with published higher-order frequency derivatives (n greater than 3). We discuss the detectability of candidates and find that a sample pulsar in a 100 yr orbit could be detectable within 5-10 yr.
4.Elasticity of neutron star mantle: improved compressible liquid drop model for cylindrical phases
Authors:Nikita A. Zemlyakov Ioffe Institute, Andrey I. Chugunov Ioffe Institute
Abstract: Neutron stars are the densest objects in the Universe. They have microscopically homogeneous core and heterogeneous crust. In particular, there may be a specific layer inside neutron stars, the mantle, which consists of substantially non-spherical nuclei immersed in a background of relativistic degenerate electrons and quasi-free neutrons. In this paper we reconsider transverse shear modulus for cylindrical phases of the mantle within the framework of compressible liquid drop model. We demonstrate that transverse shear affects the shape of nuclear clusters: their cross-section becomes elliptical. This effect reduces respective elastic constant. Using a simple model we perform all derivations analytically and obtain the expression for the transverse shear modulus, which can be useful for astrophysical applications.
5.Peering into the central region of a nano-quasar: XMM-Newton and Chandra views of the CH Cyg Symbiotic System
Authors:J. A. Toalá, O. González-Martín, M. Karovska, R. Montez Jr., M. K. Botello, L. Sabin
Abstract: We present the analysis of archival XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of CH Cyg, one of the most studied symbiotic stars (SySts). The combination of the high-resolution XMM-Newton RGS and Chandra HETG X-ray spectra allowed us to obtain reliable estimates of the chemical abundances and to corroborate the presence of multi-temperature X-ray-emitting gas. Spectral fitting of the medium-resolution XMM-Newton MOS (MOS1+MOS2) spectrum required the use of an additional component not seen in previous studies in order to fit the 2.0-4.0 keV energy range. Detailed spectral modelling of the XMM-Newton MOS data suggests the presence of a reflection component, very similar to that found in active galactic nuclei. The reflection component is very likely produced by an ionised disk (the accretion disk around the white dwarf) and naturally explains the presence of the fluorescent Fe emission line at 6.4 keV while also contributing to the soft and medium energy ranges. The variability of the global X-ray properties of CH Cyg are discussed as well as the variation of the three Fe lines around the 6-7 keV energy range. We conclude that reflection components are needed to model the hard X-ray emission and may be present in most $\beta/\delta$-type SySt.