High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)
Tue, 11 Jul 2023
1.Dissecting the $γ$-ray emissions of the nearby galaxies NGC 1068 and NGC 253
Authors:Shunhao Ji, Zhongxiang Wang, Yi Xing, Dahai Yan, Jintao Zheng
Abstract: Intrigued by recent high-energy study results for nearby galaxies with gamma-ray emission and in particular NGC~1068 that has been detected as a neutrino-emitting source by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, we conduct detailed analysis of the $\gamma$-ray data for the galaxies NGC~1068 and NGC~253, obtained with the Large Area Telescope onboard {\it the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope}. By checking for their possible spectral features and then constructing light curves in corresponding energy ranges, we identify flare-like activity from NGC ~1068 in $\geq$2\,GeV energy range and significant long-term variations of NGC~253 in $\geq$5\,GeV energy range. In the former, the emission appears harder in the two half-year flare-like events than that in the otherwise `quiescent' state. In the latter, there is a 2-times decrease in the flux before and after MJD~57023, which is clearly revealed by the test-statistic maps we obtain. Considering studies carried out and models proposed for the $\gamma$-ray emissions of the two sources, we discuss the implications of our findings. The jet in NGC~1068 may contribute to the \gr\ emission. The nature of the long-term variations in NGC~253 is not clear, but the variation part of the emission may be connected to the very-high-energy (VHE) emission of the galaxy and could be verified by VHE observations.
2.Preparing for Gaia Searches for Optical Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events during O4
Authors:Sumedha Biswas, Zuzanna Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Peter G. Jonker, Paul Vreeswijk, Deepak Eappachen, Paul J. Groot, Simon Hodgkin, Abdullah Yoldas, Guy Rixon, Diana Harrison, M. van Leeuwen, Dafydd Evans
Abstract: The discovery of gravitational wave (GW) events and the detection of electromagnetic counterparts from GW170817 has started the era of multimessenger GW astronomy.The field has been developing rapidly and in this paper,we discuss the preparation for detecting these events with the ESA Gaia satellite,during the 4th observing run of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration that has started on May 24,2023. Gaia is contributing to the search for GW counterparts by a new transient detection pipeline called GaiaX. In GaiaX, a new source appearing in the field of view of only one of the two telescopes on-board Gaia is sufficient to send out an alert on the possible detection of a new transient. Ahead of O4, an experiment was conducted over a period of about two months. During the two weeks around New Moon in this period of time, the MeerLICHT (ML) telescope located in South Africa tried (weather permitting) to observe the same region of the sky as Gaia within 10 minutes. Any GaiaX detected transient was published publicly. ML and Gaia have similar limiting magnitudes for typical seeing conditions at ML. At the end of the experiment, we had 11861 GaiaX candidate transients and 15806 ML candidate transients, which we further analysed and the results of which are presented in this paper. Finally, we discuss the possibility and capabilities of Gaia contributing to the search for electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events during O4 through the GaiaX detection and alert procedure.
3.Do All Fast Radio Bursts Repeat? Constraints from CHIME/FRB Far Side-Lobe FRBs
Authors:Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Paul Scholz, Cherry Ng, Ue-Li Pen, Mohit Bhardwaj, Pragya Chawla, Alice P. Curtin, Ketan R. Sand, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar, Bridget Andersen, Kevin Bandura, Tomas Cassanelli, Amanda M. Cook, Matt Dobbs, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Gwendolyn Eadie, Emmanuel Fonseca, Bryan M. Gaensler, Utkarsh Giri, Antonio Herrera-Martin, Jane Kaczmarek, Joseph Kania, Victoria Kaspi, Kholoud Khairy, Adam E. Lanman, Calvin Leung, Dongzi Li, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Juan Mena-Parra, Bradley W. Meyers, Daniele Michilli, Nikola Milutinovic, Aaron B. Pearlman, Ziggy Pleunis, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Mubdi Rahman, Pranav Sanghavi, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick Smith, Ingrid Stairs, David C. Stenning, Keith Vanderlinde, Dallas Wulf
Abstract: We report ten fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected in the far side-lobe region (i.e., $\geq 5^\circ$ off-meridian) of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) from 2018 August 28 to 2021 August 31. We localize the bursts by fitting their spectra with a model of the CHIME/FRB synthesized beam response. CHIME/FRB did not observe repetition of similar brightness from the uniform sample of 10 side-lobe FRBs in a total exposure time of 35580 hours. Under the assumption of Poisson-distributed bursts, we infer that the mean repetition interval above the detecting threshold of the far side-lobe events is longer than 11880 hours, which is at least 2380 times larger than the interval from known CHIME/FRB detected repeating sources, with some caveats, notably that very narrow-band events could have been missed. Our results from these far side-lobe events suggest one of two scenarios: either (1) all FRBs repeat and the repetition intervals span a wide range, with high-rate repeaters being a rare subpopulation, or (2) non-repeating FRBs are a distinct population different from known repeaters.
4.Constraints on the Intergalactic and Local Dispersion Measure of Fast Radio Bursts with the CHIME/FRB far side-lobe events
Authors:Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Paul Scholz, Cherry Ng, Ue-Li Pen, D. Z. Li, Laura Newburgh, Alex Reda, Bridget Andersen, Kevin Bandura, Mohit Bhardwaj, Charanjot Brar, Tomas Cassanelli, Pragya Chawla, Amanda M. Cook, Alice P. Curtin, Matt Dobbs, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Emmanuel Fonseca, Bryan M. Gaensler, Utkarsh Giri, Alex S. Hill, Jane Kaczmarek, Joseph Kania, Victoria Kaspi, Kholoud Khairy, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Juan Mena-Parra, Bradley W. Meyers, Anna Ordog, Aaron B. Pearlman, Ziggy Pleunis, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Mubdi Rahman, Scott Ransom, Ketan R. Sand, Pranav Sanghavi, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick Smith, Ingrid Stairs, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar, Keith Vanderlinde, Dallas Wulf
Abstract: We study the 10 fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected in the far side-lobe region of the CHIME telescope from 2018 August 28 to 2021 August 31. We find that the far side-lobe events have on average $\sim$500 times greater fluxes than events detected in CHIME's main lobe. We show that the side-lobe sample is therefore statistically $\sim$20 times closer than the main-lobe sample. The median dispersion measure (DM) excess, after removing the Galactic disk component using the NE2001 for the free electron density distribution of the Milky Way, of the 10 far side-lobe and 471 non-repeating main-lobe FRBs in the first CHIME/FRB catalog is 183.0 and 433.9 pc\;cm$^{-3}$, respectively. By comparing the DM excesses of the two populations under reasonable assumptions, we statistically constrain that the local degenerate contributions (from the Milky Way halo and the host galaxy) and the intergalactic contribution to the excess DM of the 471 non-repeating main-lobe FRBs for the NE2001 model are 131.2$-$158.3 and 302.7$-$275.6 pc cm$^{-3}$, respectively, which corresponds to a median redshift for the main-lobe FRB sample of $\sim$0.3. These constraints are useful for population studies of FRBs, and in particular for constraining the location of the missing baryons.
5.Demonstrating Photon Ring Existence with Single-Baseline Polarimetry
Authors:Daniel C. M. Palumbo, George N. Wong, Andrew A. Chael, Michael D. Johnson
Abstract: Images of supermassive black hole accretion flows contain features of both curved spacetime and plasma structure. Inferring properties of the spacetime from images requires modeling the plasma properties, and vice versa. The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration has imaged near-horizon millimeter emission from both Messier 87* (M87*) and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) with very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) and has found a preference for magnetically arrested disk (MAD) accretion in each case. MAD accretion enables spacetime measurements through future observations of the photon ring, the image feature composed of near-orbiting photons. The ordered fields and relatively weak Faraday rotation of MADs yield rotationally symmetric polarization when viewed at modest inclination. In this letter, we utilize this symmetry along with parallel transport symmetries to construct a gain-robust interferometric quantity that detects the transition between the weakly lensed accretion flow image and the strongly lensed photon ring. We predict a shift in polarimetric phases on long baselines and demonstrate that the photon rings in M87* and Sgr A* can be unambiguously detected {with sensitive, long-baseline measurements. For M87* we find that photon ring detection in snapshot observations requires $\sim1$ mJy sensitivity on $>15$ G$\lambda$ baselines at 230 GHz and above, which could be achieved with space-VLBI or higher-frequency ground-based VLBI. For Sgr A*, we find that interstellar scattering inhibits photon ring detectability at 230 GHz, but $\sim10$ mJy sensitivity on $>12$ G$\lambda$ baselines at 345 GHz is sufficient, which is accessible from the ground. For both sources, these sensitivity requirements may be relaxed by repeated observations and averaging.